ORDINANCE NO. 73-U-13 '" . . AN ORDINANCE 'l.J-U-/3 APPROvnm THE PRICE AND CONDITIONS OF THE S.ALE BY THE URBAN RENEW'.AL AGENCY OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ OF PROPOSED PllRCEL 50-1, LOCATED WITHIN THE BUFF.ALO V.AL1EY NORTH URBAN RENEW.AL PROJECT., TEX. R-112, TO FREDERICK W. ROWELL FOR THE SUM OF $600.00, FOR 5,401.26 SQUllRE FEET. WHERE./IS, the Urban Renewal Agency of the City of Schertz advertised for bids for the sale of certain property available for disposition within its Buffalo Valley North Project Tex. R-112, in the Valley News and the Weekly Herald, all newspapers with a general circulation within the City of Schertz, Guadalupe County, Texas; and WHERE./IS, pursuant to said advertisements, there was a bid submitted by Frederick W. Rowell for a parcel of property described as Urban Renewal Disposition Parcel 50-1, wi thin said Project; and WHERE./IS, said bid of $600.00 for 5,401.26 square feet was within the minimum disposition price set upon said parcel by the Agency; and WHEREAS, said bid was accepted by the Board of Commissioners of the Urban Renewal Agency after the bid opening of November 8, 1972, by a Resolution duly passed on November 13, 1972, and whereas said Resolution authorized sale to the said Frederick W. Rowell and recommended the acceptance and approval of the terms and conditions of the sale to the City Council; and WHERE./IS, the aforementioned bid and proposed use set forth in said bid and its terms and conditions conform to the Redevelopment Plan for Buffalo Valley North Project Tex. R-112, and conform to the plan for the development of the City as a whole; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ: 1. The price and conditions of the sale by the Urban Renewal Agency of the City of Schertz of proposed Parcel 50-1, within its Buffalo Valley North Project Tex. R-112, to Frederick W. Rowell are hereby approved in accordance with Section 11 of Article 12691-3, Vernon I s Annotated Civil Statutes of Texas. 2. The property to be sold as authorized in Paragraph 1. above is more particularly described by field notes attached hereto and marked as Exhibit "A" of this Ordinance. 3. The consideration for said sale being $600.00 for 5,401.26 square feet, is also hereby approved. 4. The sale by the Urban Renewal Agency is made subject to the restrictions of the Redevelopment Plan for Buffalo Valley North Project, Tex. R-112 as approved and amended and is on file in the Office of the Executive Director. 5. The conditions of the disposition documents, including the Deed and Contract for Sale of Land for Private Redevelopment, a copy of which is on file in the Office of the Executive Director, together with this Ordinance, are hereby approved. 6. The City Secretary is hereby directed to furnish copies of this Ordinance to the Executive Director of the Urban Renewal Agency. PASSED AND APPROVED this -..? day of ...:r LJ I... r , 19~. ~(i- ~~ Mayor ATTEST : 9k~~ J1 ~' AP~~\~To FORM: 1 ./ /-;-;; 7Cl(d'4'R:~~-0 , City Atl:borney K7..au-- (/ - City Secretary r ! . ,...-.. SO..l . . h.11' 1. 1'71.. ~T TSX&a a-lll 81l<...aLO 'Yf.u.JrY _'111 I'I&LD BOB. lOR A TlUlCT OJ' LNIJ). UIIIO A POIlTIfa 011' LO'1' 23, BLOCK 111 or TIlE KOCH ADDI'fIOB AIID UIE P&Jl.T 011 G. JaLaa auavn 110. 67 AS JtBCOIIU)G) Dl VOLIDIB 2, MOl!!: 114 OF 'BIB DBJID RaC0ItD8 OF GUlU>>.LW.I COlDIl'f, TIlXAS. .,.~.. at - iron pin ..t on tho DOr~.t coxau of Lot 23 aDd the eouth A19llt-of-Way line of BachImcJ. Avenll4l, _1d pOint all10 be1ng the nort:beaet COC1l< of Lot: 22, o '&~.I a10119 the South Ri9ht_f....y ii_ of Jbric:hange Avenue, II 60 28.43 ft. to - iron pin ..t at the pOiat of eu.cvatlU'. of a curve to 20' &. tU rip.t 'J'II 'tlh a1011cJ add cur"e to the ript, .Ying a r"1_ of 15.00 ft., . dJ.at.anl of 23.57 ft. to the point of ~y, aaid pc>>.Dt a1110 beiag on the __ "'t Up"_f-wa}" 11_ of Uve Oak Road, TDE&I alClDg the .... We.t Ricpat-of-waJ' 1iaa of Li_ Oak Road, $ 2,0 l" a. 110.00 ft.. to _ iron pin ..t fox the aout:beaat corDer of t:JU.e tract, o ."....... along the north 111M of Lot 26, S 60 20. If, 43.76 ft. to _ 1.t'on pin _t for the ...tbweat corner of thie tract. and tho aou~et Gorner of Lot 22, ........... along the ...t 11_ of Lot 22, . 290 30' If, 125.00 ft. to the poiAt o~ bo91~.. 8Dd OORt.ainill9 5401.26 eQ.. ft. of lltDd. --- ' / , t f I / ,- J , . / \ "' _..-~' '-_.- --..'-.- \. "-..' \--''''"~''' A~..~ A. Aranda Reviatuad Public Surveyor .' MAlAte , f 1. , I f '~ l' " EX, fI / 13 IT '/1"