10-27-1998 PLANNING AND ZONING MINUTES The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened in Regular Session on Tuesday, October 27, 1998, at 7:00 p.m. in the Municipal Complex Bob Andrews Conference Room, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas. Those present were as follows: PLANNING ~ ZONING COMMISSION CITY STAFF Ernie Evans, Chairman, Steve Simonson David Richmond, Vice-Chairman Asst. City Manager Gary Wallace Mary Ybarra Tony Moreno Planning Secretary Keith Van Dine Joyce Briscoe George Maxfield Ken Greenwald, Councilman, ex-officio MEMBERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT Keith Van Dine (work related) Sam Bledsoe, Tony Moreno MBC Engineers Joyce Briscoe (late arrival, 7:10 p. m.) Don McCrary, Don McCrary & Assoc. Dan Castello, Frank Bennett, PCRES #1 Call to Order: Ernie Evans called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. #2 Approval of Minutes: Public Hearing and Regular session of September 22, 1998. The minutes of the Regular session of October 13, 1998 were not published. Ernie Evans asked if there are any corrections or additions to the minutes of September 22, 1998. David Richmond moved to table the minutes of September 22, 1998, due to a lack of a quorum. Gary Wallace seconded the motion and the vote was as follows: Ayes: David Richmond, Gary Wallace and George Maxfield Abstention: Ernie Evans (absent at said meeting). Motion carried. #3 Status of Final Plats: Ernie Evans stated that final plats signed for the month of September were Schaefer Subdivision, Schlotzsky's Subdivision and Carolina Crossing Subdivision Unit 5. #4 BOA Actions: Ernie Evans stated that Joyce Briscoe, BOA representative is not present, and no report will be given. #5 Citizens' Input Other Agenda Items: There were none. #6 Consider and Take Appropriate Action: Request from MBC Engineers & Associates for Final Plat Approval of Greenshire Subdivision Unti 5B. (PC #382-98). Steve Simonson stated that the reference of the masonry fence along Woodland Oaks Drive has been placed as note #5 on the plat. All other required items are correct. With no further discussion, Gary Wallace moved to approve the request from MBC Engineers & Associates for Final Plat Approval of Greenshire Subdivision Unti 5B. George Maxfield seconded the motion that carried unanimously. #7 Consider and Take Appropriate Action: Request from Don McCrary & Associates for Final Plat Approval to Vacate/Replat a portion of Lot 3 & 5, Merino Corporation Subdivision, Tri-County Business Park & Industrial Park. (PC #388-98). Steve Simonson stated that the owner's signature has been placed and the word "zoning" has been added to the Planning & Zoning signature block. Steve Simonson stated that he met with Mr. Ron Alvarado, developer of the project and was shown an impressive site plan for the property, which will be brought before the Commission for review at the next meeting. Gary Wallace asked what will happen to the utility easement that crosses the property? Mr. Simonson stated that Mr. Alvarado is aware of the easement and plans are to build a driveway over the easement. Mr. Alvarado plans to build around the easement utilizing some of the property to the left of the easement for a car lot and some of the property to the right of the easement for atwo-story office building and small service bay area. The plans for the proposed site are for a car lot for executive armored cars. With no further discussion, David Richmond moved to approve the request from Don McCrary & Associates for Final Plat Approval to Vacate/Replat a portion of Lot 3 & 5, Merino Corporation Subdivision, Tri-County Business Park & Industrial Park. Gary Wallace seconded the motion that carried unanimously. #8 Consider and Take Appropriate Action: Request from Don McCrary & Associates for Master Plan Approval of Benevest Subdivision, Tri-County Business & Industrial Park (PC #389-98). Steve Simonson stated that this item was discussed at the previous meeting where the developer explained the concept of building all the units at once. This type of development is quite different to this area. The developer has requested two variances; one to allow a 15' building setback for lots 3 & 4 instead of the required 20' building setback, second to allow a curve (street} radius from 400' to 300' to help in the building layout. Steve Simonson stated that he has received a verbal statement from the City engineer stating that they have no problem with the requests. Ernie Evans asked if there is a reason for the word "concept" being used as part of the master plan document? Ernie Evans added that he didn't have a problem with the document, however the final document will need to be brought back without the word "concept". Frank Bennett, developer of the project stated that the wording was left by mistake and would not be part of the final document. With no further discussion, George Maxfield moved to approve the request from Don McCrary & Associates for Master Plan Approval of Benevest Subdivision, Tri-County Business & Industrial Park contingent upon the removal of the word "concept" on the final document. David Richmond seconded the motion and the vote was as follows: Ayes: David Richmond, George Maxfield and Joyce Briscoe. Opposed: Gary Wallace and Ernie Evans. Motion carries. Ernie Evans commented that the reason he voted opposed, is that a final document submitted for approval needs to be a clean document and this document needs corrections. Steve Simonson stated that he assured the Commission that the City will only accept a clean corrected copy of the Master Plan, and dated as of September 27, 1998. #9 Consider and Take Appropriate Action: Request from Don McCrary & Associates for Site Plan Approval of Benevest Subdivision, Tri-County Business & Industrial Park. {PC #389-98). Steve Simonson stated that this site plan is a two-page layout. The first sheet shows an example of what the building layout will be. The second sheet shows the landscape plan. Both sheets are typical examples of what is proposed for the complex. Steve Simonson added that the fencing, parking, employee parking and trash enclosure are shown. The signage information is shown, as it would appear for tenant size signage. Steve Simonson mentioned that the site plan also contains the word "concept" as part of the document, and asked if the wording should be removed. He was advised that it would not be part of the final site plan submitted. Ernie Evans asked what would be the separation between buildings? Frank Bennett stated the walls would be tilt wall construction and would abut each building with no separation between the buildings. Ernie Evans stated that he would prefer conformed signage for the complex and that it should be part of the site plan submittal. Frank Bennett stated that will not be a problem. He would engage a sign company to submit the signage requirements requested by the Commission. George Maxfield asked if both the 15' and 25' building setbacks are to have trees? Frank Bennett stated that the entire 15' and 25' setbacks will be used for landscaping, parking will be on the side of the buildings. Ernie Evans stated that he likes the concept, with the inclusion of the signage information, and the removal of the word "concept" from the document. With no further discussion, Gary Wallace moved to disapprove the request from Don McCrary & Associates for Site Plan Approval of Benevest Subdivision, Tri-County Business & Industrial Park pending the inclusion of signage requirement and the removal of the word "concept". David Richmond seconded the motion that carried unanimously. Mr. Bennett asked the Commission if the Commission has a preference on the type of signage? After some discussion, the Commissioners' agreed on standard berm signage. Mr. Bennett stated that will not be a problem and that it will be part of the site plan submitted at the next meeting. #10 Consider and Take Appropriate Action: Elect New Officers for the Planning & Zoning Commission. Ernie Evans stated that election of the new officers is for the next two-year term. He asked if anyone is interested in volunteering or making a nomination? David Richmond asked Ernie Evans if he would consider continuing as Chairman? Ernie Evans stated that due to business, he will be out of town a lot and he feels that maybe someone else would be better suited for the position. Ernie Evans asked David Richmond if he would consider the position? David stated that since his retirement earlier this year, he plans to do some pleasure traveling and would be out of town on occasions. David suggested that if Ernie would continue to stay as chairman that he would fill in on the meetings that Ernie could not attend. Ernie Evans stated that he would not have problem with David's suggestion, however would David like to continue as Vice-Chairman? David Richmond stated that he would continue as vice-chairman, as he has enjoyed serving and feels they have a good track record and would like to see it continue. After some discussion, the Commissioners agreed to continue with the same officers, Ernie Evans, Chairman, David Richmond, Vice-Chairman and Keith Van Dine, Secretary. Gary Wallace moved to forward to the City Council recommending that Ernie Evans, Chairman, David Richmond, Vice-Chairman and Keith Van Dine, Secretary continue to serve in these positions for the next two-year term. Joyce Briscoe seconded the motion that carried unanimously. #11 Consider and Discuss: Changes to the Unified Development Code (UDC). 1. Article XI, Platting, Section 33, Acknowledgements and Certificates. 2. Article, XVII, Traffic Analysis, Section 4.3, Traffic Impact Analysis Required. Steve Simonson stated that the city attorney has advised the change of the word "more" to "less" in the Traffic Impact Analysis. The additions (adding the word "zoning" and recordation statement) to Article XI, Section 33 are housekeeping items and both items need immediate attention. Ernie Evans asked that the book from the Department of Transportation be reviewed to see if the wording used in TIA (Traffic Impact Analysis) is correct or incorrect. Ernie Evans stated that he remembers using the book as a basis in establishing the TIA and if the book was used as a basis how can it be incorrect. Steve Simonson stated that he would check into, however the City attorney has advised changing the wording. Ernie Evans stated he didn't object with the change but would like it be researched. Joyce Briscoe commented that if the City ever gets into litigation with lawyers such as the case to the wording in the TIA, she suggests that everything will need to be worded correctly such as lack of correct punctuation etc.. This causes confusion to the reader in some cases. Steve Simonson stated that corrections such as typo's can be edited without changing the meaning of the statement. However, if there is major wording these will have to be submitted in the proper form. Ernie Evans stated that if any one has changes to the UDC the changes will need to be submitted and placed on the agenda for discussion. Joyce Briscoe mentioned another change with regard to the recent Centurion Storage facility, in the UDC, on page 38; "Land Use" where it states that "all sales and service activities must take place indoors. Joyce suggests changing the wording to read "all sales, service and customer related activities must take place indoors" giving the City a solid foundation with a development similar to Centurion Storage. Steve Simonson added that another item needing to be corrected in the UDC under the section of Platting and Zoning is the information on RV's. The Commission needs to work on coming up with a concept for incorporating "RV Park" as part of the UDC; this item was omitted at the time the City revised the UDC. Ernie Evans stated that everyone having issues or changes to the UDC will need to do the draft work and submit it in writing to City staff. There is no one in the City that is chartered to do the research such as a City Planner. Ernie Evans stated that as long as he has been a Commissioner the way it has been done in the past is that the Commissioners do the research and present to the City staff. Joyce Briscoe suggested that the City hire a consultant to help with various issues in planning. She was advised that the City budgeted to hire someone to help with the City master plan. To hire a City planner will be very expensive. If the City plans to hire a consultant it will have to be put in the budget for next year. Ernie Evans stated that he believes the City has a summer internship program with the Universities. The City can possibly fund and have the students address some of these issues during the summer. Ernie stated that he believes there is no book that can be used that cover some of these issues. These issues have to be researched with other Cities policies and incorporated for usage by the City. Joyce Briscoe stated that it is very important that the City go forward with the city master plan, even it takes hiring a consultant. She mentioned that Article VII, Section 2.11, Land Use, should be read carefully to see if it could be used to the cities benefit in some of the development coming into the City. The Commissioners were in agreement that these changes are needed and there was some discussion on other items of concern such as: 1. Tree ordinance, 2. impact fees from developers for roads, 3. City master plan. Ernie Evans stated that he will personally look at Section VII, 2.11-Land Use and added that any issues or changes should be submitted in writing to City staff. With on further discussion, David Richmond moved to recommend to the City Council the approval for changes to the UDC as discussed covering, Article XI, Platting, Section 33, Acknowledgements and Certificates, Article, XVII, Traffic Analysis, Section 4.3, Traffic Impact Analysis Required for inclusion. George Maxfield seconded the motion that carried unanimously. , #12 General Discussion: Garr Wallace: Gary commented that the speakers theme at the APA conference was "Regionalism". The speaker explained how two cities in Oregon, Eugene and Springfield had come together with a master plan executed it individually. Gary feels this would be something that the City of Schertz can evaluate with regard to Cibolo and surrounding communities. Gary stated that he feels that the Oak Forest Subdivision should be contacted recommending that City staff do this and question whether they still objective to having Golden Oak sealed off between Arroyo Verde Subdivision and Oak Forest Subdivision. Gary stated that he feels the next stoplight at FM3009 will be at the Savannah Square/ Arroyo Verde Street in the Arroyo Verde Subdivision allowing the residents of Oak Forest to go through Arroyo Verde on to FM 3009 at the stop light. This will facilitate traffic movement, and give the City a back up entry/exit to Arroyo Verde Subdivision. Ernie Evans asked that if Steve Simonson could look into getting the street Arroyo Verde in the Arroyo Verde Subdivision changed. He was under the impression that the street was to be named Savannah Drive. Joyce Briscoe: Joyce had no comments. George Maxfield: George asked that if the Planning and Zoning Commissioners have the right to talk to other cities or attend meetings outside the City of Schertz? Steve Simonson stated that the Planning & Zoning Commission can send a representative to other city meetings however, he believes the meeting day is the same as our city. David Richmond stated that he feels that the City would gain more if it were at the level of the City Manager/ Mayor meeting with these Cities. The Commissioners were in agreement on this issue and they would like to see the Commissioners of the Planning & Zoning Commissions to come together. Ken Greenwald stated that he believes the meeting day for other cities for P & Z meeting is the same as the City of Schertz and other surrounding communities. He will talk to the Mayor and if the Council concurs, it will be brought up the Northeast Partnership to see what the feel is. David Richmond: David stated that he had two questions. What is the status of the Mini Storage facility (Centurion Storage)? Did, and if so, how did Centurion proceed after the Planning & Zoning Commission disapproved their request. Secondly, he strongly believes that particular area (area along FM3009/Centurion Storage) needs to be rezoned from "GB" (General Business) to "NS" (Neighborhood Services) and be on the next agenda. Steve Simonson stated that Centurion Mini Storage is appealing to Schertz City Council. He does not have any dates as to when it will be on the agenda. Ken Greenwald: Ken Greenwald stated that he did not have any information as to meeting dates scheduled by City Council, however he would like a copy of the document Barry Sanditen provided the Planning & Zoning Commissioners at the meeting discussing the Centurion Mini Storage. Joyce Briscoe stated that she could provide a copy of the document. Ken apologized for not attending the meeting of October 13, 1998, the Mayor (Hal Baldwin) was unsure whether he could attend the Appreciation Dinner scheduled for the same evening due to illness in the family (Mrs. Baldwin), and asked if he could make it in his place. Ken reported that Mrs. Baldwin is doing fine. Ken mentioned that if anyone is still interested, the Christmas Committee will be meeting Thursday October 29. There's a problem with decorations; some were destroyed in the flood and these were decorations that had been accumulated over aten-year period. Steve Simonson reported that some of the larger wooden pieces are warped, it seems all the lights and garland are lost over 50% to 60% of decorations. We have volunteers that are helping to try to salvage what can be saved. Ken stated that City Staff should be congratulated, the City lost 535 homes, 54 businesses and no lives during the flood. Material things can be replaced, not lives. Steve Simonson Steve stated that the City is working on cleaning up. Ernie Evans: Ernie commented that the City had done an excellent job during the flood. #13 Adjournment: David Richmond moved to adjourn the meeting. Gary Wallace seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Planning and Zoning meetings are accessible to disabled persons. To arrange for special assistance or an interpreter, call 658-7477 ext. 24, at least 24 hours in advance.