ORDINANCE NO. 191 Housing I. :-. -., I.--..~--~~' TEXAS . MLNUTES OF MEETING OF TEE CITY COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF SCHERTZ , TElCAS, NOVEMBER , 19 68 . 'REID ON TEE 21st DAY OF On the 21st day of November , ,1968 ,at 8:00 o'.c1ock, P. 'M., the Council of the City of Schertz , Texas, met at the City Hall in 'said City. in Regula.r/-S:l:redtil: session. The meeting W/1,S called to o:z:der a.tld on tlle roll call' 'the following members of the body were found. to be present: Present: .R'iyrnrmO'G. Kaym. Malford G. Koch. Leonard J. Kazben and Jimmie V. Dunham. Absent: Edqar T. Marx The folloWing ~~~~~PMwas introduced by Mr. Kazben , who moved its adoption: ORDINANCE ~bY'X.QN-.1VO. 191 ORDINANCE "A ~tl'.EEON FINDING AND DECLAB:(NG THAT THERE EXISTS A l\1EED FOR TEE HOUSING AUTROIlITY OF TEE CITY OF SCHERTZ , TElCAS, TO FUNCTION. n BE IT ~~DBY TEE CITY COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF SCHERTZ , TEXAS, as follows: Section 1. The Citv Council of the City of Schertz , Texas, hereby dete:rmines, finds a.tld declares pursuant to the' "Housing Aul;horlties Law" of the state of Texas, that: A. Insanitei.ry and =sate inhabited dwelling accommoda.tions exist in the City of Schertz ~ Texas; a.tld B. There is a shortage of sate and sanitary dwelling accommodations in said City availa.'b'le to fllll1ilies of low income at rentals'they cari a.:f'ford; and C. There is a need for the Housing Aul;hority of the City of Schertz , Texas, to function. Section 2. .In accordance with the. foregoing finding, the Homing Authority of the City of Schertz , Texas, is aul;horized to transact business and exercise its :powers pursuant to the "Housing Aul;horities Law" of the Sta.te of Texas. ..1- . --.- ---= " . . , . , . . . Section 3. The Mayor of said City be Wld he hereby i::; directed. to file the necessary Certificate relative to the ap?oir.i7~ent of the Co~~i::;sioner::; and designation of the first Chairman of said Housing Authority in the Office of the City Secretary. Section 4. That the shortage of s:U'c and sanitary dwellinc; accornrr.odatior.s for !'amilies of 1m.; incon:e compels such families to occupy unsafe, insanital"J and over-crowded dwelling acccm~odations, and ca~es an increase in and spread of disease and crime, thereby creating an emergency and,making it necessaT,1 for the preservation of the public pea.ce, health and Safety'tha.t this ~ll~ebecomes ef':t'ective without ordinance delay, and therefor'll this .re=i-o:lr:i:on shall take effect ana. be in force i=ediately upon its adoption. DATE: November 21, 1968 APPROVED : Ma..vor, ROY W. RichaJ:'d / ATTEST: City Secretary, G. W. Pickrell Mr. Jimmie V. Dunham seconded the motion to adopt the Ordinance as read and upon Roll Call the following vote was recorded: AYES: Ravmond G. Kavm. Malford G. Koch. Leonard J. Kazben and Jimmie V. Dunhat ./ NAYS: None Thereupon the ordinance was declared duly passed and adopted. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 9:30 o'clock p.m. APPROVED': Mayor, . Roy W.. Richard ATTEST: City secretary, G. W. Pickrell November 21. 1968 -.,- '0'''' . ',,11 "". . ATTOID1EY'S CERTIFICATE AND OJ?I:NION I, the undersigned City Attorney for the City of Schertz Texas, do certify 'that I have examined the attached extracts from the , (regular) ('Speci:a.:r.r meeting of the City of Schertz November 21, 1968 ana Texas, he~d Febru~rv 13 , ~969 , and it is my opinion that the , ordinanc~~ aforesaid meeting was duly and ~ega.1J.y he~d and that the .;M&e-J.:u;!;4,gE,tilJ , contained therein were duly and regularly adopted by such governing body in compliance with. the ~aws of the State of Texas, and are not subject to referendum or the time for filing a petition for referendum has expired. , ' City Attorney, Eagar M. Duncan < ~6- ,,.. . ..;, . CERTIFICATE I, G. w. Pickrell , (Secretary) ~k)- of the City of Schertz. , Texas, hereby certify that I have compared the' annexed extract from the minutes of the (regular) ~~ meeting of the City Council of said City, held on the 21st day of November, 1968 and the 13th day of February , 1969 ., with the original thereof, recorded in the official minute book, and that it is a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of said original;, that the annexed extracts of the minutes of the meeting is a true and complete transcript Ordinances of such minutes and that the ile'S'O"J:m1:on(s) contained therein is a true, complete and accurate copy of the ~~itig~s~ adopted at said meeting. I further certify that at the time of the adoption of the annexed ordina~s) , Rese:l-m' s the duly elected, qualified ipcumbents in office were Roy W. Richard , Mayor, and Raymond G. Kaym, Malford G. Koch. Leonard S. Kazben, Jimmie V. Dunham, and Edgar T. Marx. , (Counci1men) (Semm;:fl"lrl-or.lers-). IN WITNESS w.BERE:OF, I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of the City of Schertz , Texas, this 24th day of June , 19 69 (Title) G. W. Pickrell, Secretary of the City of Schertz, Texas (SEAL) ~5-