ORDINANCE NO. 68 6~ STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF GUADALUPE CITY OF SCHERTZ I I I On this, the 1st day or February, 1962, thlil City Counci.l of the City of Schertz, Texas, regularly convened at a reguJ.a.r meet:1.ng 1n the City Ha.ll of the City ot' Sehertz, Texas, w:Lth the following l'llembel'G preeent, namely: Roy Ii. RiclltU'd Elgin Beck: (Ieo. P. Bolton A. O. Haverlah W. E. Ebert iia:tt9P A. a..l"'4lfz Mayor Alderman Alderman Alderman Ald.:rman Alderman a.nd G. W. Pickrell City secretary at 1!Ihich time the :follOwing p;roeeed1ng.e, among others . were had, to-Wit: Mayor Roy W. Richard introduced a proposed ordinance here1na..f'ter set :forth. 'l'he ordinance was read in full and a full discuss10n and consideration thereot then ensued. Alderman . j{PM 1R.I P /JA;..t /i-.<5 j moved that said o1"d1nanee be passed. and adOpted. The motion was seconded 'by Aldernlan u). I, f' k Ji t . '!'he motion ca.rr1ed bY the follow1ng Vote: AllES: Ma;'Ior Rely W. .R1ehard, and Aldermen 1':Jg.11'\ Beck:, Geo. P. Bolton, A. O. Haverlah, W. E. Eb$rt ...... lId'1 A;:_hpTlfts ro' NOES: None 'J.'.he%'eupon, the Mayor announced the ordinance :finally passed and adopted, and said ordina.nee as passed and ad,opt4td by t.he City Councll and approved by the Mayor of the City or Schertz, Te:xa.s, is as follows: I , ", '" i -1- r ORDINANCE NO.n AN ORDINANCE ES'l'ABUs:uINO AND PRoVlDIliO FOR 'filE A~ AND RPm4'1'ION OF TAX.ABtoR PHOJI'.IWQ.":l IN 'r.tm CI'1'Y OF SCHERrZ, TEXAS, COMMINCINQ wrm THE CALENDAR Y.F.A.R 1962, .AND lOR EACH CAJ:.INJ)AR Y.EA:R '.I.'JIEllS- Ali'TE.R; PROVIDING WHEN ern 'l'ADS .S1W,L BE .AND :BECOME DUE AND PAY.ABLE; PROV:!:lXtNGI1"W\!l' NO DIS- COUNT Sl1ALL BE 1U.UlWED FOR ~ PA'!'MP:N'1' 01l' CUR- REN"!' 'J!A.XES NOR $lU,r.T. ANt .sE'I.I't TAX P~S :BE ALU>WED ON cOKtUl:l:ft' TAXES, PROv:t:DIlfO 1l'OR PENAt...TIBS, IN'1'ERES'r AND COSTS ON nJtt.'QlQUlN'l' TADS; PROVIDING 'fBAT '.filE 'l'AX A,SSE.S.SOR-COI..IJW'tQR 0' GVAD.ALUPE 00UN'l't SHALL cmm:NUE 'lO REcK.u'lli Altt1 OOUilW'f TIUtES DUE THE crrr 01l' S~ fmiOUOH oSBrrBMBER 30, 1962, AND PROVI1'>IWFOR 0'fHBR MAl'J.'I1'JRS DOI- DEBr AND REL,A.'l':rNG 1'0 THE sUB.1'EC'f; PROvm%NG 'l'.HA'J! THE PROVIS10NS 01l'THIS ORDINANCE ARK SEVEFlABLE} AND FlEnAL1JfG AtLORDINANCES OR PARTS OJ' ORDIN~ ANCES IN CONFLICT. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Schertz, 'J!exa.s, having detenn1ned to timely assess for taxatiOn all property subjee1;to taxation with1n the limits of' said City, conmencing on January 1, 1962, by and through. ita own Ta;g. A$I1oes$Or-Col- lector 1natead or 'by and through the 'l'a;x: Ass.allor-Collector of QueA.a1upe County as provided by preViously enacted ordinances of.' said City, and purauant thereto appointed G. W. Pickrell as the useasor and collector of taxes Qf said. City, and conferred upon h1m the powers and dUties of $ucb office, now desires to t"'Urther fi:nnly establish that all taxa.b1e property situated within the City of' Schertz, Texas, a.s 01' Januar.v 1st of each and ev8t'Y calendar year herea..t'ter, including the calendar year 1962. shall be rendered as provided tor by and in thi.sordin- anee and in a.ccorClanoe with the 1a.we of the state ot ~; and WHEREAS, it is further the desire of this City eoun~i1 to tixand dete1'llline When a.d valorem tax.es l$hall be and 'b4itcome due and ~ble; to further provide that no disoount shall be allowed fOr earlY payment of taxes; nor I$hall split tax pay- menta or partial~nt pri v11eges on current taxes be allowed -2- ~~"-:~"'~,.'.,. f.ti<:"',"i -. " '. (:-':', . ',...... ,.'.... ' " - , '. :".. ;-~ . ~;,~-:.:.' '~.., , f;': .~~,: h. ~::'- -;,'1" '''"'' ..~, ~." " r-;;":' ~. '.-':(, "" ~;~ ,"', ~t ); " t,' f. , as .16 presently allowed by law under Articles 7255b and 7336 Revised Civil statutelil, 1925, as amended, for payment of state and County taxes; and to fUrther provide for penalties, interest and costs 01'1 deunquent taxea; and Wl:lBRIUS, it 1s also the desl" of this City Council to apec~.t'1eaUy ex.cept and provide that - the 'fax Assessor- Collector of' Q1l8rja'upe County shall continue to receive and cou.ct all ad valorem taxes due the City Qf' Sc.hertzup to and 1nclu&ng 8eptetnbe.r 30, 1962, for the X'8UQn that aa1d County Tax Asses.sor-Collector has, pursuant to pre'V1ous or- d1Nmces enaoted by the City of Schertz, ~, been colleat- ing such taxes; it being the opinion of thiG Council in this respect that it T<<luld re$ult in contua1on to the taxpayers o:f the City to require them to make M:T ~tB ot'taUs to the newly appointed Tax ASBelilsor-Collector of the City untU th9 collection or current taxes for the year 19620f the City 'be- come due on October 1. 1952; NOw, ~P.E, BE IT ORDAINED BY .i'BE CI'fY COUNCIL OF THE Ctft OF sa.fIltRTZ, 'tEXAS I I That all persons own.1ng property, subject to ta.u.tion. lIdth1.n the l1m1ts of the City of Schertz, Texas, on Januar,y 1&t of each and every calendar Ye&l' hereat1ier, incl1lil1"$ the ealliil:rJda;r .~ 1962. shall have the right to assess or render $ueb property tor taxation as ot .TanuIU"y J.st of each $uch calendar year with the Tax Auessor-OoUeotor of aaid City, "t his office in the C1ty or Schertz, 'l'e:lte.s, GuChright to "Ma. and render 8uch property being tor and durins the penQd ~ll8en January 1 and Apnl 1 of each such call1)ndar. year, and there IIhall be and there 18 hereby imposed upon each such :peraon own1ns such taxable property in the said City of &.mert;z the d~y oJ: a.Bsess.!ng or ~r1nc such P1'Ope:-ty tor taxat:1on v1tll the City.", Tax Aasel$so:t"-Collector between January 1 and April 1 of each and eYe17 Qalendar year. -). II "".''', That ad valorem taxes lev1ed and aase&sed on taxable property fot' each calendar ;year sha.ll be and become due and pa;ya.b1e on Ootober 1 of tM calendar year in wh10n the levy and assessment 1s ma4e. an4 all such taxes not paid on or before JanUlU';'{ 31 next $uooeed1ng the year for wh1Ch the levy 1s Dade, sball be and 0eQ0me deUnquent on 1l'ebvua.ry 1 of the calendar ;year next succeeding the year for Which 13ueh levy 113 l'llaQEl Jand all I;luoh taxes ehall be paid to 'the Asses$Or-Colleetor of taxes of the Cit;y of SClhertll at his ort"1oe 1n the City of Schertz, 'J.'exaD. PROVIDED HOWEVER, tbat untll ad valorem taxes levied .for the year 1962 become due and ~le on Oc1:;ober l. 1962, it ishereb;y sP9cta11y detemined and provided that the 'lax As&liUl$Or-CoUeetor of (Nadalupe County shall conUnue to colleet all ad valorem taxes 41;18 and olld.ng to the City or SChertz, but OOllIllo&nOing on Ootober 1, 1962 and therea.f'ter the .'Iax Assessor-Colleotor of the City of Schertz shall collect all ad valorem taxes, both ourrtm.t and del.1.nquent, due and to llecomlt due the City of Schertz, and commencing on and after Oc1:;ober 1, 1962 the 'l'ax Asaessor-CoUector of Guadalupe County sha11 no longer coUeot f!nY taxes tor or due or 01d.nS to the GUy of Sahert21. m IJ.'hat oomuenc.1ngw1 th ad valorem taas. levied by the City of SChertz for the oalendar year 1962 and for each ea.J,- <<n~" y&a.r thereafter (until aM. unless ~ by duly enacted Qrdinance at this City), no discount sball be allowed tor early ~t ot ourrent taxes, nor $hall Ilpllt tax pa;y- 1llelO;ts or partal ~t priv1.1qes on current taxes be allowed. -4- 1, \, Ii< /-- IV '!'hat all ad valorem taxes. 8.l:I and wben the same shall be and become delinqwmt, shall bear interest liLt the rate of six per cent (6%) per .ann\lll1 from the d8.t6 ot their del1nquene~. V That it any person shall tail to ~ to the City ot Schertz all ot the a.d valorem taxes levied and 1np>lMd by the City of Sehert,. upon him or his property tor a calendar ;ycw:',on or befol"8 the 31st ~ Qf January next succeeding the YfNU' for \I1h1ch the levy :4; made, then the following penaJ.ty shall be payable on su.ch taxes as are delinquent, to-wit: 1% 11' paid at any time 4Ur'1rt& 'the month ot J.l'ebruary next succeeding the year tor WhiCh the levy is IlIade; ~ it pa1dliLt any .time dtI.r!ns the moni;h ot Much next succeeding the year for 1'Ih.ic.h the levy 15 mt.de; 3% 1.f paid at an:;'. t1me dur1.ns the 1IlOnth ot April v ne;a:t suce~ the yea:r tor which the levy , 18 made; 4:' it pa1d at a.ny time 4ur:lng the 1IlOnth of _ next l':Iuccee<U,ns the year tor whiCh the levy is made; 5% 11' pa.1d a't any time during the month ot June next succeeding tbeyear .tor which the leVy is made; 8ll!ld 8% 1t pa.1d on or arter the lst <Say ot July .next auceeeding the ~ for which the levy is lI\Ilde l and that all ClOsts in add1 t10n thereto that ma;ybe iJllposed by law "-l'\.,1 be, a.n4 the tuI.Ille are hereby c~ and 1mposed in addi- ti.9n to penalties and interest a.eo1"UinS 'l.U.ldtlIr the prov1sl.oM bel"8Ot -"l.S9ill5t a.ny person or property del1nquent in such taXes. VI 'J!ha.t on any Ust prepared 'by the fax Msessor-CoJ.leotcr tor tbe C:1ty 01' Schertz show1.nS delinquent taxes owed the City -5- of Sche!'tz, it shall not 'be nece$sary tOl:' such AasessOl'. CollectoI' or taxes to show on any such list the Penalties, interest a.nd costs accrued asainst any land, 10t& anWor other property del1nqu\\tnt in taxes, but in each and ever:y instance all such penalties, interest and costa shall be and remain a charge imposed hereby, with the same torce cum et. fect as if entered on any such list of' delinquent taxes, and the AsseS60r-Colleetor of ta.x4!lS f'Ol:' said City 6ha.l1 catculf>te and charge all such penaJ,tiesl intenst and costs on all de- l1nq,uent tax statements or Q.elmquent tax reports 1asued by him. VII 'rhat tbe provisions or th1.s oZ'd:1.nance are severable ,and 1n the event that CU'lY provision hereof shall be declared invalid or' unconntitutional by a co1J.1."t of compet<;mt; j1.n>isdic- t10n 1n this state. 1t 1s hereby declared that the rema1n1ns proVisions hereof would have been enacted notWithstanding such .1ud1a1a1 determ1nati<m oftbeinVa.11dity 01' any part1cUl&r prov1.sion or prov1sionl> in any l:'espect;; and all rema1n1ng valld prov1$ionn hereof' shall continue to be and remain in full force and effect. VIII That all ordinances or parts of ordinances hereto- fore paused and adopted by the City Councllot thlll City or Scherta, T~, and now in ef!"ect in contlict herctw1th, shall be, and the same are hereby repeal$d to the extent 01' such contllot. PASSEl) AND APPROVED this 1st ~ or ll'ebruary. 1962. MR~~~~Texas -, -- i:: J. /z? MQ' Sie~ - ~ O~(~rl,Z Texas (Seal 01' O;l,ty) -6... S'l'ATE OF 'l'BXAS I COUNTY OF GUADALuPE I CITY OF SCHERTZ I I, G. i';. PICKP.ELL, C1t'J Secreta..-.v 01' the City of Schertz, 00 HE..~EBY CERTIFY that the a.bove and tOl"eg01ng is a. true a.nd corNet copy of an Ord;l.naXlce, and of the iI11l1ute.s perta.:i..n.:1.r..g to it~ adoption, Which OrcUnance was duly passed and adopt<<! byt1~ City council of thlil City of Sabertz, Texa.G, and approved by the Ma.;vor of aa.1d C:ity at.. J:'8SU1a.r meeting held on .February 1. 1962. a.t the regu- lar meeting place :1.'1 the City Uall in the City of Sehe:t'i;l1l, '1'exaa, with II quorum of the Member.s of the City Counc.:l.l ~1ng present and participating, an.d that ...&me ~ of I'eOOW in Book 1 of the Minutes Qf said C.ity Couno11, lil.11.d that I am the lawf'ul po~sessor a.nd cuotod1an of such boola> and records of! the C;Lty of: Schertz, 'J!~' WI'DlESS Ml!' HAND AND SEAL OF SAID CIT!' this, the ~t dIw of hb:r:"\.ttU".Y. 1962. #~ 1/, ''.lrJ; City' Secre. . ... ~C'he.rtz Texas (Seal of City) -7-