ORDINANCE NO. 168 ~ .' I~g AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION SIX (6) OF ORDINANCE 81 OF THE OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: SECTION ONE (1): SECTION SIX (6) of ORDINANCE 81 of the City of Sc.Ju.~ Cou.ygL" , Texas is hereby amended so that same shall and does include the following provisions: (a) No water meter shall be installed for the use of customers of the City of Schertz water supply unless such in- stallation of such meter is made by and under the supervision of employees of the Schertz water works. (b) In the event any water meter of any customer of the Schertz water works is inoperable at any time, then and in that event such consumer shall be billed for service which was provided during the period the said _eter was inoperable on the basis and .~.', by computation of the average monthly consumption of water of the three month period next preceding the period for which such meter was inoperable. Such charge to be applied on a daily rate over the period during which said meter was inoperable or the period for which the said water works was unable to secure a reading of the actual consumption of water by the customer whose meter was inoperable. (c) The City of Schertz, Texas will not be responsible for loss or waste of water on the customers side of the meter. All water delivered to a customers meter shall be charged for, whether used or not. SECTION TWO (2): All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. SECTION THREE (3): This ordinance shall be and is in effect from date af its pa~sage. PASSED AND APPROVED this the /.j~ day of October, 1967. ATrEST: . ,'e, 1/, p( ;J+?t!f! ~ry ~~