NO. 35 . 46 ...,..'*' - ..... . r , . 0flDINANCE NO. 35" AN O:H.DINANCE PHOvIDING FOH FILLING THE Ol"F1CEQF li,ECOimEii. .)R JUDGE OF THE C01iPOiiATION COUiiT BY APPOINTMENT AS AUThOhIZED BY LAW W.'lereas, Article 1197a, Revised Civil t:)tatutes as enacted by House Bi 11 No. :13, passed by tne Regula:i: t:)ession v.L tne 53~d Le~islature, 1~J3, authorized the governin~ body o~ ci ties operating' under' tee senel'al laws to pl'ovide IOI" tile l~lling 01 tlle oific8 0; Recorder of the Co~poration Cou~t uy appointment. BE IT OhDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF' ThE CITY OF SCHEHTZ, TEXAS: SECTION 1. Afte~ tue effective da~e 0; ~nis o~dinauce t.i.~e 0:.2~iC'3 01 ltecorde.t:' 01' Judse 01 tile C01:pO:i'at:ion Court .::uall oe i:llled oy appoim:illent by tHe City Counci.l. SECTION 4. Tue Recorder of the Corporation Court snaIl perform the d~ties as prescribed by tae laws 0; tlle State of Texas. SECTION 3. The Reco~tier s~all be appointed for a term 01 o;:;:::ce :,:'ullllini; concm:';.:'ently wi th tllat of tLe Mayol'. He SHall "-eceiv,,] suc,: compensa tion as tne City Comicil s,lall i'ix by o:i'dinance Oi' i'esolution and snaIl fu:;:'nisL such s.i...',aty bond as may ue requi~ed 0y ~lle City Council, tne p~emium to 08 pa~d by Lne City. SECTION~: The City Secretary suall be ex olficio clerk o~ t~e said cou't, and he is hereey autho~ized to appoint a deputy wi~L the same power as tne secrsta~y, on the advise and consent of t~e City Council, whicll said cler~ anti deputy clel':>. sLall L.old office for the then CUI':;:"3nt te~'m of the City Sec~etary. Tae clerk and deputy clerk shall ~eep minutes ol the proc8edin~s of tne said court, issue all process, and senerally pe~;orm all tne duties of the cler~ of a court as presc~ibed uy law io~ a county clerk in so far as the same may 0e applicaole, and perform all other duties p~ovided oy law 0:' or'Jinance. -1- ~ ,. ~ e . . ~ j.. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall be in effect from and afte~ its passage. PASSED AND APPri.OVED 'II-lIS THE @~(j) ~~, City ::5ec:cetal'y 111:h. day 01 July, 13.:,,0. APPROVED: h?,~ .fZ:4L- Mayo ,