ORDINANCE NO. 73-U-19 " .IIN ORffiN.llNCE # 73- U-I? llPPROVING THE PRICE .llND CONDITIONS OF THE S1iLE BY THE URB.IIN RENEW1iL AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ OF PROPOSED PARCEL 6-12, LOCATED WITHIN THE BUFF1iLO V1iLLEY NORTH URB.IIN RENEW1iL PROJECT, TEX. R-112, TO CARLTON J1\.GKSON FOR THE SUM OF $5,710.00, FOR 10,27~ SQUARE FEET. WHEREAS, the Urban Renewal .Agency of the City of Schertz advertised for bids for the sale of certain property available for disposition within its Buffalo Valley North Project Tex. R-112, in the Valley News and the Weekly Herald, all newspapers with a general circulation within the City of Schertz, Guadalupe County, Texas; and WHEREAS, pursuant to said advertisements, there was a bid submitted by Carlton Jackson for a parcel of property described as Urban Renewal Disposition Parcel 6-12, within said Project; and WHEREAS, said bid of $5,710.00 for 10,275 square feet was within the minimum dis- position price set upon said parcel by the .Agency; and WHEREAS, said bid was accepted by the Board of Commissioners of the Urban Renewal .Agency after the bid opening of September 12, 1973, by a Resolution duly passed on September 21, 1973, and whereas said Resolution authorized sale to the said Carlton Jackson and recommended the acceptance and approval of the terms and conditions of the sale to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the aforementioned bid and proposed use set forth in said bid and its terms and conditions conform to the Redevelopment Plan for Buffalo Valley North Project Tex. R-112, and conform to the plan for the development of the City as a whole; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIl OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ: 1. The price and conditions of the sale by the Urban Renewal Agency of the City of Schertz of proposed Parcel 6-12, within its Buffalo Valley North Project Tex. R-112, to Carlton Jackson are hereby approved in accordance with Section 11 of Article 12691-3, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes of Texas. 2. The property to be sold as authorized in Paragraph 1 above is more particularly described as follows: Lots 24, 25 and 26, Block 14, AVIATION HEIGHTS ADDITION, G. MALPAZ SURVEY, situated within the corporate limits of the City of Schertz, Guadalupe County, Texas. 3. The consideration for said sale being $5,710.00 for 10,275 square feet, is also hereby approved. 4. The sale by the Urban Renewal .Agency is made subject to the restrictions of the Redevelopment Plan for Buffalo Valley North Project Tex. R-112, as approved and amended and is on file in the Office of the Executive Director. 5. The conditions of the disposition documents, including the Deed and Contract for Sale of 1and for Private Redevelopment, a copy of which is on file in the Office of the Executive Director, together with this Ordinance, are hereby approved. 6. The City Secretary is hereby directed to furnish copies of this Ordinance to the Executive Director of the Urban Renewal .Agency. PASSED .llND llPPROVED this '- day of Dr:l;;k<<./ ,/1. /tL.;( c , 1973. ~., 'Auh-v ATTEST: Mayor ~Ad ' )J kcD~ /:c/' City Secretary PROVED AS 'JXJ ~RM: ~/ . 1'" <":~'ljA~--".;if9"~./ . <l l / ,,~c"'(v'~z //I! 4.(~;-L '--;7 / .-"- I :~' (;i v - ...-I City Attorney 507 Main st. SCHERTZ, TEXAS 7S\54 AREA CODE ~12 653_6441 URBAN RENEWAL AGENCY CITY OF SCHERlZ TEXAS September 24, 1973 Ml:'. Denny L. 1\rnold City Manager City of Schertz P. O. Drawer I Schertz, Texas 78154 Dear Ml:'. Arnold: Attached is a prepared city ordinance for consideration of the City Council. You will find that it is self explanatory. A copy of our resolution (no. 199) referred to in the proposed ordinance is also attached. After execution of the ordinance please furnish us with two (2) copies. d~~ Walter A. Schertz { Executive Director \ Enclosures WAS/ aj , 1- / i ~);1; .t;Lil ,'/,.......t.... .{. ( ", ! ,,": V/,,'- It RESOLUTIOl1 ACCEP'l'L'1G THE HIGHEST AND BEST RESPONSIBLE BID FOR THE roRCHASE OF ALL OF PARCEL NO. 6-12, LOCATED WITHIN THE URBAN REJmoIAt, PROJECT, BUFF Al-O VALLEY IKll11i H10JECT TEX. R-112 CONSISTING OF ;A 'l.'OTAL OJ!' 10,275 SQUARE FEET FOR THE SUl1. OF $ 5,110.00 AI'..GEP'l'nrG '1'RE IEImS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE roRGHASE OF SAID PROpmn AS SET }1)RTH IN THE BID DOCUME:NTS; ESTABLIffiING A MINIHmI DISroSI'l'ION PRICE OF PARCEL UO. 6-12; AND AUTlHlUZING THE AGENCY CHAIRMA/i TO EXECUTE A r;ARR.AN'i~i DEED AND A CON'mACT FOR L.AIID DIs.- POSITION AFTm COl'iCURRENCE IN SAID SALE BY THE CITY OF SCHER'i.'Z AND THE DEPilR'rnEt?L' OF HOUSING AND URBAN ~~l.r; Ai'lD IlllEC'l'U1G 1'lrE J\().,'lCY' S EXECUTIVE DIIUX:TOR TO FORWARD THE PROPOSED SALE PRICE AND CQN- mTIoNS THEREOF FOR APPROVAL B'l THE cr::"1 COUNCIL OF TIlE or!'i ffi' SCHERTZ. WHEREAS, the Urban Renewal Agency 0:: the City of Schertz offered for sale the following de8<Wibed property located within Urban Renewal Project, Buffalo Valley North Project Tex. R-112; Parcel 6-12, squa.--e feet 10,275; and WHEREAS, public ad:vertisement of such proposed sale was placed in the Valley N61>'S and the vieek~ Herald, all newspapers with a gelleral circulation in Schertz, Guadalupe County, Texas, on August 22, 1973, and September 5, 1973; and ~1HlmE.AS, bid docWJlln'~s in conrJ.ection 1nth saia. advel't1seroont were on file at the office of the Urban Renewal Agency of t,he City or' Schertz, 507 Main Street, during the bid period set forth in said advertisemsnt giving the terms and conditions for the proposed sale; and tiHEREAS, anal.' 11 bid period 0:' no" less Wll;U1.tuenty-cna (21) ela,/s, bids were opened at 2100 P. H. on September 12~ 1973, by the Executive Director 0:: the Urba1. Renewal Ac;ellCY; and HllEP..EAS, four (4) of Parcel 6-12; and bides) 1lU/ware subm:i:tted en a.Ll WHEREAS ~ the bid of 'fexas Director; and WHEREAS, i.t,,,iiLfj,he opinion of the Board, after considering the terms; conditions and proposed purchase price set forth in said bid, that it is acceptable tmd the highest and most responsible bid for said property; Carlton Jackson~ l4B Patrick Henry, Schertz, is recOlllllllIDded :fo%' approval by the~'u:':!C NCM, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COOlUSSIONERS OF 'l'HE lllUWl RENEWAL A~lGY OF THE cri'Y 0;:,' SCHERTZ: 1. The attached bid (d Carlton Jackson signed by Carl tOil Jackson in the 1lUIItc: of $ 5, nn, no for the purchase of all of Parcel 0-12, located w:!.th:i.n Jufialo ""nay' North Project Tex. R-112 is hereby accepted. 2. The terms and eonditio1W for the purchase of the property des- cribed in the paragraph above as subIlitted b'J' said purchal3Elr are hereby approved. 3. The minimwn disposition price for said property is hereby Elst<<blished at $ 5,710.00 for 10,::7;: S;:;'Um'C feet. 4. It is understood that t.'ls purchase price Bet forth in -i;hc at.;,,:;hed bid IIII18t be paid in cal3h subject to the terms and conditions of the attached bici. 5. It is a fi11ding of this Agency that said bid is the highest and best responsible bid for the purchase of all oY Parcel 0-12. 6. The Agency'S Chairmall is heret:!" authorized to execute a con- tract for land disposition with and a Warranty Deed to Carlton T............n pursuant to the terms of the bid documents eiter concurrence in sa.1.d sale IT.r the City 0.' Schartz and the Depart- ment of ilousinf and Urban Development. 7. 111e ZKecuti va Director is authol'ized. to place the Agenc-.r 's eeal upon and attest the siS'llature oi' the Chairman on the deed men- tioned in paragt'aph nGlCG above and forward said deed to Stewar-t Title Compan;r for closing. 8. l'be ;J;xecuti ve :i:lirecto~ is direc;;ed 'I;c l'orward thi6 4.,~ncy' s action for the Ilale of this parcel to. the successful bidder af"i to the City Council of the City of Schertz :for appro-,-,Q. 0,' the tarrn.s and conditions of this proposcc sale 88 provided b;r la-w. 9. PASS;W..uID APi'110VED this 21st day of September j 1973. ~~r ' -'-/ / ~ c<. ,:oJ<c~ - Chairman ATTEST I f!# ~ 4tV~ta.-Y Resolution 1;0. 199 2