08-08-1989 ... . .~ -FILcE PLANNING AND ZONING MINUTES The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened in a regular session on Tuesday August 8, 1989 at 7:00 P.M. in the Municipal Complex Council Chambers. Those present were as follows: PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION OTHERS PRESENT JOE POTEMPA, VICE-CHAIRMAN KEITH VAN DINE, SECRETARY HER~.vIN WILLMAN BOB ANDREWS JIH SHRIVER REV. & MRS. J. J. RITCHIE DAVID L. JACKSON RICHARD TURNER tiAYNE ULBRICH CITY STAFF HEMBERS ABSENT TY BRISGILL, CHAIRMAN GEORGE VICK COUNCILMAN KEN GREENWALD STEVE SIMONSON, ASST. CITY MANAGER NORM..~ ALTHOUSE, RECORDING SEC'Y. #1 CALL TO ORDER In the absence of Chairman Ty Brisgill, Vice-Chairman Joe Potempa conducted the meeting. Vice-Chairman Potempa called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. #2 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Session July 25, 1989 Merwin Willman made a motion to regular session July 25, 1989. motion and the vote was as follows: approve the minutes for Reith Van Dine seconded the the AYES: K. Van Dine, M. Willman, B. Andrews, J. Shriver NAYS: None ABSTENTIONS: J. Potempa Motion carried. #3 CITIZENS' INPUT OTHER THAN AGENDA ITEMS Jim Shriver commented he would step out of his position on the Commission and become a citizen long enough to report on the progress of the Citizen's Leadership Panel. Mr. Shriver informed the Commission the Panel has completed it' sassignment and he passed out to the members a copy of a report prepared by the Panel. Mr. Shriver further stated he will be glad fo answer any questions the Commission may have once they have read the report. Vice-Chairman Potempa noted that the Panel spent a lot of time on their assignment and put fo-f:fh great effort in preparing this report, so he is sure the Commission will read it over with much inter~st. #4 CONSIDER AND MAKE RECOMMENDATION: Rev. John J. and Mrs. Ritchie of 206 Lee Street - Request for 30 Day Extension to Comply with Junked Vehicle Ordinance Rev. John J. and Mrs. Ritchie were at the meeting to represent this request. Vice-Chairman Potempa asked for Staff input. Steve Simonson told the Commission this lS a straightforward request for an extension of time. Rev. John Ritchie advised the Commission he is asking for a 30 day extension to allow him to turn the vehicle over to his son. Due to his health, he is unable to take care of it himself. Rev. Ritchie pointed out he is not using his condition as an excuse, he wants to see the City cleaned up. He is asking for the extension so the vehicle can either be made operable or disposed of within the 30 days. Bob Andrews asked Rev. Ritchie if he thinks his son will be able to take care of the vehicle within 30 days. Mrs. Ritchie answered they feel like their son will be able to do so because he will be in town at the end of the month at which time he is taking a week off from his work. Merwin Willman asked if there isn'i an R.V. on the property also. Mrs. Ritchie said yes, it belongs to their son. Bob Andrews made a motion to approve the request from Rev. John J · and Mrs. Ritchie of 206 Lee St. for a 30 day extension, effective Aug. 8, 1989, to allow them time to comply with the Junked Vehicle Ordinance. Keith Van Dine seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. Motion carried. Vice-Chairman Potempa thanked the Ritchies for coming in and told them they will be receiving a letter from Steve Simonson verifying approval of their request. i5 CONSIDER AND MAKE RECOMMENDATION: Wayne Ulbrich of 207 Aviation - Request for Hearing to Consider an Exception to the Junked Vehicle Ordinance Bob Andrews pointed out the agenda ,"'on both Items #5 should say "variance" and not "exception". Steve commented it will be corrected on all future agendas. and #6, 'Simonson Wayne. Ulbrich was at the meeting to repres~nt this request. -2- Vice-Chairman Potempa asked for Staff input and steve Simonson said there is none. Wayne Ulbrich informed the Commission, that due to funds, he is asking for a 30-45 day extension to allow him time to fix up the vehicle. Mr. Ulbrich said he needs the transportation and he will either make the vehicle operable or get rid of it. Jim Shriver made a motion to approve the request from \-vayne Ulbrich and grant him a 45 day extension, effective Aug. 8, 1989, to allow him time to comply with the Junked Vehicle Ordinance. Bob Andrews seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous ln favor. Motion carried. #6 CONSIDER AND TAKE ~PPROPRIATE ACTION: General Outdoor Advertising - Request for an Exception to the Sign Ordinance for a Sign to Be Located on the Pete Juarez Property on 1-10 Richard Turner was at the meeting to represent this request. Vice-Chairman Potempa asked for Staff input. :~.:': Steve Simonson reminded the Commission .they had changed most of the setback requirements, but not those for billboards. Mr. Simonson commented that after looking at this request and seeing they had met all the other requirements, he thought it should come before Planning and Zoning. Richard Turner requirements for Juarez's pond. commented tha t billboards, the if sign he will meets the be located setback in Mr. There was discussion on the nearest sign to the proposed billboard and on whether or not Mr. Turner could move the sign either left or right, say 50 or 75 feet, of where it is currently proposed to be located. Richard Turner repl ied he bel ieves the nearest sign is across the road. Also, to move it 50 or 75 feet in either direction would put it on another property and also .where there is another permit request. Mr. Turner informed the Commission you have to pinpoint to the State exactly where you want to put the billboard, and according to State regulations it cannot be clos~r than 1500 feet from another billboard or where there is a permit for another billboard. . Mr. Turner further stated it will cost him another $250. to' get another permit if he has to move the billboard. After further discussion on the exact proposed location of the billboard regarding both the-,,':pole and the sign's distance from the property line, it was determined that Mr. Turner needs only a 10' variance on the location of the pole. Steve Simonson pointed -3- ~~ out the top of the slgn would still be 20' back which poses no safety problem. Keith Van Dine made a motion to approve the request from General Outdoor Advertising and grant them a 10' variance to the setback requirements for billboards for a billboard that will be located on the Pete Juarez property on 1-10. Bob Andrews seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous ln favor. Motion carried. steve Simonson informed Richard Turner he will be recel vlng a letter verifying approval of the variance and he will also notify the Inspection Department of the Commission's action. #7 CONSIDER AND MAKE RECOMMENDATION: Name Change for a Road Discussion on a Possible Section of Binz-Englemann Keith Van Dine indicated he had not gotten any suggestions yet from the people in the Schirmerville area so he recommended that either Planning and Zoning make their own suggestions or wait until he can contact the appropriate people. Steve Simonson remarked, that if it's' not a problem, he would like to see the Commission table this item for at least 30 days. Mr. Simonson explain-ed that the previous street name change (a section of Weichold Road to Scenic Lake Drive) was a street not in our City limits (the City annexed the Boeck property, but not the road). Mr. Simonson further stated he has spoken with the Planning Department in San Antonio and they have been very cooperative. They will be proposing to their City Council deannexation of the road so it can be annexed by Schertz. Mr. Simonson stressed he would like to see this matter resolved before the Commission proposes another street name change. Keith Van Dine made a motion to table discussion on a possible name change for a Section of Binz-Englemann Road fo~ a minimum of at least 30 days. Merwin Willman seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. Motion carried. 18 GENERAL DISCUSSION Keith Van Dine: (a) The holes in Pfeil Road are getting deeper and deeper. (Steve Simonson said the City is out of money, but he would check into the possibility of some emergency repairs.) ~4- ~ 1 t , j (b) Haven't seen any heavy gravel trucks traveling" up and down Pfeil Road lately. (Steve Simonson said he understands the company for which the trucks-were transporting is in'Chapter 11.) Jim Shriver: (a) In the report from the Citizens Leadership Panel, the last page should be the second page (somehow they got mixed up when the copies were made). (b) Brought in two articles for the Commission to read - one on planning and urban development and the other about Houston, the City without zoning. steve Simonson: (a) Regarding information about the Census, there is a workshop en August 31st at AACOG which he will be attending. Has not yet received a map from the Census Bureau outlining where they believe the Schertz City limits to be. (b) Enclosed some information on recycling in their packages. Leon Valley at the present time is doing it on a volunteer basis. He will have Henry Gutierrez speak to the Commission if they are interested. Stressed three points: (1) the further away the dump site, the r.lore the cost; ( 2 ) every year the state changes it's requirements; and (3) recycling is of benefit to the citizens and to their children. (c) Is trying to run down some Ordinances on conservation of water. Merwin Willman commented that as far as recycling is concerned, the handwriting is on the wall. Sooner or later the State will come out with a law. Vice-Chairman Potempa: (a) Back in June the Commission granted a 30 day extension to Maureen Busby to build a fence around her property, to hide the junked vehicles from public view. What is the status? Mr. Potempa said he has noticed the fencing is not yet complete, although what has been finished looks very good. Steve Simonson reported that Ms. Bu~by is working on the fence, she has been in twice to talk with t~e City about it and has been granted two additional 30 day extensions. Mr. Simonson said he thought the authority for him to do that was what the Commission intended. Keith ,Van Dine indicated he has no problem with steve Simonson granting additional extensions. -5- . t Mr. Simonson acknowledged that as long as the people are making progress, the City will work with them. (b) Will be on vacation from August 20 through 27, therefore will mlSS the second regular meeting this month. #9 ADJOURNMENT Merwin Willman made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Bob Andrews seconded the motion and the vote was. unanimous in favor. Vice-Chairman Potempa adjourned the meeting at 7:47 P.M. There is a joint public hearing scheduled for August 15, 1989. The next regularly scheduled meeting is August 22, 1989. tii:.7f:" J?!,~..-- -6-