ORDINANCE NO. 73-U-21 . / AN ORDINANCE # 73 - L).- .;1-) APPROVING THE PRICE AND CONDITIONS OF THE SALE BY THE URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ OF PROPOSED PARCEL 55-4, LOCATED WITHIN THE BUFFALO VALLEY NORTH URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT, TEX. R-1l2, TO GUADALUPE AND CAROLYN DEL TORO FOR THE SUM OF $7,600.00, FOR 12,110 SQUARE FEET. WHEREAS, the Urban Renewal Agency of the City of Schertz advertised for bids for the sale of certain property available for disposition within its Buffalo Valley North Project Tex. R-1l2, in the Valley News and the Weekly Herald, all newspapers with a general circulation within the City of Schertz, Guadalupe County, Texas; and WHEREAS, pursuant to said advertisements, there waS a bid submitted by Guadalupe and CarolYn Lel Toro for a parcel of property described as Urban Renewal Disposition Parcel 55-4, within said Project; and WHEREAS, said bid of $7,600.00 for 12,110 square feet was within the minimu:m disposition price set upon said parcel by the Agency; and WHEREAS, said bid was accepted by the Board of Co:mmissioners of the Urban Renewal Agency after the bid opening of September 26, 1973, by a Resolution duly passed on October 10, 1973, and whereas said Resolution authorized sale to the said Guadalupe and CarolYn Del Toro and reconnnended acceptance and approval of the terms and conditions of the sale to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the aforementioned bid and proposed use set forth in said bid and its terms and conditions conform to the Redevelopment Plan for Buffalo Valley North Project Tex. R-112, and conform to the plan for the development of the City as a whole; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCBERTZ, 1. The price and conditions of the sale by the Urban Renewal Agency of the City of Schertz of proposed Parcel 55-4, within its Buffalo Valley North Project Tex. R-112, to Guadalupe and Carolyn Del Toro are hereby approved in accordance with Section 11 of Article 1269L-3, Vernon IS Armotated Civil Statutes of Texas. 2. The property to be sold as authorized in Paragraph 1, above is more particularly described by field notes attached hereto and marked as exhibit "A" of this Ordinance. 3. The consideration for said sale being $7,600.00 for 12,110 square feet, is also hereby approved. 4. The sale by the Urban Renewal Agency is made subject to the restrictions of the Redevelopment Plan for Buffalo Valley North Project, Tex. R-112 as approved and amended and is on file in the Office of the Executive Director. 5. The conditions of the disposition documents, including the Deed and Contract for Sale of Land for Private Redevelopment, a copy of which is on file in the Office of the Executive Director, together with this Ordinance, are hereby approved. 6. The City Secretary is hereby directed to furnish copies Ordinance to the Executive Director of the Urban Renewal Agency. 1;:i n(" ~.........; of this PASSED AND APPROVED this :J-.S- day of , 1973. ~' iJ-;' -:;: /.~,_/(, ._'J L J" , ,L"""", , ~ 'C;,--:(.\:- _ I...<-" . Mayor ATTEST, /' " -. ~~/ -; City Secretary / ,., APPRO)lErfi~ TO F~y _ , ,,"d',--,(:---1---.:.{.I"/.'\:;--./ 1,.,-tI _,J ...IlL_----+-- . '-/ . ~~1:;//1' 'J.^- ....../1/-. ....-<' !~, / " G~ty Attorney ,. ~ --ti. 55-4 March It, 1972 PULD 110ft. POll A 0.278 ACe TRACT or UUlD 8&111G I..OT ). eDkUlS aOL'J'OII SUBD1VIUCII, AS J..iC0Jl.D1CD UI VOr.UMB 174. .MI 537 or TJIa I'LA'I' aa::CIIUlfli or G~l.UI'Il COUJI'f'Y, Tli:XAS. '.~I. at aD iron pin aet at the int.....ct:ion <:It' the n_ aouth R19ht-of....y Uu"-of _1. 'tr.et wi th the ..at Una of the .00'''11 _ntio:'1ed Lot 3, .aid po1nt beill9 S ..00 00' W. 215. J8 ft. trOll t)ae iot.er.ltCti on of the 11._ SOlltb Jllqht-of- Way 11_ of "in Itr..t with the new _at Jliqht-ot-WaV 11n. of Lh'f11 OIIk Road, for tlHt 101ft or a.IGIDI. of thh tract, ~.. 8 2,0 29' ., .1_9 tb~ ..at li"e of I.ot 3. . diat.nee of 20'.89 ft. to .. l~Oft pin ..t for the aouth...t corner of th18 tract, aaid poiot bei.. at. the ftO-S'th R19ht-of....Y line of G.B. . S. A. llailtoa4 (South.rn PIKl,f1c), o t8IICS. I 62 ~9' W, .tong the nort:h Jlioht-of-Way li". of aai4 G.K. . 5.A. "i 1 road, a d1.taaee of S9.0~ ft. t:o an iron pin .et for the southwaat co~fter ot t.hi8 tr.c:t:r o , ~.. . 29 29' W, .tOat the ..at line of a.id Lot: 3, . 4ist.ace 01 203.12 ft, to a!'\ Uon p16 ..t at the 11._ aovth aight-of-Way Une of Main ate.at: for t.1t. IIOr~.t: t!O~Il.1' ct this t:rMt., lrl 600 00' ., .1oQq t:hlt _ aOQth U"ht-ot-W.y !.iDe of of 59.00 ft. to tbe 101.... or "IJe1I!IG and cont..ini.. '1:'--';" 41aunee 1..... "in Bt:r..t:, . 0.278 acr.. of (r '-~~..Jt. y---- '. ~=--=---:!:-::..____ '-11.1...040 A. Ar;and. lt~i.ter.d P\ll)!1c SunrayoI' MAI~. Exhibit "A" A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE HIGHEST AND BEST RESRlNSIBLE BID FOR THE PURCHASE OF ALL OF PARCEL NO. 55.4, LOCATED WITHIN mE URBAN RENEWAL HWJECT, BUFFALO VALLEY NORTH PRO. JECT TEX. R-112 CONSISTING OF A TOTAL OF 12,110 SQUARE FEET FOR THE SUM OF $ 7,000,00 ACOEPTING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE PURCHASE OF SAID PROPERTY AS SET FORTH IN mE BID OOCUJolENTS SUBMITTED; ESTAB- LISHING A MINIMUM DISPOSITION PRICE OF PARCEL NO. 55--4; AND AUTHCRIZING iRE AGENCY CHAIRMAN TO EXECUTE A WARRANTY DEED AND A CONTRACT FOR LAND msrosITION AFTER CONCUllRENCE IN SAID SALE BY iRE CITY OF SCHERTZ AND iRE DEPARTI1ENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT; A1~D mRECTING THE AGENCY'S EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO FORWARD THE PROPOSED SALE PRICE A.,\ID CONDITIONS THEREOF FOR APFROVAL BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ. WHEREAS, the Urban Renewal Agency of the City of Schertz offered for sale the following described property located within Urban Renewal Project. Buffalo Valley North Project Tex. R-112; Parcel No. 55-4. square feet. 12.110; and WHBREAS. public advertisement of such proposed sale was placed in the Valley News and the Weekly Herald, all newspapers with a general circulation in Schertz. Guadalupe County, Texas. on September 5. 1973. and September 19. 1973; and WHEREAS. bid documents in connection with said advertisement were on file at the office of the Urban Renewal Agency of the City of Schertz. 507 Hairr Street. during the bid period set forth in said advertisement giving the terms and conditions for the proposed sale; and WHBREAS. after a bid period of not less than twenty--one (21) da.Ys. bids were opened at 2:00 P. M. on September 26. 1973. by the Executive DirectlQr of the Urban Renewal Agency; f.nd WHEREAS, only one (1) Parcel No. 55-4; and bid(a) was/_ submitted on all of WEREAS. the bid of Guadalure Del Toro and Carolyn LeI Toro dba Quality Aluminum Patio Company is recOlllDl8nded for approval by the Executive Director; and WHEREAS. it is the opinion of the BQard. after considering the teI'lllS. conditions and proposed purchase price set forth in said bid, that it is acceptable and the highest and most responsible bid for said property; NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT REOOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE URBA.'< RENEWAL AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, 1. The attached bid of Guadalupe and Carolyn Del Toro signed by themselves in the sum Of""'i 7.600.00 for the purchase of all of Parcel No. 55--4. located within Buffalo Valley North Project Tex. R-112 is hereby accepted. 2. The teI'lllS and conditions for the purchase of the property described in the paragraph above as submitted by said purchaser are hereby approved. 3. The minimum disposition price for said property is hereby established at $ 7,600.00 for 12,110 square feet. 4. It is 1lllderstood that the purchase price set forth in the attached bid must be paid in cash suhlj8ct to the terms and conditions for the attached bid. 5. It is a finding of this Agency that said bid is the highest and best responsible bid for the purchase of all of Parcel No. 55-4. 6. The Agency's Chairman is hereby authorized to exeoute a contract for land disposition with and a Warranty Deed to Guadalupe and Caro~ Del Toro dba Qu~lHv Aluminum Patio Company pursuant to the terms of the bid documents after oonourrenoe in said sale by the City of Schertz and the De- partment of Housing and Urban Development. 7. The Exeoutive Director is authorized to place the Agency's seal upon and attest the signature of the Chairman on the Deed mentioned in paragraph next above and forward said deed to Stewart Title Company tor closing. 8. The Executive Director is directed to forward this Agency's action for the sale of this parcel to the successful bidder and to the City Council of the City of Schertz for approval of the terms and conditions of this proposed salp as provided by law. 9. PASSED AND APPROVED this 9th day of Ootober, 1973. ., /J? I/l?u!~, /~o,= , Chairman ATTEST: ,~Ya~~~ SeorellarY Resolution No. ?Ol