80-D-9 ORDINANCE NO. ){()- D- r AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING THAT THE CODE OR ORDINANCES, CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, BE AMENDED BY REVISING SECTION 18-76 OF SAID CODE, PROVIDING FOR SPEED LIMIT IN SCHOOL ZONE ON FM 1518: AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY WHEREAS, based upon engineering and traffic surveys and investi- gations, it has been determined that there should be certain amendments to the traffic regulations of the City of Schertz, Texas, as outlined and defined in Chapter 18 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Schertz, Texas; rlOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS: I THAT Section 18-76 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Schertz, Texas, is hereby amended by adding the following: STREET EXTENT SPEED LIMIT Farm to Market Road 1518 A point beginning at the inter- 20 M.P.H. section and continuing to a point 0.300 mile north of Lindbergh Avenue where signs are posted and when school speed lights are flashing II THAT the City Secretary is hereby directed to have this entire ordinance published in one (1) issue of the Valley News, the official news- paper of the City of Schertz, Texas. III THAT the public importance of this measure constitutes and creates an urgent public necessity requiring that this ordinance be passed and take effect as an emergency measure; and take effect and be in force immediately upon and after its passage. Ma&~~xas ATTEST: \'~~~4~~li COrvlwl~ RES, ~ RURAL _ , * 20M HV I QFOR SCHC'OL CROSSINGS-POSTED SPEED lIMtlTS ATALLOTHEJ;\ TIMES. I * 0..3001.11. ~ 'r I o ELOPMc.N r R::S, SIGHT DISTANCE :::'LL BM~K or ADVISORY SPEED CURVES OVER 20 GRt.DES OVER 3 % SUR WIDTH AND TYPE ROW Arm ROBD. W 10TH A:C!OENTS i 974 zor~E LEr~GTHS MILE ZONE SPEEDS MPH / ,-SEE I BELOW '\ I / 130 --0~ [ill TOWARD T<.n !-o I ;:t: +:n I + ~I + :~ ~,! 1'- - + /'z ....: CD + :(J) I 1.-1 r I C L. BEARINGS TOWARD ,- r-, ^1 A :J c.Uv ZONE SPEEDS MPH Zm~E LENGTHS MIL ACCIDENTS 1974 R O.W AND RoaD WIDTH SUR WIDTH AND TYPE GRADES OVER 3 ~'" CURVES evER 2 0 BALL CA~II< or A;:)W5<)RY ~P([O RES SIGHT DISTANCE DEVELOPMENT DIST. NO.15 COUNTY GUADALUFE filGHWAYFMl518 CITY SCHERTZ (INC.) 00 0.235 30 0.40C. .. t 35 ,.~ -f-~4 6; ;42. ~;P a'Y' '\' , ,~ --.\ N f. i '.' l~i\'1 ~ :..2.chOOI o : c rossinq 1m IT1 ;0 C'J '- 30 ,- :>- 3- < . b IT! 59i' 30 0.235 o n :",.5chpcl c 0 crcssing, ~ School . Ul ~ rTI, +4- o :t: o o 0.414 45 ~55 I ' 1~gi SCHERTZ ( I N C.) o "'. 1:P ~\/ ^ 'X". .~ ~ . ~8' I~ 55. N38051'W 4i ~i '<{I I ~/ -I 1--' '<{i ~ ~ 45 0.414 26'ASPH, 2~.lL 80'- 2f::.' 12 QIAS I- H-2 ML I \ t 56'-' ' lATE CF SURVEY SCAl.( I O'~ I MILE . 7- 75 CTION ONEIL ENGTH LIMITS OF ZONE MILES SECTION TWO STAC~"'P C:;~T &SiCT' PROJ~CT STA C~ MOl s 1542-1 BEGINS ~4" 0.3CCMI. CO!\1 M, 1.I;1;UTE JoO OAT E IlEPLACES 54596 DUE 5.4-54 REPLACED BY DATE CA"'CE:'EO BY DATE LENGTH MILES CCO; T 8 SECT PPOJECT =r ;-a CP MP r== __1___ .__.____ TCCN~S~Cf-p;OJ~~~-~= I E~OS ~~A-;~P:--- CCNT8SEcr, PRO.Ecr t+-. I 00 j-.I- 5 c ~~= RES. ~ RURAL 85 PERCENTILE SPEED TOP SPEED MEASURED NuMBER OF CARS CHECKED " SPEED ZONE FATAL ACCIDENT PERSONAL INJURY ACCIDENT PROPERTY DAMAGE ACCIDENT INDICATES SECTION ZONED BY COMM ISSION MINUTE 73~ ~,9" AHiclavit By Publisher Of .. ,z(' ~..()~.... TIlE STATE OF TEXAS, t County of Guadalupe, \ Before me, the undersigned authority, on this date personally appeared ~.~),~...,,%owntome'Who, being by me duly sworn, on his oath deposes and says that he is the publisher of The !i"'~ ~spaper published in said .county; that a copy of the within and foregoing .............................. was published in said newspaper ......1...... times be- fore the return day named therein, such publications being on the following dates: 41-;2 if- - f?C) .................................................. .................................................. and a newspaper copy of which Is hereto attached. Sworn to and sub=-Ibed before me, this ........... ....... .....~....~. ..1..... N~of ......~.............. A. D., l~go ...~~t.:;;.~bit~.~p;a;~i;:~ 1,'. ..,.~x:.'( :~: r ,">':1 City of Schertz '\OFDINANCE NO. llO-E-9 - AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS, CANVASSING THE- RECOUNT OF THE MAVORAL VOTES AS ESTABt..ISHED BY THE DUL Y APPo.INTED RECOUNT COMMITTEE AND DECLARING THE RESULTS OF THE CITY MA y-oRAL ELECTION HELD IN SAID CITY ON THE 5TH DAY OF APRIL 1980; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Passed, approved and adopted this the 15th day of i\prill980. June G, Krause City Secretary 17(1C)