Ordinance No. 252-Mueller Property q ~~~~Cll ~S o2.~
N~~'I~G lilZN~IR l3~'SI13 T~ "1~:3~3t Tq 'T~$ €?y ~C~l~$T,~s
~,~'P' Clgt3~2`i"4C, 1'I~~TG i~ Bfl ~.Y L~~~CTS q~' 3AIkD .
~t3 AS T~8 xC~~ 3AI13 ~l I1~AyT~~ DC~IB~q l~l~'~RT~ T#lI~ S~Z~ CITS!
~~1~IT4~ D' ~If~ITS P~I~IZ.~~ t`ip' qT~t CIT;2lq~~: BIt~3TN~
Z ~ T
S BY ALI tlp' T~ AC'T'S, t~Z~TAl~CB~y ~~lLUTIVYd~ 'l9
LAT~Q~S ~F 3AZT3 G".L7CY. ~ ,
~~Gil3l~'I~1~ dt the ts~r~h~estsreost coraaer of ,the City T.i~its I3:se
of the ~t~r sf ~ch~rt~, wt~icl~ ccsa~r Ie~s l.tt tl~e ~iuellez° Sq ~cr~
tract ared is west of Doerr l,ata~s a~~ad s~rth aaf tT. ~i~law~y ~Y;
T~d.IC~, ~ 3qo W Z64q feet to a poixat ~rhich purist l~.es is she ~er-
Bert Ttiedel tract a distaaace o~ ap~src~srixs~tel.y ~4q feet dist~s~ ±fro~
the south l~CBGt lies of Doerr I~tte pro,~ectee~;
Tl$G~, PT 640 Z64q feet to ~ purist, which pr~ist lies i~a the Teas
Ptaylor tract;
S 3€f°. ~ 264U feet tra a Maoist is the City l.~.mits 2ii~e v tt~e
Cl.ty cif ~cherta; s
TtT~TC~~ 5 600 ~ with the Git~i IGi~sits iiue of the City ~chertz
Z64q feet tc~ the paint tsf 6e~issgs~g, ecantaisi~a$ I6t3 serer aa~` 1a~d.
l~~~A~a, Said territory is ad~sixtis~ the City mf ~chert~, aaad
WH~~I, paid lretiti~~n, desiris~ axed requ€estis~ the an~aexatic~n of
said territcs~cy of s~ic~ cit}~ k~as bees .prese~st~~ t~ the City ~~+snci]: sr~d
has a~t~~ched to the affida~•~it urf
h~pl.ie~.st~+ ta..~h~ eff~,.t
that. said petition is si~sed lay a ~o~~.ty ~f thm ~cealified ~csters within
such ~pxolse~tys
l~C?W T1EI~d~R~?, IT c7rR1.I~~13 ~3Y TEI CIS C433,TA~CiS~ fl~ CITY' fDp' SCHI~T°Z, T~~S:
That •tite foilowin~ p~xolserty~ descriiserl, tv-wit:
13~i Itd~ at than sorthweste st cower ref the Cl.ty l~s~its Liss of
the City taf ~ehet°t~, which career lies i~a the E].~ixt ~fu~+lRer 5q sc~e ~:ract
earl ig west.. taf Marx i~:x~a asei ~sorth urf U.3. l~i~hway
`I'~~AiCB, AI 3€l° ~ Z64q feet to a poT.nt which paaint lips is the Herbert
Riedel. tract. a dista?xsc~ of apprr~xia~attely 34Q feet rli~tant fra~a the south
lixae of l~sr~ Lang pro~j~cted;
TE~~~"~, ~ 6t1~ 264th feet tae a point, w~af.dh prs3.st lies is the lSlcs'~ ,
Nayit~r tract;
T~l~ltt;~, ~ 3qo ~ 2b4{l feet tie ~ purist is the City T,3.n~its i3~e~ of flee
~it~ of` Sci~er~t~ `
C~, ~ 6A°° ' with. flee pity Lir~it:s lfo.e ~f the City o~ Scherts 264®
fe~~ to the p~isat of ~e~i~nhin~, c+auta~.x~3.tt~ ,16q .acres ref leaxd.
be and the sss~e is Y?erelsy h~c~exad to the City caf Schutz, Cuad~lu~e• Couaety,
Texas, axed that the bou~adary Iit~its ®f the City of Sche~t~ be ssc~ the sa~aae
are hereby extended tra ia~clude the 'sl?o^~e described ~er~itsxry wi~taiax fibs
a+{ t~av 7 icn4 tm red ~'Mm !?3 @-ts n~ 6°n&.mxr~ro earos8 ~$a~ rs~~n nbai®1 4 {acaro.®~•E~caw iv® ~9wn'9asr'9~a#
x~ithin the. territeari~.l l~.~its of ffiaid. c~,ty, ,and the itRhabi:taxtta thereof
shall hereafter be entitled to all r~.gYata and ~privile$es cif other nitizex~ffi
of rhg City of. Schutz and they. shall. be sound icy the seta, c~rdinancea,
resolntiax~s a~td reg~alatio~ss of acid CS.ty.
FASS~~ by a~ a~'ir~ative vote ~i all ~embera of` the City Council,
this the 6th day cs.f April, A.I3. , 197
6 O ~
C~ % s.C.' m r tip ~J • ,
C7 ~ ~ w. 9
C<7 ~l~
AT°Z'EST: ~ ~
~5~ ~
I ~~9
1 ~C S'~.~
City SseC~etary
~.CP ~y.
.,~^a'eso~~ a
„F n ~,pc 1,
r o
~ n
d ~c
~a^o OB OYV O. ~
I, the undersigned City Secretary of the City of Schertz, Texas do
hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of an
Ordinance passed and adopted by the City Council of said City onthe 6th day
of April, 1972, which Ordinance is recorded in Vol. IV, pages 84-85 of the
Legal Minutes of the City of Schertz.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my official signature and
affixed the Seal of said City, this the 10th day of April, 1972.
~ t
'iI P ~ o r. t
~~~IN~ ~ IIdA:~T~R ~~~RIB~~ T~~,R~'~f3R3C ~R ~I~t Q~'
SIT L ~i3k~~, T~ „ I~G bQ ~x LI~g~'3 t~F' 3A2~ ~Z~I
Std AS ~ ~~T{:LU~9~ S~it~ H~R~INR ~3~S7L~~D I~R~PRRTY f~TIAT ~AY~9 ~I'I~'
I.31~d$~$,, I3 ~R ItZ~H~'S ~ PRl'Vl~,~~~5 fPF TZ2$; .blh~I~T
~AAI1R Z x TS ~Y ALL 'CIE ~3R3)~I3~i~1CES, F.~,C?l.~l'~~f~PtS ~ R~~~w
L~~°I~NS 3,AIIi ~I`~.
~R~IZ~~ at the nr~rth~aem~erx®st corner csf the ~~.ty Litsaitm line
ref the. pity of ~ch~srtx, ~rh.ch ccsrnere lies in, ttae ~l~in Maaeller 5~ acre
tread and is ~remt of Doerr Lyrae ahd norih Qf ~7. Righ~ay F31;
'1`f~G~, ~flo ~J 264fl feet to a praiat which point lies in the Rer-
bert Riedel tract a distance of apprraxi~?ately ~~if} feet distant frrsan
the as~uth 1tf~W line of ~herr Larne projected;
'.L~.F.i~~~, 1~ boo ~ 26~5~ feet to a paint, which point lies in the Team
2~aylar tract;
C~, ~ 26~+d feet to m paint in the pity Limits line rsf the
pity ref Sc'hertz,
1~~, ~ 60° Frith the Ci~.~ L..mitm; line of the pity ®f Schart~
~b44 feet to the point of tse~inrt3.ra$, contairain~ 16~ aca~es rsf land.
RR~, Said territs~ry is ad~oir,in~ the pity of 3chertr, axed
~Fi~R~S, maid petition, desiring mrad requesting the anraexatir~n of
maid t+~rritory of maid. eity haffi been prement~±d to the pity ~fl~ancil a~ad
ham attached te, it the af~ida~rit `caf ~~x~:~~~.... (~'Y'} applicants tothe effect
that s~.id petition is afg~ned by a ma~arity e~f the qualifiers ~rc+ters +~ithin
sa~ch pt'c~perityo
LV6Y tV 6iiEA,a•g't3.iL8w, 17fi:~ iA 0! ld~3 tSi9 ~i. .ASi Ya la3.li 6+ll VS7 S?.b d:~ iJS ~iri iriA1 IJ.L' e7VY3dabl dLey Ll's o3°s
ghat the fr~llmwin~ praperf:y describers, tcs-wife
~I~I3dP~I~T~~ at the nr~rthwesterra~aast comer flf the pity Li~aits line of
the pity of S'chert~, which corner lies ire the ~l~in dueller 5~ acre tract
and is crest of '~oerr Lane arad north ~f tJ.S. IIi$hway
`I'si~N~s, N ~a° W 254~Y feat to a point which paint Lies in the Herbert
Riedel treat a distance of approximately 340 feet dimtant fr® the youth Rt)W
line ref ~oegr Lane pro~ecteda '
~I~Id~E, 6d° 264fl feet tcs a paint, which paintYlies in the plasm
Saylor tract;
~iE$~GE, 34~ T Zb4fl feet try a point ~.n the City Li~it~ line e~f the
pity of Schema;
1'ssTd~sa, S with the pity Z,i~sits Brae of the pity of ~cherta 26~ati
feet tc+ the point of 2~e~innin~, eor~taio.in~ 16m ages ref land.
be and the same is hereby annexed to the City of Schema, ~uedalupe Cr9unty,
~exag, seed that the boundary limits ref the. pity r?f Sch~~ta be Brad flee same
are hereby .extended tai includra the above described territory u~ithira tt~e
_s a... °a p~.a a. a, .,t..< ,nx a<, a.~ ~..~.~.tia-a ...,.A e~W~.d ~~~,.n ~~e'1 9 }a~nras'~taaa+ eta 'l~'te!7.~t~B~
VOL. l z1~ ?~~F ~~1`t
within the t~:rritorial 7.ia~its of said city, end the inhabitants ~heraof
shall hereafter be ~x~titled to all. rights and privileges of ath~r citizens
of the City o~ achertz and they shall be houiad by the a~c~s, csrdinances,
.~~~salutions and rr~gulations of said City.
PAHB~ by an affirrna~:ve vote: ~f ill m~a~be~s of the pity Council,
this -the 6th. day of A~sril, A.~., 1972.
- _ ~ _r
~ ~
~ cti. I d
y~'~ ~/Jl
LL ;i C~w~ ~
r-r . ~ 1.12 ~ r;„y. ~j~+v p /1~
I ~7 d
~ t ~ Mayt~r
~ ~
f~Q ~
I, the undersigned City Secretary of the City of Schertz, Texas do hereby
certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of an Ordinance
passed and adopted by the City Council of said City on the 6LL>th day of April,
1972, which Ordinance is recorded in Volume IV, pages 84-85 of the Legal Minutes
of the City of Schertz.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my official signature and affixed
the Seal of said City, this the 14th day of April, 1972, A.D.
. fi ov .o-:~ ,r4~z ~ K- X
s. -