May 16, 1994 B The Schertz Development Commission convened in Regular Session on Monday, May 16, 1994 in the Municipal Complex conference room, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas. THOSE PRESENT: THOSE ABSENT: Charles McDonald Lew Borgfeld Wanda Jean Sweatt Bob Vallance, Sr. Bruce Hammersla Harold Smith Juan Thorn Mary Marsh Tony Moreno (ex officio) Harry Richburg Jackie Jones STAFF: Eric White Merwin Willman Kerry Sweatt, City Manager Mark Marquez, ED Coordinator Dolores Butler, Recording Secretary CALL TO ORDER In the absence of Chairman Borgfeld and Vice Chairman Vallance, Mark Marquez called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (March 21, 1994) Mark Marquez asked for a motion to approve the March 21 minutes as submitted. "Mac" McDonald made a motion to approve the minutes as read. The motion was seconded by W.J. Sweatt - motion carried unanimously. VERIFICATION/RATIFICATION OF COMMISSION TERMS AND COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS Due to the absence of a number of members, this matter was tabled. COMMITTEE REPORTS Business Appreciation Dinner Committee Chairperson W.J. Sweatt announced a Western theme this year and she will call on Dot Harborth, Petra Marquez, Wanda Koch, and Mary Marsh for the decorating committee. Said she would like to have the Schertz Sweetheart assist with the door prizes this year and said letters to food vendors should go out soon. Following discussion, it was determined that Representative Lamar Smith be invited as guest speaker to talk about rural development. As an aside - W.J. said Donna Barclay at the Housing Authority was looking into having some of the residents work on updating the Talk of the Town. Marketing/Promotions Juan Thorn reported that he and Mark had discussed some changes in promotional merchandise for the 4th of July sales - i.e., gray T-shirts with a small logo and "We Love Our Schertz" on front. Hats will be one color, blue with the normal emblem. Also, looking into ordering a supply of cooties. Charles McDonald made a motion to accept the changes and additions to promotional merchandise. The motion was seconded by W.J. Sweatt and carried unanimously. Commercial Brokers No report at this time. STAFF DIRECTOR'S COMMENTS Mark Marquez advised commissioners of the City Public Service Annual Economic Development Seminar on June 8, Holiday Inn Airport, 8:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., lunch included. Anyone wishing to attend should contact Mark for the purpose of making reservations. Reported six (6) Metrocom cities had received a $50,000 CDBG grant to accomplish an economic development study of the area. Copies of a survey are being distributed for completion and a meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m., May 24 in the Live Oak Civic Center for review by PHH Fantus representative. Kerry Sweatt reported the hotel financing is still ongoing with a possibility of ground breaking in September. Comal County has responded favorably regarding tax abatement for a prospective business. Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) will be receiving ISTEA funding in 1997 for FM 78 widening. Announced the grand opening of Dove Meadows on Thursday, May 19, at 11:30 a.m. NEXT MEETING DATE The next meeting is scheduled for June 20, 1994, 7:00 p.m. at the Municipal Conference Room. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to come before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.