ORDINANCE NO. 186 '- ~ ~,., ;",,"" "~,. '! A'.'. . , .~:: .. '>''''. .,',' .>>'"-.- 1~6 COIb'ENl' TO 3PECIAL MEEl'IRG We, the undersipd, duly elected members of the City Council of the OU,. of Schertz, Texas, do hereby conaent. to the conduct of special meeting ~ said Cu.,. Couneil to be held on the 5th . 1969. at day of MaY a.oo P.M. at the office of the City HAll, 3chertz, Texas, for the purpose ot taking sct1a on the tollowings 10 An Ord1naDcle ot the C1\)' Couneil ot t.he Cit,. ot 3chertz appt'Oving the Urban Renewal Plan and the teal!l1b1l1t)' ot relocation tor Butfalo Valley Ior't.h Project, Tex. R-112 in Schertz, Texas, att.ez' the close of the Publ:1.c HeariJI&. CERTIFICATE OF RECORDING OFFICER The ur...d.ersi:;:n(~,] 11e::c;';,J7 certifies, as follows z 1. ~ha~ he is the uuly qualified and acting City Secretary of the City of Schertz, herein called the "Municipality,- &nd the keeper of its records, including the journal of proceedings of the City Council of the City of Schertz, herein called the -Governing hody' 7 '2. Tilat the attachad Qrdinance is a true and correct copy of the Ordinance ~~ finally adopted at a meeting of the Governing Bo~ held on the ~ da;v' of / )ll-Ct._<_I, _ , 1969, and duly recorded in his offics, , 3. That said meeting ,...as duly convened and held in all resps( in accordance with law and to the exten t required by law due and proper notice of such meeting was given, that a legal quorum was present throughout the meeting, and a legally sufficient number of members of the Governing Body voted in the LJroper manner and for the adoption of said Ordinance: and all other requirements and proceedings ~nder law incident to tile proper adoption or passage oj said Ordinance, have been duly fulfilled, carried out, and otherwi~ Observed, 4. That if an impression of the seal has been affixed below, it constitutes the official seal of the Municipality and this certificate is hereby executed under such official seal. If no seal has been affixed below, the Municipality does not have and is not legally required to have an offici.al seal.1 5. That tile undersigned is duly authorized to execute this certificate. this INt.fITNESS W~OF, the undersigned has hereunto set his hand 6-- day of p)I,L<'f~....' 1969, - if ~' \, ,', /lA'j~~C . ty ecretary 0 e City of Schertz ATTEST I #fk:.J. ,{1, Is:. bm '- fIlE STAn OF TBXAS I COO1I'l'I 01 GUADALUPE I I, G. W. Pickrell, city 3ecretary ot the CUy ot Schertz, Texall, do hC'eb7 eert.1f1 tb4t the above and foregoing 1$ a true and correct. copy of an euwpt. 1'1'011 \he Mimtes of the Cu,y Council at a Special Meet.1ng held i)CJJ.. ~ 1969, a~ IS_ so appears on the Mimte R$Cards of said Cit,. Council. W.Ll'lUio':iS MY HAND and the official seal of the City or Schertz this t T!!- day ot ~A ,If ~ ' 1969. , lr.1f,PMlMl(, G. W. Pickx' ,City Secretary SChertz, Texas 'fIlE SlATE OF TIWS I CXlUIIJ'Y or GUADALUPE I BIFOBE ME, the undersipd authority, a Notary Public in and for Guadalupe co.rr.7, T..., 011 this cia,. personallT appeared G. W. Pickrell, City Seentary or ~ Ci\7 of Soh$rtz, Texas, Imown to me t.o be the person whose nil... is IJUDaGI1.bIId to the foregoing instrument., and a~wledged t.O IIlO that he eueuted t.lw .... tor the purposes and consideration thel'ein expressed and. in the ..,..it7 there:l.n mted. lIn. UlIIDER ,. !:land and seal o.f offiCe this btk... day of ~ , 1969. Nata~ Texas H. P. THULEM.li... Ell. EXCERPl'S OF MI~ OF SPECIAL em COUNCIL ~11G OF em OF SGHER'1'Z. TEXAS. MAY 5. 1969 SlAB OF TPUS I 00Il1I'l'1' OF GUAtlA.Il1PE I On the 5th day of May, 1969. the City council of the cit1 of ~rtz. Tau. .Ob........J at. a spec1Al Jlht.1Dg at City HUl. Sohert.s, Tuuj at 8&00 P.M. \dth the foUow1.n& ~ present, to litt: *yor Roa' w. ~ BaJlllOl'1d G. J:oya 1&alfv4 C. Kocb ~Pd. J. ltasben J1Im.e V. Dwlbaa IcIpr T. Man '!.'he a~ COIIp'ised the Mayor and five (5) A~ of theC1ty or. ~l!l. 'leQa. Th1s -t.1t1lUn8 a q\tOrlllll, \h. 1II...t1ns was caUed t.o orier b7 t.be Hayw UId &IIODi other pr:'OC..<11'1i". the follow1rlg was bad: 'l'b8 MIl;ror read. tbe 0l'd1.nance aJ'lIi.t.lclenl8ft D'lmbllII acI.'''td. AldenIan ~""-'8 llIOt.i.orl wal!I IIlK1Cln4e4 by Al\1 II .-n lIIOV8Cl tbat 1t be Man .. Uae 1IOt.10l1 oarrttd fw the ado;s$ioa ot the 0.'''1""""". ~1'4...s1T w1\b the t4llJ.ow:t..rA& ~. Ape: *"" Roy W. R:l.cbal'd. ~ Go loJmt MaltOll'd. C.. toeh. T~Pd. J. k.lllll~ a-t. V. DuIlIwI aud EllF T. Hant. .... tfOae 'the ~ as adopte4 is 0l'd1-.... Bo. ll!6, 1I~. 88 feUowe. ud 18 atta0be4 l A'l:ge 1..5-1 3-31-69 AN ORDINANCE I e b OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHER'll APPROVIllG 'l'I.lE ORBAN UNP/AI. PLAN AND THE FEASIBILITY OF JlELOCA'l'IOW FOR BUFPALO VALLEY PilOJECT, TEX. R-1l2 IN SCBEJt'l'Z, TEXAS. WHBlUiAS, under the providons of Title I of the HOWling- Act of 1'49, a. _Oded, the Seeretary of Ho\1lsiJ'lg- and Urban Develop_nt 1s authoriaed to provide financial us1st.anclll to Loea! 'ublie Agencie. fOI" lIIlderi:akin9 an4 carrying out. urban renewal projlllets, and WHEREAS, it. is provided in such Aot. that cont.ract.. for financial aid thereuader .hall require that the Urban Benewal Plan for the re.pective project area be approved by the go_nin9 body of the looa11ty in which the project. is .ituated aDd that. such approval indv.de findinr;ra by the govenin9 body that: (1) the finaDcial aid to be provided in the contract is nec....ry to .nable the project to b. undertaken in accordance with the Urban Mnewal Plan, (2) the Urban Benewal Plan will afford ..x11llW1l opportunity, cons1.tent with the lIOund D_ds of the locality as a whole, for the rebabilitation or redevelop_nt of the urbaQrenewal area by priv.te eDtel'prise, (3) the OJ:'ban Mnewal P1e conforu to . general plan for the c1evel~t of the loc.lity _ a wbole, and (4) the Urban BeDewal Plan ,ive. due con.ideratioD to the proVision of adequu palrk an4 l:ecre.- tional .re.. and facilities, a. may be dedJ:'oble for aeighborhood improve_Qt, with .pec!al consideration for the bealth, s.fety, and. welfare of children reddin., in the general vicinity of the site covereel by the plan, and WHEREAS, tile Urban Renewal Agency of the City of Soherta (berein Gall.1I the -Loe.l Public Atenoy-) hila entered into a plaan1n., contract for finaacial ...iatanee under .~ch Act with the United States of Allerica, aotinj by and throujb the Secretary of BOWling- and Urban Develop_at, pur.WlDt to which Federal fI1lnde were provided for, and w.lllP,"AS, it 18 dedrab1e and in the public intere.t that the Uzban Maewal Agency of the Oi ty of Schertz (herein c.lled the -Local .uUo Agency-) lIDderteke and carry o~t the urbu J:'eDewal project (herein called the -Project-) identified as -8uff.lo V.lley North .roject, Tex. >>.-112- within the City of SCherta, Texas ud enoolllp_.iIl9 that ana described by _tea and bounds on Bxbitlit -A- hereof, and lftiEltEAS, the Loeal Public Agency h.. applied. for additional faancial ...tat.anee under .~ch Aet and propos.. to enter into adti- UOIUll contracts under the Elep.rtMnt of BOWling and Orban Develop_nt for the UAderi:akinq of and for ..king available addi Uonal financi.l ...i.tan_ for the Project, and lftiEJIIAS, the Local Public Agency h.. .... detailed studie. of the loo..1on, phy.ie.l oondi.tiOl'l of structure., lancil ue, environ_atal iatl_Dees, and SOCial, oultural and.conotic coaditions of the .roject: u:ea ud has detel1liud that the area is a s1_, blijhted and deterio- ratint uea ud th.t it is detd~tal ad a ..na_ to the aafety, health, &ad weltare of the inhabit.uu anel Wlen thereof and of the Locali~y at l&J:'ve beoaue. there i. a predoJainance of eitber residential 01' rum-re.i_ntial buildiDj. ill . atate of obsol..cence due to their ..., an4 US.. in which inadequate provisions have been ..de for open apace., which coadition. endaDger life and property by fiN and o1;1\er .....s and are condlilCive to the ill-health of the inhabi~ut8 of the ana, ud the __er8 of thi. Governing Body have been fully appri..d by the Loc.l Public Agency and. aN awue of the.. facta &a4 conditions, and lilBEaEAS, then ha. b"n prepareo _d referred to the Cit.y council of the 1.Oedity (hereln called the "Goveninf 104y'') for revi_ and ap~yal of an Urban Raneval Plan for the project area, dated ~ .:3/4, 1969, with lJ\lPport.1Dg material and data, and WBBBUS, the Urban lienewal Plan haa b_n approved by the GovenLnf iody of the Local Public Agency, a. evidenced by tbe copy of .aid BOdy'. 4111y oerUfiee1 resolution approving the Urban bnewal Plan, which i. attacbeei thereto, and WHBUAS, ... general plan haa been prepareel and is reco9llillled and ..ed as a ljJUide for thegelllllral develop.nt of 1;he Locality a. a whole, and WlUEUAS, the Planlling coll8lli..ion of the City of Schertz, which ia the duly desir;rnated anti acting official planning b04y for the LocalU.y, hu .ubmitted to the eo....ning Body it. report anel reco_nda- t.iOD. ....,.cting the Urban baewal Plan for th~ projeot area and baa _nineli that the Urban -.newal Plan confonllJ to the general plan toS' the Locality as a whole, ud the GoverDing Body hu 4111y considere4 the repon, reao.-nd.ationa, and cerUf.i.cation of the planning body, anei 1IJUtUAS, the Urban Renewal plan for the Project area prescribe. certaill. Ip4 ue. fot' the Project area anc1 will require, &lIIOng other thin,., chaD.,.. in lIlonin\1, the vacating and rellOval of street., alleys, aDd other publ1c way., the .atabU.ah_nt of n_ street patten., the location &1'4 relocation of _ewer and water ..ins and othe% public facilitiea, and other public action, and WBBJU:l\S, the 1.Ocal Public: AgeDCY haa p:repareci and sUbIl1t.ted a prop-UI for the :relocation of ind! viduale and faailies that "1" be elisplaoed a. a reaw.t. of carrying out the project. iD aceoreiuce with i:be Urban IIenewal Plc, and 1tHJiUAS, there bave also been presente4 to the eovening Iody J.afolr!llltioa and uta re.pecting the relocation pr09r.. which h_ been prepared by the LOcal Public Agency as a re.ult of .tudiea, suney., and iaepeotions in the project. area and the ...ellbling- &I'd analyst. of the data and inforaat:J.OD obtained from sucb at.udies, .\U'V8ys, and inspee- U0Il8' ancl WIUUlllAS, the ..mben of the Governing Body have general knowledge of i:be conditio.s prevaUin9 in the project are. and of the availability of proper bouing in the Localhy for th. relocation of bdivi4uals ...4 falliUes that. may be displacecS. froa the Proje<:t. area and, in the Up. of auch knowledge of loeal houeiag condiU0B8, have carefully con.1~red and reviewed such proposals fOJ: relocatiOD' and WJlBlUlAS, it i. nece..ary that the GoveniD9 Body i:ake appropriat.e offioial aot.ioa raspecUnt the relOQat.ion pr09r- and the Urban Re_al Plan fer i:be '%OJ.at, in conforllity with the Contrac:t. for rinanoial ....l.tancelet.w... the Looal Public: Agenc:y and the U.ited St.ate. of ~rioa, aoUat by and. th:r:o\1qh the Secret.ary of Houaing and urban De...lop.at, aa4 WliBdAliI, the Govuninq Body is cognizant of the eondit.iolUJ that. an _......... ill the un4ertaking and carryiD9 Ol1t of urban renewal pJ:O- jacte witlh Federal financial a.sist.ance under '!:U~l. I, including thoae p:r:e!Ubitin, diacriai.nation heClauae of race, color# cree4, or national Ori,lA' )lOW, 'tUUPORi, aE IT ORPAIN1i:D BY THE CITY COtlllCIL OF WE CITY 0' &CHaR'llh l. '!'bat it is hereby found and determined that. the Project. 18 a .1_ and blilhted area ed qualifies.. an eligible Project area UIlder Article 120 L-3, Venon.. Annotated Civil Statute. of '1'exu. 2. 'l'bat the Urban Renewal Plan for the Project. havin, been duly reviewed ud consider.d, is hereby approWd, &Ad the Ag.ncy.. Secretary be and 18 hereby directec1 to file said copy of the Urban Mne.al Plan with the Illinut.e. of thi. .etint". J. That it is benby fOUlla and determined that. the objectives of the Urb.. Renewal Plan cunot be achieved tbrouljJh more extelUli ve rehabilitatioa of the Project area. 4. That it 18 hereby fouad uti determined that the Urban Benewal Pl_ for the Proj.ct .rea confol'lU to the general plan of the LoGality. 5. That it is h.ntby found and deterllline4 that the financial ai4 provided and to be providedpuauant. to the Contr.ct for Feder.l Financi.l As.istance pertaininl] to the Project is n.c....ry to enable the Ji'S'Oject to be UIlc:iertaken in .ccordanee with the Urban .Re11ewal '1.. for the Project. area. 6. That it is hereby found and deterlll1lU1d that the U%b.an Renewal Plan for the Urban Benewal Area will affore ..:d.JaU_ opport.\IIlit.y, OOIliaistellt with the sound "eede of the Locality.. .. whol., for the urban renewal of the Area by private entel'pr18e. 7. That it. 18 bereby found ana detendlled that. the Urban Renewal Plan for the Urban Benewal Area ,ives clue condc:ieration to the PJ:'O- Vision of aclequte park and reore.Uonal area. and facilities, .. _1" be4eairable fo.r nei9'hborbood illlpove_nt, with special eollsideration for the hulth. s.fety, an4 welfare of children re.idinV in the general viciDity of the site covered by the Pl&D. 8. That it 18 bereby fGUIld ed detendne4 that the pro9r_ for the proper relQCatioll of individuala and falll1l1e. di.placed in carryiD, O1lt the Project in deeent, .ate, &Dd .anit.sy dwellings in oonfondty with aeeept.able st.andarde 18 fe.dble and can be rea.onably and ti_ly effee.. to perlll1t the proper pro.ecutioa and eolllpletion of the Pro- ject, ad that such .el11nl. or dwell in, unit. available or to be ... availule to .uch displaced individuale and falll1l1e. are at leut equal in n\lalber to the nUlllber of di.place4 indiViduals and. fuil1_, are BOt generally lea. dedrable in nWarei to public utili tie. ... public and ___rcial f.cili tie. than the dwellings of the di.- place. individuals and fallili.s in the PS'Oject. area, are avail.l. at ~t. or price. within the financial _an. of the dLsplaced indivi- duals and. falllilie., and are re_onably acceseible to their places of ellplcr-nt. .. That, in order to illple_nt and facilitate the effectuation of the U%ban Renew.l Plan hereby approvec1, it. 1a foud and detendned that certain official action _.t. be taken by tb1e .Bo4y with reference, -....., other things, to ehange. in Bonin", the vaeating- ud re.oval of a~te, alJ.ey., and otheS' public ways, the e.tablish~t of DeW .tnet. patte.., the location and relocation of aewer ud water aaJ.1l8 and ftber publ1c facilitie., and other public action, uus, accordinlly, thb Body hereOy (a) pled9lllB i te cooperation in helping to carsy out tile uman "newal Pluu (b) reque.ts the var1oU1l official., c1epart.ente, Mard., ad agenci.. of the Loc.lity bavinl .c1I8in1suative responsi- bilitie. in the preai... likewbe to cooperate to such end and to ...r~e their respective funetiOIl8 and pow.r. in a manner coll8istent with the Urban Mnewal Plan, .nd (c) .tan4a ready to condcler and Uke approp.iate action upon propos ale ad ....ure. designed to effectuate ttbeOllbaa 1lenewal Plan. " 10. That alScUtional financial _dst.anoe \aIlder the p.-oviaicms of Title :t of the lioue1J:\g Act of lUll, a. ...nc!ed, 1s _ce.sary to enable the lanel in tile Project area to be refteWed in accorduee with the Urbu Renewal Plan for the Project area and, aClcorcUll91y, the liliag by the Local Publ.1c Agency of an application or appl1catioD8 for such financial asa1etance under Title I 18 hereby approved. 11. It is hereby fouad and detendne4 that those are.. in Jhaffalo Valley North Project, 'fex. a-112 deair;rnat.ecl in the tJrcaa ~ewal 'Ian approved herein to be acquired .. a part of said Project are located within .1_ clearance and redevelopment .ections .. they are 4efi_d'iIl the law. of the St.ate of 'fexa. and that (a) rebabilita- tion of such section without. cleaZ'ance would be iatpractical, infeasU,le and i_ffecti va bas.el 'lipoa this COuncil'. finding that at least fifty per OlllI1t (SOl) of the structures Gel tho.e e1wa clearance re4evelopll8at .ectioas of BUffalo Valley HoS'th Project, '1'ex. 1.-112 are c.Ulepidated beyon4 . poLnt of feasible rehabilitation or are otherwise un.fit. for rehatlUJ.tation, and (l:I) that there exbta other blig'htiD9 cbaracter1etic. sUCb as oveZ'crcwding the .t.ructure. on the land, Jld.xed Wle. of .true- t.ues, narrow, crooked, inCODVlllDient, conge. ted, \all..f. and otherwi.e deficient street.., and defioiencie. ill public utili tie. llJ:ld recreatioDiIll ooaaunity facilities within .aid sect.ions. PASSE!;l AND APPROVBD this S"'t't day of yYJnJ- ~~~aJ ROY,. ear, yor , 1969. AftJ81' f M '~ ' . P cte G. W. ~re1t; ity Secret.ary 'i;" ^ . ' ." ,.J' EXHIBIT A -- DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT AREA BOUNDARIES BEGINNING at the intersection of the conterline of (ibolo Creek and the north right-of-way line of State Highway 7B. THENCE in a northwesterly direction along tho centerline of Cibolo Creek, said line also being the city limit of Schertz, to a point intersecting the extension of the east right-of-way line of Poplar Street, said line also being an extension of the property line between a parcel of land owned by the Southern Pacific Railroad and a parcel owned by Schertz, Classen and Rowell. THENCE northwesterly along said property line to a point intersecting the southwest right-of-way line of FM 1518. THENCE in a northwesterly direction along the southwest right-of-way line of FM 1518 to a point intersecting the extension of the north right-of-way line of Mitchell Avenue. THENCE in a northeasterly direction along the north right-of-way line of Mitchell Avenue to a point intersecting the west right-of-way line of Oak Street. THENCE in a northwesterly direction along the west right-of-way line of Oak Street to a point intersecting an extension of the north right-of-way line of the alley between Aviation Avenue and Maple Drive. THENCE in a northeasterly direction along said alley line to a point intersecting the east right-of-way line east of Chestnut Drive. TH ENeE in a southeasterly direction along sold alley line to a point intersecting the north right-of-way line of the United Gas Pipeline Company easement. THENCE in a northeasterly direction along the north right-of-way line of said easement to a point intersecting the extension of the west right-of-way line of Williams Street. THENCE in a southeasterly direction along said extension of the west right-of-way line of Williams Street to a point intersecting the north right-of-way line of Curtiss Avenue. THENCE in a northeasterly direction along the north right-of-way line of Curtiss Avenue to a point intersecting the east right-of-way line of Live Oak Road. THENCE in a southeasterly direction along saJd line to a point Intersecting the north right-of-way I,ino of State Highway 78. . THENce in a southwesterly direction along the north right-of-way line of State Highway 78 to 0 point of beginning. . , . " A'lcg-e 1-5-1 3-31-69 A U&OI.U'1'10N AJlPROVIIIG THE UR8AII UtlfEWAI. PLAN FOR lilUl'PALO VALI.IiY 1ll0M'S, 'ROJECT 'rEX. .-112 AIlln llICOIIUIllD- IIIG SAID 'LAN TO THE CUY COUNCII. FOR AJlI'aOVAI.. MmllUU.S, the Us-baa !laDewa! Apney of the city of Seb.rt., 28xu, ha. upon the req.at of the City Couacil ..4 the Depan..llt of Houtll'iJ and Urban De'INIlop..nt, propo.ed a p.1an for ...cuti08 of BUffalo Valley North.. 'roject. Tex. a"112 located within the city of Scbertz,Gudalupe COUllty, Te...., ..4 WHBJ\EAS, aai4 pl_ con.1etill9 of a printed 4oc_t da.\e4 t:1le 3id day of 'J)2..../~~J') , 196 and eatit.1e4 -Buffalo Valley lIortli";""Yrojeet; filx. ..lU. CO.Ilebt1ng of ij;& page. an4 -3 exb1>>U.a. ba. 1;I..n aubsit.ted to this COIIlmtiiT08 feu: e.va.lllation ancl llppxoval, and IIIHD&A$, .u4 Urban Renewal 1'1.. confoD18 to the 9eneral plan feZ' the ....lop..at of the City as a whole and &h01l14 be in all 1:hlD". a40pte4, now, tJlerefore B. IT RE.$.OLVEO BY THE 1'LAIllilIlllG COMMISSION OF TU CITY OJ' &CRaftz. 1. 'l'he UIt.ban !len_al Plan for the lilethlo Valley 1I0rth, Project 28:s;. R-1l2 _ p&'Opo.e4 by the Urban Renewal Ave_I' of the City ot SReZ'ta oond.till" of a pdnted 40cwaent dated the 3' I..r;vTday of ~ "<-hi , 196".&114 entitled -Buffalo Valley IIo~Project; T.x. a.. 01 eoaaUt1Dq of '-/:2; pap. and: --3 exhibit., b herOy rat.ifieel _. - _4 appro_d. :.I. '!'hie co.mu...1on hereby finds that the pJ:Ovie1088 of said rl_ relating to public are.., .treet: layout., OpeD .,ace., public uUlit.ie., land uee., SOIling, rebabilitation etan4...ds, and other pJ:Ov....lon. of .aid Plan conforlll to the ,eaeralplan of the City of 8caher'. ae a whole. 3. It.1. hell;eby reClOlllllllllDdeo to the City CooacU of the City of "'rt. that 1:he afon_nUoDea. tJrbanRenewalPlan for Buffalo Valley worth, Project Tex. R-112 be adopted after a public heada9 had thel'lllOIl by eaiel CUJ Co_oil .. provided by law so that. the public "ate net. will l:>e .erved, and. that 1:he Urban Blllnewal Agency pzoceed .. lJOCD aa pon1.ble 1Dto the execution of .aid Plan for .aid P&'Ojeot as ,n.eated wltJ11D the provb108' of the T.... Orban Renewal x.&w. 4. 'fhe secretary of thh Co8lllli.1iI8ion ia e1i_cted to flarnieb the d._I' CO_ou. the written reco_4at1ons ..t: forth iD thi. i1e.Oluti08 as n.aQi..C by the '1'.... Orban Renewal Law and to certi.fy the fiadia,. ..de henin h the City COWlOll. PAUED AliI) AJlPJiOWD thb !J..:::!: day of ',,", ' / / I 44-e/U . un. 1-: /",2:>2.<';'">'(_ - ..,pZl.c:.c::-L;- . Chairaan A'ftBI'I a ~f/~Z-/ cret:ary CERTIFICA~E OF RECORPI~G OFFICER The undersignea hertiby oertifies that; 1. U. is 1:he duly appoinwd, qualified ilnd aCUD, secretary of the Plannin, CollllllisBion of the Cit.y of Sebert..., Te.xae, lUIld 18 the oll8todian of the records of said PlanDinIJ Co.u...ion, iaclw11ng the Ki.B~tes of proceedings, and is duly authori.ed iW execute thill Certificate. 2. Att.aoll.ed hereto is a true ano: oorrect copy of the 1iesolution, iDcludin9 the WHEREAS clasues adopted at a special __tin, of the 'lanning Co~iasion held on March 31, lt69. 3. Said Resolution has been duly recorded in the Minutes of .aid meeting anc:i i. now in full force and effect. 4. 8.id meeting was duly convened and held in .11 respects in aCCOrdance with the law and. By-Lawa of the Planning Camllli.s1on. To the extent required by l.w or by said By-I......., due eQ. p::oper notice wu givea of said -tin9. A le,.l qllOrua of _.oera of the Planning eo.1s.ion waa pre.ent throupout said _Gtin.., ;md a legally ..fficient nWllber of _Jl!bers of the Plannln9 colllllli..i.on voted in the proper IIllUlller for the ao.option of said Resolution. All other require- .nta ad proc_d1nqa under the l.w and said By-lop. or othexwis. 1Dcident to the proper adoption of .aid Resolution have been duly fll1filleo., carried out and otherwise observed. IN WI'll!li:SS WHEiWOF, the \U1dersiwned has hereunto set hi. hand this 31",/ da.y of )!nc1..t-rj>), 196'. 1~L& /,,". "1~/( ,. (-. . creta:ry SAWTELLE, GOODE, TROILO, DAVIDSON & LEIGHTON ATTORNEYS AT L.AW 1002 SAN ANTONIO SAYINGS BUILDING S.......N ANTONIO~ TEXAS 78205 May 6, 1969 Urban Menew!lll Aveacy of the cit.y of SchnU Scherts, '-xa. Me Urban :Renewal Plan for Buff!lllo Valley Jilortb, Project Tex. .-112, Sebert., Texas GeRU...a e As ooun.el for theUJ;ban Mnewal ApDCY of the City of Schert., this 18 to aupplement ray opinion addre..ecl to YOI1 _der elate of OCto>>eZ' 28, 1968, in ooDDection with the Urban aenewal Plan referred to herein (hereinafter called the -Plan"). As legal co.eel in the above-identified project., Illy further opiQion :1s as follow.. 1. The Plan has been lIIOdiUedaiDce the date of .aid opinion and a. .0 lIIOdUied va., after approVal by the Govening Body of tile Local Public Apncy onMareb 31, 1969, subll1tted by that Apncy to the City COUllcil of the City of Seherts em s&14 s.- date. I have e.ua1ned the Plan as .0 lIIOdiUed (hereinafter called the -Modifie4 Plan-), lIIOJ:e partiCUlarly identified .. follow.: A printed doc~at dated the .1/..1:- clay of~"'< , 196" , enUU.4 -Buffalo valley1ioX'th, Pro. ~.ct ftx. a-ln,. cOIl.iet1Dg of .i:::- paps and ::!.- exhibita for tbe project ana a.cdbed thereiB, prepared by the Urtlan Jlenewal Agency of the City of Seberta and approved by the J,ocal Public Agency on March 31, 1969, and filed and available for public inspeotion ill the office of the City Secretary of the City of $cherU, '-sa., locat:ed at the l'ire Station of the City of Seberta, State of 'fex.s. I have al.o eXdl1Ded a record of the official proceedings re.pectin, tIhe aathoria.tiOll and approval of the Modified Plan by the GoveJ:'Jl- ill, Body of the Local Public Agency. 2. The MOGiUed Plan has been duly appXQveei by the City Co_oil of the City of Sebert.. I have eXlUB1ned a record of the official prooeediags r..peotiD9 the latter approval. All publ1e bodies, offt- SAWTELLE, GOODE, TROILO, DAVIDSON & LEIGHTON ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1002 SAN ANTONIO SAVINGS BUILDING SAN ANTONIO~ TEXAS 76205 cials and ageneie. which, under the St.ate or Local law, are required ito aQthori.e or approve the Modified Plan have done .0. A public headng- on the Modified Plan required under State or Local law has beea held in the i..i_ and _ner and at the pla08 required, following- ti:le giving- of' due notice to the appropriate parties by the public body or public offioal', all in aCCOrdance with law. Svery public: bearing- required by law, inolwll89 any such bearing on the l'ro- ject as distingu1shed froll a publio bearin9, if any, on the Modified 1'1_ un4eS' Section l05(d) of the Houe1n9 Act of 11l49, a. ...nded, or under any other law, haa b_n held 1.n the ti_ and lIaIUleS' and at: the place required, followinq the giving- of due notice to the appropr.iate partie.. by the appropriate public body or public official, all in accordance with law. 3. All the procedural reqlaJ.re_nts, approval., and other aotion. and fOJ:'lll&litie. requiud un4er State law to llI&ke the Modified Plan legally effeot.ive have been fulfilled, taken and oo.pleted, includillq the subaission of sdd Modified Plan to the Planning Co..t..ion of the City of Soherta. 4. '1'o.y knowledge there is no penC,1nq or threateneci Utig-a- tion of any kind coneeming- the Modified Plan oS' ,aid projeot. S. All of tbe provbions of para9raphs nuabered 3, 4 and 5 of IIY .aid previou. op1.nion dated Oct.ober 28, 1968, are hereby II&de applicable to the Modified Plan to the .... extent _ if they weS'e Nt forth here1n in full. A'1't,. PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT The State of Texas ! County of Guadal upe ! Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Knaren v~ uelke r hili (she) is th e Adv. E&~r. a weekly newspaper published at county and state and that notice , who being duly sworn says that of J.lh~ Vfllley News Se f,uin , in said a copy of which is hereto attached, was published in said newspaper on Apri I A~n'l Apr; I 2.,1167 2"3, /969 3D, /161 L~ )J~d~ Subscribed and sworn to before me this the April ,19 69 . . - .,,:.~.~ " 21rd day of ~~.~ Notary Public in and for GuadalulJe County, Texas. ~ The City Council of the Clty of lertZ, Texas, will hold a public hear- ; on the undertaking by the Local bilc Agency of City of Schertz of , BUFFALO V ALLEY NORTH PROJECT, ,x. R-1l2, at 8:00 p. m.. the 5th day May. 1969. in City Hall. Schertz. ~xas. The project area Gontains that par- on of the City of Schertz within the ,11ow lng. boundaries: BEGINNING at the intersection of the ~nterline of Cibolo Creek and the orth right-of-way line of State High- 'ay 78. THENCE in a northwesterly directi.on long the centerline of Clbolo Creek. aid line also being dle city limit of .chertz, to a point intersecting the ex- ension of the east rlgln-of-way line of 'oplar $tree,t, said line also being an ~xtension of the property Hne between a parcet of land owned by the Southern Pacinc Railroad and a parcel owned by Schertz. Classen and Rowell. THENCE northwesterly aiong sald property Hoe to a point intersecting the SQuu1\'>lest [igIn-oi-way hne of r1v1. 1518. THENCE In a northwesterly direction along the southwest right-of-way line of E1'v1l5l8 to a poLnt intersectlng the extension of the north right-of-way line of Mitchell A venue. THENCE in a northeasterly direction along the north right-of-way line of Mitcnell Avenue to a point intersecting the west right-of-way Hne of Oak St. THENCr in a northwesterly direction along the west right-of-way line of Oak 'Street to a point intersecting an exten- sion of the north right-of-way line of the alley between Aviation Avenue and Maple Drive. _ LEGAL NOTICE THENCE in a northeasterly direction along said alley line to a point inter- secting the east right-of-way line east of Chestnut Drive, THENCE in a southeasterly direction along said alley line to a point inter- secting the north right-of-way line of the United Gas Pipeline Company ease- ment, THlliCE in a northeasterly direction along the north r[ght-of-way line of said easement to a point intersecti.ng the extension of the west right-of-way line of Williams Street. THENCE in a southeasterly direction along said extension of the west right- of-way line of Williams Street to a point intersecting the north right-of- way line of Curtiss A venue. THEN CE in a northeasterly direction along the north right-of-way line of Curtiss Avenue to a point intersecting a line parallel to and twenty (20) feet east of the existing right-of-way Hne of Live Oak Road, said line being the proposed new right-of-way line after widening. THENCE in a southeasterlY direction along said line to a point intersecting the north right-of-way Hne of State Highway 78. THENCE in a southwesterly direction along the north right-of-way Hne of State Highway 78 to a point of begin- ning. The purpose of the hearing is to con- sider a proposal for the undertaking of a project under State and local law with Federal financial assistance under Title I of the Housing Act of 1949. as amend- ed; to acquire land in the project area; to construct, or reconstruct streets, u- tili ties. parks, playgrounds. and other project improvements; to make land available for developments or redevel- opment by private enterprise or publiC. agencies as authorized by lawi ~nd to 'carry out plans for a program of repair and rehabiHtation of buildings or other improvements. includi.ng acquisition and repair or rehabilitation of a limited number of structures by the LPA for guidance purposes. The Relocation Program is available for examination and will be open for discussi.on at the pubUc hearing. Any person or organization desiring to be heard wl1l be afforded an oppo'- umity to be heard. Roy w. Richard. Mayor ATTEST: G. W. Pickrell City Secretary I - I . .. I: J 5 .l! i ~I r ifl,! -,ill ;ir III! I ' - I' rl:i it! I I~ ~ I ~~ f!f ~! f iJli)1 !. ~tf J 1 I f ~~Il f... ...5 ~ r ~ll. .. ~ -i l! I ~ .'11 i l~ ,I If~ ~ it~~ lilt :1 Iff 01 . 01 ftB SAn OF TmS I WUl!I"I:lOF <JW>>.IlJPlC I 1, G. Ii. PieIrinll, C1t-, Slcretar-, of the CitJ' of .9che:rtz, Texa:s, do _.. Clartiti that. the above m1 t'oregoiJli is a true and. C01T\9Ct COPT of an excerpt tNltbe '""~.I! of t.u City COUDDil at. a Jll.Ib11e Bear1.ng hell! ~ ., of IfIlY . 1969, as 8&118 &0 appears on the ltizmte RecClNlJ of sUd Cit.,. ('.......41. ...~1IIlWS II!' IWIl aM the of1'1ciaJ, seal of tbe aUq of .sebert:; the 9t-h _ or IIt.Y . 1969. /J~fl~~~ (1.. Ii. .. '1 a:ry Soblrl't.15, T6D& '1'JII 3f:lU OF 'rlWS I ~J; 01 QU4DAlDl'E I auuM .. tM lIIldenIigMd autboirit.,-, a Mary PW:tl1e :l.n and. tor iJtJad,alupe ~J', 'fcoD8, _ t.b:1a dq plir'If(ll'W,l1,. appell1"ed G. ti. P1clIrell, City secnt.&r7 fit .. CUr of.,.L t... 'leas, kfIowD to me to be t.he JIlIl'IIeft wboso ... is ~ to tM ~ ~. and aobowlodged, to me that. be _souto<!. .. .... r. * ....'0 J lIS aud <lQl1S1derat.1an t.bcre1n _ Od!lled &:Ill in the . J .....,. ~ lItated. .. __ .", bII!I4 ud. i'Joal of of't1co tb1s _b.;J... .da1 of ~. 1969. ~.,taae Ii. P. rHULBMjJ~ER , ~ Iflf' I I It'f I'f ! 4 I .(' Jlf HIf IIff lIf I~:!i e i Hi tfll' I . 4 J rl U:I ~n :~ ~Ii I It... ~i~' · II ; I~ Ii I. ,I 'll:, ai r~f8f -- ,r . ,. It! f I at l' f 1 fl. I' I" :ii JI 1:1 ~ I~ I~ I " II~ I:! I "i[ ... 1 =. ... 1 r I 1- ~ I' c .( ... . . . 1:- · r~J I It;t ..., ,If f2 II ~I if. I . ! ; ~ ~l ;li {iJ'1 II =.,. .... - - f I !I I~ -I / Ji !i ii ~ , J ~ Q ~r 1[' [ ffr ~:~ 'I - g 1~lf ~ ~: 1[( I I~( ii I !ff i :fi r~ ! ;11 ~W i 1:1 'it I iff . !~ [ : .;1 t!J 5 ~E S 1 ~ ~f !~ E ~I , I II - i