1976R01 Bids for Concrete Swimming Pool RESOLUTION NO. 76-1?- / A RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE CALLING FOR BIDS FOR IICONSTRUCTION OF A 6,244 S.F. IILII SHAPED, REINFORCED POURED CONCRETE SWIMMING POOL LOCATED IN SCHERTZ PARK, SCHERTZ, TEXAS.II BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: THAT the City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to cause the following Advertisement for Bids to be given and published in the Valley News as r quired by law, on :s- and :J-. and and in cn other ne papers and/or periodicals shall determine to be necessary, to wit: ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS SEALED PROPOSALS addressed to the MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, for the IICONSTRUCTION OF A 6,244 S.F. IILII SHAPED, REIN- FORCED POURED CONCRETE, SWIMMING POOLII located in Schertz Park, Schertz, Texas, in accordance with the drawings and spedifications prepared by Lawrence E. Hans, P.E., Consulting Engineer, and ado ted by the City, will be received until 7: aD P.M. o'clock 1976, at the City Hall, Schertz, Texas. Each proposal sh 1 be cl early marked on the outside the sealed envelope as IIProposal - Construction of a 6,244 S.F. IILII shaped, reinforced poured concrete, Swimming Pool Schertz Park, Schertz, Texasll. Any contractor wishing to mail his pro- posal shall enclose the sealed proposal in another envelope addressed to the City Manager, City of Schertz, P. O. Drawer I, Schertz, Texas 78154. All proposals will be publicly opened and read aloud at 7:ocJ P, 41. 7R~ff#fi 17, 1976, at which time tabulation will be made for conside lion of the Council in awarding the contract. Proposals received by hand delivery, or mail after the 7/dCJ P.M. closing time will be returned unopened. Each Bid must be accompanied by a cashier's check or acceptable Bidder's Bond payable without recourse to the City of Schertz, Texas, in an amount of not less than five percent (5%) of the total base bid plus alternates as submitted. Bids received without bid bond or check will not be con- sidered. Federal matching funds for this project are being provided by the Land and Water Conservation Fund through the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation, U.S. Department of the Interior and administered by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. The successful bidder must furnish acceptable Performance Bond, Payment Bond and Maintenance Bond from an approved Surety Company. Attention is called to the fact that minimum wage rates which must be paid on this project have been established by the City of Schertz, Texas, and set out in detail in the contract documents. Drawings and specifications along with instructions to bidders and propo- sal forms, may be examined without charge at the office of Lawrence E. Hans, P.E., 707 Vance Jackson, San Antonio, Texas 78201. A complete set of drawings and specifications may be procured from the Engineer upon deposit of $100.00 per set as a guarantee of the safe return of the drawings and speci fi cations. $50.00 per set will be refunded to non-bidders who return all documents within 48 hours prior to the bid opening. The full amount of this deposit will be returned to each bidder immediately upon the return of the drawings and specifications in good condition. No refund on contract documents returned later than five (5) days after the bids are opened will be obl i gatory. The City of Schertz reserves the right to accept or reject all bids based on their merit. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this the 6d:- day of ~7 ' 1976. ATTEST: ,.