03-14-1989 t ,_ ) .'l( 'J ) _~h.~,\.) )(>":.y~'.H 'i.~...l" '~,!-, '\. ,~~......:...,'\, '.h,''tl'!, ....,.,h~ \. ,,7H\:." ~., l":"I' .:'1,.'J ",).,.:,;".' ~}~h:"".,,_,' ~;".; ~h ~.~ >.::.d.....~ i~.:\~~~~.. \ :~,':.~....~)~~ t)~.. .:.~"" \.' 'd-~h/..)t.).0~,~l.':'''':>~.~':, "':~" ,.,.~~~..,. :',:: ;~.:.}.:~::.:,.J~.~_>i:~.:~.::...: :; ~ ~ .>~~; .:..~~:~:i. .:~.~~h~).~)hh~)~ \ '~(:}bl (.)(,)~~4J.i~ ()~ }~~hi.;~ J ~..: ~.'O.~ CDPJE-S '!nfl-O-t:,' 'FDR- E DTF 3/;).'7 3: DOptn , . -, PLANNING AND ZONING MINUTES The Schert.z Planning and Zoning Commission convened in a regular ses~ion ori- Tuesday, March 14, 1989 at 7:QO P.M. in the Municipal Complex Conference Room, 1400 Schertz Parkway. Those present were as follows: PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION OTHERS PRESENT TY BRISGILL, CHAIRMAN MARY MARSH, VICE-CHAIRMAN KEITH VAN DINE, SECRETARY MERWIN WILLMAN BOB ANDREWS GEORGE VICK JOE -POTEMPA KEN GREENWALD, COUNCILMAN CYNTHIA BOECK MELVIN BOECK CORALEE FENNER LEROY FENNER CITY STAFF STEVE SIMONSON, ASST. CITYMGR. NORMA ALTHOUSE, RECORDING SEC'Y. #1 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Brisgill called the meting to order at 7:00 P.M. #2 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Session February 28, 1989 Mary Marsh made a motion to approve the minutes for the regular session, February 28, 1989. George Vick seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. Motion carried. #3 CITIZENS' INPUT OTHER THAN AGENDA ITEMS There was none. #4 CONSIDER AND MAKE RECOMMENDATION: Request to Rename a .Section-of Weichold Road and a Section of Binz-Engelman Road to "Scenic Lake Drive" At this time Merwin Willman made a motion to table Item #4 until Item #6 on the agenda has been completed. Bob Andrews seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. Motion carried. #5 CONSIDER AND MAKE RECOMMENDATION: Columbus #6358 for Change #88 Request from Knights of an Extension to Zoning There was no one-at the me~ting to rep~esent ihis request. Chairman Brisgill asked-for Staff input. steve:Sl.lUOnSOn reported that all he has is the ietter from Carl Riley, :the Grand- Knight, request~ng ap extension to the zoning change. Councilman Greenwald informed the Commission t.ha.t one of: his neighbors is' a member of - the 'Knights -of Columbus _ and he t.old him they have been trying to get financing, but because of the state of the economy a lot of financial institutions are afraid of lending money to a non-profit organization. Mr. Greenwald: said his neighbor told him things are looking better, the Knights have scaled back their original plans and are still hoping to build. George Vick, a member of the Knights of Columbus, commented that he knows of three different times they thought they had" the financing, but then it fell through. Mr. Vick reiterated the fact that th~ Knights still hope to build. Joe Potempa asked George Vick how long he thought it would be before construction could begin and Mr. Vick repl ied they will begin as soon as possible after they obtain funding. Mr. Vick noted that a one-year extension on the zoning change would be great. Chairman Brisgill expressed some concern over granting a one-year extension saying he could see both sides of the issue. George Vick was quick to point out that if the Knights did not have the zoning change approval, they could not get a loan. Bob Andrews asked when the public hearing on the zoning change had been held and Merwin Willman replied on April 5, 1988. steve Simonson also added the fact that city Council had approved the zoning change on May 3, 1988. steve Simonson related that this process has been going on now for about two years. A Specific Use Permit was approved first and then when it expired, a zoning change was requested and granted. Merwin Willman emphasized that at least we know the Knights are trying to get funding. Mr. Willman continued on by saying that sometimes when a zoning change is requested and then granted, we never hear from the people again. Merwin Willman made a motion to approve the request from the Knights of Columbus #6358 for an extension to Zoning Change 88-s- 9 and grant the extension for a period of one year effective May 3, 1989 through May 3, 1990. Joe Potempa seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous ln favor. Motion carried. -2- ,li CONSIDER AND MAKE RECOMMENDATION: Proposed - Guidelines for Changes in street and Road Names within the City: Chairman Brisgill had writte~ up some guidelines: for changes in street and road na~es within the city of Schertz. The Commissioners had received a copy in their package. Mr. Brisgill's proposed guidelines are as follow~: 1. The applicant seeking to name or rename a street within the City limits shall have written verification from the San Antonio Post Office that the proposed name has the Post Office's. authorization. 2. The applicant seeking name changes shall contact a Building Inspector or other authorized official as to what street or road the name change will effect. 3. The City, after consideration and discussion with Staff, shall send letters to all owners of property adjacent to the street or road in question. These letters will be similar to letters used for owners' input in zoning changes during public hearings. The letters shall be mailed ten (10) days prior to the street name change being placed on the Planning and Zoning agenda. 4. Prior to the Planning and Zoning meeting containing this item, the City Staff -will also consult the Schertz Police Department, Fire Department and SAFES concerning the name change and place any written recommendations from those departments in the Planning and Zoning packet prior to the scheduled meeting. 5. It is strongly advised that all interested property owners along the effected street or road attend the Planning and Zoning meeting to state their opinions concerning the name change. George Vick asked if all new subdivisions have to have their street names approved by the San Antonio Post Office and was informed by Steve Simonson they do. Mr. Simonson also commented the names have to be cleared with the City of Schertz. Merwin_ Willman acknowledged the proposed guidelines look good, but said he does have a few comments. First, according to the Subdivision Ordinance street names shall have no more than fourteen (14) characters. Mr. Willman also added that the City likes to have control in not allowing similar sounding ~treet names. Second ,,' in the past both FM 3099 (Jack Hays - Bl vd. ) _ and Live Oak Road _<Schertz Park~ay) had a name change and people didn't know it had been changed. Should we consider a public- hearing? - -3- Chairma~ Brisgill expressed the -opinion that a public hearing involves extr_a time and cost and that we already are contacting those people involved and they are the ones :who are paramount to the final decisi9n. M_r. Brisgill questioned what- further could be gained from a public hearing. Steve Simonson interjected the fact that requests for a street name change will be extremely rare. Keith Van Dine concurred with Chairman Brisgill's thoughts on the public hearing. Merwin Willman then asked how: you notify people of the street name change. steve Simonson informed the Commission the City has to notify 911, SAFES, Police Department, Fire Department, and the utilities, and in this particular case there are not a lot of property owners involved. Chairman Brisgill questioned whether a lot of pressure is being put on Planning and Zoning to let people know what they should already know. Merwin Willman asked again how the people involved will be notified. Chairman Brisgill felt a public hearing accomplishes no more than sending letters to the involved property owners except that the notice is published in the newspaper. Joe Potempa told the Commission that when his address was changed from a Post Office Box number to a street address, he was notified by the Post Office. Keith Van Dine then commented that we probably can assume the people involved will be notified by the Post Office. steve Simonson remarked that they could follow the same notification format as is used for an annexation. Councilman Greenwald noted that when this question came up before, the Post Office said they would recognize either street name for a period of one year after the change. Bob Andrews said if the City notifies all the the appropriate people (Fire Dept., Police Dept., SAFES, 911, utilities, etc.) then notification of anyone else is the responsibility of the person living at the changed address. Chairman Brisgill at this time reviewed the three points brought up by Merwin Willman: (1) no more than fourteen charact~rs in a street name, (2) possible need f-or a public hearing, and (3) means of notifica~ion. -4- .... .- ,"--' ~.. .. ..' -.. :.... 'w ~: .._ ~.' ~_.. ~.' ......... _:...... ~_ ....;'--,r .......'. ) ~ . ,. ...... ,,~ _' ......, u. ~ .h.'<. ~..)..~.. ~.~_'..' ~.;._..__ ..::.~.-~... :.... .,;;.... .,1. .~~:.: ::-.........1 \.:..:'. ';"; 1....\.. :,..... ~_. ~'.:. 2....:L.;a..;. _After discussing those three points:, the Commission agreed to approve the proposed guidelines with -the- following changes: At the end of Item 1. add: street names shall he limited to no more than fourteen (14) characters.; Add Item 6: Upon adoption of a street name change, notification of such change will follow pr6~edures similar to those used for notification of an annexation.-' Bob Andrews made a motion to recommend to City Council approval of the guidelines, as amended above, for changes in street and road names within the City. Keith- Van Dine seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in ~avor. Motion carried. At this time Item #4 on the agenda was considered. #4 CONSIDER AND MAKE RECOMMENDATION: Request to Rename a Section of Weichold Road and a Section of Binz-Engelman Road to "Scenic Lake Driveff Chairman Brisgill asked for Staff input. steve Simonson reported that ten letters had been sent out and four had been returned - all in favor of the street name change. Merwin Willman, noting they are discussing a name change for the part that dead-ends at the lake, said he thought they I should consider renaming the road all the way to Ware-Seguin. Chairman Brisgill asked that the Commission address request on the agenda. I o91y the Bob Andrews observed there lS that doesn't go any place. still a section of Binz-E~gleman I , steve Simonson commented that's true, but the Commission ckn take care of that section later, tonight it needs to honor the request on the agenda. I Joe Potempa made a motion to recommend to City Council a~proval of the request to rename to "Scenic Lake Dr." that por~ion of Weichold/Binz-Engleman Road from IH-10 to it's terminus! at the lake. , Keith Van Dine seconded the motion and the vote was as fOlf' ows: AYES: T. Brisgill, M. Marsh, K. Van Dine, M. Willman, G. V ck, J. Potempa 'NAYS: None ABSTENTIONS: B. Andrews Motion carried. -5- . , steve Simonson suggested to Cynthia 'Boeck that she mi.ghtpoll the people-, on : the -remaining section of Binz--Engelman and see what name they would be interested: in assigning to' the road:. #1 CONSIDER-AND MAKE RECOMMENDATION: Public Hearing for Z~ning Map Chairman Brisgill asked for staff input. Steve Simonson said all the zoning has been approved and all the corrections have been made and a public hearing is needed to accept the zoning map. There was a brief discussion as to whether or not a public hearing is: neededwit:h Merwin Willman emphasizing, that in his opinion, a:ccording to 'the Zoning Ordinance a public hearing is required. Chairman Brisgill asked if this couldn't be scheduled for a public hearing at the same time something else is scheduled for a public hearing and was informed it could be. Merwin Willman made a motion to recommend to City Council aCgeptance of the new zonlng map and further recommended this be placed on the agenda of the next scheduled public hearing. Keith Van Dine seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. Motion carried. #8 CONSIDER AND MAKE RECOMMENDATION: Discussion on Information Received from Census Bureau Chairman Brisgill asked for staff input. steve Simonson advised the Commission they have copies of basically the whole book and it lays out the parameters to assist in getting a good count. Mr. Simonson stressed the importance of the need for the City of Schertz to get an accurate count in the 1990 census and encouraged the idea of assisting the Census Bureau in doing so. Mr. Simonson said his recommendation is to have several Commissioners, several City Council people and several staff members on a committee to get this going. Mr. Simonson further recommended that the "Complete Count Program Participation Response" page in the book be returned to the Census Bureau telling them we plan to participate. Mary Marsh stated her agreement with Steve Simonson, and also stressed the importance of a good count. Mrs. Marsh commented that probably Planning and Zoning should take the lead in this endeavor. Mrs. Marsh is worried about doing it by mail because she does not think there will be enough response; she feels there are enough volunteers in the C-ity to be able to go house to house. . -6- Councilman Greenwald, noting we have almost'-:a year, suggested we ask the Census Bureau if we can go house to house. Chairman Bri,-sgill recommended ha~ving the City Manager_ find out. steve Simonsbn remarked there will still be census takers. Councilman Greenwald emphasized the need to get out as much information as possible about the census because this is one of the most important things for the City. Chairman Brisgill indicated the need for information packages and individual contact nursing homes. posters, brochures; to places such as Joe Potempa thought maybe the citizen's advisory pa"nel for the survey would like to get involved in the census too. Mary Marsh made a motion to recommend steve Simonson fill out the "Complete Count Program Participation Response" form so a letter can be drafted informing the Census Bureau the City plans to participate and inquiring about the possibility of being allowed to go house to house. Mrs. Marsh also recommended the City Manager be given this information so he can present it to City Council. Bob Andrews seconded the motion and the vote was unanlmous ln favor. Motion carried." #9 GENERAL DISCUSSION Chairman Brisgill requested that the proposed renaming of the remaining section of Binz-Engelman Road up to Ware-Seguin Road be placed on the agenda of the next regular ly scheduled meeting. Mr. Brisgill suggested that steve Simonson check with Cynthia Boeck to see if she gets any input from the property owners. Merwin Willman brought up the following: (1) The agreement with Trammell Crow regarding the Thistle Creek sign on Jack Hays Blvd. expired March 1. Mr: Willman said he had not noticed any new houses going up in Thistle Creek. Mary Marsh asked to have her memory refreshed on how long the Commission had granted permission for the sign to remain in place. Merwin Willman informed Mrs. Marsh permission for the sign had been granted for either 3 years or 75% buildout. Bob Andrews said to the best of his recollection when they came in the last time they stated the first phase was 90% built out, and th~y we~e wanting to get started on the second phase. Mr. Andrews pointed out, however, that the second phase ha? never been starfed. -7- Chairman Brisgill commented a letter needs to be sent to Trammell Crow informing them their: time has:expired. Mary Marsh added they should also be instructed- to take down the sign within a certain number of days. (2) Now that Gemcraft has folded, shouldn't we ask them to take down their signs? steve Simonson informed the Commission he doesn't know for sure if anyone will be picking up the Gemcraft name. Mr. Simonson stated he had spoken with Ron Jaroszewski, the developer, and was told if they can't regenerate Gemcraft, then Mr. Jaroszewski will probably be coming in with new builders. Mr. Simonson said he had, been asked not to instruct Gemcraft to strip everything right now T. but to wait three or four months until they see what the FDIC.,is going to do. Chairman Brisgill advised the Commission there is a Homeowners' Association meeting for Woodland Oaks at the end of April and Ron Jaroszewski is on the committee. steve Simonson remarked that Ron Jaroszewski had told him that if no one picks up the Gemcraft name, Jaroszewski Construction may build some homes. (3) What is the status of the upgrading of FM 78? steve Simonson mentioned that the right-of-way map lS not finished. Merwin Willman asked if they have a target date and Steve Simonson replied they do not. Mr. Simonson also commented a document is now being produced showing the metes and bounds right-of-way portion the City has to buy from the Railroad (that the city has asked for and the Rai 1 road's agreed to) so we have it in our hands in case of further changes in the ownership of Southern Pacific. Steve Simonson further indicated the Highway Department is taking a preliminary may they have and scaling it so the City can begin to get it's committees together. Mr. Simonson reminded the Commission that up until a year ago, the upgrading of FM 78 was on the Highway Department's 10 year plan and now it' s within their 5 year plan. Steve Simonson said he would like'to make the Commission aware that the underpass road underneath the railroad bridge will disappear when FM 78 is upgraded_. Mr. Simonson _went on to say they could possibly take out a littl"earea -of Bexar County and loop around to - come up on FM 1518.- - Mr. Simonson questioned whether the underpa~s is really needed~ -8- Chairman Brisgill asked 'how the Fire Department ,and SAFES_ could get to the southern section of -the City if a-train were blocking the tracks and steve Simon~on replied they could use FM 1103- in that case - it adds approximately -five minutes to -t~eir respopse time, but they ca~ go that_way._ - There was discussion on the number of roads Schertz has to get onto FM 78 compared to Universal City. Universal City has one and Schertz has four officially, five counting the underpass. Steve Simonson explained to the Commission he is only trying tq make them aware that the- upgrading of FM 78 is 901ng to cost a lot of money. . George Vick commented on the need for a fire/EMS sub-station across the tracks. Chairman Brisgill asked if the City has any plans for a sub- station. Councilman Greenwald replied the City is aware there may be a future need for a sub-station on the south side and/or the north side of the City, but the decision will be predicated on where the growth occurs. Mr. Greenwald said to keep in mind who is going to man the sub-station; a sub-station is only a building, it takes personnel to man it 24 hours a day. Keith Van Dine wondered about a way, after FM 78 is raised, of coming in from the end of the park and tying in with FM 78. Merwin Willman noted there are lots of signs between the railroad and FM 78 and inquired as to whether or not it is too early to notify the owners they will eventually have to remove their signs. Chairman Brisgill felt it would be best to wait until at least the City has a right-of-way map and the other Commissioners agreed. George Vick brought up the following: (1) Expressed some concern about the dirt being piled up in a street cut across from him (Marilyn Drive) after the City put in new water pipes. steve Simonson assured Mr. Vick it will be cleaned up, but the City is still working in the area. (2) Remarked that if you drive around Schertz you will notice lots of R. V. 's and campers and said the Commission should be thinking about addressing this si'tuation. There is a lot of discussion going on in Sa.n Antonio right now about this very subject. - - steve _Simons_on pointed out the ordinance says you _ can't, park an - R. V . or -camper _ - on a City street-, - in an alleyway or .--in an- easement. -9- < -... ~. .....,.~..', '."1....... '-'.': ,;....'....., . ~ ".' . '....' ,.' ~." t n: I..'", ~,._), J ~"'"j ....'u'. ).:), ~',.-. '.~ ...' >.;:\~.').::..~. (3) Mentioned: - that Windy Meadow Mobile Home Pa~k is becoming a tractor-trailer haven. steve Simonson revealed that this problem is be~ng worked on by the City. Joe Potempa brought up the following: (1) While passing out surveys, he noticed that 306 Winburn has an old refrigerator, barbed wire fence and various other junky items in the backyard. After some discussion the Commission thought this was probably the same gentleman who had come before the Board of Adjustment- requesting permission to repair lawnmowers at his home. Councilman Greenwald said there had been some stipulations when he was granted permission. Chairman Brisgill commented those stipulations should be on record and if he is in violation, then the City can act. steve Simonson stated that the City Council has in their packages the ordinances regarding junk cars and nuisances and the ordinances have already been through the legal department. (2) Mentioned that Salvage Enterprises started putting up a wood fence today, but only where the chain link fence is and he hopes they cover up the other part where the junk busses, etc. are located, otherwise it does no good. (steve Simonson said he would send the Inspection Department out to check on it.) (3) Asked if there was any way to tell what area of town the surveys that were turned in came from. (steve Simonson said the majority of them were unsigned so it was hard to establish a pattern. ) Keith Van Dine brought up the following: (a) Gravel trucks are tearing up Pfeil Road. Steve Simonson asked Keith Van Dine if he had noticed any police officers keeping a watch on the activity of the gravel trucks and Mr. Van Dine replied he had not. Mr. Simonson suggested to Councilman Greenwald that he bring up the idea to City Council about a weight limit on Pfeil and Ware- Seguin Roads. Keith Van Dine thought he remembered that sometime back there was a contractor who had agreed to redo the road after his job was completed. Merwin Willman indicated maybe the City could get together with the contractor.. (b) Also, MTA, which conducts driver training- courses fot ~ractor trailers, is creat1ng-a tr-affic haza:rd ln the Schirmeryill-e area. -10- .1....>1 'h 'h .".. >L.~.t.~. H)~ ~t 'j,:" to'..".., ...,.....~~;., ').l...I-<,_)l'''':~.'')' -... ...' \-'....~.!o.. ~..:..... .... ".'_"" ).~ \,.'.'_'~,}.. )..;:~ '....' ..._:...."..,.' ....,~\: \~' ..._\.....;._')>J ~h}.;.:;o.\.h)w.~.l.\:.H.}. ).~).;.)(':o., -(.:.~.: )':.l:~ ~(.){.:'~j~,'Lh~I)..::\~'!!. lro/."{.'l'l'\hl"'/~(~.~" ,h.:.'.' I" ~.. ~ ,..,...'~) ~.' '\j..'~ hhH.'.. j~.\~h,.;...)~j';;:!....\O~)~~ {}...H."~'\~"'e')~..~n',''':'ll):l} :~l)l,~.)-l.I":~~)"'~< )~l.._. ,- .)~ ~.~;,... . ...:i...,; Chairman Brisgill commented: the city needs to put some police officers in the area. (c) Saw a tank truck_ he knew.didn't belong to the City pull up to a fire hydrant and take some, water. (steve SimOnson said it was probably a contractor - they have to obtain a permit to get water from a fire hydrant and they are issued a valve. If they don't have a valve, then you might keep an eye on them - - they are probably stealing the water.) Referring back to the gravel trucks, Councilman Greenwald asked if their isn't some other way from the gravel pit to IH-10 rather than Pfeil Road and was told only Ware-Seguin Road. Mr. Greenwald voiced the opinion that the ci'ty may' have to have the contractor come up with som~ money. Keith Van Dine pointed out itwQuld even -be an improvement if the gravel trucks could come in one way and go out the other. Bob Andrews brought up the following: (a) The Monarch bandit signs were still out Monday on Jack Hays Blvd. and FM 78. (b) The father of one of the parents from his day care center had a heart attack and SAFES had responded within four minutes. Needless to say the parent was extremely happy and very impressed with SAFES. (c) Twice last week and yesterday he saw a Schertz pol ice officer on PM 1518 sitting at the Selma city limits sign facing Schertz. Councilman Greenwald reminded the Commission about the seminar at the Schertz Library this Thursday evening. The subject this time is death, dying and grief. Mary Marsh asked the Commission if they had anything they wanted to add to the survey results before she and George Vick presented them to the civic leaders panel. The Commission had nothing to add. Steve Simonson informed the Commission Norma Althouse had compiled the results of the surveys and prepared the report they had before them. Mary Marsh noted that Norma Althouse had volunteered to do the typing for the civic Leaders Panel. '10 ADJOURNMENT Chairman Brisgill adjourned the meeting at 8:44 P.M. Tne next regularly scheduled meeting is March 28, 1989. -11-