1997S13- AMENDING SIGN ORDINANCE I ORDINANCE NU. __'2I?:;;-::_~J._ I\N UI~D I NANCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTl, TEXAS, AMENDING THE SIGN ORDINANCE NO. C(,S;:!B, {,RTlCLF II, 1. PURf'Of3E, ARTICLE III, 4c., DEFINITIONS, AR~ICLE V, SECfION 7, MULTI-FAMILY, RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION AND P.U.D. 'S, MOBILE HOME PARK/SUBDIVISION, AR'IICLE VI, SECT'ICIN 5a. (1), f.iE:CT ICIN :;'ia. (;~), SECTION 5a. (31, SECTION 5a. (4), SECTION 5b. (1), f.H::CIION :;',b. (2), SECIION 5b.(3), ',jEC I I ON ~jb. (4 I , SEcn ON ~5c. (;~) FRI.:J:;" f31 AND I NG S IC3Nf.i, ARI I CL,E V I, m:cl ICIN ~:'jm. (B), BILU30ARDS, ARTICLE IX, 10, PEI<Mrr, PORTAELE OR MOBILE SIGNS BE IT URDAINED BY THE CITY DJUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, THAT Sign Ordinance No. 86-5-28 of the City of Schertz, Texas is hereby amended in the following manner: ARTICLE II GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. All blJsinesses stlal1 be authorized two (2) signs - one (II sign on the building and one (II free-standing sign. ARTICLE III OEF I N II I ClNf.i 4c. Sign Ar'E'?d: fhe .,:::'F'(>?a of ,',:ii'!.:/ Pr.i-:"?e-- starldjng sigr'I or b~11boar'd shall be the sum of tt,e areas enclosed by the minimum imagirlar'y rectangles, tr'iarlgles or. circles which fully COfltain all extremeties of tll'~ -=::.i']n, including thE~ flr'arne but p::<cluding any sl.Jpports. Sign area for all other SigllS st,all be ttlE sum of t~le ar.ea of ttle minimum imaginary rectangles, triangles or circles which fully corltain all wordsj n~mb~'~~, figures, devices, designs or trademarks by which anything is made known. To compute the allowable square footage of sign area, only ~'e (1) side of a dcwble face sign shall be cons i d(.?r'~?d. AWl retE v S~ction 7 Multi-Family, Residential Subdivision and P.U.D.'s, Mobile Home Par'k/Subdivisiorl. R~sidential dev~lopments may be identified by ground signs at each entrance/exit to the developmE'nt no more than th i r. ty (~J()) squar'e feet in area and \qil1 not exceed six (6') feet in height. l~e signs will contain cmly the name 01' the development. The placement pf tt'l8 Sigf15 will not ObSClJre, or. in any manner, block the vision 01' any driver of a vE~ic1e using the pub1 ic street or entering any such street. rlUQ (2) signs (one (1) dcwble-sided or two (2) single-sided) are authorized per entrance/exit. Signs may b€,' indir'ectly illuminated. They shall have no flashing 1 ights or moving parts. Permit required. ARTICL,E VI flection 5 f'ree-Standing Sigrls. 503. (1 ) Ar'ea: The tot,~ I area standing sign shall not exceed fifty (250) square 'eet. 01' a free'- hlo hundr'ed ~;a.(CI) Height: In no c:aSi€~ she~11 height exceed thirty (30') feet. sign 5a. (~l) 01' five fOClt of Setback: Setback shall be a minimum (5') feet plus one (1') foot for each sign height above five (5') feet. 503. (4) Spacing: Free-standing signs shall not be placed closer to a side lot 1 ine than a distance equal to five (5') feet plus one (1') foot for each foot of sign height above five (5') f,?et. :"ib. (],) Ar'ee: ThE! tota 1 ar,,,,a standing sign shall not exceed fifty (25()) square feet. of a fr'ee-' tl<lO hlJndr'ed 5b. (;?) Hei'Jht: In no case shall height exce~d fifty (50') feet. siqn 5b. (3) of five foot of Setback: Setback shall be a minimum (S') feet plus one (1') foot for each sign height above five 15') feet. 5b. (4) Spacing: Free-standing signs shall not be placed closer to a side lot 1 ine than a distance equal to fivE 15') feet plus one II') .oot 'or each foot o' sign height above f'ivp 15') fpet. 5c. (2) No sign shall be placed the "visibi1 ity triangle" as defined Or.dinance unless the lowest portiorl sign is ten 110') feet above the gr'ound 1 eVE'l . '" i th in in chi,:; 01' thE! aver"age ARTICLE VI SE:\C t i on ~; 8 i 11 boards 5m.. (8) 8i l1boar'ds along an e>::pr'ess\4Jay or. interstate highway shall have maximum height 0' fifty 150') 'eet and a minimum height o' forty 140') feet, mounted on a single steel pipe SUPPClt" t. ArC! rCLE I x PERMIT 10. Portable or Mobile Signs Portable or- mobile signs will be issued ~ temporary building permit for ninety (90) day~; by the Ci ty's Inspe,ct ion Dppar.tmemt. j' tl J' ld I' '/](__0_ 1987. reM' Ing "Ie -..~ ay 0 T~"""-' AND ADOPTED th is the _'1{ day 01' 'r-.... kd~l~- .. Mayor, City of Sche '_, Texas Approved on first PASSED, APPROVED 1 '1137. ATTEST: J:f/:~.. Secretary, City 01' Schertz c IHEAI OF c:r'IV) May 19, 1987 TO: FROM: CITY COUNCIL PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION The Planning and Zoning Commission unanim.ously recommends the changes listed below to the Sign Ordinance: (Sign Ordinance attached) Page 1 Article II 1. Add new paragraph permitting each business two (2) signs. Page 4 Article III 4c. Add sentence stating only one side of the sign shall be used when computing the allowable square footage. Page 8 Article V Section 7 Change sentence to allow two (2) signs instead of one (1) sign per entrance/exit. Page 10 Article VI Section Sa.(l) Simplify the paragraph. Page 10 Article VI Section Sa.(2) Simplify the paragraph. Page 10 Article VI Section Sa.(3) Change the formula for the setback. Page 10 Article VI Section Sa.(4) Change the formula for the side lot line setback. Page 10 Article VI Section Sb.(l) Simplify the paragraph. Page 11 Article VI Section Sb.(2) Simplify the paragraph. Page 11 Article VI Section Sb.(3) Change the formula for the setback. Page 11 Article VI Section Sb.(4) Change the formula for the side lot line setback. Page 11 Article VI Section Sc.(2) Add a sentence to the paragraph stating the lowest portion of a sign in the visibility triangle shall be ten (10') feet above the average ground level. Page 14 Article VI Section Sm.(8) Correct a typing error changing the second "maximum" to "m; nimumll . Page 19 Article IX 10. Change the time for which a portable sign permit is issued. ~-%I""'~ Thomas Yarl.ng, Chair an Planning Zoning Co mission TY/na Attch. , ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE BY CITY COLlNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ REGULATING THE TYPE, LOCAfION, SIZE AND NUMBER OF SIGNS 1'0 PROVIDE UNIFORM SIGN STANDARDS FOR THE CITY OF SCHERTZ; PROVIDING DEFINITIONS, PROHIBITIONS, NON-CONFORMING SIGNS; PROVIDING FOR PERMITS; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PENALTY AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY [IF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: ' AR TI CLE I ART !:eLF T T . . ARTICLE III ARTICLE IV ARTICLE V Section 1 Sect i on 2 Sect i on 3 See t i on 4 Sf.:~C t i on C' ..., See t i on 6 Sect i on 7 ARTICL.E VI !i Spc:tion 1 See t i on 2 Section 3 SCK t ion 4 Bpc t i on ~j AR TI CLE VII AHTICLE VIII AR TI CLE IX AHTICLE X AR TI CI...E XI A'I TACHMENl INDEX PURPOSE G~NERAL. PROVISIONS DEFINIT IONS PROHIBITED SIGNS SIGNS PERMITTED IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS Rpalty Name'Plate Str'PE't Number's Neighborhood Crime Watch Signs Development Signs Pol itical Signs ~ulti-Family, Residential Subdivision and P.U.D.'s Mobile Home Park/Subdivision SIGNS PERMIlTED IN AL.L BUf;INESS,COMt1ERCIAL. A~lD MANUFACTURING DISTRICTS All Signs Authorized in a Residential District Advertising Vehicles Banners, Flags, Pennants Community Services Fr'ee-'Stand i ng ABANDONED OR DAMAGED SIGNS NUN.-CONFORMING SIGNS PERMITS SPECIAL PROVISIONS EFFECfIVE DATE SCHEDlILE OF FEES 2 2 4 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 15 15 18 20 20 ARTICLE I PURPOSE The pur'pose 01' th is See t i an is to prov i de uniform sign standards which promote a positive City image reflecting order, harmony and pride, thereby strengthening the econc~ic stabil ity of Schertz's business, cultural and residential areas. ObJectives to be pursued in applying specific standards are as follows: 1. To identi~y individual business, residential and public uses without creating confusion, unsightl i"ness or 'visual obscurity of adjacent businesses. 2~ To assure that all signs in terms of size, scale, height ~nd location are properly related to the over'all adJacE'mt 1 and use and char'acter' development lot size. 3. To assure that color, form, material with other structural lots. all signs, in teroms of and design are compatible forms on the development ;i! 4. To assure that off-premise advertising is compatible with adjacent land uses and does not obscure views of adjacent on-premise signs. 5. To assure that all signs, sign supports and sign bases shall bEl so constr'uc.:ted and designed to provide for design compatibil ity ",ith thE. development. Wher'e possible, thE> mater'ials used, the for'm, calor', 1 ighting and style sl",ould be similar' to the mater'ials used in the development. ART! CL.E II GENERAL PROVISIONS J...,..,_"'lLJ:lJ,!..,"'..i n(;'s,,,-~_,,,sJ:lp_l Lb,e author' i zed h,o t2) s i qflS .- one (1) ~_i..9..l"l......on__J;he__b.~ i 1 di n9_ and one (1) fl"ee--'stand i ng sJ..9'='~ All subsequen t paragraphs ,,'enlJmber'ed. 2. All signs shall per.tain to thE! identification 01' the primary uses and/or primary services provided or primary products sold on the pr'emis.~s, e:~cept 1'01'" b i 11boar'ds, a~~il iary, governmental or community service signs as provided. 3. All signs, l'lher'e appl icah1e, shall meet the standards of the City Building Code and have the sign permit number and approved date affixed. ..!L... Except as her'ein pr'ovided, no person or. business firm, acting either as principal or agent, shall alter the copy, face or lettering 01' any sign, except For Section signs with temporary messages made From interchangeable characters attached to tracks or grooves on the sign board, either by changing the message or by r.enova t i ng an e:>( i s t i ng message, or sha 11 erec t any sign or sign structure until a sign permit for' such ,"or k has been issued by the Bu i I ding OfFicial to a bonded contract or the owner or occupant 01' the premises where the work is to be done. 5. No mor.e than tV.JO sides seructure may be used for display. of a sign ~. Nu sign, sign str'uctur'e, or' sign suppor't shall proJect over any property 1 ine. ~ lfees, tOl'ler's and u~~E-:,-d as sign rocks, bridges, fences, windmill dilapidated buildings shall not be suppor.ts. 8. All business locatiorls stlal1 be iderltified by a street address sign which is clearly visible from the street. ...2...,. Signs l.lith flashing, bl inking or. tr'avel ing 1 ights shall have 1 ight bulbs .~ich do not exceed thirty-Five (35) watts each. ~ In the event that mor.e th,;lIl one sign'-r'elat<?d definition appl ies to a non-prohibited proposed sign, resulting in conf1 icting regulations thereon, the stricter definition shall apply. Where the proposed sign is of a type that is pr'ohibited, it shall r'emain pr'ohibih,'d notwithstanding that it may also come within the definition of an approved type 01' sign. 11. No Siqns _()J:L.f'.lJI::)1_i,c~"Pr:oPf?r.ty. No signs ar"? tu be attached, placed, painted, or otherwise er.t'!c b?d upon any 1 amp post, tel ,"phone po I ,?S, fire hydrants, bridges, public buildings, or any other property belonging to Schertz or within any pa,'h located in Scher.tz (excluding pol ice oFficers and other publ Ie officials From posting signs for publ ic purposes). 12. No Sians on Pr.oper.Dt____._\,J_L.tl.l()utDl"ner.'s _ConsE'nt,. No signs dr.e to be located on any property without the consent 01' the oMler, lessee, agent or occupant of such property. ,J!.. AHTICLE I I I 13. Maintenance of Siqns. Every sign, including those specifically exempt from this Ordinance, in r'espec: t to per'm its and per'm it fees, sha 11 be maintained in good structural condition at all times. All signs shall be kept neatly painted, including all metal par.ts and suppor.ts ther'eof that are not galvanized or of rust resistant material. The Building Official, or his authorized representative, shall inspect and shall have the authority to order the painting, repair, alterations or removal of a sign which shall constitute a nuisance, a hazard to safety, health, or publ ic welfare by reason of i nadequa te mai n tenance, d i lap i dat i on OF' obsol escence-. DEFINllrONS 1. Banner.o Flaq or. F'en-"~ant: Any sign e:'<posed to weather and which is made from or on cloth or other 1 imp material. A flag shall be any such sign which is flown from one flag staff. Any sign made from or on cloth or other 1 imp material and which is displayed behind glass and wittlin a buildirlg shall be deemed a wall sign. 2. Billboard: Any flat surface erected on a frameback or on any structure, or attached to posts and used for, as designed to be used for, the display of belts, posters or other advertising material for the purpose 01' advertising a business or. activity not located on the same premises as the said advertising material. Mobile advertising, handcarried signs and pol itical signs shall not be considered a b i llboar'd. 3. Building: A structure having a roof supported by columns or walls and designed or intended for' the she 1 ter', suppor' t, enc 1 osur.e or. protection 01' persons or chattels, except for tPflts and canop i es. 4. Siqn: Any wo~ds, numbers, figlJreS, devices, designs, trademarks or other symbols which attr'act attention to or' rnal(e kno(.,n such things as an indiv-idual, firm, proPession, business, commodity or service, and which are visible from any public str~?et. This definition 01' "sign" shall include any str'uctur'e designed to be used for said display. For the purpose 01' removal, "sign" shall also include sign SUppot-.ts. .J 4a. _Q..L9.D....__~l:l5!n.JjC)ned: Any signs i nc 1 ud i ng off-premise signs unles~ owned and operated by a bona Fide billboard company, which no longer correctly dir'ects or e:,:hor.ts any per'son or. adver.t i ses a bona I' i de bus i ness lessor', o,.jner, product, ser.vice or activity. 'l,b. Sian. AdvElrtisinq Vehicl",_--'::lL_ Jr'ai1er': Any vehicle or trailer which has as it's bas i c pur'pose thE' adver' t i sement of pr'oduc ts or direction of people to a business or activity, whether' located on or. off-pr'emise. 4c. Sign Area: The area 01' any free- standing sign or billboard shall be the sum '01' the ar.eas enc lased by the m i n i mum imaginary rectangles, triangles or- circles which fully contain all extremeties of the sign, including thf. fr'ame but e>~cluding any supports. Sign area For all other signs shall be the sum of the area of the minimum imaginary r'ectang1es, triangles or circles ,.,hich fully contain all '~or'ds>, number's, figures, devices, designs or trademarks by (Alb j ch anyth i ng i s fj\adE~ knDllJn. _4c. $j.gn___~_Q~~..~IJJ_~n_,_____~~T:~~ g_f_n_..:i_Oy rr'f2e"- stand i no sian or. ~l.lLl::l.9ar~sh~lLl:l"..__j;i;",__surn ,_~---Ille_____ar''''as ",nc 1 osed by the m i n i mum _ LInagj.Il.!3.r'y __._..Cg~J:_8JlgJ f:;,\~;, ....tf'".j__~ng_l es_ or" c i roc: 1 es "jhich ,_.J"LUy_contain all e,,:tr'emet ies of the' sign_1...-i.Dc:Ju.ciJI1.g_ thE' ""arnE' but excluding any s~JP2.9r.ts._ .__~i9f1 ar'eafor all other' signs sha.lLP_~.tt~,-esu-m- 0'- -t;he_ar.ea of the minimum i m~g.Jfl:3r:y__J."c:.tang 1 es, tr'iang 1 es or' c i r'c I es "Ih ich f\J_1Jy'___contain all .~or'ds, number's, I' 1.9!,!.!:' e"'-'--_Al?-",_i~cS's , d ,:,si 9 n sor r r:a d e m a r.I, s b y "Ill i ch anvth i no is made kno'.II1. To compute the all Ol'IE,I;lJ_",_ squ"TS' _f_ootage _ of-=S:ign:-- ar'-ea ; -on 1 y o.f.l.~ (1) side Qf__<3_.do~bleJ'.ilcf'____s'_Lgn_shall be cons i der'ed. 'l.d. SIO". Auxil iill"Y~ Any sign indicating gener'a I in for'ma t ion, such as pro i c i ng, tr'ad i nq stamps, credit cards, official notices or- services required by law, trade associatiollS, arId sigrts givirlg directions to offices, rest r'ooms, e:>< its and 1 i Ke fac i 1 it i es. 4c. _Si.,g.!:!,_E)ench: a'Fix",d to a bench indoor or outdoor'. Any sign pa i nted on or' normally used for seating, 'I 4f. SiclIl. Community Ser'vi_!,=_e?: Any sign which solicits support for or advertises a ncm-pr'of i t commun i ty use, pub 1 i c use or. social institution. Such signs may include, but shall not be 1 imited to, seasonal ho 1 i days such as Chr' i s tmas or Eas ter, schoo 1 activities, charitable programs or reI igious activities. 4g. Sign, Damaged: Any sign which has become so deteriorated or dilapidated as to require more than minimal reconditioning to restore it to an average, normal state 01' r'F.:.lpa -j r'. , 'l,h. Sien, Fr'ee-Stancling: Any permanently affixed to the ground and is not affixed to a building and which used for off-premises advertising. sign ,"hich is not 4i. Siqn, Gq""",.rJ2mental: Any sign indicating publ ic works proJects, publ ic service or other programs or activities conducted or required by any governmental subdivision. ;.1:; 'lJ.Sj,9LLL_HeLght: Sign height shall be the vertical distance between the highest part 01' the sign or it's supporting structure, whichever is higher, and the average estab1 ished ground level beneath the sign. 4k. Sign, Pol i tic:~l: Any device announcing or promoting the candidacy of one or more persons for elective publ ic office or concer.n i ng any pol it i ca 1 issue appe,ar' i ng, or. which is to appear, on the ballot in any publ ic election. '1,1. Sign, Po[.:.J;_'!.i:JJ_E'!......_or' _MgbJle: Any sign designed or constr'ucted to be easi ly moved f'''om one location to another', including signs mounted upon or designed to be mounted upon a tr'a i 1 er', ,"heel car.r. i er. or' other' non-motor' i zed mobile structure. A portable sign which has it's wheels removed shall still be considered a por' tab Ie sign her'eunder'; used for a shor' t period of time to announce a special event or activity. 'I,m. Sign, Real!'y: Any sign used to adver.tise a r'ea1 estate development si te or to advertise that real estate is for sale or lease. .F' ARTICLE IV . AFH ICl.E V See t i on 1 4n. SiQn. affixed to r'oofs. Roof: Any signs which are building roofs, except sloping 40. .!:lilli:lL.__QE!tbac:k: Sign setback shall be the horizontal distance between a sign and the front lot 1 ine, as measured From that part 01' the sign excluding it's extremities and supports, nearest to any point on an imaginary vertical plane proJecting from the fr'ont lot line. 4p. ,l'li9rl_ S 1 oping: sloping roof. Any sign afFixed to ~ .q.q.. S i on.. r~JfI[.PX_~_c)r...:Y. ~~JS i ness Pr'Clroot j on: Any sign which is designed to produce revenue by advertising services, sales or other temporary promotional programs and ,~hich have 1 imited dur'ation not to e:,<ceed sixty (60) consecutive days. 'l,r'. SiQrJL_~liJll: Any si~Jn afFi>~ed flat against and parallel to a building ",all. For. the pur'poses of th is deF i nit ion, "''',111 ~,ha 11 include window areas. 45. .visiJ:)JJ.1J;~TrJ..arlgLE': Tr'iangle sight area would be from the corner 01' converging streets to a distarlce of twenty-five (25') feet along each street with the triangle completed by drawing a 1 ine thrcwgh the property From both twenty-five 125') foot street setbacks. SIGN PIWHIE:ITEO Signs not pr'oh ib i ted, other' than prohibited. 1 i sted in th i s r'egLll at ion ar'e and the placement of signs ~nywhere speciFied in this r'egulation is SIGNS PERMITTED IN RESIDENTIAl. DISTRICT The fol10l~ing. signs '3haJJ~E.t?_fJer'rnjJ;j;ed r~~s~ i ~~T~tL~J __~ f' E'il.s: in all _R e_<U_~Y2.j~ns . A temporary sign pertaining to the lease, rental or sale 01' premises or str'uctur'e located therecm. Such signs shall not be 1 ighted and sha 11 not exceed fi I' teen (15) square feet i f1 area. No permit is required. IOrdinance 79-S- 15, 1979) 6 Sec t ion 2 Section 3 See t i on 4 '~ Sect ion 5 See t i on 6 Name Plate. ~-~---_.. A name plate may be displayed on the face of the building or porch. The name plate will contain only the name 01' the person. It shall be attached directly to and parallel to the face of the bu i 1 ding or. por'ch. It sha 11 not e)(ceed one ( 1 ) square foot in area, and sha 1 1 not be illuminated in any way. No permit is required. (Ordinance 79-S-15, 1979) _Str'eet lil!.mbel":!S. A street number is required for all It must be_readable from the street oM the building or in the yard and the name 01' the occupant. No required. (Ordinance 79-S-15, 1979) r.es i dences. and may be may include per'mit is Neiqhbor'hood Crime Watch Slgr1s. Crime Watch Signs should be permitted on speed 1 imit and/or street name sign posts. Each Crime Watch Organization will contact the City manager on the pr'oposed 1 oca t i on 0 f s i 'Jns. The organization will pay for the sign and the City Str','!et Oepar' tment will i nsta 11 the signs as authorized at no cost to the organization. Deve..!.opment_SJ<ans. \'Ground Signs'1 annouf\cing or descF'ibirlg a legally approved subdivision or land development may be temporarily erected until the subdivision is seventy-five (75%) percent compl iance or five (:Oil ye,1r's ,~hichever' is soc,ner'. Such signs shall not exceed three hundred (300) square feet in area and may be indirectly 1 ighted. Signs having flashing or moving parts are not permitted. Prior approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission is r'equired. (Or.dinance 70-8"- 15, 1979) _Pol i t icaL~jgns:. Pol itical signs may be displayed sixty (60) days prior to the election, which includes any run- off election. Prior appr6val of the occupant must be obtained prior to the placement 01' the sign. The placement of the sign ,.,il1 not obscure or in any manner block the vision of any driver of a vehicle using the publ ic street or entering any such street. All pol itical signs will be removed within ten (10) days after the 1 Section 7 ARTICLE VI Section 1. Sect ion 2 elf?ction. I~ i th in the r'oad"lay. No political r i ght-of'-\~ay I.,i 11 any be placed str.eet or sign of .11_L1]!_i.::.Ear!,ily,.u. . Res i dent i a 1 Subd i vis i on ~LJ. D._'?.L.._t1obU~_J:J()rtle" Par'k/Subd i vis ion. and Residential developments may be identified by ground signs at each entrance/exit to the development no more than thirty (301 square feet in area and will not exceed six (6'1 feet in height. The sign will contain only the name 01' the development, as recorded. The placement 01' t~le sign will nat obscure, or in any manner, block the vision o. any driver 01'. vehicle u~ing the publ ie street or entering any such street. Only one (II sign is authorized per entrance/exit. Sign may be indirectly illuminated. It shall have no flashing 1 ights or mDving parts. Permit required. _Resi deJJ_ti."!,.L.dl"'.Yo'?lqi'meD_ts _., rnaybe i dent if i ed by . g~~un(t...__.~~19.ns.__.~~.._. . .~?~h~___~i:~:!:_r'~_Qr;._!!!/e~<.Lt~_.____!:9_ thf! dl?vel oe~~en,!_.f19rll()r'e than th i r. ty (30 I square fef?t in ar.ea and "1 i l.._l._.._rl()!__.Ee,'<ce~_ ..s_i '><.. (6'. I .feet in he i qht. The s i qns .., i 11 con taJIl_ orLlY__ th'i'..D-'l.....e 01' th'c...development. as r'E'cor'dE"). _.Itl.€>_l'.l..ac:.!"'fn.ent 0' the signs \~ ill not obscure'__()I"...J.t:I---"..nyrnanner, b lOCIL the _'>0..!;;j or'--_o.....__..any_sir, i ver...._()f .s _ veh i c 1 e usir"L. the publ i c._.str'.,;>et n().r (en ter,' i ng any such str..e'2t......._I.~I.CJ_,..(_?_Lusigns (one (1) double--sided 0'" t\'IO (2 >...._5.1 11gJe:::s ided I ar'e au thoro i zed pe.... entr~rlcE.,,-;te::<it._, Si._gn_s_ rn?y, _tH:~ .indirectly illumT;:la-ted~'They' shallhav"; no 1'1 'lsh i ng 1 i ghts or.:...mov1.!.19J>.<3.r: t.",. Penn i t r'equ i r'ed. SI.GNS PERMITTED IN AL.L BUSINESS, COMMERCIAL AND MANUFACTURING DISTRICTS .Th~' '011 0"1 U:l.g_._~jgE~s;__!;;t~a 1.1._....I:>E' peun i_t ted in all Bus i ness/Cor'!.'n~r.:.c:_.i-,,_l_Ma.!:'.,=,-f.a.c:.l;ur' i ng D i s tr' i c \;s: ,l!l.LS i..9.'J.s, A_Ll..t.tl.CJ.I"J.!'.t?cJ.._Ir:'---fl.R-"'3..id~_r]t.i aJ_ D is_tr'i ct. Signs authorized in residential districts shall be permitted in business/commercial districts. Adver' t i ~i.!:'9..Ve..hI c: 1 es. No person shall park an advertising vehicle or trailer on a public right-of-way or on public property. When an advertising vehicle is located on private property, sa as to be visible from a pub 1 i c r' i gh \;-of-"Iay. it =.ha 11 not be for a 1 Section 3 See t i on 4 'i See t i on 5 per' i od of time longer' than for.ty-.e i ght hours and a permit shall be required. (48) ,_Banner's, FlaJ3"!, Pennants. 3a. Banners and pennants are permitted to announce a grand opening not to exceed ten (10) days, and will not be permitted over pub! ic property or a publ ic right-of-way. Permit required. 3b. Cloth banner' signs without fr'ame may proJect over and across street right-of-way pr'ov i ded they ar.e of a non-.commer.c i a 1 natur'e, not for private profit event. The banner shall b~ at least fourteen (14') feet from the street grade. Permit required. 3c. National and/or State Flags are permitted. Fl ags ,.h i ch ShOI. an emb 1 ern or logo 01' a I' i r.m or corporation are permitted. No flag shall exceed thirty-two (32) square feet, and the top of the pole will not exceed twenty-five (25') feet in height from the ground. Permit required for the ccmstruction of a flag pole. Commun i ty Ser'v~~~_~ign. Any cornmun i ty ser'v i Cf? S i ~Jns for- seasona 1 celebration shall have no size I imitation if placed in or orl a window. Any community ser'vice sign, not 01' a seasonal celebration nature, shall be placed in or on windows and shall have a combined area not exceeding ten (lOX) percent of the area of all the windows on the same wall. F!:~E?~~:~t,~ng.i ng Signs. One (1) fr'ee-stand i ng._~L.9,r:>___igr' .each bu i 1 ding, not to e:>u:ee_d 9!:I~e_m~L>..._~rr'ee:stand i ng sign per' development 10ttl?><:,ceptas pr'ovided in Section :Sa. be 1 01<) ) : -~---_._._---- 5i;l. 11GB", "NSIl, 1l0pl!, IIM--11l and IIM-.211 Di5tr'ict~, with frontage on a thoroughfare. 5a.(1) Area: The area of a free-standing sign shall not exceed an amount equal to for.ty /onehundr'edths (0.40) squar'e feet per' front foot of lot and in no case shall this sign area exceed two hundred FiFty (250) squar'e Feet. 1 5a. (1) Ar'ea: The tota 1 ar.ea of a fr'ee- t,"O hundr'ed -------_..- .standing sign shall not exceed I' i fty (250) squar'e..f~E!\;' 5a. (2) Heiqht: For lots with frontage 01' 0'-99', sign height shall not exceed five (5') feet. For lots exceeding ninety-nine (99') feet 01' lot frontage, the sign height shall not exceed five (5') feet, plus one (1') foot of sign height for each twenty (20') feet 01' lot frontage. In no case shall sign height exceed thirty (30') feet. Sa. (2) H~t: In_f1Cl___S,,?_~ shall ,h€!iqht e:x:ceed thir.ty (30' )_L~t. sign , Sa. (3) Setback: Setback shall be a minimum of ten (10') feet or one and forty-three/one hundredths (1.43') feet for each foot of sign height, whichever is greater. .5a. (3) of five f-oot 01' SetgackL__._ji@.~b_<!<;:k___",llaJ 1 b.e.,_,,_mj niroum (:'OJ') fee~LLl,;;_one-,__(l') foot for' each sign height al:lo_,,~_ five (S') feet. I' 5",. ('I.) ..BRae i.!l9J Fr'ee-stand i ng signs sha 1 1 not be placed closer to a side lot 1 ine than a distance equal to 1/4 01' the lot frontage. 5~. (4) Spacl..!lJ:L~::.r'e_e_-:?1;<3ncling_ ,,<;;; igns shall not be placed c 1 os.€,,~_ __t;_o_a.__s,i de lot 1 i ne than a distance equal to five (5') feet plus one ( 1 ' )-' foot for e-,;':;ct.- "foot of =.i gn hei ght above five (5') feet:' ---" u_ - - "" 5b. II BE: ", II NS II, II OP II , with frontage on an r' i ght-'of-",.,ay. IIM-'lll and IIM--211 DistF'icts expressway or interstate 5b. (1) Ar~E!<l..: The ar'ea of a fr'ee-"stand i ng sign shall not exceed an amount equal to forty/onehundredths (0.40) square feet per fr'ont foot 01' lot and in no case shall this sign area exceed two hundred fifty (250) squdF'e fe1:?t. 5b. (1) Ar'ea: The total ar.ea of- a fr'ee-" ~n_____~".______.' _ __ s t a nd i n~!.9!l.,;;h "_lL_f1_~_~)((:,,,_e_(L__..t!"g ,!l\j n (jr ed fifty (250) square feet. 5b. (2) .Height: For lots 1.1i th frontage of 0'-99', sign height shall not exceed tl"enty (20') f,?et. For lots e:>(ceed ing ninety-nine (99') feet of lot frontage, the 10 sign height shall not exceed t,"enty (20') feet, plus one (1') foot of sign height for each for.ty (40') feet of- lot f-r'ontage. In no case shall sign height exceed thirty-five (:-35') feet. 5b. (2) Height: In nCl_l;a~_e___ g',aJJ_ sign height e;>'.cee.<!._!.i..f'_~y._5~50' ) feet . 5b. (3) Setback: Setback shall be a minirnum 01' one and tl"enty-tl"%nehundr'ed ths (1.22') feet for each foot o' sign height. 5b. (3) ._.of'ive "oot 01' Setback: ~etl?_i'l!=k_shall be a min irnurn (5') fee..LP.J-Ys _clD.:!_( 1'.) foCltfor' each sign hei_g_hj;_above five (5') feet. 5b.(41 Spacinq: Free-standing signs shall not be placed closer to a side lot 1 ine than a distance equal to 1/4 of the lot frontage. .~(4) Sga!;..!n9_l Fr'ee-standin9 signs shall not bE' placed closer' to a S~dE; loL_lJne U'.i.'ln a distance e~L.J;<:l_"Li.Y?,..<,5') feet plus one (.1') foot 'cw' .fi>.~.cti_ _foot of sign he i ght above I' i ve (5 ',J_fJ"E!t. 5c. All free-standing signs permitted in ARTICLE VI shall comply with the following: 5c.(1) On cor'ner' lots, that fr'ontage on a major or primary street shall be constl~ued to be the deve 1 oprnen t lot fr'on tagE'. No mor'e than one (1) sign shall be permitted, except on a development lot located at the in ter'sec t ion 01' t,./o rnaJor thoroughfar'es or' t,qO expressways/interstates Of' a major thoroughfare and an expressway/interstate. A free-standing sign shall be permitted on each thoroughfare or expressway/interstate or one (II sign, 01' the same size, height and setback, may be placed on the corner, provided it is not within the visibil ity triangl",. 5c.(~~) No sign the "visibil ity OF'd i nance. shall triangle" be placed \'1 i th i n defined in this as 5c. (2 I No s i g.fl.___mm2ha.ll_ _be._ placed I" i th in the "visibi I i tv tr'ianole" as def illi1!.Q....J.o...thljS Or'dinance un1es.~_1;.t15'c..mJo"I.est_g9rtion 01' the s i qn is ten (10') feet _,,;,.tlQYe. the average gr'ound 1 evel . /1 5c.(3) To compute the allowable square 'ootage of sign area, only one (1) side 0' a dc)ub1e face sign shall be conside....ed. 5c. (4) Development defined as that development at the sign per'm it. lot frontage shall fr'ontage under' one time 01' appl ication be ( 1 ) .0.... 5c. (5) Free-standing signs may be placed on the roof 01' a building provided the height, setback, square footage and location requirements 01' this Section are met. Standards establ ished by this Section shall not apply where FAA regulations are in < conf1 ict. 5c. (6) Auxil iary signs shall not be permitted affixed to a free-standing sign. 5d. Gover'nmental S i gD!5' Gover'nment signs not exceeding thirty-two (32) square Peet in area and not exceeding ten (10') feet in height shall be permitted. Such standar'ds shall not apply where State or Federal requirements are in confl ict with these standards. 5f.'~. Pol itical Si_gns: See t i on 6. Same as ARTICLE v, 5f. .Realty Signs: Same as ARTI(~E V, Section 1. 5g. Roof Signs: Roof signs shall be 1 imited to standar'ds €>stabl ished in ARTICL.E VI, Section 5c. (5). 5h. Sloping Signs: Sloping roof signs shall not pr'oJect hor'izontally or vertically beyond the roof 1 ine. Not more than ten (lUX) percent 01' any sloping roof shall be devoted to these signs. 5 i. __"'empor'.~,.!:'i___.__.~~_~_U:~~~?_____Pr.o'!~_9_~~~~~1__ __~J_9_~'_?: Any tempor'ar.y bus i ness pr'omot i ona I signs sha II on 1 y be placed in or' on ,~i ndo"ls and sha 11 have a combined area not exceeding ten (lOX) percent 01' the ar.ea of all w i ndOl~s on the same "1 a 11. 5j. Wall Sign: Wall sign shall project no more than two (2') feet perpendicular from the wall and not more than three (3') feet vertically above the walloI' a building. Not more than ten (lOX) percent 01' any wall shall be devoted to wall signs, except where free-standing signs are /,;L allowed but not used. This may be increased to not more than fifteen (15%) percent. 5k. Str'eet Number': 3. Same as ARTICLE V, Section 51. Ne i ghbor'hood Cr. i me WaJ;_c:!>_ Signs: AIHIeLE"'V, Sect ion 4. Same as 5rn. 8 ill boar'ds: 5m. II) Billboards shall be constructed to meet the construction standards establ ished by the City 01' Scher.tz. . 5m.(2) Bi11boar'ds located in a "G8" Distr'ict shall be a minimum 01' three hundred 1300') feet from any residentially zoned property 1 ine. No billboard shall be located within a distar'.ce of one hundred (100') feet of an existing billboard on the same side 01' a street. Aloflg an expressway or interstate highway this distance increases to fifteen hundred 11500') feet. ~5rn. (3) The located in a (300) squar'e roa::{ i mum 118811 area feet. area of any billboard shall be three hundred 5m.(4) The maximum area of any billboard located in a "M-1" or "M-2" District shall be seven hl.lndr'ed I' i fty (750) square> feet. 5m. (5) locatpd hi gh\.,ay feet. Tl01e rod}:: i mum <3F."::!'a of ,.?jny aloflg an expressway or shall be five hundred b i llboar'd inter.",tate (500) square Sm. (6) Billboards shall be set back at least fifty (50') feet from the right-of-way 01' any street, road, expressway or interstate hi gh,"ay. 5rn.(7) E:illboar'ds located in a "8[':", "M-l" or "M-21~ District shall have a maXimlJffi height of thirty-five (35') feet with an ~pen space of at least six (6') feet maintained between the bottom of the bill boar'd and the gr'ound, except that the necessary supports extending through such ~pace are not prohibited. 5m. (8) Billboards along an expressway or interstate highway shall have maximum height 01' fifty (50') feet and a maximum height 01' 1.3 ARTICLE VII forty (40'1 feet, mounted on a single steel pipe support. Sm. (8) 8 ill boar'dB a 1 D..!1.9._~~>p.r.:.es"~,"I.~:)'~___Dr~ .J n ters ta te h i ghlqa~l;Ul__ha~l:!!__'!la:>< I mum he i gh t of fifty (50' I fe~t. apcLa minimum height of fsw.ty (40' I feet, mounted on_a.___s.Lng)e steel ._ pipe sUF!port. 5m. (91 All so shielded e)<cess i ve pr'oper ty. 1 ightlng as not 1 ight of billboards shall be to produce intrusion or or gl ar.e on adJacent 5m.(10) No billboards or part thereof shall , be located on or above any pub1 ic pr'operty. Nor shall any billboard be located on private property without the written consent 01' the owner', holder, leasee, agent or. trustee. 5n. Portable or Mobile Sign: 5n. (II Portable or mobile sign shall not exceed thirty-two (321 square feet. The sign may be electric or non-electric, however, flashing lights \qill not be per'mitted. 5n. (21 A per'rn; t (601 day time additional thirty will be issued for a sixty 1 imit, renewable for an (30) day p'''' i od. 5n. (31 No part 01' any sign may be located ~lithin ten <10') feet of- any publ ic str'eet, road or pub1 ic easement. IOrdinance 79-8-15, 19"19 ) 5n. (4) shall plot; No more than one be allowed on any (Ordinance 79-S-15, (II portable sign on€! (1 I bu i 1 ding 19791 5n. (51 El "ct,... ical per'rnit for electric signs. will be required ABANDONED OR DAMAGED S 113NS 1. All abandoned signs and their supports shall be removed within thirty (301 days f-rom the date of abandonment. All damaged signs shall be repaired or removed within thirty 1301 days. The Building Official shall have the authority to grant a time extension not exceeding an additional thirty (30) days from abandcmed, undamaged sign. ' /f ARTICLE VII I 2. Should the responsible party or parties, after due notice, ~ail to correct a violation o~ this Section, the Building Of~icial shall cause such signs and their supports to be demolished and r'emoved. II' such sign cannot be demol ished because it is painted on a building or other non-sign structure, such sign shall be painted over or r'emoved by sandb 1 as t i ng. The E:u i 1 ding Official shall also file against the property a 1 ien in the amount 01' the cost 01' all such work. NON-CONFORMING SIGN ABATEMENT The following signs and/or advertising items shall become non-'confor'rning on th.; effective' date D~ this Ordinance and shall be brQught into cctnpl iance or removed within six (6) months o~ the effective date 01' this Ordinance. 1. Signs with flashing, bl inking Dr travel ing 1 ights, r'egar'dless of ''Iattage, ''Ihich ar.e located within fifty 150') feet of any street right-o~- way. Signs with flashing, bl inking or travel ing 1 i ghts, r'egar'd 1 ess of wattage, and except i ng time and temperature signs which are located within one thousand 11,000') feet 01' any street inter'section. 2. Any sign which is affi:>:ed to sign suppor.ts pr'ohibited in ARTICLE VI, S'~ction 5. 3~ Barlrlers, perlr\ants, searct'l 1 igtlts, twirl ing signs, sandwich or IIAII frame iigns, sidewalk or curb signs, baloon or other gaS-filled obJects, except as provided in ARTICLE VI, Paragraph 3. 4. Flags, other than those of any nation, state or pol itical subdivision, or one flag which sho"ls an emb 1 ern or' 10gCl of a f i r'ffl or. cOF'por.,~t ion. 5. ArlY signs whictl resemble an official traffic sign or signal or which bear the words "Stop", "Go Sl OliJII , "Caution", l1Danger'U, IIWar-'ningll or- s i ro i 1 ar \lJor'ds. 6. Signs whi~h by reason of their size, location, movement, content, co10r'ing OF' manner of illumination may be confused with or construed as a traffic control sign, signal or device, or the light of an emergency or road equipment vehicle, or which hide from view 01' any traffic or street sign or signal or device. /5" 7. Bench signs located in a publ ic right-of-way or not properly maintained. 8. Any sign which emits sound, odor' or. visible rna t ter, tl..lh i (:h serves as a d is trac t i on to persons within the publ ic right-o'-way. 9. Any signs and their supports in violation 01' ARTICL.E VI I ar.e her'by deemed to be in tr'espass 01' public property and shall be immediately removed by the Building Official or his agent. This removal shall be done in a manner, if reasonably possible, to preserve the value of such signs and supports. II' the Building Official dir'ect.s an independent contr'actor' to r.t!>move sa ids i gns and suppor.ts, the cost of such work shall be minimized by the Building Official to I.)hatever e;>(tent is ,.',;,asonably possible. g 10. lhe owner- of arlY removed sigr.s arid supports, except for signs made of paper or cardboard or their suppc~ts, shall be notified. The first attempt at notice shall be within three (31 days of the removal of the sign and supports. The manr""r' of notice shall be that ,.,hich ,.,ill best ac:hieve notice under- tt",e cir'cumstances, including the use Or cer-tiried mail Iljhich has been properly addressed and posted. Hand de 1 i ver'y may be emp 1 oyed ,.,her'e the address",e is "1 i th i n the City 1 i m its and ,.hen his l'lher'eabouts are specifically known. Publ ication may be used I~Jhen the addr'es:,ee or- his IAJher"eabCluts ar.e unknown and said publ ication shall be done in ttle same mar'lner" as prescr'ibed in Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes for service of process by publ ication. Notice by pub1 ication shall be deemed sufficient regardless 01' it's eFfect as actual not ice. Said notice shall infor'm the r'ecipient that the City 01' Schertz is in possession 01' that certain sign and supports, why they were removed, and where they may be reclaimed, as well as the i nfer'mat ion conta i ned in the r'ema i ncJE,r' of th i s See t i on . With the exception of signs made of paper or car'dboar'd and the i r. suppor' ts I.,h i ch may be disposed 01' immediately, removed signs and suppor.ts shall be stor'ed a per'iod not to exceed Fourteen (141 days beginning the first day of effective notice, whether actual or constructive. A storage charge o' five ($5.00) dollars per day will be levied beginning the It- lourth day of that fourteen (14) day period. Selore the exp i rat ion 01 the storage per i od, the owner 01' the sign and supports may reclaim his property upon payment of any storage charges and cost o' removal, i. such removal was done by an independent contractor. If said sign and support have not been reclaimed by the expiration 01' the storage period, they may be disposed 01' in whatever manner the Building Official shall choose. II the sign and supports are not capable 01 being sold, they may be discarded; but if sold, the proceeds therefrom shall be ~irst appl ied to the storage charge and removal charge, i I' any, a~d the remaining balance shall be mailed to the pas t Ol"ner 0 I' the sign and' suppor' ts i I' reasoflably possible, or if not, therl to the general fund 01' the City. 11. All signs not covered by this Ordinance shall become non'-confor'ming. Said si'Jns shall be br'ought into cornpl iance by alter'ation or' removal by Jan. 1, 1990 unless the height, area, location or supports of an existing sign ar'e a I ter'ed, in ,"h i l:h case the sign sha 1 1 be brought into compl iance at the time of alteration. Nothing in this Section shall pr'event the r.emova 1 01' damagE')d or. abandoned signs under ARTICLE VII or the termination 01' non-co~forming use. AR rI CL.E I X PERMIT 1. The appl ication lor a sign permit shall be made by the o'"ner or tenant 01' the pr'operty on which the sign is to be located, or his au thor" i ;zed arJen t, or a sign con t,....ac tor 1 i censed or bonded by the City of Schertz. Such appl icat ion shall be made in l"r. i t ing on for'rns furnished by the Building Official and shall be signed by appl icant. Each appl ication for a sign ,.) ill be ass i gned a number.. I I' appr'oved, the number and date 01' approval will be p€'r'manent1y affixed to the constr'l.lcted sign. 2. The Building Official shall, within five (5) working days of the date of appl ication, either approve or deny the app1 ication or refer the appl i cat i on back to the app 1 i cant in instances where insufficient information has been fur'n i shed. /1 .3. Thw appl ication accompanied by the i nfor'mat ion: for' a sign per'm it shall be 'ollowing plans or other 3a. The name,address and telephone number 0' the owner or persons entitled to possession o' t~le sigrl, and of the sign contractor or erector. 3b. The loeation by street proposed sign structure. addr'ess 01' the 3t. A site plan and proposed sign, caption such other data as appl ication. elevation drawing 01' 01' the proposed sign, are pertinent to the and the , 3d. Plans indicating detail 01' the work to of- all connections, Footing and material the scope and structural be done, i nc 1 ud i ng d.."t,3 i 1 s guide wires, supports and to be us,,,d. 3e. Appl ication for, and r"eqljired information for such appl ication, and el'?ctr'ical pet-'mit For all electr'ic signs iF the per'son building U,e sign is to make the electrical connections. 3F. A statement of valuation. 4. II' the work authorized under a sign permit has not been completed within six (6) months after the date 01' issuance, said permit shall becc~e null and void, and there shall be no reFund 01' any fees required. 5. When a prel irninary plat for a residential subdivision or business area is submitted to the p 'I ann i ng and Zon i ng Comro i ss i on for' r'ev i e,.) , it will indicate the proposed location of signs. The Final plat will show the exact location of signs and will be accompanied by an appl ication for' sign per'mit. 6. Approval of a certificate of occupancy for each new business, facility or office desiring tC) corltirllle using or creating a new sign stlall be contingent upon approval 01' a sign permit. 7. When a sign permit has been issued by the Building Official, it shall be unla,~ful to change, modify, alter, or otherwise devise from the terms 01' conditions 01' said permit without prior approval 01' the Building Inspectcw's. A written ~ecord 01' such approval shall be entered upon the original permit appl ication and If maintained Off icial. in the f i 1 es of the Bui lding 8. The permit fee shall be based on building permit fees presently in effect. 9. An inspection charge will be assessed for each inspection after the first made to deter'm i ne comp 1 i ance. These char'gEes sha 11 be determined by the Inspection Department. 10. Por.table or' Mobile Signs: Portable or mobile signs will be issued ~ temporary building permit for sixty (60) days by t'he Ci ty's Inspect ion Department, rene,.able for' one 'thirty (30) day period. Portable or mobile signs will be tempor'ar'y bu ild i ng pE.r'm it, for'. ninety bx~I2~_fi.h;-s}nsil8(:ti()nDepar' tmen t. issued a (90) day~' lOa. Request for' a pcwtable or. mobile sign "lill include name, address and telephone number of person requesting the sign, the location and purpose 01' the sign. lOb. Permit fee for a portable m~)i1e sign shall be based on total valuation of the sign making it comparable to that charged for other signs. 11. List 01' .--... Sigrls: Authorized and Non-Conformance _._.._--_._--~_..- The Building Inspector shall maintain a 1 ist of signs authorized with permits and a 1 ist 01' thOSE-.' in non-con for'roance.. ARTICL,E X SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1. Say i ng_~_~J,~~~I_?_~ If any clause or section, sentence or phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be i nva lid or. unconst i tut i ona 1 by the cour.ts, such decision shall not effect the validity or constitutionality of the remaining portions of this Ordinance, and it is the intention 01' the City Council in passing this Ordinance, that all other parts 01' this Ordinance shall not be affected thereby and shall remain in full force and effect If 2. Penal ty That any person who shall violate any of the provisions 01' this Ordinance, upon conviction, shall be fined a sum not to exceed the maximum fine permitted. (See Schedule 01' Fees) A separate offense shall be deemed committed upon each day during or on which a violation occurs or" cont i nues. ARTICLE XI EFFECTIVE DATE This code shall become effect ive fr'om and after' the date 01' it's approval and adoption as provided by law. , PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED ________________ A.D., 1986. this the day 01' ~': Mayor, City o' Schertz, fexas ATTEST: City Secr'etar'y (CITY SEAL) 01~