ORDINANCE NO. 100 . . ~{ o. ifJO . , AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCHERTZ. TEXAS CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION FOR ~E ELECTION OF AN ALDERMAN AND SUBMITTING BE IT ORDAINED BY THE C:ITY COUNCIL < OF ,THE <CITY ,OF ,SCHERTZ, ,TEXAS: Section 1. THAT WHEREAS, rr. 1'3. Steadman has resigned as City Alderman for the City of Schertz, Texas, and, whereas there now exists a vacancy in such office, rnn ~R~ -f .~ieh ~l{p":".........g .........u {l,ll:'":: .1~y "r l!.L" ; J. I "'Q~. and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Schertz, Texas wishes to submit the following propositions to the qualified voters of the City of Schertz, Texas, viz: (1) Shall the City of Schertz, Texas enter into an agreement with the Highway Departmentof the State of Texas for the widening and improving of FM 78 through the City of Schertz, Texas along its present route; ( 2) Shall the City of Schertz, Texas flouridate with 1 sodium fluoride in safe amounts water used for domestic pur- poses in the City of Schertz, Texas. . Section 2. That the next election is hereby ordered to be hel d on the ~ d [;d fu ~d(1 r in same being the ~ day of J iJ I '" f J vI 'r' 1964, the , 1964; at which election the foregoingo'ffidE;!J:cand propositions shall be sub- mitted to qualified electors of said city. Section 3. That the voting place and officers hereby appointed to hold the aforesaid election are as follows, to-wit: City Hall, Schertz, Texas Election Officers , \ ~JJ4'~ AA /fJtuj ,vi ~1J Pres 'ding J ge , M{M~ A<f'~'LA~ Po ~-fr L Ass' tant Judge Votinq Place -------. ..........-i....-"\ ........",-- Assis1:ant Ju'tlge .~_.-- L.._/ ,ficAAM' :ft,Q{1,\AQtt; Clerk J )//A lA, Clerk JIll""" . ',. . ',,- . . That said election shall be held under the provisions of and in accordance with the laws governing municipal elections as provided in the general laws of the State of Texas, and only qualified electors shall be qualified to vote. Section 1 That the ballots for said election shall be prepared in sufficient number and in conformity with Chapter 6, V.A.T.S., Election Code and printed on such ballots shall appear the following: OFFICIAL BALLOT Vote for the candidate of your choice in each r'ace by scratching or marking out all other names in that race. COUNCILMAN You may vote on the following proposition by scratching out all propositions except the onesyou wish to vote for: FOR the City of Schertz enterinng into an agreement with the State of Texas for widening and improving FM 78 along its route through the City of Schertz, Texas AGAINST the City o~ Schertz enter~ng into an agreement with the State of Texas for widening and improving FM 78 along its route through the City of Schertz, Texas. ------------------ -------------- FOR the City of Schertz Fluoridating water furnished by the City of Schertz, Texas for domestic purposes in the City of Schertz, Texas in safe quantities with Sodium-F.luoride. AGAINST the City of Schertz,Fluoridating water furnished by the City of Schertz, Texas for domestic purposes in the City of Schertz, Texas in safe quantities with Sodium-Fluoride. Section~ A notice of said elections shall be given by posting a copy of this ordinance at the top of which shall appear the orders (notice of City Election), said notice shall be posted at the City Hall, being also the voting precinct herein provided for not less than 20 days before the date? of election. -2- . C" fI Ii ('''>1dfJt&~ iJbv <flue ",..e'fr;H.I 't.-a o.f' If, f? S:1pJ~~ COL'ViCiJ ~1~1A lJ-,..JI ;J-il~ f-h'lY oJ vrl(<.~il~"', w,.J;/;., "i-t-.-<' C/,1'f' S'~,vP-r..v'7{ IV) "'<-C6vrl~'-1'~':Vllt,~ fL/, 4v,{';"''''C''' cd fL.,', (,lt~ "",J f.,..~ws cO it,;" Jf~te Vlcf idS.t">h, .s8d"r' yo.IO.t" '/{ J .. "-' r_<-It/o... ft) -( >I J '1''' <7 ,- ,", I ~ ' .....- .... PASSED AND APPROVED this . TIT q-- day of June, 1964. CR,~1. @,'/i.J.t2 J May ,City of Schertz T I exas ATTEST: 1. j? ,Q ; JJJdJ ~ City Secretary -3- l.. . -,_.- ~.~.~~--"""'~'-----' --, ......., City or Schena 1II01JCE lKIJ'ICE NOTIce T'he toll OIling listed CandUates hne tiled tor the office of' A.lcleZ'lllall, 8IlCt 11111 appear at the of'tioe of' the City Sec:mtary at 09:00 A.M. on Jlllle 2~, 1964, to dl'atr for poeitloo of' listing their D8111!t$ OIl the Ofticial Ballot. For Alde!'llliUl Clif'tol'd L. Roorel1, Sr. Horace H. Scott Rubin Beck /t 1/ Il;ltttki G. W. Pickrell City Seoretal'y i X ~0'l'!Cr: Ol" '1-1':C'rr~ TO THF CITJZlillS OF scr~'Tl ,. lI'oUG6 18 hC!N>Uy ginn tWIt IIl'I eleot.iBll 111':111 be held till the 18th dtq of JulY. 196h. the _ beiDg the third ~at.urdq ~ July, rf#' the plU'POI"! of e1ect~ the fc11od.nll: offields for the Cit,y 01' ~ehet'tll. 'l'exas, Alderae - UJ'IeKpire<i te:r:m affl.Qbert B. ;jtedJqJI. 5aeh of'fiee~ to be delllteQ by the r'8:.id"at qualifii!>dvoteMil of Baid CUy ad Hid election to be held ill ;accordance >lith Ute r.erlel'lll rlleotiOl'l Lw8 of the i$tat.e of Tqu iffld further by OrdnlL!lce ol tllt! hid City of Sebert.. '1'H86. Ufficer to be e},,,,ct.;d for tbI ~ired tel'lll of Robert fl. Skdillu until hia $Coeeaaor MIS q'.lalified. The following shall ."rY<< lU 2lectioc O:-tic;;',u~ f/f said election: Hra. John Saperlc_ki rtf'a. JIr.'l!JIlt1M J!:yapil Olllllr. W. Jart'ftt t J'!rs. J_a It. Valentine i'I'l1u,ic! irlll' Judge ",,-stlltaut Judl{e C1 en Clerk that tM City Marshal shell pO!lt .. copyof' tb.la order at tho! ?ollin( Place of .aid City, which p'llllt.inr shall be d_ pot l....a than t.hirty 0':;) ..,. prior to the date fixed far said election. Im.y pIlMllOft !!li;!Iblt! under the 1a\rlll n.r the State of 'rex.. ""'If t:l.le for tbI .... __d atti.. The dead 1in,. for filint 18 ',10-; r"clock P.!>!. of J_ 18, lSl6h. __tee voting W1U be h@'!d from JuDe 2f, 19"vll thrc')gh Ju1:r 1", 1964. \ - ".., el1l1bla 'roteI' -:r '* aOwl". A?plieatioml ro:!' ab3imtee "ot.ing IIllR be IIlAlde t.o the City S..c:rotary of t.M Cit)r of ",ohe1"t.7., ,..... I..diately after $aid dec:tio.n is held, the orrical'll belting tile -- .bell 1IIitklI returns of the Mlau! te iJ:ltlt'lr.of to the City Cronoil <is requi*," iii)' the Election Cade or this State. A oop.;r of this <lieder aball alllO aervo aa a writ of e1ect:illD ;;bleh naIl be .1iY....d to the abo'.l'l IIppoi~ted Prellidint Judce for Mid election. WITlJI'iS':' Jol! P.AAD thh lith dIq of June , 1964. fd?,."JjJ1 ai. :V(,U j R.., '4 R1_N Mqor, City of SCherte, Tax.. ,