ORDINANCE NO. 131 /II c, i 3i AB ORDIJIINCE: DEFINING mWCll: PERSONAL PROl'I\:R1'Yt DIRECTIlIG REMCNAt AID IMfOOlIIDIlIG OF SA.I\!E WREN JI'OOIDDI FVBLIC PLACES; PROVIDING! tIli:lI 'MIERT!.'Oll AID SALE TO SA1ISFY LIEl'I MID IlBD!'JfP.l'Ial lW'ORE AID AFTER SALE; PROVIDING FOR JIIOTICE OF SAtE, POS'I.'IJII:l MID AmERTISDlG THEREOF MID IOTICE n RBGI$"rW;U MAIL TO CfWURS OF MOTOR VEIttCLES. l'RESCRIBIHG ffioctwKl!: .PtlR AtlCTIOI SALE, DISPOSI1ION OF PltOCEEDS; VE8'l"IBG 1I'l'L~ DI AtJC'l'ION mm; DIR8C'.tll'G: IT'S SAL!!: AND DISPOSAL OF ~!TBEREOF. lEEPnlG RECORDS AID fRESCRIBIJIG FEES; EXCEPl'IBO LI'fES'roCIl: JI'OWtS AJID DOGS; REPEAtDIG CERl'AItf ORDIlIAIJCE; PROVIDDIG A SlWERABILITY CLAUSE AJID DECLAJmiQ A1f F.J.!ERGElCI. BE IT ORDAIHF..tl BY THE CITY cotMCn OF 'BE CITY 0\1' SCHERTl, TEXAS: SECTI0I1. ~ c.rta1Il PNpnot)' a 1hI1_ Uld. A.t.horislng I~llg Arrt vshiels or other p1'.,.n101' obRruotl_, ,1'1.4. left. NlIcI1ng prd'IriM, ereoted or l71ac 1n Yi01ati_ ~ uy ..........,... of the CltJ' ot Sohori.a, or left ...t~ t. .... thIIIl twt)'.e1ght (48) eeat."''t'"ra bean 1ft . _ ..,. peuo 1tNot, an.:v, 81-' ]Jr, park, 01' otW pllltUo p1.aoe of lIa1d Cit)' Ul deca'J.aftd to be a __, Uld. ..,. lIlIeh pI'OPH't)' __ .. .teDd 8IIaU be r J II.N ~ b)' 18.7 po11oo ott1_ of tJIe Cit)' of Sohert& Uld. tueft to t.IIe pQ100 plMld aad alIdl be IceJit t.We 1Iftt11 hll1l1l1d ... se1d .. hero1a JII""1d8d. S8C1'I0II 2. Lt_.. t.., ~ PNpeI't.7 The Cl t)' of Sehert& alIa11 bnte a U_ _ ..1& 1IIJ...'.L1!d pili t-al JIN.t-l;, t... aU ...... 1DO.... 1ft 1 J.. ~\ag, etoPlaI, IIDd adY*1"t1111Dg lIIleb pr -. ~ ~ .... lIlIeh 11_ alIa11 be lJI'1'" aad """-'1.... to all otbeI- 11.. of .'-1 IdJId, ..... .... ~ Ilpt U.. for ad ....atona tau, aad the <<it)' 11I7 retAn ,.....81. tMI..r W'lt11 aU eDIt. are paid Uld. a)' ..u tJIe ... .. hee1n proftded. SEC'l'IOII'. R. f .1.1. The 0'lIIIeI' ... ..,. peaolllailegal17 aat1tl4tCl to PO....e1Clft ~ lIIleb "'"'\ '0 t4tCl pIlI'A..-1. JlI'OPN't)' .., n*_ the .... a. tel10nl (a) hi... lat. .. 117 PQ1JII to the CU)' Maraha11 the 1.'I...ling t.. -.I. .., .t.lIer -'-'--l Olqleft... ~uld b)' the Clt.)' 1ft 14J.lI:t.ding and keop1ag . iJIp~ 0-4 pia...... to.." .. cIet.oftd.aed b7 tJIe Clt)' Manball (1.) After sale .. 117 pa7iftg to . ..,.. at tJIe aut.1_ Id.tI dcnab1. t.!Ie. ttltt pdd 1:11 hill ,... IlaOh perSID8J. propert)' lIIld ..,. "".......,. Olqleft.. 111. -" b)' IIla 1'01" IrMp1ag -1 )ft'I1d1nc tbat the IBid JIN..-t.t..n be 'II "II Ii Ir. tile ...u.. n:,v W1 tIWs t1d.rt.,. (30) .. after tbe date of the '.1"- ale, --~ the elate of ale. otheN1_, t.:tU. to lIa1d pr~tM~7 lIIJd1l11.. alIIIe111to 1ft the auat1Clft lnQv. SBCTIOII 4. P~~t., to be Sold va 18.7 _~ preJlOl'tJ'. other t.bq __ vehiel.., 1. aot. r.t. nil W1t!lia I1zt7 (SO) .. an. be!.Dc 111p011Bl1.ed, lIIld __ 18.7 -.tor ,...., N ...., . I g i~lrt!1 g 8 It"'l! i fit ~ ..,fml fit ;" ... a. Iii :: ~ I ~... f.lt ff~1 ~l fi ~ ~ ! .. ~11::~t~ ~ J~ I )i!f~l! · ... ol,w.!.. ~1 ~j i :0 'hil.sn it a."lr:...... ii Jt!~iil tl &.lf~ll Mt1 il,rllal 1\( g! 1::." ~~ !. aia. =!It j).3 If/:d~.: e ! 8. .t4 f:' ww It.. .. lil 1~l:JI~g fl.!ii~11'i I ,~ rrl!i~!, It ~..Il~i a ~=~ t'lii !~i If iEialtl ~ · t fa.: I.. a i f i ._ .t I( ~ r t+ r I _ ~ llr. !. It" i!'J81 r~ 1ff! 8 i t~~1 11111,tllJ i It.l~ If!~~I[~f'~!li.I~;..t I w It" fJ:;. 11 ft i~... a. i "r e rlE- l~l wi If ~t1 i t:J Er Jlft .1!i~=lE~l " :' it,. 11 ~I ' a.lw! ~t ~. ~zl~I.1 at !~~ ~ s f I ~.fJI~ · ~ ;~ti~i J ~ I! a ~ 15 110 i 1 If ~I!~l!!~ i!~ottJff ~ .. i p.. I .! '1~lll~a=i B :~l "i' . rf-' '1: i !f~ la.! it ~t ~ i~l hIH~1.I"! ill l~otife~~I! ~il !~ltl!!lJli i r~i ~11.1~I~i ~ ~i It...,!a..fw ~ ia ~.t it i a~ " f~. H!lrh: ii ..! ..... I~ i'i!!ri~ : :f i;lrillii~t[ ~1 I f I"a: : :Ii = B w det&rl!tl.noc by "C.r.e Ci ty i!arsha11. net to ~eeed 11 reasonable 111llOunt tor each :i.Illpounded article, he ehdl pay the balanC4t of the proeeeds of S1l.<lh sale. if arr:l. to the 0_1:' of the property. If the 0'IIt\91' ta.ils to oall fcrt' such pro<>>eds they shllll be ,.,ill. ;~nto the city trllasury. Within siX (6) IllOJ\thll af'ter such auetion sale, the owner *,. apply in writing to the Clt1 HarshaU, aDd upon lIat.isf'acto!'7 j:ll."OOf of omership, shall be entitled to recoive the lllllOunt of the proceeds deli VI.'ll!'ed t.o t1l& City '''reaS\l%'7. S'ml'ION 9. Junk I!llpOUndlK! property wbich is offered fo:!' sale at pUblic auction in accor- danoe 'llith the p:rooedure herein P'l'esor'l.bed and upOn which no person bidS, shall th9r3&tt.er be sold or otherwi.. dIlsposed oi' as junk. HOJ1e7 'l'eceivedf'or junk pl"Oper'ty shall he disposed of in the _ llllInMr as Fooeeds trom an lluction ule under this OrdiMnC4t. SJ;;C'l'lOl; 10. Records and Feu (11) The City rarsIW.l shall keep a Reaord Book which .hall eont.ll.in: . ctesc:ript10il of ill property impoun.;:&d, the date and t1l1le of such illlpOUnding, the date notices of salo wre posted and adYM'M.sed IItd _:\.led to own,",s and lienhclldel"ll, the ret'lll'rl of receipts or re<<istered MtiC4tS, the date of the Ale at auction, tho amotmtrulilled for each article at such sale, the name and addre$ll of the _1" and ll$l'lholders, it kno'lIn, the JWD and addrese of the auction buyer, IUld a,-r:; such other inf'ot'lll&tion as he _y de$lll neceslla1"Y. (b) '{he i'oUOWI...ng LeoS shall be eharced tl:l'ld'"' this Ordinance and shall ~ paid. intctlle Cit.y ":roeaS\l1'y. . 1. For taklne and \~:lne atl'3 perSONll )'J1"Operty - Three dollars (:3.00) 2. For preparing adverti~s of sale tor each article - F'it'ty cents, ell.SO} 3. For sellin€( each llrt.'ielll _ Fifty cents, (t.50) 4, for JlOstint1; noticeD of sale relating to any one article - l''ifty cent.s, ($.50) SBCTION la. 0rdinar1ee CUJllulative. Ftc. lhis ~oe shall be and is bareb7 cleolaNd to be ClUIIlIilatin ot all other ol'dUwloea of the Cit1 of Sobert& attee\Df: traffic and ahaU not opente to NpM1 aq noli. ol"lBMaoe or ori1haReea, .aept m.otar .. the pI'O'f1aicma of fIJIf3' nob ord1Dtrloe 01' ~. *" 1neoftaiatct or Sn -nict with the pnnaion. of W. ordinlmee, Sn wh10h ~ 01' Snlltanoe., tbltee ~lIiona lIhall 'be and *" bereb7 ~. SECTION 12. IlWalidit,. In fIJIf3' _ctiaa 01' prort81cm or part t.IIereof, Sn this OS'd1nance 8ba1l be adj1Idpd _a],id or Uft..atituti~ "" fIJIf3' court of ~t jari.s1ctiOl1, Rob. adjad1eaticm 8ba1l not atteet. the "aUdit,. of this 0l"d1naneeJ .. . 1dIole 01' fIJIf3' ..ct1ott or pI'OYi81011 the1'eot not ~ _aUd 01' UftOOll- stit.uti~. c:3). II" b,.... i . ~ -r-..... oM = .' 1 ~,--.J ~ ~-' ..... -CO' ...... . f : I I 1 ~ Gl F s o ~ I .. ~ \A .