1979G13- ESTABLISHING A POLICE FORCE ORDINANCE NO. 79-G-/3 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A POLICE RESERVE FORCE AND SETTING FORTH THE CONDITIONS REGULATING SUCH POLICE RESERVE FORCE AND ITS ACTIVITIES; AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: that I In order to better preserve the general safety of the citizens of the City of Schertz and to provide for trained police assistance in times of emergency, there is created a Police Reserve Force for the city police department. II The Police Reserve Force shall be a volunteer organization with a membership restricted to not more than twenty five (25) in number. The Police Reserve Force shall be under the control and direction of the City Manager acting through the Chief of Police. Members of the Police Reserve Force shall serve without com- pensation, unless specifically authorized by the City Council. III No person appointed as part of the Police Reserve Force may carry a weapon or otherwise act as a police officer until he has been approved by the City Council. After approval, he may carry a weapon only when authorized by the Chief of Police, and only when discharging official duties as a duly constituted peace officer. IV The Police Reserve Force shall be operated under basic policies and rules as established by the City Council. The City Manager, acting through the Chief of Police, shall be responsible for insuring that the policies and rules of the force are adhered to, and for the development of training pro- grams and operating procedures. V Members of the Police Reserve Force shall act in the capacity of police officers only upon the direction and under the supervision of the Chief of Police. A member of the Police Reserve Force shall have no police authority or power except when specifically assigned to duty by the Chief of Police. VI Reserve Police officers shall act only in a supplementary capacity to the regular police force and shall, in no case, assume the full time duties of regular police officers without first complying with all requirements for such regular police officers and only then upon the express approval of the City Council. VII The City Council may at any time change the policies under which the Police Reserve Force is organized and administered, and may ex- pand or disband the unit as it may deem in the best interests of the safety and welfare of the city. VIII This ordinance repeals all ordinances in conflict; speci- fically Ordinance No. 73-G-18. day of PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this the ~ /7 , 19 19 ~c ~(L Mayor, City of Sc ertz, Texas ATTEST: (SEAL OF CITY) r_", ,,,^..,,-.l!'''''l~'~''' ~~-- ,. SCHERTZ .;, ORDINANCE NO. ......-12 AN ORDINANCE OF TIlE CI- TY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, PROVIDING THAT THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CI- TY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, BE AMENDED BY REVIS- ING SECI'ION 19-37 (a) OF SAID roDE; PROVIDING A UNIFORM MONTHLY RATE FOR THE USE OF THE CITY WATER WITHIN TIlE COR- PORATE UMITS OF THE CI- TY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFEcnvE DATE. Passed, approved and adopted the 17th day of July, 1m, June G. Krause aty Secretary ORDINANCE NO. '3-G-lS .AN ORDINANCE ESTABLI.SmNG A roUGE RESERVE FORCE AND SETTING FORm TIIE CON- DITIONS REGULATING .SUCH rouCE RESERVE -FORCE _ AND1TS AC- 'TIVITIES~ - ANti '"REPEAlr ING 'ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFlJCT. Paned, ~l'proved and ~ .,.t<.l",!Iay......., ~. . ;-,:. JuneG.KnIbM' l "-:,,:^~lla<retfry , I ',\ ~ I( ~ / \ SCHERTZ AN ORDINANCE OF 'mE CI" TY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS, PROVIDING THAT THE CODE OF ORDINAN=. CI- TY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAs, BE AMENDED BY REVIS- ING SEmON l~ (a) OF SAID CODE; PROVIDING A UNIFoRM MONTIlLv RATE FOR 1HE USE OF CITY WATER WITHIN 1HE am- PORATE U1dITS OFTIIE CI- TY. ~onllnt"'dJng July 3, 1m. . June G. Krause, CUy Secretary ............ AN ORDlNANCE ESTABUSillNG A POUCE RESERVE FORCE AND SETrINa FORTH nm CON- DITIONS REGULATING SUCH I'OUCE RESERVE FORCE AND ITS AC- TIVITIES; AND REPEAL- ING AlL ORDINANCEs IN CONFLJCT. Approved on first reading July J, 1979. JuneG. Krause, City Secretary AN-ORDINANCE" OF"rilE CI- TY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAs, 'PROVIDING THAT THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CI- TY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAs. BE AMENDED BY !lEVIS- ING SECrIONS 18-2 AND 18-91 OF SAID CODE; PRI:). VIDING FOR TRAFFIC ENGINEER DESIGNATION :AND PARKIIIIa '1'ROHIBI- ~. "~'~-" ~; ...lInl .-.. . Jw.G.~CIly Ii:. c r. t~ r T.;~_ _ F " Jd- 17/ I'\U Ai-l- , 6--/3 '1 ~-- \ I{ D " Ai ~ o:J~O /~ c/ '0 SUBJECT: Rules and Procedures for all Police Reserve Personnel All rules, regulations and laws including the City Per~onnel Manual and all amendments and the City Charter and including all rules and regulations and attachments established by the Law Enforcement Officers Standards and Education Commission including Departmental Policy and Procedual Manual and attachments that are in effect for regular police personnel shall at all times be observed by all police reserve personnel, Chain of Command shall be the same that has been established for regular police officers, (Sgt, of Reserve, Patrol Sgt., Chief of Police, Personnel Board), All reserve personnel will be required to perform a minimum of 18 hours per month, Waiver of this requiremen~ may be made by the Chief of Police on extenuating circumstances. I All reserve personnel shall prior to appointment as regular police personnel shall have a physical certified from a doctor, certifying him/her for police work and a psychological profiling that is required by state law and must successfully complete all other requirements that are required by the commission on Law Enforcement Officers Standards and Education, No reserve policeman shall operate a vehicle alone until he/she has completed 500 hours of service Or when directed by the Sgt. of Patrol or Chief of Police or under emergency conditions for the prouection of a persons life or property, ".1'.,-" f<'.", J;:',~: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . - . - ,,~ . . . fI fI . . . -I 27 II -" 'I !lic 4-. 30 I: -.--coo- 14-- 32 il 3~11 ~ I' ~4 if 35 II it'---.--.-.--- . 36" ---;,-- 37'1 11 3811 ---n- .3~4- 40 II -11---- 41 !I 11 421: 43 -,i ti " 44 'I --if 45 Ii 461 ~4i.c~--X '!on~j . il -*- :i ---1,-"- Ii jF==- l~ Ii 2M 3 ;1 ,~.~ 5 :1 " 611 --:~ 91' B " 10 " HII 'I 12 ;! - h " 13 " 14 , 15il --n----.---..---~--- 16 :1 -It 17 18 ~-~ 10 fL 22 ~ -- +t , 1~-+l-- 24 ' l5.:.______ ?6 :~ I " , _____.----..__.r_.._ -.-.l~-- 1 -t 1" +1 '; 1 . .."I -~~~- , 'I I -- -T- 1 _--"--_.-+-+L~ ._.~. .,',1 T',I ~ j , l' j' . \ ,.___-"29._ , " , , ,-1--1 i __~3L- t b I 431 ; I I ' ',1' ",1"31_. ",' _--_~iT- _~,I ~__.' ~ ~_ . j I 1133 TT-'- Ii' I : : 1 ----r- a '_'I I I '.LL 1134 , , ., rr-n-r- ,; --;-- t !i I I I; : I !! -rri+j+h --iill- TL -...::.-4~+;- .,~.,. I 1 Iii, 'I "--t ;;--~- t -:~- '-______~~n i ': i!" i i, !!mtlnll; -~ i --:+i+-:--i++ ___L4L I :i' ' I' II i: ~ I 1 J1j" r'T~ --1-4443 - --7i-1 iT I-T----..~I---l'..'--t-:7 --.--~---- ++ 'Hi- -+- ----1-;.;. - "45" : ' , I; 'I "I' I :i Ii' I ;'4 ;1 I I ..Po Ilet P.~5tf"& unit-Created, In order to better preserve the general safety of the citiz~ns of the city and to provide for trained police assistance in times of emergency, there is created a. ,.1....'- 4~,..-c..- unit for the city police department. .-.".. Same-Membership; control. The (1. h...... aWv'c.- unit shall be a volunteer organization with a membership restricted to not more than ~_4,'.I Cv0 ,01 ,.,...m-l,u' , ,The fJ()/t.(;I. ~ unit shall be under the control and direction of the city manager acting through the chief of police. i I I : 1 r i I I ~ I i Members of the police reserve force shall serve without compensation, unless specifically authorized by the city council. {r I 1 I Approval of appointments by council; carrying of weapons. No person appointed,.. as part of the police reserve force may carry a weapon or otherwise act as a police officer until he has been approved by the city council. After approval, he may carry a weapon only when authorized by the chief of police, and only when discharging official duties as a duly constituted peace officer. (Ord No. 73-G-18, 9 III, 9-25-73) State law references-Similar provisions. Vernon's Ann. Civ. St. art. 998a; fulfillment of state training standards prerequisite to right to carry weapon and act as peace officer, Vernon's Ann. Civ. St. art. 4413(29a8), ~ 2A. Same--Operation. The p""..... ~l>L unit shall be operated under basic policies and rules as established by the city council. The city manager, acting through the chief of police, shall be respon- sible for insuring that the policies and rules of the unit are adhered to, and for the development of training programs and operating procedures. .. . . -~~ J, Same-Authority to act. Members of the (I.l.v. ~,..,.c.. unit shall act in the ca- pacity of police officers only upon the direction and under the supervision of the chief of police, A member of the f'l>11.<.\.~A~nit shall have no police authority or power except when specifically assigned to duty by the chief of police. ' -~.- Supp. No. 0 122 To act in supplementary capacity, Res~rve police officers sh:ul act only in a supplementar capaCity to the regular pohce force and shall . y ~ssume the full thne duties of regular police offic~~s ~t~aos:t :~t compl~m~ WIth all requirements for such regular police o ce~sl an 0 y then upon the express approval of the city counCl. (Ord. No, 73.G-18, 9 V, 9-25-73) State law reference-Similar provisions Vernon's A 998a ,nn, Ci v. St. art, ;.;__;'_1..1 ..- " Same-Changing policy; expanding; disbanding. The city council may at any time change the policies under which the poH~~, unit is organized and administered, and may expand or disband the unit as it may deem in the best interests of the safety and welfare of the city. -', .;} - '-- H Ii 1 :Tn -'--~'iT=:"'--'--" , {II 'i 2 --if __UL___ ! ! r .t , I - t- t-~-+~ .~ ' il if' __ it:: __ !i !! 6 !i il --11.1 , ;1 "IlL Ii .:.!t. :1 _"'::19..... Ii 11 'I , 'T ;112 ,. " -+-+ nJj13 ii 14 ., ,15 - --->> [ t I I !r _UJ .29 21 ,17 18 .22 ..23 24 :.2.5