07-26-1983 .j ", .......'- .~!" " J e e --- e PtANNING AND ZONING MINUTES The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened in Regular Session on Tuesday, July 26, 1983 at 7:00 PM, in the Conference Room of the Muncipal Complex, 1400 Live Oak Road. Members present IlJere as follollJs: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Ken Greenwald, Vice-Chairman Clay McMahan, Secretary Me,..-,.., i n W ill man Ray Stanhope OTHER PRESFNT JOHN FRiTZ (GVEC) M j ke Ahsher' (GVEC) Harold Bruns (GVEC) Don Clark (SW-Bell) Dar-.., i n Peek Doug Scherfres (Danne~baum) Alan Lindskog (Dannenbaum) Ray Wiltshire (Homecraft) Mike Moore (PENTA) Glen Westrom (PENTA) Neil Fisher (PFA) Garry Abraamson (PFA) Dick Strain Janie Str-ain B ill j e Yar-l i ng Tom Yar-l ing David Degollado Mr & Mrs C. Booker Pete Smith .: ,~ MEMBERS ABSENT John L i nebar-ger- Lee Bos..,e 1 1 Cam Beauchemin CITY STAFF Earl Hartzog, P&Z Coordinator #1 CALL TO ORDER Vice Chairman, Ken Greenwald called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. #2 READING OF MINUTES: Regular Meeting July 12, 1983 Ray Stanhope made motion to accept minutes, Merwin Willman second the motion and vote was unanimous in favor. #3 CONSIDER AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION: Northcl iffe East Community III Variance on util ity Location Mr Lindskog (Dannenbaum) briefed on the propossed undergound util ites in the street R.O.W.. Mr Clark (Southwestern Bell) opposed proposal due to problems previously encountered in San Anton-ie - prefers rear- easement. Ml'"' Clar-k said UA Cable felt the same way and they could share an 8 foot access easement in the rear with telphene and cable TV in 5 feet of the easement. GVEC (Harold Bruns> has agreed to the street R.O.W. for Northcl iffe, because of the planned closed easements for easier meter readings. The requirment for conduit as required by the Electric Code would be necessary. Conduit is also required when crossing over other util ities by the electric code. The electric I, I I I I , Ie ~.':"...., '--.. J - ..- --- - ... ' ~ , company requires a 12 footutil ity access. Earl Hartzog (city staff) advised the city util ities I~ould accept all util ities in the front if the conduit was over the city . utili~ies. The city staff prefers the utiliti~s .asement be fenced off, the crime rate is lower in these types of areas and the problems associated with gett~ng property owners to maintain open easements are a continuous problem. The telphone company said they preferred the rear easemnt because if would be cheaper for them to install util ities and add on to at a later date if necessary. They have no objection to easements being fenced. Merwin Willman suggested we table this item; the other d~veloper were asked to provide their input. #4 CONSIDER AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION: Hoffman-Schertz Business Park Variance on Util ity Location No representive was present. ._#5 CONSIDER AND TAf<E APPROPRIATE ACTION: Horseshoe Oaks Unit I Prel iminary Plat Variance on Wtil ity Location u. Ne i1 F-i sher. br iefed on Horseshoe Oaks proposa 1. Mr' Cl ar'k (Southwestern Bell) again opposed installation of Cable in advance because of lost revenue. After a short discussion Southwestern Bell agreed to the street R.O.W. for this project. GVEC had no objection to util ities 1n the ~rorit for this project. Earl Hartzog advised the util ity companies a common trench would be cheaper in this case since the ground was rOCK. The city had no objections if conduit was used to the property 1 ine. Ray Stanhope made a motion to table these items to allow more time to study proposals and get additonal input from util ity companies. Mert~in Willman seconded and vote was unanimous in favor. It was agreed the util ity companies would meet Monday, August 1st at 10:00 AM at the Muncipal Complex to work something out for the Commission. The Planning and Zoning Commission would meet at 6:00 PM Monday, August 1st in a special session to make a d ec i s j on. Prel iminary Plat Phase I Horseshoe Oaks. Glen Westrom briefed on prel iminary plat for this project. Earl Hartzog advised commission, Ed For'd <City Engineer) had given an "ok" on prel iminary the only thing needed was to work out util ity . location. Earl Hartzog advised Neil Fisher that Ed Ford would contact him on some minor changes required. J e e . . -- -~...... - ......at~ ... .- ~- Ray Stanhope motioned to approve prel iminary plat subject to resolving of front utility easement. Clay McMahn second and vote was unanimous in favor. #6 CONSIDER AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION: Neal Fisher Proposed Subdivision Neil Fisher pr~sented a proposed location of a new subdivision in the ETJ south of Dobie Middle School. Neil Fisher advised the commission a Flood Plain Study would be conducted before any formal plans would be submitted. #7 CONSIDER AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION: v Richard Strain Request to Fence Drainage and Util ity R.O.W. Lot 18j8lock 1, Val Verde I 820 Maple Dr Richard Strain (820 Maple Dr') asked for permission to fence 12 ~eet of a 40 foot Drainage and Utility~.O.W. located at the rear of his property. Mr Strain and an number of other property owners -in this area complained because the area i~ not mowed by the city on a regular basis. Approval letter from GVEC was also provided. Earl Hartzog advised the Commission the area is not accessible to equipment due to drainage ditches crossing on the East and West end. Streets and Parks had no obJections to this area being fenced since it is impossible for equipment to mow this section. The concern of the city staff is the fence maybe an encroachment on the drainage. Ray Stanhope made a mot i on to r'ecommend to counc i 1 that the City Engineer conduct a drainage study of this area and upon favorable recommendation by the City Engineerj-thecity ~eed 12 feet of the 40 foot R.O.W. to the property owners. #8 CONSIDER ASND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION: Fence Ordinance The Commission members present agreed this should be added to the zoning ordinance. It was noted ~he-max height should be 8 feet for back yard fences. There was a discussion on side yard and rear yard and it was agreed to table this item in order to obtain add it i onal i nfor"mat ion fr'om the city staff. #9 CONSIDER AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION: Subdivision Ordiance Item tabled. #10 GENERAL DISCUSSION Earl Hartzog advised the commission of Mrs Shouse (492-4045) plans to put a Hospice in an area across from the water tower in Northcliffe. This will be a home for young people with permanent ~. I i_ t e e :-;-,~.t.:;.;,.: --., .: .-._:-_.~ ;..-':~.iic ~. ~'- -~- disabilities and US Homes in not part of this project. An application for a prel iminary permit to the State Board of Health has already been applied for. A plat will be needed-for the project, need to have street R.O.W. dedicated in the area for ~uture1Jrowth. Earl Hartzog advised the commission of a plan to put an industrial area in our ETJ just north of the Hoffman-Schertz Business Park. It was recommed this area be annexed to control the zoning. #11 Vice Chairman Ken Greenwald adjourned the meeting at 10:05 PM. ."f "'-