1983S14- AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE 79S15 ORDINANCE NO Q3<5-1'1 AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 79-S-15 IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE XIX, SECTION 2-2.l WHICH AUTHORIZES THE CITY COUNCIL TO, FROM TIME TO TIME, AMEND, SUPPLE- MENT, CHANGE, MODIFY OR REPEAL THE REGULATION STANDARDS AND BOUNDARIES OF THE CITED ORDINANCE; THIS ORDINANCE DOES AMEND ORDINANCE 79-S-15 BY DELETING ARTICLE XXI "PLANNED RESIDENTIAL UNIT DEVELOPMENT" AND REPLACING IT WITH "PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT"; AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT WITH THIS ORDINANCE, SPECIFICALLY ORDINANCE NO. 81-S-18. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: THAT the Zoning Ordinance No. 79-S-l5 of the City of Schertz, Texas, is hereby amended as follows: I ARTICLE II, Section 1 be amended by deleting "PRUD Planned Residential Unit Development District and adding the following: "PUD Planned Unit Development" II ARTICLE XXI - PLANNED RESIDENTIAL UNIT DISTRICT be deleted and the following be added in its place: ARTICLE XXI PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT Section 1 Planned Unit Development: It may be desirable for properties in the city to be developed in accordance with master plans prepared and approved in advance of development. To encourage such planned unit development, regulatory provisions are provided as follows: 1.1 USE REGULATION: When any property is desig- nated as being within the Planned Unit Development a building or premise shall be used only for uses identified in the Schedule of Uses (Appendix A) for the applicable distr ict identifed and approved on the master plan, with the following types of restric- tions: I. No use of any portion of Planned Unit Development Districts shall be permitted which is offensive by reason of odor, fumes (noxious or toxic) , dust, smoke, heat, vibration, 1 illumination or glare, noise or pollution, electrical disturbances, radiation, drainage, excavation or any use which is hazardous by reason of excessive danger of fire or explo- sion, or which is in violation of the laws of the United States or the state of Texas or any subdivision thereof. 2. The height, minimum lot sizes, park ing, signs, building set back lines and other requirements will apply to all districts identifed and approved on master plans for a Planned unit Development. When any area has two or more district identified for that area of the PUD the most restrictive district requirements will apply. 3. provisions should be made for structures, landscaping and land uses to creatively com- plement each other and harmonize with existing and proposed land uses in the vicinity. 4. Light Manufacturing, General Business, Office and Professional District of any combi- nation are permitted, however no operations are permitted outside of buildings and out- side storage must be screened as not to be visable from the street or from any adjoining tract. Any operation which entails the dis- charge of any gas, steam, smoke or any other emissions or by-products must be specifically approved by a specific use permit. 5. Recreation Area and Open Space are permit- ted, provided provisions are arranged for the upkeep of the area. 6. The developer has an option to identify the schedule of uses from appendix A for any district identifed on the master plan, which can become part of the zoning for the Planned Unit Development. 7. Parking lots, driving surfaces and storage areas must be paved and maintained in good order. 1.2 Procedures: 2 I. The provisions of Article XIX Amendments shall govern the review and processing of each application for a Planned unit Development. 2. The developer must submit a master plan identifing each district of the Planned Unit Development and including any Schedule of Uses from Appendix A if applicable. Master Plan and Schedule of uses shall become part of the zoning change ordinance when the Planned Unit Development is approved. 3. Master Plan shall show the following: (a) date, scale, north point, title, name of owner and name of person preparing the plan, (b) location of existing boundary lines and dimensisons of the tract (c) center line of existing watercourses, and drainage features, (d) provisions for ingress and egress planned for the property; (e) access from a public street; (f) identify proposed area for each district in the Planned Unit Development; (g) number of acres of each district; (h) number and density of housing units proposed per gross acre; (i) identify areas proposed to be convey- ed, dedicated or reserved for parks, parkways, playgrounds, school sites, recreation areas, open spaces, public buildings and similar public and semi- public usesand number of gross acre for each, (j) landscape planned along the boundary or district of a planned unit development to a depth of twenty-five feet, (k) a copy of all agreements, provisions or covenants which govern the use, main- tenance and continued protection of the planned unit development. 3 (1) vehicular and pedestrian circulation planned; (m) screening walls or fences and other development and protective requirements considered necessary to create a reason- able protection of the adjacent proper- ty; (n) a representaion of the general use and character of land adjacent to the planned unit development area within two hundred (200) feet. 4. Any known var iations from the Zoning or Subdivision Ordiance should be submitted with site plan for approval to be included with the master plan. Specific uses permits or classi- fication of new or unscheduled uses as identi- fied in Article II, section 4, should be submitted with the master plan. 5. The Planning and Zoning Commission may recommend and City Council may impose condi- tions relative to the standards of develop- ment and such conditions shall be complied with before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued for the use of the land or any struc- ture, which is part of the Development. Such conditions shall not be construed as condi- tions precedent to the granting of a Certifi- cate of Occupancy. 6. The approved master plans will be consid- ered in all platting required by the subdivi- sion ordinance. The Planning and Zoning Commision will insure the platting of the Planned Unit Development follows the permitted zonign and schedule uses identifed and approv- ed on the master plans. The Planning and Zoning Commission must insure any self imposs- ed requirements submitted on or with the master plan are clearly identified on the recorded plat for any part of the Planned Unit Development The Building Official will insure the planned use is in accordance to the approved district identified on the master plan and, if applicable, schedule of uses before issuing a building permit. 7. Any desired change in zoning or schedule of use of any part of a Planned Unit Development different from the approved Master Plan or recorded plat shall be considered an amendment 4 to the Zoning Ordinance and shall be processed in accordance with Article XIX. Section 2. Any development approved as a Planned Resi- dential Unit Development District will now be classified as a Planned Unit Development. III APPENDIX A Delete from Schedule of uses "Planned Residential Unit Development(PRUD). IV APPENDIX B - Add to definitions the following: .Planned unit development (POD): A planned unit development is a development of land which is under unified control and is planned and developed as a whole in a single development opera- tion or programmed ser ies of development, and which includes streets, utilities, lots or building sites, and which indicates all structures and their relationship to each other and to adja- cent uses and improvements, as well as open spaces. A planned uni t development may cons ist of dwelling units and detached, semi-detached, attached or mUlti-family structures or any combi- nation thereof and may also include nonresidential uses such as religious, cultural, recreational, commercial or industrial uses, compatibility and harmoniously incorporated into the unitary design of the planned unit development." V The penalty for the violation of this ordinance shall be the same as prescribed in Article XXV, Section 2 of the City of Schertz Ordinance No. 79-S-15. VI This ordinance repeals all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict, specifically ordinance No. 8l-S-18. ,d: ~layor , f)~ of , j ! 1983. 1983. APPROVED ON FIRST READING this the ~ day of PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this the day ATTEST: z, Texas a .I~9 a~ Q~<I'~ Ci ty Secretary, City of.! Sch rt (SEAL OF CITY) 5 ; '.: =-":::~ -'-'u---~:':::--.::..:.-~_=.~~ '".." -~-~ ""J ~W:,:-~~~~..;II'-l1ro;' ,.~.:-r-~.<~~~-:::7)~:~~,~~{>.. . "1IIS~ -1<'I"U12''"''~'''; .:;-.,;'..;.:: ~ '1"'S _. tv\,) .~.,.:.. .'. -.,,--.... ,". ,- - - ". .- - ~. . '. . . ,.. -.. ~ - ~~....G,A. _.:;:J~~__ ...~--~.- .......- ~;~._-, :;:-'-... '~Z ~ ~ -~.;; _7-:.~" Y-.;", A' .,~ -~ 'f~'~" >i1T'TZ0.'. ~-".~., :- ;;.;.. -.-. ~. "':":'t~.;.r::'~"l~':~""--'l" ~:-='~.h7"" -::.,.:-. ~...-..--'.I"'" .,,_.... '':-0" ," ~ '.... :.:,' .' I . ......O<OCI lnE-asz.!Io..rdI PO 9a 27&9 ~ClQj..lC:ll.781&.1 !il2} t.S6--7U&' ~ '" PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT (COUNTY OF BEXAR) (STATE OF TEXAS) . I, Lin~H"'{ H~,.r1"n , authorized representative of -- the Herald-Newspaper Group; do solemnly swear that the'notice, . a printed copy of which is hereto attached, was published once a week' for 1 consecutive week(s) in the Northeast Herald; publish~d at Universal City, Bexar County, Texas, on the following date(s), to-wit: O,...t-nho't" ?7 A.D., 19 83 . Herald Newspaper Group Subscribed and sworn to before me, this ~9 day of ~_ -:;9~ ~do:-- Bexar County, Texas. (NOTARY SEAL) , , , , , -, H~'o':l Pt:~!'sh;n::l C:>m"~"y of T~x<::>s -- _ -.. ---.------ -- -- --".- .-. .. I SCHERTZ \ , ORDINANCE NO. 83- S-14 PASSED, AP- PROVED' AND ADOPTED this the 18th day of October, 1983. AN ORDINANCE BY THE CIY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS Alice Austin AMENDING OR- Deputy City Secretary D1NANCE NO. 79-8-15 IN ACORDANCE ORDINANCE NO. 83- WITH ARTICLE XIX, C-15 SECTION 2-2.1 AN ORDINANCE BY \ WHICH AUTHORIZ- THE CITY COUNCIL ES THE CITY OF THE CITY OF COUNCIL TO, FROM SCHERTZ, TEXAS, TIME TO TIME, ADOPTING THE AMEND, SUP- STANDARD MECH- PLEMENT, CHAN- ANICAL CODE, 1982 GE, MODIFY OR EDITION, TO IN- REPEAL THE CLUDE ALL REGULATION STA- FUTURE EDITIONS, NDARDS AND REVISIONS AND BOUNDARIES OF AMENDMENTS, P- THE CITED OR- UBLISHED BY THE DINANCE; THIS SOUTHERN BUILD- ORDINANCE DOES ING CODE AMEND OR- CONGRESS IN- ,DINANCE 79-8-15 BY TERNATIONAL,AS DELETING AR- THE MECHANICAL TICLE XXI CODE OF THE CITY "PLANNED RESID- OF SCHERTZ, ENTIAL UNIT TEXAS; DESIGNAT. DEVELOPMENT" ING THE AND REPLACING IT MECHANICAL IN- WITH "PLANNED SPECTOR; SETTING UNIT DEVELOP- ALL BONDS AND MENT"; AND FEES; PROVIDING REPEALING ALL FOR A PENALTY; ORDINANCES IN AND REPEALING CONFLICT WITH ALL ORDINANCES THIS ORDINANCE, OR PARTS OF OR- SPECIFICALLY 0- DINANCES IN RDINANCE NO. 81-S- CONFLICT. 18. PASSED AP- PROVED AND ADOPTED this the 18th day of October, 1983. Alice Austin Deputy City Secretary PASSED, AP- PROVED AND ADOPTED this the 18th day of October, 1983. Alice Austin Deputy City Secretary I / II'='%, /../'l.~ ,,'1'" I RESOLUTION NO. 83- \' R-16 A RESOLUTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE A PIPE LINE LICENSE BETWEEN THE CITY AND, MISSOURI-KANSAS RAILROAD COM-, PANY.