1987S8- MOBILE HOME ORDINANCE NO. 87-8-8 1108 I L E 110~1E UlW [NANI.:", PASSOJ, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THE 5th day of May, 1(}E\7 TABLE OF OJNTENTS ",ECI' J ON J ~3EerION II ';EeT J UN I I' 1 ;::;E.eT lDN IV m.'el' HJN V m,CI'ION VI HEel ION VI I SECT I DN V I I CITY DF SCHERTZ, TEXAS TITLE INTERPREfATIDN AND PURPO;::;E DEFINITIUNE; PERM I IS A. Appr'overl Locatior" Con~;tr'uction, Al t~.::'r'at I on B. Appr'oved Plan APPI.ICA IICiN HEOUlf!EI11::lrl~;, FOR PERi'1II;3 A. Content:<::_> Df f:~rJp'llcation 13" P(::.\I~'fl1 it Fral? C" App 01 i Li.:l t. i CHI Pr'ocf?dul"'p D. 8ubdivlsiml Plat E.. t-.Junc:nnfor'rnirlg /"lul:)i"le H(}roE'~ F'dr'ks;~ Mobile Home Subdivisions, Recrea.- tioflal Veh~cle/'rravel l'railer' Par'ks, Individual Mobile H()m{~ Lot Publ ie Nu i 5~::'Hlce Revision of Plan AFter Approval DE~r'l i c'I"1 o.F Per'fn i t ~ ~'lE\ar' i ng c , . G NONCOMf'LYING MUE:ILE HOME P.<>I!I\.8, 1'108ILE HOME SUBDIVISIONS, RECHEA1IONAL. VEHIL~EI fRAVEL TRAII.ER PARKS, INDIVIDUAL MOBILE HUME LcrlS L. I C:E~6E A. L,icerlse for- Melbile Home Par'k Of' RecreatiQll~l Vel1icle/Travel 'frailer P ,)I' k Requ I r'e'd 8. Appl ication for Original L_icense C Denial of License; Hea~lng O. Appl ication for License Rel'1e\4al E" l. I cens,p Fpe F. 'Transfer of I_icense G. '!r'ansfer' of Licerlse F'ee H. Violations; Notices; Susp(~nSiOll (Jf L. icpr"IS:'E~ .l. Temporary ,iCSI'lse INEiPFCTIClN A. In~:::,pE~ct: i ons F((;~qu j I''''l,-:.~d B. Entr'y on Premises c. Ins~H?ct i on of R('~qu i r.ed F~ust(;?r. D. Duty of Uccupants -;- 1 1 1 <I. '. LJ 4 1.1- 4 c;: d ,= '.' ~j " 6 6 6 6 [J '"/ 7 '/ 7 tl 8 B 'I '1 'I 0::; 9 ~~FCI I ClN ], X NOTICES, HEARINGS AND ClRLERS A. Natil:es of ViolatioflS; Requir'emel'lts ().F Not j Ci:~',\ B. Appoal from Denial of Permit or L i Cf..:~rISE::~ C. Appeal from Enfc)rc:ement Notil::e Issued by t~le [:ity [If ~;ctler.tz D. Appeal Hearing E. Hearing Clrder F. Order Wittlout Notice SECTION X MCl8ILE H~iES ~~ INDIVIDUAL LClTS A. Appl j(::able Requirements E::;" PE?r-roit C. Approveij Areas ",;I..C r I UI\I X I MClBILE HUML PARKS A. Pldt Pldll B. bite RE)qu i r'E1mE'!f"Il:=:; l' Access ar,dfraffic Circulation; P-.::lf.k i ng O. Street Lightillg E. Motlile ~lc'me Staflds F. Fire Safety Standards G. Potable Water ~Jpply H. Recreation Area In ~3ewage Dispc1sal IJ. Electrical and Telepll(JI'le D i ~-:;'\'; I.... i but i ell" j E Y ~::\ b:':':'l'(j~; K. CommtJnity Servic:e Facil ities Ln Refuse ar'ld Garbage Harldl ing M. tnser:t ar1d Rodc!nt 1...:0[""11;1'"'01 N~ F'uel Supply al"ld Stc1f'age O. Protection of Nat\Jral l=eatur"0s F'~ Misc:ellarleous Reqlliv,poler'lts G. Convertillg a M(Jbile HIJlne Par'k to €:\ Bubel i v i ~:,; i or'l ;:JEcr ION X:r I DJMPLIANCE REQUIRED A~ Mobile Home Parks F:. Ind i v i dl...I-3 1 Mob j 1 (~ H(:)rnc~s C. Cnrlfc;l'rnarlcfa by ""lobi 'IE' H(JfIlF.\ Pi:lr'ks, Recre~tianal Vehicle/'"ravel Trailer' Par'kSi ar'ld Sutldivisic)flS ,::;Fcr ION X I I I MOBILE HOME SUBDIVISIONS A. Size Requiremerlts B. Rules 311d Regulations as Set Fortil in Mobile Home [Iv'dinar'lce C~ Rules and RegulatiorlS ~s Set For-th in SLJbd~v~s~orl Or-dinance -;;- 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 1 i:,1 :I. ;,~ j, c: :I. ~~ 12 1. ;~~ 13 :I. ~:; 17 Ii li:l 19 1 'J c!O 2~ 1 ;? 1 ~7,~3 ;:_~4. C)/~. ;:,? /~ c,i~:,:i c!'7 ;,:,:!l ~:,11 ;~~ '7 ~~u ~:,?E3 2El ~~)U 2~fl SE-CT'IUN X I 'v' [{FTHEAIIUNAl.. VEI.IICLF: (Fl. V. )/TFMVLJ rRAILEH PAHf\ AM Size Req\jirements b. E:~p(Jsed GrlJund Surfaces [~ Rules arid Regulatiofls as Set FOF'ttl in Mobile I~olne Ordinafl(::e D. E,e:i"'v i c::e E:u i I cI i I"ILJ'''; E. "fc)ilets; Shol~er Stalls; Roolns mCfIUI\1 X'V ;.::!':l 29 ~::~9 ;:,~ ("i' ~7::':/ ~~8ILE HUMES IN PLANNEU UNIT DEVELUPMENTS 31 ::31 ::;EC I ruN XV I REPEAL OF CONFLICfING ORDINANCES OR OHOEHS ::;ECI ION X V I I "EVERAE: I I .IIY CL.,^,U',E ';E-L:IICiN XVIII PENALTIES F[~ VIOLATION m'CIION XIX EfFECTIVE DAlE -;;;- ~I I ':11 31 :::;:,: mmINANCE: NU. ... AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR MOBILE HOME PARKS, RECREATIONAL VEHICLE/TRAVEL fRAILER PARKS AND MDBIU~ HOME SUBDIVISIONS; ESTAER..ISHING REOUIREMENTS FOP THE DESIGN, CONSTRUCTICIF~, ALTERATION, EX1ENSION AND MAINTENANQ~ OF MOBIU~ HOME PARKS, RECREATIONAL VEHICLE/TRAVEL TRAILER PARKS AND REL.ATEO UTILITIES AND FACILITIES; AUTHORIZING fCIF~ ISSUANCE OF PERMITS FUR CONSTRUCTION, AL1~RATION AND EXTENSION OF MOBIL.F HOME PARKS AND HECI?EAT I DNr,L VEH ICL.F/ THAVEL IHA ILER PARJ,~i; AUTHOR III NG IHI,,: L TCEN!:: ING CIf' OPERA"rORS OF MOF:ILE HOME PAHf\S AND RECREAT IONAJ. VEHICLE/fRAVEL TRAILER PARKS; AUTHORIZING IHE INSPECTION OF MOBILE HOME PARKS AND RE(~EATIDNAL VEHICL.E/TRAVEL TRAILER PARKS AND FIXING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND HEPEAL..ING ALl. OHDINANCES IN CONELICT. BE IT ORDAINED BY rl~E CITY COUNCIL OF 'rl~E Cl'rY OF SCHI:RfZ, fEXAS: SEef I ON T TITLE -rhis Ordinance stlall be knot~rl and may be cited as "City o' Sch,,,'r.tz Mc)bile Horne Distr'ict Ordindnc,,,". mC'T I ON II INTERPRETATION AND PUHPOSE In tht~ir' inte'l"'pr'etatim. and appl ication, the provisions of this Ordinani:e shall be deemed to be minimal in nature, and wtlPf'~ever the principals, standards or requ~reu\ents of any other appl icable (lr'.dinance ar.e higtler or mOf'e r'e~itrictjve, the 1.,3 t: b:?F' <l.:;ha 1 "I con tr'o 1 . n'li? pur-pose of th i s Ordirlance is to achieve or'der'ly developmer'lt of mobile horne d i s t:r- i c: ts to pr'orootl.? and d(o?ve 1 ()p thQ U t: i 1 i zat i orl c:d~ 1 dnc1 to a~:;~f::.'ur'E~ tht:~ bc,'~:~t pO~jS i b 1 e c:ommtJnity environment in accordallce with the master pldn 0' the City of SChertz, and to protect and pronlote the health, safety al'ld general \~elfare. SECTION III DEFINITIONS tE?r-mS, fnE'an i ng For- the pLJF'pOSe of this Ordinar'lce, the following phrases, words and their derivations stlall hold the as defined ~Ierein: A. Buildinq Official - The designated inspection authority o' the City, or his authorized r. ppr" E.;~se:~n tat: i VE.l ft B. City Health Official shall mean the person WIlD is performing the duties of ttle City of Schertz health offfcer' or. tlis auttlof,jzed r'epr'esentative~ c. Person ,- means a human bei'1g, his heirs, executors, administrator's or. assigrls, and also includes a firm, partflership, association or corporation, it's or their successors Dt" assigns; Of' t~\e ager'lt of arlY of the afor-esaid. D. Licellse - a written document iSSI,Jed by CClmp(~tE~nt author' i ty or the City to a pE'r'::.>Of'1 gr'ar-It i ng pf.~r'm j S~:~ i on to operate and maintain a Mobile Home Park and/or a Recreati~lal Vehicle/Travel l"railer Park irl ttlS City (If Schertz under' tt"l8 provisions of ttle City OrdijlanCe and regulaticJns issus(j h€';r'eundc~r' . F. L. i c (-,:Ir"15€7~(0I maintain a Mobile Home Travel Trailer Park under a per'sorl 1 ic:erlsed to oper'ate and Park dlld/or a Recreational Vehiclel ttlB pr'c)visiorts of ttlis Or'dinaneE'~ F. Mobile Home l'r'avel Trailer' Par'k Dper'ator' - purslJant to this Ordinance. Park and/or Recreational Vehicle/ is a tlolder' of a 1 ic:ense isslled G. _~astet'". p'lai~_ i~:> tInt€' c:orrlj.')("eh~::~rISivt~ plan fot'", th€~.) physic:al development of the City of Scllertz and incllJdes any (Jnit or. part of SLlct'l plan se~~arately adopted and arlY amerldmer'lt to suet. plan or parts thereof. ~1. Plat Plarl _n a gr'aptlic repr'eserltatiof'l~ at sc:ale, in a hor'izontal plane, (jel in'2atin'J thE? out1 inl? o. the land included in the plan and all proposed use l~:aticms, accurately dimel'lsiclned, the dimensions also indicating tt18 relation of each use to ttle adJoinirlg and tel ttle boundary of the pr'oper.ty. I. Mobile Home - a movable or portable dwell ing c(::)rlstr'ucted to be towed by a motor vehicle or, it's own cha~isjs, over Texas rOd(js and highl~ays ur,der special permit, connected to util ities, ar'ld desigr'led witholJt a per'marlerlt four\datiof\ for' year-- r<ound 1 ivirH]. It may consist of CHli? or. rnor.e units th.,:)t can be telesc::c)ped when towed and exparlded later foy' additiorla1 eapac:ity or of tl~IO or more units, separately tOI~able but designed to be juinf-ld into OriEl intEl(jI"al unit. (Rpf. AI".t. 5~:~;.~~F., Ve:.:l'.'non's; Tp>::a~::) Civil :3tatut",s) deVt-=? 1 opml~n t o.~ ,,) i U, '~ach lot Ur'd i nance. J. Mobile Home Subdivisior-I a mobj1e home spaces ar'ranged on a tract individually owned hleeting all r'eql~irements ur, i. i eel of 1 and of this h. 110b i I e H~"e._ ..F'"a.r~f<." -. a un i f i .'c1 deve 101)["<"'''' t of mobile home spaces o' not less than ten (10) acres single ownership, meeting all requirements of the Ordinance. -2- plaC:E:?1'(\c~nt of a occupants. ~bb i 1 e Home L..ot_ sirlgle mobile home and a par'eel of 1 and the eXCllJsive use for' thE; of j t' ,,; M. Mobile Home Stand - that part of an individual lot which has been reserved for tIle placement {Jf Ol'le mobile home unit. pond, Car1<:1 1 , N. Natur'al or. r.a i 1 r-oad, 1 ev(-:.!'~"?, ArtiFicial Barrier- E~rnbar-kmt~nt, ~dTt(:-Il~~' fi?nc:e arlY f- i VEl;"', or l'1f2d(JI~. D. Nonconfol"'rn i nq Use 1 ots, str'ucti..JI"'e,":~, Lls,e~s of land and structur~s, which ar-e prohibited under the terms of this Dr-dinar'lce, but was legal at the date of t~lis Clrdinar'lce er\actmerlt; continuation of nonc:onformities permitted by issuarlce of certificate; the extel-lsion or' er'llargement of nonconfor'ming uses pr-ohibi'b:?d dnd th(:? substitut:ion (jf 21 f'H:'.:lllJ or. dif'r~?::'f"-t?nt: nC..'ncon For'm i ty. P. Per"mit -, a wr'itten per'mit or certificate issued by the Building OFFicial permitting the construction, alteration OY" exterlsiof'l of a Mobile Home Park urlder' the pr'ovisions of ttlis Ordinance and regulation issued hereunder. [1. Recl"eational Vehic'le/Tr'avel Tr'ailer' J'_'!I":8. - any premises where motor hClmes, picklJp coaches, camping trailers, and tr'avel tr-ailer-s ar.e par'-ked for 1 iving arId sleeping purpose~~, arid which include any buildings, structures, vehicles, or erlclcJsure u~;ed or interlded for use as a part of the eqlJipmerlt of SlJctl park. R. Pick-up Coach - is a structure designed to be mounted on a tr'uck ct"\assis for use as a temporar'y dl~ell ing for' travel, recf"eation and vacation. s. J"lotor- HOtTlE' bi!mporar'y d'~el1 i ng For' tr'avel, a pur.table, self-"'propelled, recreation drld vac:ation. T. J'r.avel l'r-ailer - is a structure designed for' temporary d\~ell ing for travel recreation and vacation, and (:an be y.eadily towed over ttle road by a motor vet,icle. mounted vacation vphic:le. U. Camping rr',?..iJ.",,: i,'; a Folding str'uctur'e, on wheeii ar'ld des~grled for travel, r'ecr~eatiorj and ~nd can be readily towed over the road by a motor v~ _Deperlder'lt Mot]jle ~Iome (.;.?qu i pped I~ i th i n 'b-:'~r"na 1 1 avator.y or. tloJash j ng Mobile -fac i 'I i 'c i f-~S. Hurnp not: w. MCJclular' Horne ffiE:ansa cJlllE!lling that is constructed in Ol'1e or more modules at a locatioll ottler than the homesite or' is COflstructed util izing one or more nlodular compOl1erlts and which IS designed to be IJsed as a permallent residence wtlerl t~le mc)du1ar' CC1filpof'ler'lts [lr modules ar-e tr'ansported -3- to U"H:"? hOrnE\<S:> i te and c:ll'"-(.;;'.jn i nE'd to<;.:"!(.~1::\-"it:'.'lr", or"" ar-€';~ f.";~l'"-e:~c: ted arId installed on a permanent fOIJndation system. m,CIIUN IV PEHMIT!:i A. It shall be unlawful foy' arlY per"sarl to locate, construct, alter or extend any Mobile Home Park and/ C)t'" RE~C:I""E.latjc.'H'lal VE~hiclE\ Tr"avelFlr-ailE'j'"" Par'k, or locate arlY mobile llome within tl'18 jurisdictiOt" e:lr"lcl 1 irnit-=:f of thp City of- Scher'tz <eithE1Y" IlJithin a j"1nb i 1 e 1"'kHnl~:~ Par-k, Mobile 1 "hJrne ~:3ubd i v i ~5 i on, Recr"eatioflal Vetlicle/Travel l-railer~ Park or. locatecj C.ln an individclal lot) unlj,?,ss 11l? holds a Y,31 id per'mit from the City in ttle name of SIJctl person for the specific l(Jcation, constr\Jction, alteration or exterlsion pr'"oposed. B. No permit stlall be iSSlJed for the constructiofl IJr occupancy of a str~Jctur'e or structures in a Mob~le Home Par"k arid/or" a ReCF'eatioflal Vet.iclel rr-avel Tr-a i 1 i;;;:'t'"' Par'k \lJ j thout a plan thi:3t has bt01::?1"1 appr-oved in the mariner" presc:ribed her'sin and dl11y fi l(?d In th(~ pldnnin'~ and inspc~cti()1l (Jf'iu~ of th,'? City. ~iEc'r I UN V APPLICA1ION REOUIREMEN1S Elm PERMIrs A'll app 1 i Cd t i ems for' per'm its sha 11 be mad,,, upon standard forms provided by the Building Official. A. B. Each appl ication shall contain the f(Jll~""ln'J: 1. . NarnE~ and acldr-e~;;s of t:hp app 1 i can t. ~,::. 1...,0(:-"3 t i ()n dnd 1 t~qa 1 dc:~sc:t'"- i p t ion 0 f till? Mobile Home Par"k, Mobile Horne SlJbdivision, Recreatioflal Vehicle/Travel 'Trailer Park, or' lot where ttle mobile home is 1::0 be 1 oC:3ti:'?d. A plat plan, including all data and in for-ma t i on r'I~-?qu i r-f.~d und(.?F- ::3(;?C t j on X I if a t'lohilfr' Hmn.,~ Par'kj Sectic,r, XIII if a Mobile Horne ~:3ubd i vis i on; ~3ec t i on X I V j F -":~ Recreatioflal Vehicle/l'y"avel l-r-ailer- F~ark. Plans and specifications of all buildings arId other improvements corlstr'ucted or- to be C:C'.)f1str'uct~?d I~i thin the paF'k or- ~5ubd ivision. SLICh ottler" informatiofl as "lay be requested by the City staff, Planning and Zoning Cnml'fI it: tec,\ ot"" City Coune:: i 1 i n c1~"?t€7~r"rn i n i nq whether the appl ication meets requirementsn 3. 4. ~~ ..J. Per-ro i t: F.(~(7? n All such permit Uf'icial ",ill be deter-miried by the the City Councjl. appl ic:atim,,, to the E::l.lilc:iing accompanied by a fee to be City Manager" arid appr'oved by -4- c. f1pp'l i cat i on PI"'()C:f~c.1ur~~~_~. F i Vp cup i es of: tl"IE: app 1 i cat ion ar',d ac:ccHopany i ng plans and specifications shall be .iled with the City. The app~op~iate City staff and Planning and Zoning COlnmission shall revje\~ the pr-oposec1 plans and spec:ifications for' cornpl iance. If the <;ubmi ttE"d docum(~nts ar"? in c:c)mpl iarlce wittl all pre1visions elf ttle (Jr'djn,;':lnCf~S and othf:ar" appl ic,~ble statut;(-?s, th(? Planning and ZClning Commission may appr'ove the appl ication; dnd in tl',e case of proposed Mobile Home Parks and Recreational Vehicle/Travel Trailer Parl(s, make s\Jch approval contingeflt upon thE~ curnj) 'I et ion Df \AJo!"'k ac::cor-c\ i ng to the plans and specifications submit'ted \~ith the appl ic:at ion. Upon acceptanc.p and appr'ovL~'1 by the Planning dlld Zoning COlnmission, a pelr'mi t stla1l be issued. D. Subdivision Plat. Mobile Home Parks, Mobile Horne Subdivisions, F<(~cn'ational V,;?hicle/Tr'avel fr'ai'I,;?r' Par'k" and individual mc~ile home lots shall be subject to ,311 appl ic:ablli.-::a r'u'I(-::~s and r't::qulat ions as SI:;?t: for'th in tt'lP C:ity of Scl'1er.tz CIJr'r'erlt Subdivisiofl Ordinaflce. Plat plans of the pr'oper.ty submitted with reqlJPst for per'mit does not replace or supersede the subdivisieJn plat of 1::-"lI"'opf~r'ty r'f~qu i r'pcl by stEJte 1 cHi) to bEl recorded in tt,e County Records after revie\~ and approval by the City Planning and Zoning Cornrn i 55 i elf! . E. .J~pnconfor'rn i ng "'lob i "I El HOrliE.;\ ~a~'~_~_~~i_L__r1gt~_i_"L€'!_ H()rn(.~ ~.3uJ:~d i v i ~:; ions. Fh.:.?cr":?d t i Dna 1 V~?h i c 1 (:2/ Tr- ~3V~? 1 Trail.r Parks. Individu@l Mobile Home Lot Public Nui':sance. ArlY Mobile HClme Par-k, Mobile Home Subdivjsiofl, R(':?cr'~::?-:3ti(Jna1 Vehic1i2/fr-avel TF'aill?F' F'':3r,k (Jt~. individlJal mobile home lots irl violatiofl of the terms and provisions of the publ ic health and safety requiremerlts of this ()r'dinarlcP~ state law, and federal la\~, is hereby declared to lJe a pub1 ie nuisarlce, ar'ld ttle appr'opr'iate officer'~i of the City are hereby BIJthorized to institlJte any action which may be necessary to restr'ain iJr abate SIJch violation. Mobile Home Par'ks, Mobile Home SubdivisioflS, afld Recr'eatioflal Vehiclel'rravel frailer Parks existing at tl',e time of passage of ttlis (:lr.dinartce shall dur-ing a period of time, not longer than One (1) year, be brought into a conforming status with r'esp(~c t to the publ i c hi'?a I th ;.n(j sa 'ety pt'"'OV i s i ()n~ -5- ~3ECT ION VI F. ". Revision of Plan After Approval. No chan(~~~':;>s, er'asur'~?s, mod i .p i Cd t i OriS OF" revisior"IS stlal1 be ma(1e in arlY plan of a Mobile Home Par'k, 1'1'Jbil,= Home Subdivision, f<f::.~C:f'€~ational VE.~hicle/Tlr'avel Ty-'ailE'f' Pal"'k, 01" individual mobile hiJlne lot after a~)proval has beerj giverl by the Planrling ar'ld ZOflirlg Commission dl'ld endor'sed on the plan in writing unl e-::;~s Ej.<:~ i d change, mod i f i cat j DCI Of' r.ev i s i on is first submitted to ~1'ld approved by the Commission. [3. Den i a I of Per"m it; Hear' in". Any person whose appl ication for a permit ~JI'lder ttlis Or"dinarlc'e has been der~jed, may request a hearing on the denial under the procedures pr"ovided by Section IX of this Or.dirlance. NONCDMPLYING HLl8D]: V I E; I UN"; , fHAILER PARf\S, 11UBILE HOl1E PA"f\S, I'IUBILE Hflt1E RECREATIUNAL VEHICLE/TRAVEL. ------~-_._._-_.- INDIVIDUAL MUBIEE HOME LOTS No p€~~r's()n :~,hal1 cr'f;:.atE-::, locatE', or" oper'atp a Mobile l~ome Park, Mobile liome SIJhd~visi(Jn, HE:lcr'E.~,:::\t j ona 1 Veh j c 1 e/Tr'avpl Tr.a i 1 E,?\'"' Par'p;, Dr' individual mobile home lot within the jUt- i scl i c t i CHI of, 01'" cor'pcw'a tEl 'I i ffl i t~, Df th€::~ City of Schertz ex(:ept in conformallce with this Urdinance, the City Zoning Urdinance, and the City Subdivision Ordinance. SECTIUN VII LICEN~~ A. License for Mobile HClme Par'k or Recreatiorlal - ..--...-------- Vehicle/Travel Trailer Park Required. It sha'll be, un 1 a",ful fe",' any pE'r'sml to establ ish, maintain or operate within the City of Schertz, a Mohile Home Park or Recreational Vehicle/Travel Trailer Park by ttle day, week, month or for a longer peric~ of time, for or without compensation, unless there t,as lJeen [ltJtained by the Ot~ner' or. oper'ator' of suctl par'k, a 1 icense issued by tl'le City of Scher.tz. !3uch 1 i CE\f"lSP Eih€:) 11 b(~ r'E:~nE."\J.Jt,:,'d annu~';I'll y.. "fh€? City (H' Schertz stlall not issue a 1 icsllse unless the appl icant is a val id ho'lcler' of a Cpr.tlficatp of Occupancy. At any time a Certificate of ClCCLlpF.:lnc::y i!:;, r'E':~VCli'H-?cl, thE:' 1 i CE'DSf':'\ is automatically void. E" ... App'l ication 'or' Clr'iginal Licen,",,'. App 1 i Cd t i on for' the or" i 9 i na I 1 i c(=n,,;'? '"ha I I be in "H"itinq, signed by thE' applic,mt, accoropanil'ld by dn affidaVit of ti'l(? appl icant ae, -6- to thE-~ tl"'l.Itl"'l of thl:~ .::lPp"\ i cat i on and by thE~ c:I(,,;>posit Df the licl:.~ns("~ fj':21~ h;,?:!r'einafl;('f:lr. pr'ovided; af'ld s~\all corltain~ 1. fj"\O= name and addr',?;;s o. the app 1 i can t. 2. The location and legal descr.jptiofl ()f tt1e par'k. A plat plan of the Mobile Hc~e Park and/or R(?cJ"'\~atj(Jr"ial Vl'?hicle/Tr'av(?l Tr',21i'I~~~lr- Par'l", shrn~ing all mc~ile home spares and/or all recreat~onal vehicle/travel trailer spaces, al'"ld all str"uc::tLJreS, roads, walkways arId other service facil ities. No recreational vehicle/travel trailer may be located within a Mobile Home Park without granted variance~ See City of Schertz cur-rent Subdivision Ordinance, Section 11 Variance. Befor-e the otr'iginal 1 icense is issued, the City of Schertz shall obta~n tl',e approval of the Fir'.' Chir,f on thro fir'e fl<;jhting :~pp 1 i cab 1 e cond i t i Of'lS (::jS fIlf.:ri?t i nq r j r-(o? safety reql1iremerltsu Other such informati()n as may he requested by the City. 3. 4.. ,= ,J. c. Denial of License; l~earinq.. Any Per'son \"hose app'l i cat i on f~or a 1 i CE~n~;f~ under this Ordinallce has been denied may reqlJest 8fld stlall be gr'anted a tlear'irlQ on t~le matter lJllder the procedure pr'ovided by Sect~\Jn IX of this Ordinance. D. Application for Lli-(?I1'~e R(-:;.netl,al. i\pp 1 i ca t i on for' r'E:~nE-~\~'a 1 of a 'I i c:en~~f:.i ~fhElll bf:'" made in writing by the 1 icensee on forms furnishrod by thro Building Official on or before Dc tob,?r' 1 of '?dch y",ar'. Such app 1 i ca t i on SI'1<31 1 CC1f'ltain any changes irl tt'le information occurirlg a f tf:?r- th\? or. i 9 i n..:.~ 1 1 j CE~fl':;:;(2 \1),]$ i -;::;sU(..?d ()/.... thf2 latest rer"lewal gr'ar"lteci. Before tt1e f.enewal 1 ic(?n'~:i(? is issued, t;h~? Ci ty of Sch(:.:?r''tz sha'll ob ta in the appr'ova I of the, Fire Cr, i rof on thE f i J'..e f j (]h t i ng app 1 i anc~~s, ll,a te,.... supp 1 y, aC:C:(0'~;'::; \~aY5, or othey' appl icable corlditiorls as meeting fire safety requirements. f'" L. i CE1rlSe Fet::l. All Qr- i 9 i na 1 1 i CE'llse app 1 i ca t i OriS 01'" r'en€~l~la 1 s thereof shall be acc:ompanied by a fee as approved by the City Council. All rronrowal fees shall be due on October 1 of each year. F. Trans'er of License. Ever"y per'son holding a 1 icense shall give notice in writing to the City of Schertz within -7- ter\ (10) days after tlaving sold, tr'ansfer"r'ed, given away~ or ot~~erwise disposed of ij'lterest irl Dr' control of ar'lY Mobile Home Park or. Recf'(.?ational Vehicle/lr'avel If'ailer' Par'k. Appl i c:at i on for' tl"'ansfer' of 1 i c:pnS;E'~ shall bE:- made ,~ithin ton (10) calendar' day'; afc'?I"' rlotificat~orl of ctIBf'\ge cover-ed in 58f'ltence (lfje of this par'aqr.;.lph. Within ton (10) cal(~ndar' days t~'lereafter, the City stjall ac:t Ofl ttle .;:1Pp 1 i Cd t i on for- 1 i c(~nse tr'an~~,;fer' ar"ld j t <;ha 1 '1 bE' ap~Jr"oved i. the paF'k is in curlqJ 1 i ance ,.J i th the provisions of this Ordinance. G. Tr'an~.;.fet"- of L.. i C::t~I"1S~E~ FeE,I" All app 1 i cat ions for' 1 i Cf.::\n=:,E~ tr'ansfer' accompanied by a fee as approved by Cnunc: i 1 w shall be the Ci ty H.. V I 01 a [:; I orl~,; Not: i ce~::j.; Elt..lS":J-pE.;r'I-::; i on of L... i cE::'nS",E':~,,_ Whet'lever, upon inspection of arlY mobile t'lolne (]r Mobile H[~e Park C~ Recreational Vehicle/Travel Tr'ailr~r' Par'k, the Building OFFicial l'inds that C(:lrld~tiof'IS or- pr'actices exist whictl ar'p irl violation of any provisions of th~s Or'dinance appl icat:o'Ie tu .;uch par'k, th" Bui 'Iding ClfFicial sl",all qive noticf? in t~JF'it:jng, in ;.-:lccor-d,'::~nC:j::,? lAJith S€'~ct:i()rl IX of thi!::; CJr'c1jnanC::E-:~, to the" OtlJl"lero, 1 i c€-?nsce or' a(Jt~f1 t tha t un"j (-?ss sue 1"'1 conditior"ls or. pr'actices are corr.ected wittlin a reasonable period of time specified in stJch nc)tice, ttle 1 icer\se or permit (~n the case of an individual Inobile hOlne) shall tJ8 suspended arid give notice ir-\ wr-iting of suctl slJsperlsior"' t;o the otl.Jner-, 1 i c:en'SI.:?e or' his c:HJi:::nt. l...JpC.Hl t"'eceipt of notice of SUC~\ suspension, t~le o~)r'ler or 1 icerlsee shall cease operation of Sljctl Mobile 1-.1 Ofn €.;; Par'k, e::o::c::ept a~; proovided in Sec:ticH\ IX uf this Ordinance. 1. ]empurary Lic"nse~ A tempor'ar'y 1 icerlse, upon wr'itten r'eqL,lest therefore, shall be issued by the Building ClfFicial 'or every Mobile Home Park or Fl(~cr"~~ational Vehicle/lr'avel Tr',Clill'er' Pdr.k in existenc:e uporl the effective date of ttlis Ordinance permitting the Mobile Home Pdrk or tt',e Recr~eational Vehic:le/'fravel l'railer' Park tCI be operated during the period ending one hundred eighty (180) days after the eFfective date of this Ordinance in ac(:ordance with SIJch conditions as the Building Clfficial may r'equire. fhe ter'm of tt,e temporary 1 ic:ense s~\all be exter\ded, UpCjr'l wr"itter'l request, for' not to exceed one additiotlal peril)d of one huncJr'ed E'ighty (180) c:I'O\Y';, if: -8- bECIIUN VIII 1. w 'rh(~ 1 i CE.~n5P(.~ sha 1 'I have f i 1 ed an (3ppl ic:ation fol"'" a 'I j,::I?r-.se in conf:ol"'rnity with Section VII, Paragraph B of this Ordinance and within ninety (90) days after t~'le effec:,tive date of this C)r.dinance; 2_ The plans and specifications accompanying thF.l app 1 i C:;':l t ions f:()l' 1 i Cen5f:~~ c::ornp 1 Y ll) i th all provisions o' this Ordinance and all othpl'" app 1 i cab 1 e Clrcl i nancE.\~:~ and '3.it:atutf.~~M>; 3. Tt18 1 icensee shall have dil igently endeavor-eel to make t~\e existing Mobile Honle Park and/or Rrecreational Vehicle/Travel l'r'aller' Par'.k conform fully to t~le plans and specifications slJbmitted I~ith the application; 4. Failure to make the existing Mubile Home Park and/or Recreational Vehicle/Travel Trailer Par'k cOf'~for'm fully to suctl plarl5 and specifications shall have been due to C:f.~US=.~f:!S bE'YCJl'"ld thE~ c()ntr'ol o~~ thE' 1 i c:enSPf;~. IN~3PECTION A. Inspections Requjr'e(]~ The E~ilding Official, City Health Officer, F i roe Ch j ef, Po 1 ice Ch i (:of, df1d fa>:: AS~:;(~\~::iSC.W"'- Collector ar.e her'eby autt'tof'ized and direc:'ted to make such inspections as are necessary to deter'mine com~)l lance wit~l this Ordinance. E' -'0 Entry on Premises. The Building Official, City Health Officer, Fire l:h~ef, Pol ice Chief, dl'ld rax Assessor-- C:ol1ectc)r" st'jall have the po\~er" to erlter' at l'"'(,::~,:~.lsonalJ 1 e t i HH;?'3 upon any j::'lj'-' i v~'~ tE? Dr- pub 1 i c proper'ty for" ttle pur'po5~e of inspecting afld investigatil'lg COllditions relating to the ef1for'cement of this [Jr'dinarlce. c. Insp(~ction of flequir'ed I'(J,;\;."'.I':.,,- The Building Official, City Health Ufficer, Fire Chief, Pol ice Chief, and fax A~~sessor'- Coll E-,\ctor- shal"1 ~~ave:':\ thf.~ P()~lJE:~r' arId authol'" i ty in discharging ttleir official duties to inspect the par'k's r'e:.:oquir-ed r'f~(Jistel"" 'lJhich shall contain a current record of all residel"ts of the Mobile Home Park and/or Recreational Vehicle/Travel Trailer Park. D. Dutv of Occupants. It shall be the duty Mobile Home Park Vehicle/Travel Trailer 1 i(:ensee, his agent, or of ever'y oc'c:uparlt of a and/or Recreational Park to give the 31Jttlorized eijlployee -9- access to any part of such par-'k at r'easonable times for the purpose of making such r'epairs or alter~atiorlS as ar-e necessar'y to effect cornp 1 i dnce l'j i th the I.k'd i !lance. m:c:rl.ClN IX NCnl.CE5, HEAfHNG~.i AND QI3Df'.H~, A. Notice,s o' Violations; R(~q\llr'eJmi1[l\;3 pfNotice. Whenever' it is deter'mined that ttlere ar'p grouflds to bel ieve that there 1,as been a v~olation of ar-IY pr'ovision of t~lis Or"dinance, the Building Of'icial shall give notice of such a"lle9E'd violat ion to thE:' Dt~Jf'ler', 1 ~C::E~ns:iE!€~~ Of' agent, as hereinafter provided. Such nlJtice ~~l'''la 11 : 1. 8e in writing. 2.~ Inc 1 L1dE~ a staterfl€'~nt of thc\ r-El~:):::iCJnS few' it (s; i SSLJ~"::InC:E=. 3. Allow a f'easorlable time for- the per.formance of ttle act it requires. 4. Be ser-ved upon the owrler-, 1 ieerlsee or' t.is agent; prov~ded that SLJ/:h flotice or order stlall be deemed to have beer. proper'ly served upon such 1 ic:ellsee or agent when a c:()py ther'eof has been serlt by mail to his last known address, or \~hen he has been ser'ved with slJch nDt~c::e by any mettlod authorized or required by the laws o' this StatE'. ~.;'a Contain an out'l ine of r"E'rnE,~dial action; l~Jh ieh if l';al.(en, IlJi'l'l eFfect comp'l j,:3f1Ce ttJi th tt'le provisiof'ls of ttlis Or'dinarlce. 8. Appeal from Denial of Permit or Liceflse. Any persorl affected by tt'le refusal of the Bu i 1 ding Df fie ~ a 1 to i ':;SU~:: a pel"'fl1 i t or 1 i CE~n';:~e, Of" reneUJ a 1 icerlse under" t~le pr'ov~siOflS of ttlis Ordinance as set out in Sections V afld VII herself, may f'equest arld shall be grarlted a hearirlg on the matter before tt'IG City COUflCil of the City of Schertz provided that such d(]gr" i evc-?d I:H:?r"son sha'll f i 1 t,,?, tlJ j th in t(.;n (10) d(,::,ys after' -1:;hE~ clay thp pE.'r'rn i tor' 1 i c:.(-:.\ns:;€~\ \~Ja(:.:i r'eFus,,~d, in the ofFice of the Building Of'icial a writterl petition requesting SLlct\ hear-ing and setting forth a brief statement of tIle grolJnds t~ler-eof" Uporl receipt of such petition, tl"le Building [.JfFicial shall fDr',.,ar.d it to the City Manager' who shall request ttle City Counc:il to set a time afld place for such hearing dfld i3t'\all p"ov i de thE! pet i t i oe,E"'" not ice H'E!r'eof. At ,,;uc:h hearing the petitioner shall be given an oppor-turlity to be heard and ttJ S~\ClW wtlY SLJC:tl refusal should be modified or witl'ldral~n. -10- c. A~J~)€::'d'l flr'Offl Fnf()t"'c:t:,~rnE;nt I'-~ot I C:E:-~ JS',,:,UE'c:l by thE: City of Sct,ertz. (:~1'"lY per"son affE\ct:E'd byar'IY notic:p tAJlhlic:~'\ I", a {'::\ been iss(Jed in conr18ction {ijith t~le enfor'cemeflt of ar'lY pr'clyjsion of this Ordinar'\ce by t~le City of Schertz may reqlJest arId shall be gral'1terj a hf::'.::'~r' i n~J Ofl thE' mattf.~r bF'fDr'E~ thE~ C j ty Luurle: i"j of Schertz provided that such person shall fl18 wjthirl terl (1()) days after ttle day t~le nrJtice (1.).<::),::;; ~::i.('2t"'vc~d ifl the offic:i? ()f the Buill,::linq Clfficial a wv,.jtterl petitior! y'equecitirlQ SlJctl hearing and setting forth a brief statement of thEl qr.ound<:::. thef'E'.;.of. ThE' f Ii i n~~ of; tl"IP r'('qup-:;;'t for a he~ring shal I \Jperate as a stay ()f the notice and a stay of tMe susperlsiofl (If tt'le operator's 1 ~cense, ex(:e~Jt In tl'le ca~ie of all oy'.der' isslJed L!rlder Sectiorl IX~ Paragraph ~ of th I S Or'(1 i nance. Llf)()11 t:j"'ll.~ r-'f:~C:t~ i p t of '.;;uch pf:.\titiof'l, tt'l€':'\ [:ui'iding CJffic::ii:"I'l s;;hal'i {'Dr'lJ.Jar'd slJc:h petition to tt,e City Mdllager 1~110 shall 1"'F'qUf?~::it thE:' City Coune: i'l to ~->t:~t a timE' and place for SlJch hearing and shal'i give the ~Ietitiorler written notice ther"eof. At such hearing ~t'e petitioner st'lall be givGn dll oFJpor'tunity to be heard arld to 51-lOW why SUC~1 notice should be modified or witt,dra\ijn. D. Appeal ~lear'jr\qs. Any appeal hearings thir.t:/ (30) day'" wr.itten reqlJ8st for- tl"1 2"1 I I cl-f~ '::':1 ~~ha 11 -~jf t c? r. a h E~t) :.... occur. nu "I a ter tiE, ";utJrn i t ta 1 Ini]. E. I~earino Dreier. After' SUC~1 hear'ing, tt,e Building Clfficial shall ISSlJe an o~'der in writing sustairling, ffi(Jdifying CH" V.l i thdr.atJ,J j rig the r.Ed~us(:3'1 or. nDt. I CE) of violation, l~hjch order shall be ser'ved as pr'ov i cled in See t; i on I X, (.\ '<:j, rler'eu.f. UpOfl 1~a i lur'e to cornp 1 y I.\.J I th df1 or.df?f- by th(';~ C j ty 0 'F Sc::t'ler.tz slJstaining or. mc)(jifyjrlg a cjec~sion ther'of, the Certificate of OCC~Jpallcy alld the 1 i cen~;f.~ 0.1; thE~ pi:)r-k a-f:ff:::cted by t:l'li? or-,tl€~r' shall be r'~::,'v(Jk(:~\d ~ F Or-del" W~thOLJt NCJti(~e. W~lef'lever' t~le BUilding OffIcial firlds ttlat ar', emergency exists which r'8(lIJir'es immediate ac t i or', tu P 1". 0 i:; ('::'c.: t: tl-"'le pub 1 i C hE'~;,;,i 'I th ()r s,:}f€.:.,ty, the Buildiflg Offic~al may, with the C~Jj'l~iel"lt uf thf~ City /Vlanager', IJ.Jithuut notiCE,' 01'" heaf"jng, i ~::~SU(-'? an or.di!2r' S -Cd t i j'ig tl"l~? t;;">:: i st(?I.)c'C:' of ~:;uch an Pfiif:~r'gi/:~'I""rc:y d'-rel r'E'qu i r. i ng that i~C:t j on be tal,,;pl"1 E.i'::; 1'18 may deem ne(::essary to meet tl'le emergency. -11- "Eer I IJN Notwithstarlding arlyother' proYisioflS of this Or'd i nance, -::s.uch or"I,:h?F' sha 11 I:H? fo?f fl:~C t i V(~~ irornt::.diatt:::ly. Any pt::.1r'son to l.L.lhofi'l sllch an ol"'deF'- is directed shall comply immediately, but upon written petition to the City a. Schertz shall be afforded a hearing as soon as possible. The pr'QV~SiOrls of SectiOf\ IX, Par'agrarlt'l D of the IJrdinance shall be appl icable to such hearing arId ttle order' issl.led ttlereafter'. X 110B IL.E HOMES ON I NO I V I DUAL L.OTS A. Motlile tlomes may be lClcated Ofl indiyidlJsl lots within the City provided that they meet both the appl icable r'eqLJiremerlts of tt'le Ze1fling Ordinance 0' Schertz and of this Ordinance. E', ':'. A p,,'r'ro it l.Indpr' t:h i s O",'d i nance p'laC:f.~roerlt of a lot. the pr'ovisiof'jS of Sec::tiofl IV of shall be obtained prior to the mobile home (In an irldividual Cot No pf:;'~I"'~j.ori ~)hall par"k 01'-' DCCUpy ar',y mobil p hUl'ilf::~ outside an approved Mobile ~iome Par'k or MrJbile Home Subdivisiorl. ~:;ECT I IJN XI MIJBILE HIJME PARKS A. Plat Plan. A plat plan shall be Section VII, Paragraph 8 a scale of 111 - :1.00 .pef,~t: '0'1 1 (JI') i nl): 1. .. 'f't'iE-:'! ar'eii,) and d i mf.'~ns ions of lal'ld, with identification of boundar- j e'!:7,. ThE? nurnbf.-?r', 'Iocatio!"'l, mobile home spaces. l'~\e loc:atior'\, widtt'l, C:lr'ld spec ificatiorls of driveways, roadways, dlld walkways. The locatiof\ arid spec:ifications of water' and sewer 1 ines dlld riser pipes. Thp locaticm and dptails 0' electrical and gas systems. The loc::atiof\ and specificatior\~5 of all build~llgS constructed or to be COllstrl.Jcted IlJ i th in the p€~r'k. E>:: ~ st i ng and pr'()pD~:;F.::.ld tOl::Joqr'aphy of thE:~ Mobile Home Park. ThE~ lClcat ion Cl.r- f ir'E~ rn21 ins, ir'lc'\ucl inf] ::,j ze, the hydrallts, Al'ld any ottler equipm2rlt \~I,icl, may be providpd. Shall stlOW drainage plans and facil ities. filed as r.e(~lljr'ed by of this Ordindllce, at and shall stlOW ttle the tr'ac t of location dnd "0 1.:." ~ and s i zr,! of: cdl ::I. 4. I::: ,..1 ~ iC;jhtino, 6. 7. 8. C'I I. -12- 10. Such ott~er' information as nlunicipal reviewing officials may reasonably reqlJire~ 1:1.. A pr'intof theplatcw lot plan shall be sent by the Building Official to the City [)E;!par" tmE~fi ts dp~j i gna tf?d by tht'-? City Mana(]E';;lr. dl'ld approval obtained Fr'om them prior to ttle issuarlce of a permit. 12. Regulatol~'Y 100 year Floodway elevatiolls and l-:)()undc:l!'" i e~~ of f 1 Dele! pr"orlEI al....e~:~s)'1 i nc 1 ud i ng ar'Pd sub j(::;Ic: t to i nI..Hld~'3 t i on by the 100 Yi-?,3t"" flood, surface elevation of the 100 year flood at inter'vals of ever'y Five 11U!lIJrs\j (~.;.:;OO) 1 i ne~] 1 fE\E\t b.r;:lf:;ed on ar. erl~.:J i nPE~r' i ng SIJrvey t~king into cOllsideration the full developmerlt of the water'shed. If no portion of any mobile home space on the plat is l.);thin thE' special flood hazards zone, then such must be stated on plat p 1 ar,. 13. A statement shall be on ttle plat plarl identifying any property located I~ithin ar.eas as iderltified by Randolpt'l Air F'or"ce E:~i.lse, Ti:?>::as Air' Installation C<:Jfnpatiblt:?' USf':! ZDnE'~ (AI CUZ ) a~::; bf.-:'~ i ng in an ace: i den t potential zone andlor noise zone~ B. Site ReoLJirements. ArlY Mobile Home Park constr'uc:ted after tt,e adoption of this Ordinaflc2, and any extension or addition to any existing Mc~ilp H~me Park in the City, shall be done in compl ial')c:e with the followirlQ requir'emerlts~ 1. Location. B. A M[)t\~le Home Park shall be loc:ated only on sites t13ving a zoni.lg classification of Mc~ile Home Residential District (MH) as defined in the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Schertz. No dependent mobile homes are to be per'mitted" Mobile ~lome Par'ks located in an area designated fll)od plair. will comply with ttle CljF'F'ent City of Schertz Plood Plan Managemeflt Dr'd j nancE']" b. Dr..ly olanufactured homes classified as mobile tlomes will be permitted in a MDbi'lt~ Horn['~ Par-'k.. Tr.i..~vE.l tr'ailer'si al"ld/or recreational vehicles (R.V.!s) sha 11 not bE~ per-'m i t b.::~r.\ l~J i t:h i n a MobilE:; Horn':? P<3r'p-:. c.~. Basic 1"1DbilE.;I HamEl Minimum SjtE~ riequir'efJl.ent~.._ a. Minimum lot Area. -13- Mobile homes shall have a rnir\imum lot size of 36' ." 100' for each mobile t,ome UI", i t. b~ Space Requiremerlts~ A maximL1m of 8.3 mobile home spaces per" gross acre will be permitted. c~ Operl Space Re(ll1irements. (1) "rIle minimum front yard setback shall be ten (10') feet from the near'est corner of tl',e mobile l"\()me to the front 1 ine of the mobile 1"1()1"118 spa(::~:? (2) No mobile home st'lall be clClselP than tr"!1l (10') fe'2t to any pr'"ope~"ty 1 ine nClr- closer than tl~Jen ty'"""r i V~? (;"?~3') f-el;:2't; to thf? pt'"'Opf.~~f' ty 1 i nE' .2u:J jo i n i n~J a pub 1 i c str"r.:.~~('?t. (3) Fc~ other structures on each space, tt18 minimum setback shall tHe' at least tel'" <J.O') fe<,'t. (4) TIle minimum distal'1ce bett~een mobile homes at ariy point s~'jall be twenty-five (25') feet, provided however- ttlat mClbile homes par"ked end-to"-er1d may have a clearallce of not less than tl~enty (20') feet. d. _Hc~ i gh t P,~qu 1 a t i(1I'1.~",. (1) The height I imitatiolls for any str~Jcture in the Mobile 1~(Jme Park shall be thirty-five (3S') feet. (2) The average height of the mobile tlome frame above ttle gr-cluf'id elevation, meas.jred at 90 degrees to th€:-: fr'i:":lrflt:,;:" she:lll not E-\::-::C:E\C:'d thr'E~e (3') fS('2t. 8. Soil and Gr'ound Cover~ Exposed ground surfaces in all par'ts of ever"y Mobile Home Park st1al1 be paved, covered with stone screening or other sol id material, or protected with a vegetative growth that is capable of pr'ever1ting soil er"osion and of el irninating dust. f. lJl'.a in.0.~ l'he ground SIJf"race in all parts of a park shall be graded and equipped to di'"'ain all suy.fac€;,l \lJater'" in a s:;.,,":'lfe, efficient marlner. g. Design and Location of ,:;tc~.a.9~"' Facil iti(~s. Btclt""c:H.J€-~ fac i it i €-?'!::i \lJ i th ami n i mum capac i ty of tJ'JO Ilundr-c?d (;~OO) cub i c feet arId a ~laximum of five hur1dr"ed -14- [' (500) cI.lbic feet peY' mobile home space may be provided (In the mobile l"lOme space, Ol~' in compourlds loc:ateej withirl one hundred (100') feet o' each space. W~leY'e pr-ovided, stor-age facil ities shall be deslgfled in a marlfler that \~jll enhance tl'le appearanc:e of t~le pal~k and 51'lal1 be fa(:ed with masol'lry, p(]rcela~nized steel, baked erlamel steel or- oth(.?r- IYlater.jal f~(lUal in fir'!',;? F'E~S i-stancE;', clut"'ab i 1 i ty a!'"'lcl appe{::lr"anc:e. Storage outside tl'le perimeter \~al1s of the mobile home s~'al1 be per'mitted only j n such fac i 1 it i e'5. h. Mobile Home Stands. - ill(~'aree~ 'oT"the' "-"roob i 1 f.:"' hOI'OEI stand 01'-' space shall pr'ovide adeql,jate S\Jp~Jort and drainage for placement of the fnCJb i 1 e home" Acc:~:ss and TI'-'affic Cir'c:ul~_il(jQ.t.._fi_E:lr-ls.Jng" 1. Inb-?f"'nal -::,;tr.(.~i?t;s, no"'.p.:3r'kirlQ ar.E::od signs, and street narne sigr'ls s11all be pr'ivately OllJnE'!'d, buil.t, '-3 rid rnaintain~?d~ Str'p(2t,:; stlall be designec1 for' safe arId cCJnverlier',t access to all spaces and to Facil ities For cammor) use of par'k y.esiderlts" lr\terrlal streets shall be kept open and free of obstructiorl if I order ttlat pol ice and fire vehicles may have access to any area of the Mobile Home Park. The Pol ice Department sha'll be au thoro i z(.:~d to i ~::tSU{2 C ita t i ()IY3 rOlr. ttle violation of tt,e prelvisions her'sirl and to remove and impolJnd ofFending vehicles. Or\ all sectiorls of inter'f'lal streets on t~Jh i ch par'k i ng i ~:; pr'oh i b i tE.(j undt-?r' th i ~:3- Ordinanc'e, the owner. or. ageflt shall erect lneta1 Sigl1S prohibiting parking. The sign type, size, heig~lt and location stlall be approved by the City Traffic Engineer prior to installation. Al'l intE!y'nal str'f:~t~:ts shall b(.;. cC)l"I~~tr'uctE!c.1 to ~;pt.~c i .p i Cd t ions (.:'!'sl:,,:,IJ 1 i shpd by .the? Sct'ley.tz Subdivisior'\ Or'dinance and st'lall be maintained by the o\~r)er or agent fr"ce of any crack~;, holes, ar'~d ottler" ha2ar"ds~ Inter'n<.:11 st:r.~:.?(~t~3 sha 11 be (j(:-::s i grH~~d by .:3 1 i cerll::".ecl pr'ofp.:::,-:::; i onal E~rli;J i l""IE'F!f' in accordallce with good Brlgineerillg (jesiglls and shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to iSSlJanc:e of an Occ1Jpancy Per"mit 'Dr' tl"'e par'k. ':> 4.... :1.. -15- 4. In ter'na 1 Str-E\f.':~t D i mens i_Dn~~__..~_n_(~LJ~ar""ki rig ,,_ <3. An jntt~r'f"'1al stl"'~':;:'f~t CH""' common <:;lCI:(,",~:;;s route shall be provided to each mobile home space. Such street shall have a ,,,il"lirnum I"idth of thir.ty (30') feC"t arId off-street parkirlg shall be in r"atio of two (2) par"king spaces felY' eact'l motlile home sfJace. On-street par"king st,al 1 be per"mitted Oft only Ot"l8 side of the street. Each parking space \~ill IJ8 ~ minimum of eight feet by eigt'lteerl feet (8' >': 1.8'). The intt:."'l'"-na"l s:;.tr'eet~:> sli~;I"ll bE~ continlJOUS and connect with other irlter"nal str""f'ts or. l,)ith publ ie. streets, or shall be pr"ovided \~ith a clJl-de-"sac having a minimum diarneter of njnety~'''Five (95') f(.~\~t. No jnt(~~I'""na"1 1.::.,tr'ef.~~1.; €':~nc:1 j ng i t'l i:l eLl l-"c:lp."S~~:IC ~:;hi:;l'11 e>;:c(":~(~?d five l"lUndr-.t~d (~SOO') fpet in l,ength. b. If no off-"street par'kirlg is provided in a ratio of no less ttlan two (2) spaces for' f.'::'dch mobilE' horne site, the roiniffH.Hfl c;tr.,.""t ,.,idth sha'll be thir.ty-si:~ (;:36') feet~ All ott'ler reqlJjr"emer\ts r"emain the same as in the prf'ceeding paragraph I.' i th till" f!:'{C',pt i CHI that par'k i ng I" ill beo' permitted on both sides of tl'le street. 5" Each par'king space stiall be har'd.'.slJr"faced with all-weather material, afld lCleated to el iminate inter.fererlce with access to parking areas provi(jed for ottler ffi(Jbile homes and for publ ie. parking in the park. 6. Interflal streets shall permit unobstr"\"jcted access to \~ithin at least orle hllndr"ed (100') fE~et ()f any pOf.tion of i~~".3Ch i'(\obil,::~ hDfflE~" '7. Within eae.h mc~ile home park, all streets ~;ha 1 '\ be narni2d, dnd mobile 1'1(Jrnc~s nurn1:H:~r'(~c:l tC) c:c)nform wittl block nllmtler's 01'1 adjacerlt publ ic str'(:~ets. All str.(~(-?t ndme signs and hOLJSE~ nlJmber"s shall be of reflective rnatf:?r' j,::Jl. rh(~~5(? str't-:0t?'t sjfdns shall be of .:":~ cellar" and size COfltrasting with ttlose Ofl plJbl ic streets so that tl1sre is no confusion r-egarding whictl ar"e publ ie streets. 'fl'18se Sigl'lS ~nd numbers stlall be starldard size and placemerlt. Number"s on the mobile home shal I be readi ly visible f,r'orn th€-? str'pE-it, 8. lnter'ior str'eets s,ha1'l intf;r"soE!ct acljClining p'...Ibl ic sotr'(~(21;s at appr'o>,:imat(~ly ninety ("10) degrees and at locations W~,ictl l~jl1 -16- el i rn i nate Dr- rn i n i rn i ze i nter-fer'erlcP tt} i th traffic on these publ ie streets. 9. W,,'I ks. B" All mobile hO~te sites and parks s~lall be provided with safe, convenient, all- seaSOfl peejestrian access of adeqlJate IlJidth for- jnb.?ndt~d use, dur-<'::tbl(~ and c:clnverlient tel maintain~ between individual mobi l(~ l"'lorni':',~s, thi? par'l{ ::;tr"PE:,~ts and .r.:l'll COriHOLlrl i ty fac:: i '1 it j e~::. provided for jJark resj(jents. Sudden c:l"l,'::\ngf.~~:; in al ignroent and gr.ad lent sl"lal'l be avo i dl:::~ij. b. A common walk system shall tle pr'ovided dnd maintained betlijeen locations I~here pedestriarl tr'affic is concef'ltr'sted. Such COffiloon walks have a minimlJm I~i(jth of 'our' (4.') feet. c. All mobile honle starlds stlal1 be COllj',ected t(J r:ommon I~alks, to p~ve(j str'eets or. to paved driveways or. parking spaces connecting to a paved lC::;tr'f.:-\(,:.:,:,t. SLICh individual ltJC:l'lks.} -C:::.!-'!all have a roiniroum ltJidt:h of t::hl....(.~\e (:3') fp(~t. D. Street Liahtina, f::~tr'f.~E:\t 1 i ght i ng ltJ j th i n thE~ Mobil F.! I--h::HIlE~ Par'k shall be provided along all intern"l streets. btr'e,,~'t 1 i ,Ihts I') i 1'1 bE' i Il=;ta 11 (;,;d in ac:c::cw'dance l~ith t~le City of Sctlsrtz SlJbdivision l]rdinaflce. E. MClbile Home Star'lds. The ar.ea of the mobile home stand st'jall be inlproved to provide an adequate foundation f(Jr t~le plac'ement and tie-"down of tt'18 mobile home, thereby securillg the SIJperstr'lJctlJre agajnst uplift, 51 iding, r'otation, and OVE'I,..tur'nlng. a. fl",!f2 rnnbi le hOrtH.-=? sl;ar1d s!'lall not hf:~avi:?, shift, or settle lJnevenly under the l~eigl'lt of the mobile 110me due to fr'ost action, inac:lequat€-7' dl....aine:H]e, vibr'aticm~ or otl,er farces acting (]n the F:itlpf;~r'str'uc: tur't::"_ b. The mobile hume stand shall be provided \~ith a minimum of six arlctl\Jr'S and tje- dowrls such as cast-'irl c:c:lncr'ete II df~,~3drnl:'?n II (..?yc-: 1 i=ts i mbf.~ddj.:~d in tl1(,,? cClrlcr'ete foundation Ofl r'urlways, screw anchors, arrowhead anctlors, or. other devices sec:ur.jrlg the stabil ity of the mobile home. Anchors and tie-downs shall bE' plac::ecl at l&:~ast in the, c::pntE,r and at each corner of the mobile Ilome -17- starld and each shall be able to sLJstain d minimum Lel'lsile strel1gth (3F 6,500 pClunc:l-:;i. c. Where the provisions o' the State of "exas Mobile Home tie-down starldards impose greater restrictions the pr'ovision of State starlday'ds shall pr'ceva i 1 . F. Fire Safety Standards. 1. Storaqe arld Handl irlo of L.icuefied Petroleum G(::i<:::.\'::~S. In par'k,:::. in llJh i ch 1 i quef i ~~c1 pEcltr'Dl f.~urn ~:JaSE\~i are star'ed and dispensed, tlleir handl ing ar'ld star'age shall c:omply witt'l reqlJiremer'lts of the app 1 i cClb 1 e codoc's of the City gover"f'ling SUctl systems arid regLJlations of ttle Texas Railroad Commission pertaining ther'E.\to. ;:.>. StoraCle and Handllnq Df Flammable. Liquids. In parks in which gasol ine, fuel oil, or ottIE\r' f -I arnrnab 1 E~ 1 i qu ids ar'E' ~;tnl"-E:\d and/or- dispensed, their handl ing shall comply with the City Fire Prevention Code. 3. Access to Mobile Homes 'or Fire Fiqhtinq. Approactles to all mc,bile homes shall be kept clear for fire fighting. 4. Fir's FlqhtincJ In~;tr:blc:j;lDn. The Mobile Home Park owner or agent shall be r'esponsible far the instr-uction of his staff in the use of tl'le par'k 'f:ir--(':~ protec:tiorl eqlJipmel'lt arld irl their specific duties in the event o' fire. 5.. Wi::itl'-"r- Stlppl y Far:: i'l it i ef::> for" F I r'e [)~~"f..I-9_r::_.tJJ!.(:;.\Jlt~ Op ('2r' ,'::\ t i ~]n s.. Water supply facil ities for Fire Department OperatioflS shall be cOflnected to tt'IS City water supply.. If a pr'ivate supply is utili~'::ed for- s(er'vice to the par'k, ti""'ll,'::> pr~ivate supply must be adeqlJate bott\ for domestic requir'ements establ ished by tl'18 C:ity and mlAst tlBve the approval of ttle City EngiJleer. 'The adequacy of tIle water SIJpply for' fir'E! fiql'"ltin(J r-equir-ernF..:"f'lts s;l'lal'l b€~~ determined by the Fire Chief. If the <<lobile hClme O~Jner arld ager'lt util ize a private luater supply, it s11all have sufficient volume af,d pr'essur-e that ttle City luater supply will not be r'aquired for 'ir',,' ficJhting. The park owner shall provide standard City o' Schertz hydrants located within five hundred (500') feet of all mDbile hDme spaces, measured alollg the driveluays or -18- str'eets. Fire hydr'ants will be sLlbJect to IJeric]dic iflspec:tion by tIle City Fire Depar.tmerlt. It shall be the respof'ISibil ity of the park 1 icensee to immediately notify tt,e City of Sct'ler.tz F'ir'p [)epartment of arlY fire hydral"ts in need of repair. 6~ ThE' Mobil f:, Horne Pf.'H".k 1 i cf.~ns€.:.~€':'.\ Of' aq(,;:'~flt shall provide an ~dequate system of c(::illection arld safe disposal of ~'ubbi5h, dppl"'OV~7~d by thEI F i r"= Ch i ef .;:lr...d thf'2 City I-IE.., 1 th Of f i c.",'. 7. The Mobile Home Park I icensee or agent shall IJe responsible for maintainiflg ttle f::.~rltir'f? Bl',.ea D{~ t 1"1 E' pal....k fr'E~f:) clf unsicJhtly or \Jnsafe Ijry IJr'~,jsh, leaves and \"S8IjS. C., :1 ~ Potable Water Supply. 1. An accessible, ~dequate, safe and potable supply of \~Jatf!!r' shall bl-? pr'ovid(~d in l-:':'~dCh I'-h::lb i 1 (':? HOrnf~) Par'k~ COnrl€.;:.ct iCH"1 sha'll bE? rni::\cI€o? to t:i'1C? pub 1 i c supp 1 y of \lj~3 t:(7.'j'-'. Wl....lan thp City water- system is not readily available, t118 1..1 t i 1 i ",:~a '1.:; ion ()f ,:-::lnothc~r' dppr'oVI?cl \lJ.::~ '(;l-?;'-' system wjl1 be deter'minejJ t~y the City Water/Waste Water SIJflerintendel'lt. Water Distributiorl System~ A. The water system of the Melbile Home Par'k shall be corlrlected by pipes to all mobile llomes, buildings, and other racil itip~:; r'E'~quir'ing l~JatF~r'. All \~Jatf.?r' pipifl\], fi>::tI..Jr'l~:~s, dnd equipment shall be cunstructed maintained ill acctJrdance with State C:lty regulations arid reqLJirements. Individual water riser pipes ar'ld CC,lf'lr-lectiorIS s~lall be in accor'dance ~,ltt', reql.jir'ements of tt18 appl icable pr"ovisiorls of tt'le Sc:her'.tz Plurnbing Cod(~. "0 l..... b. otl'j(-2T and and c~ H. J~ecr'('?,:3 t i on t'~r'(~d.. 1. Irl all Mobile Ho",e Parks accommodating or. designed to acc:ommodate twenty (Jr nlore nlotJile ~lomes, ther's shall be at least Of Ie (1) r'f2Cr'f.-?{3 t i CHl ar'(.?..3 \lJh i ch ':;1'1 a 11 b(? eas i 1 y ac~cessible to all par'k r'sslder'\ts. Size of Recreation Area. Not less tt.aj"\ five (5%) per'cerlt of the gross site area of tile Mobile Home fJark shall be devcJted tel r'ecreatiorlal facil ities, generally provided in a cel'ltral location. In lar'ge.' p,H'k~", this roay be d(-:-?c{?r1 tr.,~'1 i ,:::f;:jd. ":;) '.,~ ~ -19- Fh?cr'e~3 t i on ar'e~::l.c.::; i nc 1 urJp ~;p.r.:IC::E~ for- CCHiHflun j ty bu i "j d j ng~:; and corMflf1 i t:y IJ~.H? ft":lC i 1 it i E"~; ;:,uc:h ~~~:; adul t r"'F:c::r-€.?;d~ i nn arHJ child play areas, swimming pools, and cll"'ying yc:l\'"ds, but not including VE.~hiclE\ par'k i 1"19 ar'(;~as. 3. PlaygrolJfld Location. WhE:":"~n p 1 aygr'Dnd Sp,;.1CE! is; pr"ov i cjf2d, i t ::~ha 11 be so designated al'ld sl'lall be pr(Jtected fy'om traffic, thoroughfare, arld parking areas. SIJch space shall be maintained in a sanitary cc.nditic!fl and free of safety haz<Jr"ds. L Se\lJaqe D i spoS';a 1 _'I'. From and after the effective date of the Ordinance, the Following shall apply: 1. General Reauir"eNlerlt*A Arl adequate and safe sewerage system shall be provided in all Mobile Home Parks For cc)rlveyirlg arId disposing of all sewage. Ttle sewer system for a Mobile I~ome Park shall bE~ con~~tr"uc tec\ in acccw.danc(7! 11) i th thE'~ Schertz Plumbiflg CiJde. All propcJsed s81~age disposal facil ities stla1l be approved t.y the City Healtb Officer prior to cC:lrlstruction. Effluents fr'Dnl sewage tr'eatm(~nt 'acilitiE'?s st1all nDt be, disct'larged into arlY water"s of ttle State except \~ith prior approval of tl'18 C~ty Healt~l Officer arId ttle Texas Depar'tmer'lt of Water Resourl:es. SelA}E~r' L. i nE~-=:.. All se~!er" 1 irles shall be shall be of materials ijl the Scher'tz Plunlbing Code. IndividlJa1 8e\~er CUI'll'lection. a. Each rflClbi1p horne star"ld ~;hall bE~ iJr"ovid,,<d I'Jith at lc,ast FDur (4") inch diameter sewer" riser' pipe. The se~'er- riser pipe shall be so located fln eacl', stand that the sewer" c:or'lrlectiorl tCI the mobile home drain outlet will arlpr'oximate a vertical positiorl. The sewer connection to the mobile horfll~ fronl the sewer" r'iser pipe and arty ottler ':';C?l11c:?r' c::ol")nc~c t ions sha 11 be il"l accor"dar-Ic:e witt, ttle reqlJir-emer\ts of the Schertz Plunlbinq Code. "II mat:el"ials used few connections shall be in accordan(::e witl'l the Schertz Plumbing Code. Provision shall be made For plugging ttl8 sewer" r"iser" pipe in accordance wittl "'~l '-... c:onstr"uc:ted and ,;'jcC()r"di3nc~:? \1.) j t:i--"1 :3. b. c. SE"\ll,lE~r" d. -20- ,J. f\. healtt'\ r'eglJlations when riD mobile home occupies ttle space. Surface drairlage st'lall be diver"ted a~'ay fr'om the r.jser". All se\~~r conrlection fees to be paid pI"- j Dr- to c::onnE'C t; j on of heHoE' to Sf.;.~\l.IE\I'" syst(:,rn. 4. Septic Tar'lks. Septic tanks may be used within the City L i rn i ts \IJht':~n ~'::ln of.~~an i ~.~}.:~\c:1 se\lJ(~?r-'21\)~:-? collection system is not available. If soi 1 conditioflS per'ffiit dfld other fd(:tors are favor~able to t~le use of septic tanks, the stdndar'ds c:-stdbl i SI'1(~d by t:1')(,~ r(':-?>::d'-~~ Department of Health, Article 44'77-1 (bl of the Verncm's Texas Civil Statute will pl"'eva i 1. !Juts i de of thE' City L. i m it,,;, within the City's Extrater-ritorial Jl,lrisdiction the stanc1ar'ds estat\l istled by the fexas Department o' Health, Article '1A'I7'"'1 (b) of VE,r'non's 'fE':'<"":'" Civil Statutes, and the Rules of GuadallJpe CClun ty, Te::<~~,::~ fOf' pI'" i va tE~ SE:~VJ;;:i~:jE'::' f~:lC: i 1 it i E~::;; IlJ i '11 pr'f.~va i 1 , df1d th(? r.u 1 f~~; of tl'li~;:. appropriate county. Electrical and Telephone Distribution SYstej~s._ Fr'orr, and aftE'r' thE; ef'fpc::tlv,,, datE' of this-> Ordinance, the following ahal I apply: 1. All E'lpctrical wiring in thp M~Jilp Home Park shall be underground, and otl"er'l~ise installed in accordance with ttl0 Sctler'tz E1E~ctr'ical Code. All t;{21pphont? lin(:~'::; in the Mobile Home Park shall be installed under"qr"()IJnd ~ Geller-al Reauiremerlts. Ever'y par'k shall corltain arl electrical t~irjr'g system consistil'lg of \~iring, fixtur'es, equipnlent and appl~r.tenances wt.ich shall b(~ in<::.tal1(~d and maintairH:.?d in acc()v.darlc:e witt, appl icable codes arld r'egulations for SIJch systelfis. Power Distr"ibution LirlPs5, lrldividual E 1 ec t/'". i c .::~ 1 COf1n~:?c t ions and Gr"ouf1(j i n.9.-!... PnllJE~r" distr'ibution linE\~j. shall bE\ lDc:at€.~d IJnderground. Otherwj~;e all po\~er' (j i str' i but i or-I 1 i ne;~i, i nd j V i clual pl ec::tr' i c:al connections and grourldillg of tt18 mobile homes and eqljjpmerit s~\all comply with ttle Schertz j~lectrical l:ode. '~) t._. 3. Cornrnun i tv f3E~r'v i ce Fac~iJjJ:;LFt.~~ 1. G,=nc.,r'al. The requirements apply to service a. this section shall buildings, recreation -21- buildings, and other" cOMlflurlity set'vice fac i 1 j t i (,:~s ~:;uch ;;15: a. Management offices, repair shops and S1;Of'.3I.:.:Je ar't-'?/:"i1s; b. SarI i taf'Y '~ac i 1 it i e!;,~; c. Laundry Facil iti0S; cl" Ir1dnor 1""E.'cr"E,<:.:)t ion ar'E'as; f:ir'ld e. Comrnercial uses s'Jpplying essential goods or. seryice~ for the berlefit and conveniet'1Ce of park occupants. 2. Structur'al ReqlJiremerlts for Buildinos. a. All portions of the structure shall be properly pr'otectecj from damage by ordinary uses and by decay, corrosion, ter'mites, arId other' destructive elements. Exterior porti(Jl1S shall be of SlJct'l material~i ar'ld be so c(~\r\~itructed arld protected as to prevent entrance or- perletration of moistlJre arId weather', and to comply with all eppl icable Codes of the City of Schertz. b. All rooms C(Jt'ltaining sanitary or 1 aundry fac i '1 it i es;; sha '11 : (1) Have sound resistallt walls exter'lding to the ceil ing between male and female sanitar'y i::i::lC j.1 it j e~;:~" ~Jal 'Is and p~':Jr.t t t j oriS around showers, bathtl,Jbs, lavator'ies, and ottler' plumbirlg 'ixtures shall be constructed of derise, nor"l-'absor'bant, water'pr'oof materials or covered with moisturl3 f.esistant materials" (2) Have at least one \~indow or ",kylight facing dir'E>ctlyto the outdoors. fhe minimlJm aggregate glr'OSSi ar'ea of windows for eac~1 required room shall not be less than t~""1 (10'/,) per'cent of H,E' floor ~rea served by them. (3) Have at least one windrn. which can be opened easily, or have a mechanical device whictl will adequately ventilate the rc)om. c. Toilets stlsll be located irl separ'ate compartnlents e(luipped with self-closing doors. Shclwer" stalls stlal1 be of t~le individual type. rile r.ooms shall b'" sc'reef'led to prevent direct view of ttle interior \ijhen tt18 exter~or doors are ()PE~f1 ~ d. I'Ilumination 'Ieve'is shall be maintained ,3S fol] Ol-)S: -22- L. (1) Ganer'al seeing tasks five (5) rootcand 1 €~S; (2) Laundry room work area - forty (40) footcandles; and (3) To i 1 et r'om..., in fl"Cmt of m i r'r.or.s - forty (40) fnrJtcandles. eu Hot arld cold water shall be fur'oished in E-?Vf.:2-I'"'Y 1 ,':?lVd'Gor'y, sink, bathtub, shower, and lalJndr'y fixtur'e; arid c()ld I~ater shall be Furnished to every \~ater closet and urinal. F. Service buildings shall be maintained at a cCJmfov.,table temper'atur'e by heating equipment permitted by City r"eglJlations, between October 1st and 11ay 1st. g" Bar'beque Pits, Fireplaces~ StC)VCSq and _I nc: i ner.a tor'_~5. Cooking shelters, bar'beque pits, fireplaces and wood'-burning stcJves shall bE' 'lclCated, constr'uc:tE.d, and maintained, and used as to minimize fir's hazar'ds arld smoke nuisarlce both Ofl !;1'1e pr'opler' ty on \lJh i eh u':~;l:~d dnd on neighboring prc~erty. No open fire shall be permitted ex(:ept in facil itie/3 provided. No open fire shall be left unattended. No fuel shall be lJsed dl',d rlO mater'ial bur'ned wtlich emits derlse smoke or (Jbject~Oj'lable odors. Re'use and Garbaoe Handl inc. 1. rhe stor'age, col1pction and di':;po~::;,'31 of r'efuse in t~le Mobile ~lome Par'k shall be so conducted as to create no health hazards, r'oder,t har'borage, or. air' pollution. Cine CII". bOoth of the syst(~ms d(~scr' i bl.~~d j n tl'H:o? followirlg par'agraptls (2) or- (3) s~hall be used in every park. If re'use is gathered at the individual sit"ls, it shall be stor'(~d in flytiqht, watertigtlt, roderlt-'proof COfltairlers, and shall be located at each mobile home site. COfltainers for- this u~;e stlall be pr-clvided in sufFicient number and capacity to store properly all refuse. Cerltr'ally--located refuse carltainers having a capacity of three cubic yards or larqer m,,'lY be pr"ov i dE'c1. If pr'ov i dpcl, s'I..JCh containers shall lJe so designed as to pr'event sp~llage, container deter'ioration, and to facil itate cleaning armJnd them. 'fhE=" 1 icen:;eE\ or' aCJer"lt shall inslIl'"'e that ('efUSi= container-s IlJithin th\? t10bile HD I'll c-::- r;) r..... :01. 4. -23- Park ar.e emptied at least t~Jicp a week and ma i 1"1 ta i ned j n a usab 1 f? ',:san j taF'Y (:c\i"1d i t i (0.<11. t1. Insect and Rodent Control. GrOlJf1ds, buildirlgs~ and struct!Jres shall be mairltained flP'eo of insects and r'oderlt har'bor.age ,.'3nd inf(?station. E>::tE2j""'lflination rn(~th(Jd'::; and C) "t1'IElf' rn[~.::1s:,Ur'e~~ to con tr.o 1 i nsec t~; and r'odE:.1nts stlall conForm I~ih the requirements of the t:ity Health Official. 1. Mobile ~1ome Par-'ks shall be maintained fr'ee of accumulation o' debris which may provide f'oder\t hay'borage or. breeding places for' fl ies, mO'3qljibJ(~s, and otl'u-?r' pf~stS. The growtt'l of br'ush, weeds and gr'ass st\all be controlled to prevent harborage of noxious insec:ts and ott'ler' pests. Mobile Home Parks shall be so maintained d'; to py'event the growth of noxious weec1s detrimental to health. Open areas shall be maintained fr'ee of heavy urldergrotijtt'l e)f aflY dC~~'3cr' i pt i on. '~) t... N" FUf.:> 'I Supr,d y and S'tOI"'acIE:._ From and a.ter the e'fective date o' this Ordinance, the following shall apply: 1. Natural Gas System. a~ Natural gas pipirlg systems shall be installed underground and mail'ltained in i:lcc::or'dancp \tJ i th c1pp'l i cab 1 e COdE::'':::; and regulations governirlg such systems. b. Eactl ~lobile home space provided wit~\ piped gas shall have a cap on the outlet wher1 not in use to pr"ever'lt accidental discharge of gas, dfld stlal 1 be in accclF.dance with the Schertz Plumbing Code. 2~ L.iquef-ipd PE1tr'o'leurn Oi::lS Sy'S"~t('\ln. a. Lique'ied Petroleum Gas Systems shall bf.~ instal'led only if an availab'IE' natural gas system is more than one UI<:JlE'"mcl (1,000') feE'\; fr'om the Mobile l'~ornt.~ Par'k" 1"1"'1(2 1 iquefii~d p(:::-tr'ol(2uro ga~:; syst€~rn~, ='~hall bf~ maintain€.;\d in dc:cordance with appl icable codes of the City gover'fling suctl systen\~i ar~d regulatiollS of the Texas Railroad COfOHl i ~:><::~ i on pf.~r.ta i n i n~J hElr'etC). o. Protection of Natural Features. All clue regard will be shown for the protection of natural features such as large trees, water C(~lur'ses, 5cerlic points, historical spots, ar'ld similar community assets \~hjch if preserved, -24- {AJi'Il add attr'i:ic::tivE'ne~:>~;i., stability, to the pr"ope," ty. arid va 11.lE' P. M i ~;c:ell ant:~ous Reql.l i r',E'~r~f~D~i~:~'! 1. Responsibil ities of the Park Manaaement. a. All r'esporlsibil ities set out elsewtler'e in this Ordirlarl(:e. b. ThE~ 1 i Cf.-:.~nSeE~ OF' r'r is agPl'"i t sha 1 -I Drl(-~.'r'a te the park in compl iance with this and D thEIr- (:~pp 1 i cab 1 e [IF.d i nc:inc€-?'S, and sha 11 provide adequate supervision to maintain thE') par'k, it's 'aci 1 itie," and equipmeflt in good repair and in a clean and sarlitar'y cor'rdition. c. l""hi..=? lic(~ns(?e ur' his alJt~nt shall notify par' k occupants of d'I1 app I i cab I", provisions of this Ordinance and infor'm ttlem (If ttleir duties and responsibil ities under the Ordinan,:e. d. ThEI licE;n!::~)eE.'.l CW' aqf:\f'lt shall maintain an lJp-to-date register of park occupancy wtlicl"l s~lall contain the fClllowing infor'fOdt ion: (1) Name and addr'ess of par'k r- 1~.:rS i d {7?f1 t ~5 . (2) Mobile tlome r'egistr'atiorl data, iflcluding mal<e, lel1gth, wiijth, year' of marllJfactur'e and identificatic)n lllJmber and alJtomobile registratiofl data~ (3) License nlJmber and Olijner of each mobile home arid automobile~ (4) Location o' each mobile home \~J i th in thE.! par'k by S:-pf.lC:f:~:' OJ' 1 at llumber and street address. (5) Date of ar-r'ival arld depar.ture. e~ A 11ew register stlall be initiated ()n January 1st of each year', and t~~e old register- be retired but sllall be r'etairled on the pr-eulises for' at least thr'cl(,? (3 ) Y('~dr":3 fo'l 1 OVJ i l"i9 i t I ~:; r'etiremerlt. Registers shall be available Por inspection at all reasoflable times by arl official of ttle City of Scllertz tijhose duties may necessitate access to the infor'matiorl COfltained tl'ler'ein. f. The 1 icensee or. agerlt s~lall furnistl to the Ta:~ Assessor'-Collector for the City of Sct'lertz within ten (10) days after the 'irst day of January oP each year, a 1 ist of all mobile home residents in the park on the Pirst day o' January. Th i s 1 i :~:.t Shd 11 con ta i n thE-~ (){~JnE:I'" I s -25- name and addr'ess; the make, length, width, year of manuFacture arld identi'ication number of the mc~ile home; and the address or location descf"iptior\ of said "lobile home within the fJark. Said 1 ists stlall be prepar'ed using for'rns pr-ovided by the Assessor'- Collector for the City. Within ten (10) days after the first day of July Or E~ach YE~ar', the 1 iCC-"?I"'::lCI(-? ()t"". i"HJf.:'!fl t sha 11 'Pur'r! i ~;h to the City Ta':'" Assessor'-Collector the same data r'eCllJired in t~\e preceding paragr'a~lh Qr\ all residents who have moved irlto t~le park after the first day of January; and "information on mobile hCJmes wh~ch have moved out of the par'k after' the first day of Jalluary incllJdil'1g the foregoing data plus the date orl whict'l each mobile tlolne left the park, and the d€~;~ft t nat i on of thF\ mobile hOrilc~ if th i 5 destjnation can be obtained. 2. He~;f.)on'::;ibilitie~:~ of PaY'.k Occ.upants~__~. a. All responsibil ities set out else\~here in this Ordinance. b. The park occupant shall comply with all requirements of this Ordillance and stlall mairltian his mot!ile home space, it's f;,:\cil iti~:.;,\'::; {jnd equiprnef1t in good r'epair and irl a clean arld sanitar-y cClnd i -c i ()fl. c~ l'he park occupant shall be responsible for proper placement of his mobile tlome ~n it's mClbile home stand, pr'oper" installatiun of all utility connectior\s, ar'\d pY"o~ler'- tie-down of his roob i 1 e l'lome In ac:ccJr-dance ILJ i th thE-? instr'uc:tiorls of tht~~ par-'k rnanagE'HiE-?ntM dg Fire resistaflt skirting with the necessar'y ver-lts, scr.eens and/or openings shall be required on all rnub i 1/::-;:- hDmes; and sha 11 be i nsta 11 eel within thirty (301 days after emplacement of ttle mobile ~\omes. e. Skirting, fJOrches, awnings, and other €clclditiof'ls, \l)hE1l"1 inst.:al'lecl, sha'll bE- md in ta i rl(-2d j n good r'~?pa i,..... n'"H? l.F;:.I:2 (j.p space immediately underrleat~\ a Nlobile home for storage shall be permitte1j only under the following cunditiuns: (1 I I"he stor"a'.~e al""',~a slla 11 !lav," d bd""~ of impervious material. (;,,1 ~Jtor'(?d it'elllS 'shall not int&!rr,~r'e with the under'neatt\ inspectior'l of the mClbile hOfO(-? -26- (3) The star.age ar-ea shall be er'lclosed by skir.ting.. G. Convertinq a Mobile Home Park to a Subdivision. A Mobile Home Park may be converted to a Mobile Home Subdivjs~on pr'ovided it is r'erllatted BI'ld all conditiIJ!'1S pertaining to Mobile Home Subdivision ar'e met.. "'FcrION XI I COI'1f'1 lANCE REnL.lIFIEI2.. A. 8. Mobile Home Parks. 1. Existing Mobile Home Parks shall have up to one year from the effective date of this Ordinarlce under tt'\e lJse of tempor-ar'y 1 icensir'\g to cOlnply \qjth all the provisions of ttlis Or'dinancew Ninety (90) days prior to the expiration date of the tempor'ary 'I i CE.\f'lse th€-? \"'lob i 1 Ei Homp Par'k CH'lrlE'f' ljJ i 1 'I apply for a nonconforming use certificate fOf' t~'lc,se items not in campl iarlce. Lic:ense will be renewed after a nonc(Jnforming IJSe certificate ~Ias been appr'oved. 'fhe owner of any Mobile I'~ome Park presently situated out~~ i de of thE' City 'I i m i t~:; uf Schertz, l~hose park shall bet~ken into the City 1 imits subsequPl"lt to the passage of this Or'dinanci:= shall rn,31-<Elo app'lication for' "I i CfinS(:' hJ i th ins i ::<ty (60) day~:;. fl"'orn tht"0 date of annexation. The park \ijill be insp,,-'ctE'cI by thE' City Building Official. If not in fu'll compl ianc'~ "lith this DI""'d i nanc::~:~, a CHlt~ (1) YE:-"dV" te~rnpC)r'ar'y 'I i cense I~i 1 1 be issued. Ninety (90) IJays prior to thE' e>,:p i r'2\ t i em d2\ tt', of th., tC"IOPCW'BI"Y 1 icense the M(Jbile I~ome Park IJlijrler l~ill a~Jply for- a nOflcoflforming use c:ev'tificate. License \~ill be renewed after !'lonconf(Jr'ming use cer'tltlcate has beer'l appr'oved. ':> 1,_. Individual Mobile Homes. 1.. E:~:: i st j neJ mobilEi hOfflE1S (F.= i th€-?l" in Mob i 1 E.' .ioNle Sljbdivision or location on indiviljlJal let) shall have up to one (1) year fre~ the effective date of this Ordinance to clJrnply \,~ i th all u'P th€-?- app'l i C:db 1 e pr-Civ i s i (jn~, of- this I]r.dinal"lce. Afl;;~r' one (1) ypar' 01"", mobile home OWfler" will apply fOf' a f1(JrlCOn for.rn i ng l...lse eel'" t i f i Cd tf:? or. a \1-31'" i allC'~:? for' thO'.:;8 i tern'!:;;. not in cCimp 1 i iH)CE~n After the receipt of a permit allowing the placemerlt of a mobile home within ttle City 1 imi ts Df Scher-t;z, the 0\1)n(-::1I'" or subj\:?ct: mobile home (or' his ager"lt) must have all '':> "" . -27- SECTION XIII L1tt'liti€-~'l.;:; c:onnec::tf.:~,d, mt7~€.:~t all C)t;h('~r" appl icable requirements of this Ordinal-Ice, arId have his mobile home available for' ihspection by the City Building Of'icial (or his agent) within thirty (30) days after e!y~placelner\t CJf said mobile hONle. C. Conformance by Mobile Hc~e Parks. Recreational Vehicle/Tr"av('::;ol Tr'-.:1ilf2r' Paf"'ks and Subdiyisif;;!.!::!.?_~ -No plat or- Sl1bdivision of land wittlirl ttle City of Schertz, and within it's extraterritorial Jurisdiction as determined by Article 974a., Verrlon's Texas Civil Statutes, may be approve(j uflless that plat is in Bc::cordar\ce witt'l the City's cur'rel,t Subdivision Ordinance, and Section V, Paragraph D, this Ordinance. MOBILE HOME SUBDIVISIONS A. Any lot, parcel or tract of land to be subdivided for use as a Mobile l~ome Sljbdivision shall be rIot less than twenty (20) acres, with density no greater than six (6) d\~ell ~rlg lJnits per" gro~;s {3c:re. Mfrlimum lot size shall be five tll0lJSand (5,000) sqlJare feet per mobile tlome unit tlJith fifty fE~f::d; by (jr1E'~ hUrlejl"'E-:-c:I fE~E.d~ (~;Ol .... 100') minimum width. B. Any Motljle Home Subdivision 5ihall comply with rIlles arld regulatfol"lS~ \ijhen appl ic:able, ~s set forth in this Ordinance related to, 1. InspE'c:tion (St7.ction VIII). 2. Notices, Hearings, arld Or'der's (Sectiofl IX). :3. Sit:l? R(-?quir'ernen'/::; (~3(=,ctf(Jn XI, Par'd"B). 4,,, Mobile Home Stallds (Section XI, Para. E:). ~. Fire Safety StandardsCSection XI, PAra. F). 6. Potable Water Supply (Section Xl, Para. G). '7. Recreation (Section Xl, Para. HI. EJ" f3el1,1(i:ifJP [)i~;posal (Section XI, Par"a. I). 9. Electrical and felephone Distribution System (Secticlrl XI, Par'a. ~J). 10. ReFuse and Garbage l~andl iflg (Section XI, Par'a. LI. 11. Fuel Supply and Storage (Section Xl, Par'a. N). l~:?" In~:le[t and RodElrlt Con'l::r'ol (Spc'tion XI, Par'a. 11). C. Any Mobile Home Subdivision shall be subJect to all appl icable rules and regulations as set forth in the Subivision Ordinance of the City of Scher' tz. -28- t,u::-rIDN XIV RECREATlCINAL VEHICLE (R.V. )j"IR~,,!El,-..)RfllLI"H P~)RI\ A. A per'mit to ,:::onstr'uct, alter' or e:,{\;'?nd any Recreational Vet.icle/Tr"avel Trailer- Par'k ar.ea may ~)e iSSlJBli only I~hen su/:h area is located wittlin the ap~lr'Orlr'iate Z(l!"lirlg distr.jct as provided for in this Ordinance and the City of SC:hE\I'.tZ Zorl i n~J Or'd i nanc:€-~ and s:.L\ch ar.ea coriS i st~;> of at least five (5) acres in size l~ith a minimum frontage of one hundred (100') Feet lc)cated on a publ ie str'r;:~*:-?t 01'" high\\Jay; pr'ovided, however', SIJctl ar.ea occupied by a recreatioflal vetlicle dlld/or travel trailer may be less thar'] five (5) acr'es ir. ~~ize if oper"sted in conjurlction l~ith and contiglJOUS to a motel op(~r<:.~ti(jn \A}hicl"l cC)nstitutt~ thr"E.::'p <::.!) acrf::':::~ if I size. No (-I:.~cr'E'~.ation<:1l y(:?hjcle/t:r'aYc.~l tr.ailel..... will be allowed within a MClbile Home Par'k. B. EXfJOsed groufld sur-faces ill all parts of a Rec:reational Vehicle/l'r'avel "'r'ailer' Park 5~jall be paved or covered with screenings (Jr (lther solid material, OF' protected with a vegetative growth that is capable of preventif'I9 soil ev'osion arid e1 iminating objectiorlable dust. C. Any f~t~cr"'"a\;i<Jl1al Vehicl(~/T""dvel rr'ail'~r' Par'k shall comply lijittl rules arld regulatiorlS, w~lerl appl iCdblf2, a~:; ~:~,,::?t for.th in 'chi'3 Or,din.,]r1c('-',? r.t.-.;~latE~c:l to: 1.. InspE~ct ion (SE\ct i on VI I I). 2. Notic:es, Hearings, and Orders (Section IX). 3. Site Requirement (Section XI, Para. BI. 4. Mobile Home Stands (Section XI, Para. El. 4. Mobile Home Stands (Section XI, Par'a. E,a). 5w Fire Safety Starldar,Js(Section XI, Para. F). 6w Potable Water SlJpply (Set:tiofl XI, Par'a~ G). 7. Fh?cl"'I~~ai.:;ion (S(=ction XI, Par'a. H). fl. E:)el,.l.Je':lge Disposal (SE~ctjOf'l XI, PaY'cl. I). 9. Electrical and Telephone Distribution System (Section Xl, Para~ tJ). 10. Refuse alld Garbage l~andl ing (Sectioll XI, Par'a. l...l. 11. Fuel f~upr,ly arlc1 Storage (Section XI, Par'a N). lc.l~ Ins(~c:t and RodF!rlt Contr'ol (E3f.~~cticJn XI, Par'a. 11 I. D. Each Recreational Vehicle/Travel Trailer Park that has one or more R.V./trave1 trailers 51-'ld11 be pr'ovidecJ witt\ one or more ser'vice blJildings. Recreational vehicles/travel trailers shall be parked not more than two hundred (200') 'eet from a service buildjllg~ -29- r::l. ThE' sE'~r"vicE' tl....,..':lf1 : (1) One 'lush toilet (2) One flush toilet (3) One lavatory for hot and cold pl"Els~:)ur'e . (4) One shower 'or hot and cold blJilding shall contain rIot 1 E~<;:>~:; 'or' 'erna I e5. for' mal!",,,. E:'" <;:) c: 1'''1 S E... ::< ~ r-unn j ng ~_:;.upp 1 i ec:l Il) i th tll<:':l t(~r' undel.... E\ac::h Sf,-'"::<, r.unn j nq ;;l.Ipp 1 i e;d I') i th \lJ('::l'!:;(!!F' und12F' pr'es;~::;u r'f..':~" (::i) (Jne.~ 1 BlInclt".y sink cw. \!.la~:;;h i ng mac:h i nE~ sl.lppl ied with hot and cold running water urlder. pl"'€':~SSUI"'e. (6) OnEI ~,lop sink, at lE'a<:~.t t'~' >;: III il"'Ic::I'I(::\(;~' squar-e ;:3nd four-tf~en (1411) i nch,:,::,S d(.:~j:.2p supp 1 i €-?d I~J i th hot and col c:\ r'Urln i ng I!JF.:l tel'" unclS:'2r' pr'{:;"!!ssur-~~. Tr-I(~ p 1 urnb i n~J ~-:: i >::tU~"'E~(::; 1 i steel i r'l th i l;:, p;';lr'agr'aph will acc:ommodate lJp to twelve (12) recreaticJnal vehicles/travel tr'ailers. For" eactl add~tiorjal t('~~1l (10) r.ecr-(?i3:tional vf=hjcl(:~s/t:r'avl?l tr-ailf2r";:::. Cll'""' fl~'ac:: t ion ther'eof, Cll"jE~ acid i t i oni:'~ 1 f'l u~:>h toilet, one additional shower at'ld one additional lavstof'Y stlall be pf'ovided for" eactl se)(, with laurldry dlld slop sink facil ities a~; in Sl,lbsectiofl DCa) 5 and t) for' eac:h additiorlal twelve (12) recreational vehicles/travel trailers or fractiofl ther"ec~f. b.'Service lJuildings shall meet tt,e follol~ing r'E~qu j r'erilPnts: (11 The interior shall be I ighted with a minimum of- b:~~n (to) fCHJtc..3ncj'IE~s of i'llurninoltion and shall be liqhtpcJ chll"ing 11Our"i o' dar'krH"ss. Ach'quate I ight "hall be pr'ovided dur'ing hour's (If c:\ar'krless for all l~alk\~ays I~ith a minimum i l1uminatic)fl of 0.3 'ootcandles. c. Have sound-resistant \~alls extending tCJ this ceilinl] bF't\lJE'en male and f€-?roale 'san i tar'y (toi l(~t) '.3C i 1 i t i,~s. Walls and rldy.titioflS aroufld showers, and lBvatol'"".je~;~ and ott...er plumbing fixtures shall be cons tr'uc: tF,d ().f den<.:;p, non""'ah~:l'or'berl t materials or c:over'ed l~ith moisture f'esistarlt mater'ials. d. Have rlO less than orle window or skyl ight facing directly to the outdoors. The minimum aggregate gross area of \qindlJWS for each f'equired r.oom shall be not less than ten (10%) percent of the floor area served by thi?l'fI. e. Have not less than one window which can be opened easily, or tlave a me{:hanical device tt'lat will adequately ventilate ttle r-oeJm. -30- , . f. To i 1 E~ts sha 11 be 1 Dca teel i n ~~E)pr.H"c.lt;E:-~ compartmel'lts equiplJed with self"-i:lasing doors. Shower stalls shall be of the individual type. rhe rooms shall be screerled to pr'8vent d~r'ect vlew of the interior when exterior doors are open. l. Recreational Vehicle/Travel Trailer be so constructed to preclude the backing ttle vetlicle. P i:ll"'. ~~S (i) ill nf:'~(:Pssj t:y of SECTION XV MOBILE HOMES IN PLANNED UNIT [~VELOPMENTS A Mobile Home Subdivisiorl may be located in a Planrlsd Development provided that all requirements of this Ordlnai1c othf:.>r" appl icablE~ or'dinanc:€\~:; and r'egulations ar'€! met~ Unit e and SECTION XVI REPEAL OF UJNFLICTING ORDINANCES OR ORDERS Ordinance and all confl ict \~i th th is incorlsistent wit~l f"(epf.::.a 1 f~~d to tJ-"lf'~ force and effect. or"der's, of'dirlar'lces or" parts of ordir\ances irl Ordinance, spe(:if~cal 1y Ordinance 81'.8-14, (ll" t~le provisions of tt'lis Clr.dinarlce are tler'eby extent necessary to give this Ordinal'lc:e Full SECTION XVII SEVERABILITY CLAUSE Should any portion or part of this Ordinance be held for any r'(::-)dSOn invalid, l.Jf'lconstitution-:3l, or' uI'1(~nfor'cf:?abl(.::;., the ";:;arl1f? l;::;ha 11 ncd; bE.l const;l'-uE~d tel ef fee:: l: any otlnlE'Y' va 1 i d pew't i or. thE~r'E:.'o.p, bu tall \,i<31 i d por t i OriS hE.?r-eof sha 11 r-'1.7.:-fih3 in in ru 11 rC:l/....c:l.? dnd e1' fee: t. SECTION XVIII PENALTIES FOR VICLATION Any person violating any provision of this Ordinane:e within the cClrporate 1 imits of ttle City of Sctler.tz, Texas, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be filled An amCJunt not exceeding two tlufldred dollars ($200.00)~ Each day ttlat SLjc:l, violation (:ontlnues shall be a separate offense. I~r"osecution or convictiorl under" this pl~'ovisiorl shall never be a bar tC3 any other remedy or rel ief for violations of this Ord~nance. -31- . SECTION XIX EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall become effective from and after the date of it's approval and adoption as provided by law. AF'PI'WVF'D, AND ADOPTED THIH lHE~~DAY UE _.~Jact-.., ~:~~-OVM~ Ldrl W.,.?I:'3IJycr Mayor', City of Scher.tz, lexas PASSET) ~ 1'97" Al"TEbT (CITY SEAL.) -32- RECOMMENDED CHANGES TO THE MOBILE HOME ORDINANCE BY THE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION: Page 2 -Letter H - Change "Site Plan" to "Plat Plan". Page 2 - Delete "J.. Plat Plan - same as site plan" and renumber Letters J through X as Letters I through W. .1 , Page 3 - Letter K - Mobile Home Park - After "mobil e home spaces" add "of than 10 acres". Delete "arranged on a tract of land under". not 1 ess Page 4 - Letter S - Motor Home - After "portable" add "self-propelled". Page 4 - Letter T - Travel Trailer - Replace the words "passenger car" with the words "motor vehicle". . Page 4 - Letter U - Campi ng Tra il er - Del ete the word "canvas" and at the end of sen- tence after "vacation" add "and can be readily towed over the road by a motor vehicle". Page 5 Section V A. 3 - Replace words "site plan" with the words "plat pla:r\.". Page 6 - D - After City of Schertz add "current" and del ete_ "No. 80-S-13". Page 8 - B. 3 - Replace words "site plan" with "plat plan". Also after "City of Schertz" add word "current" and delete "No. 80-S-13". Page 14 Section X C - Put period after "Mobile Home Subdivision" and delete the rest of the paragraph. Page 14 Section XI A - Change "site plan" to "plat plan" and the same change in the first sentence of A. Page 15 Section XIII - Change "site" to "plat". Page 15 Section XI - Suggest the following be added as Paragraph A. 12 and A. 13: "12. Regulatory 100 year floodway elevations and boundaries of flood prone areas, including area subject to inundation by the 100 year flood, sur- face elevation of the 100 year flood at intervals of every five hundred (500) lineal feet based on an engineering survey taking into considera- tion the full development of the watershed. If no portion of any mobile home space on the plat is is within the special flood hazards zone, then such must be stated on plat plan. 13. A statement shall be on the plat plan identifying any property located within areas as identified by Randolph Air Force Base, Texas Air Instal- lation Compatible Use Zone (AICUZ) as being in an accident potential zone and/or noise zone." Page 17 Section XI B. 1 - Before "City of Schertz Flood" add the word "current" and delete "No. 77-M-9". Page 18 Section XI B. 1 - Suggest the following be added after paragraph B.1 as para- graph b.: "b. Only manufactured homes classified as mobile homes will be permitted in a Mobile Home Park. Travel trailers and/or recreational vehicles (R.V.'s) shall not be permitted within a Mobile Home Park." 'Page 2 (Recommended Changes to Mobile Home Ordinance) Page 18 Section XI B. 2 - Delete Paragraph a. as it is and replace with "Mobile homes shall have a minimum lot size of 36' x 100' for each mobile home unit". Page 18 Section XI B. 2 b - Delete "eight" and replace "(8)" with "(8.3)". Page 18 Section XI B. 2 d{1) - Change "thirty (3D')" to "thirty-five (35')". Page 19 Section XI B. 2 g - Delete "Unless provided in current mobile home models" and just start the sentence with "Storage". Page 20 Section XI C 4 a. - At the end of first paragraph add the following sentence: "Each parking space will be a minimum of 8 feet by 18 feet." Page 23 Section XI F 8. - Delete entire paragraph. Page 24 Section XI G 1 - Suggest the following be substituted for the last sentence of Paragraph G 1: "When the City water system is not readily available, the util ization of- another approved water system will be determined by the City Water/Waste Water Superintendent." Page 32 Section XII B. 2 - Delete "(either in a Mobile Home Park or on an individual lot)" . Page 33 Section XII C - Delete "(site plan)". Also add word "current" before "Subdi- vision" and delete "No. 80-S-13". Page 33 Section XIII A - Delete "five (5)" and replace with "twenty (20)". "six" and "(6,000)" and replace with "five" and "(5,000)". Delete "sixty minimum width and one hundred (100') feet minimum depth" and replace with minimum width". Delete (60') feet "50' x 100' Page 34 Section XIV A - Replace the first two references to "three (3)" acres with "five (5)" acres. After "motel operation" delete "or a mobile home park both". At the end of the paragraph del ete "without a granted variance". Page 35 Section XIV C. 4 - Change "Para.E" to "Para. Ea". Page 36 Section XIV D - First line in paragraph under a. (6) change "listed in the paragraph" to "listed in this paragraph". Page 37 Section XIV E - Change "occupants departing from backing their vehicle" to "the necessity of backing the vehicle".