090607-1-Selma Disannexation Sep, 7. 2007 3: 12PM CITY OF SELMA No, 5825 P. 2 ORDINANCE No. 090607~1 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF GUADALUPE AN ORDINANCE DIS.ANNEXlNG A 5.062 ACRE AREA FROM THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF SELMA, TEXAS WHEREAS, by Resolution adopted on June 14, 2007, the City Council of the City of Selma authorized the entry by the City of Selma into an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Schertz (the "Interlocal Agreement"); and WHEREAS, the Jnterloca1 Agreement has been signed on behalf of the City of Selma; and WHEREAS, the Interloca1 Agreement has been signed on behalf of the City of Schertz; and WHEREAS, the Interlocal Agreement is fully effective; and WHEREAS, the Interlocal Agreement includes a provision that the City of Selma would, after obtaining pre-clearance from the Civil Rights Division of the United States Department of Justice, disannex all of Lookout Road from IH-35 to the planned extension of Associates Drive (which shall be renamed Lookout Road connecting the remainder of Lookout Road connecting the remainder of Lookout Road in the City of Selma); and WHEREAS, the area to be disannexed is uninhabited; and WHEREAS, the area to be disannexed is described by metes and bounds on Exhibit "A" attached to this Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the City of Selma has received pre-clearance from the United States Department of Justice, Voting Rights Section, for the disannexation from the city limits of the City of Selma of the area described on Exhibit "A" attached to this Ordinance. NOW, TImREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THECITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SELMA THAT: 1. Disannexation of Area From City Limits. The City of Selma does hereby disannex the area consisting of 5.062 acres and being more particularly described on Exhibit "A" attached to this Ordinance from being within the city limits of the City of Selma. Sep, 7, 2007 3: 13PM CITY OF SELMA No, 5825 P. 3 2. Execution of Documents or Notices. Mayor Jim Parma is authorized to execute any docwnents, orders, or notices or appropriate to implement the disannexation of the area described on Exhibit "A" attached to this Ordinance from being within the city limits of the City of Selma. The City Secretary or Assistant City Secretary of the City of Selma is authorized to certify a copy of this Ordinance or any other document, order, or notice related to this Ordinance. lbis Ordinance shall be effective upon passage and adoption. ~\,\"umUII'J,.I &'\\)"'f SEt. 'l1"I..~ ~TA'~ gj*~ ~~ ,,~ SJ... ~ i !--- .~= -u . - ATTEST: I ( J i ~~s ~ If .. ..Ii . .~ , ~~ . :!ro' "'''''',,;,i,,'''\\\\~ Ken Roberts, CPM City Administrator/City Secretary PASSED AND ADOPTED this (;th day of September, 2007. ~rmaQ Mayor Sep, 7. 2007 3: 13PM CITY OF SELMA No, 5825 P. 4 INC:. It.. __ 01(<< IIlD8 J' ##I PmjaeI ~o: 1124.4801 Page J Ql2 fUl:.1>>COTI8 POR U6R A.CRYS sa.MA CJ;IY LUUTS n~noN'OIl' l.OO.ICiOlIT 1lOA.D i:icJd _~J,OQ ICIQffltllllld, Joc:am:lln~ C~ --'<AnlaI'~ Toxu_"'~ IhI T__ Hlmn ~ N& 61, AbIDIct~ .53 in CJuadeIltJlO I ~ - ~ No. 20S ill CiJJIIIlII Couatt. r.-;.. bcInI ~ sinlaII:d In_ V_IIM11DWi ~'No. 114.~ Wet. 383 iaCIIzaaJ Cwuty, TGlla; bebI& DlI\l ~~~~ lfL6JNNlNGstaTs" ~ot'~fII&.t. Gfwar ~folQI/IllII die Nclnhtacltom Jiftl:Jl.oQIIcIat RlJDIII d-= 1:\I1-Gacl: olLoclbllt lbld ml ~ ~ 3.'i. for~ ~of1lC~&U01lROtdId Qfa.t ClIID\oIlIi,llI. Mid C'lIir4 3S ~ Ucl UJ Docu...... Ng, 2006060J.'W2 at. Offir:ial R.anfa ~ComIIf Coucrty~ T~ tOr tho ~~1lf1lbs S.D62-. ~E: S5~ 9tlJ OJ" W - 59.99iCct~ cid. ~ roM lG.TCQS ~"lIlft or I T~ riJlIt471W111I11Cl11a1ltlaltiluDdCIII dIe~ Iiddi tJlu/1J~ Road ~ Ib=cudledcof~...._ ~~2$h-amc='ot1lle~otdIM I a:rta!It Jo.$)QZ ~ ~ teDankd ill ~~ 8.a, PIp 102 ottbc Dctd ~ otGlRdlhlpc ~ T~ _&wna-ol'IbIU,OGeaIII: J J7lE'PlC& Ii !O"32~4F W -... ~ Iiaa af8lid ....LJaJ.1Itc ; N~ liRUll'dIltlUl ~ otI0.90Z..... *,~r..~,. cmafD II'lICC I llfb1lcl caDed to oOaIIfII6IU41 KrIll ill ~ .5J I~ fI9t 176 <ldIt.: Dt:t.d JWcQrdI e1 ~ CauaIr~ ~41 JDJS.1.9 &It..... Kid _ rad"')'tOgw alP IIlIIW "FUId Baf.,1nG."... fl!r1ll: ~ OCIflICf'of_::Wd IO~am:~ 1IIe&A........-l QarIIBI( W .. aid 6U4't acre.... .t )*01 _,... a ~ rr.aa inJp nw.t MJII. )'llI1ow ,. flIP IIIIIddf ~ f!rlt. .lac"" ~ 1II1ial: I ~ In all ~rSlU6 k b a .... CIlIIIICI' filugi 1br a__ of d2 .said 6U4. ... bIlll, fin. QllrDI:Il' oftlJis SJI62 lIl:nIi I 'l'IIEN't:b N TfDG'&4"w - ~.zzf=", N~!iDl; ottcda4 Ri:lGd.& JibI af'~ ... 6U4J ~1IMl18. ace CCImD'-" "'1I.~orthe SJid 69.641 ~U'llGf,. fi:lr. OCfarGttbil '.<<162 ~ " f'BENCE:. S 59"3t""W.. n.!l9k~1Jlo N~ lilG lll'Ulll~ 69.~1 .. , trait., tbc ~ &no otMid ~ mad ~'3....~. ~ dfa.;. j.lJ62.4lCftlI'l'l&t'" I Jmf: . I I I tJ9J.'1 wrf. DMI\ SUI'lt 101. ~ ANTOMU. TrXJlS ~2i7 (2t0l59004771 I'BDD-JIl-J11l11 W~$i[e WWW~dC'/1IInet'~ F-"'CISt0.c94D . Sep, 7, 2007 3: 13PM CITY OF SELMA No. 5825 p, 5 . I I . L. ___.. _._ ..fQ:RD__~._ENGINE.ERING'? INC::= . .. .___.flIM.. 1Y~.1 ~_ ...~ ---_A______ f ~J~ I f TllEifCE: ~ l,cnn:2"' Vi - 60,16 'fb:a ~ IlIId LaolcaIlt told (0 . ~ incfI iron m&t Jbu.l1d l&r I U.EaslaIl...Q.QJ08'ofU.~ so.oo...,..ftlII:faFbod ~'. ~Nn. i ~otdID~~oIConai~. TClli1II,a~roC~<:M4h. ".02 I ..r:r.w or.....~'COSctaI&ft ~~ 1.aDd,!.P. ill Oo-'-o-'No. I 200:f0e0446S DI., 0.... RocotUI otec.t~. TaIq, iIr" aa.. ottbll !.D62.. ! l*I or IaIIII; . : 11/l;{tlC!& N srn'q" ~ - 8S1.01 &:.:t ~ 1M So-1~ llae C1ftht ..71.02 .un traa i 10 a ~ J,dIirug JCd. ~ 1br a ~ortl. said 71.02 aftllrOQ., 1ilr a CiOlI\llr <rfthis S.!l62 actO :1*l~ ; 'I'IJI{NCg, S 30"2'"$1" Ii - 29,048 rea aIoa&a 1M.: arlbo said '77.b2... a-. 1M Y. iadI_ I ftIt ~ ftr. COftlIlI'9f~..ld 7't.0211anl bot.. ~.tgjd ~ RoId, 1bt.~ 01: jlflilS,OQlCftbCltl_ I i ~ N.ws~ 5-l2.$ btMlw;1 JiaQ ofmoaicl17,02 ~~llliQG oPDid ! 1..uaitaa JbaI ~ a paim l'ot dieW-.....-. COfIMll' of~~ 14.154 acre lrICt orland. ! ~[OMid ~ 3:i ~ Ltd ill ~_ Ncl. 2~)3QS2 DftilcOffid81 ~ I ,,(c-.t C".CIUlIIf. TCIIiII, iQt a ~ar lhis :J.0621ll:ft IrIa g( I:md; ! . /' ~ S3003:l..lrB-lIcrratlla~Jaf:lllid~Jf.oIt dD~ hClt1MIIId 14.2$41CN1RGI, fIle~ llllDDf'thoIlidQl.2071GCQ1nCC, -,sIO.J,Z . ~ JIlIIIlIiA ~ I.ncIt ~toc! ~ tbr. ~ClnJ'" of~aid 14.254' =n: lr.llt, h ! ~~flEu.c said 6I.-.'07l1lWUQd. at J1f.4(,.~3 pa$:i., ~.iDm ~ rod baI 0It I Iinc,:a di:51.Uc in d l)(3~16.16. iI!t1D thtMlNrUF .IIEQ.~NC atiI ~ 5.M2 jaagatW I 'I ~~i5N^P$3 TdDS8IIlcPlaDc~ ~ Co.rmp.~IS)tIatJlRPlClllll , PRli= Nr,,: I J4it4"'J - D=-AmexaCb1 l I I I I j fO'J~'W"(f tll\I\Ic. . suln 104. &m NlTnH~. mAS 1Ut1 (J1Q)'~lO-4m '-100.3]41-3109 WtbSlU" ~~eemsctlm FAX. i'm-(!HO SeD, 7, 2007 3: 13PM CITY OF SELMA No, 5825 p, 6 I'~- [ . u.s. Department of Justice CivIl Rights Division JKT-.MS.R:AA:par DJ 166-012-3 2007-32S5 VO~~-NWB 9S0At;...J'>'vruJa~. NFl' W(D'-~ lJC 11JJ3() August 8~ 2007 ( Marc J. Schnall, Esq. .I.A.ugley & Banac~ 74$ Bast Mulbetty" Suite 900 san AntOnio" Texas 18212-3166 Dear Mr. Solmall: Thit reters to the 1l111C 14~ .2007, deannexa.tion fu.m1 the City of Selma in Bcxart ComaI, and Guadalupe Cowltic:s, TtOOls, su~tted to the Attomay General pursuant to Section 5 oftbe Voting Rights Act, 42 V.S.C. 1973c. We received your submissiOli on June 25,2007, The Attorney GenemJ does not ~e ~ objection to the specified~. Howevert we note that Section 5 expzCsaly provides that the fhiJ.Ure of the Attorney 0eDeraI to object doe. not bar subsequent Iitiptioa to 'enjoin the ~ent of the change. ProcccIum; for the Administnmon ofSecBon S of the VotfngRighr3 Act (28 C.F.R. 51.41). Sincerely, ~ JA John Tanner r Chief, Voting Section (, 'RECEIVED AUG 1 3 2nD? Sep. 7, 2007 3: 12PM CITY OF SELMA City 01 Selma 9375 Corporate Drive Selma texas 78154 Fax Cover Sheet DATE: September 7,2007 TIME:J:10 P. M. TO: Mr. David Harris Assistant City Manager City of Sohertz FAX: (210) 659-3204 Ken Roberts. City Administrator City of Selma RE: ORDINANCE KDISANNEXlNO" LOOKOUT RD. FROM: PAGES INCLUDING COVER SHEET: 6 David, As discussed! !hank you, Ken Roberts, CPM City Administrator PHONE: 210-851-7824 FAX: 210651-9450 No, 5825 p, 1