ORDINANCE NO. 70 .-- i I." ' i ~, " ,', f'" .' I~:~te'.' , ',i0>,", ,', ~:~:, c>,c_ ""'C'" , ,;,.:: '.., '. Ii, --:..... .'~j- J~t~ "" '-- - ..~ ,- . 7() NOTICE OF ELECTION TO CITIZENS OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS On 'l'hursday, the 1st day of February,l%2 the City Counoil of the City of Schertz, Texas, passed the following ,Ordinance: "ORDER FOR CITY OFFICER'S ELECTION BE 'IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, TEXAS. That an election be held in said City on Tuesday the 3rd day of April,1962, for the purpose of electing the following offioials for said City: Mayor Two (2) Aldermen City Karshall Suoh offioers to be elected by the resident qualified voters of said City and said eleotion to be held in aocordance , ..i th the General Election Laws of the State of Texas and / further by Ordinance of said City of Schertz, Texas. Each offioer to be elected for the term of two (2) years or until his successor has qualified. The two vaoanoies in the office " of Alderman, regular term, to be filled by the two persons reoeiving the highest number of votes at such election, and each qualified voter voting for two candidates at suoh eleotion: Presiding Judge Assistant Judge ~~::f~ d ':,;,,~ ~ That the Oity Marshall shall post a copy of this Olerk Olerk order at the Polling Plaoe of 'said Oity, which posting shall. be done not less than thirty (30) days prior to the date fixed for said eleotion. " . I , '~@j ,; , , , ",.;. ,~ '!''.. , .,' ,.--' ~~: ' I:~" i::~;: ' ._ i; Immediately after said election is held, the officers holding the same shall make returns of the result thereof to the Oity Council as required by the Eleotion Oodeof this State. A copy of this order shall also serve as a writ of eleoti,on which shall be delivered to the above appointed Presiding Judge for said election. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 1!i day of February, 1962. MAYOfi2~ ~~A/ \' . .,ATTES'f: If, if, QA':itRk( City Seer etary Notioe is hereby given that an eleotion will be II held on the 3rd day of April, 1962 the same being the fi~st .., 'l'~esday in April, for the Purpose of electing the following offioials for the Oity of Schertz, Texas: Mayor--office for regular term of two (2) years Two 'Aldermen--offices for regular terms of two (2) years City Marshall-~offioe for regular term of two (2) years Any person eligible under the laws of the State of '~exas may file for anyone of the above named offioes. The , dead line for filing is 12:00 o'olock midnight of March 3, 1962. Absentee voting will be held from Maroh 14, 1962 through Karoh 29, 1962. ~. ~" - ~'i,' 1::1 ~;- ~~~':'.r' ~".,1' ' ' ..- ;<1~" -: .. '~'\'-'. -~ ~ - ~' ~ , . Any eligible voter may vote absentee. Applications for absentee voting must be made to the City Secretary of Schertz, 'l'exas., WITNESS MY HAND this let day of February, 1962. MAfil~~~ --- ':;::.:' , \ L- l'larc:il. 5, 1962 10 hGli~Jl. MOTICE HOUCJ will ha~ t~:i~o~. c~J:r~ n.m t;rttg:l;j1' r.t'ttl)r'~"tb:1' dltr~-dl"~"n ot '~c-I\,>;;"t'~, ~~Xg1! 1),,'\ t-hot )t'd d11.y- 01' AprU 1%2'1 noy 1,;. R:labud 'lhtl tollo\1iDj;; a.~v'1d'MI hav. tUeci for tho ;"ti~ of JU.deman ( 2 to be .u"eted), :md lOill havo tb.!liP lIRe!! pr1nll8d OIl the Ci'fieLal Ballot of the C1t;r ~ of Sch8ns, 1'eJt98 OIl the )rod da-.r of ApM.l 1s;621 G~ F. !loIteR Ri chard R. Co8bT The J'oUl'Nill3 oand1__. have fUl'Ifil'or 'Ute otrice or OUy JIarl!ilal, an<:' ld.ll ilno! tbe1P n-. printed 0!1 W ;}1'liCltal I'.al.lot or tIlIIl City lUentcm of SehGrte, 'I'exu on the Jrd dq of Aprlll%2, llqo if. A~ ~ t. BrImaoa lIoward lI. .$chneideJ:' . '. 4~'^ , . AJA?(j '-- t;r