November 10, 1994 Schertz Economic Development Commission Meeting Minutes 10 November 1994 Schertz Municipal Complex The Schertz Economic Development Commission meeting convened at 7:00 p.m., Thursday, November 10, 1994 in the Municipal Complex Conference Room, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas. THOSE PRESENT THOSE ABSENT Lew Borgfeld Mary Marsh Bob Vallance Harry Richburg Charles McDonald Jackie Jones W.J. Sweatt Eric White Bruce Hammersla Juan Thorn Merwin Willman Tony Moreno STAFF PRESENT: Kerry R. Sweatt, City Manager Mark Marquez, Coordinator Lucinda J. Fitzpatrick, Recording Secretary CALL TO ORDER: Mark Marquez, Economic Development Coordinator called the . meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. for the purpose of reviewing, discussing and recommending to City Council on the issue of an additional 1/2 cent sales tax for ad valorem reduction and economic development. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (October 13, 1994) Minutes were unavailable to read. REVIEW/DISCUSSION/RECOMMENDATION TO CITY COUNCIL ON THE ISSUE OF AN ADDITIONAL 1/2 CENT SALES TAX FOR AD VALOREM REDUCTION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. Joe Newman with Texas Economic Development Council, Inc. spoke with reference to the handout entitled "What Do You Do With Two Hundred Million Dollars?" This included a chart indicating Sales Tax Cities in Texas showing Section 4A Tax: (The original pure ED tax); Section 4B Tax: (The expanded quality of life ED tax); and Combined Propositions Section 4A & 4B Tax: (ED sales tax and a sales tax for property tax relief). The City of Schertz is eligible for Section 4A & 4B Tax. Joe Newman indicated that there is no local sales tax on vehicles. He further discussed "What 100 New Factory Workers Mean To A Town" and "Distribution of Retail Trade by Type of Store." Charles McDonald mentioned that buying merchandise in the City of Schertz vs. buying elsewhere that most people did not pay attention to the sales tax percentage. Kerry Sweatt suggested the Commission recommend an election on the 1/2 sales tax for January 21, 1994. Tony Moreno made a recommendation for ad valorem reduction and 1/2 cent sales tax increase. W. J. Sweatt moved we recommend a Section 4A Property Tax Relief and Economic Development election. A second was made by Bruce Hammersla and the motion carried unanimously. There will be Mayor's Forum Town Meeting on November 22, 1994. It was suggested by W. J. Sweatt that invitations be sent out for this event. Joe Newman and Bob Bearden could be asked to speak at this meeting. It was mentioned that the public needs to be educated, especially the businesses regarding the ad valorem reduction and 1/2 cent sales tax increase. Some suggestions were made as to the scheduling of the meeting for discussing the ad valorem reduction and 1/2 cent sales tax increase: (1) Send out letters to businesses; (2) Lion's Club Members/Volunteer Firefighters/Council Members to speak to groups of people; (3) City Manager to prepare fact information brochures on this subject; (4) Information packets to get some contacts; (5) Schedule meeting a week before sending out the information. Schedule meetings for 2nd & 17th of January. Council will take action next Tuesday night, November 22, 1994. STAFF DIRECTOR'S COMMENTS No other comments. COMMISSION MEMBER COMMENTS The business appreciation dinner was set for September 21, 1995, which is the third Thursday of that month. COMMISSION CHAIR COMMENTS No other comments. SET NEXT MEETING DATE The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 23, 1994 at noon. ADJOURNMENT With no further business, Chairman Lew Borgfeld adjourned the meeting at 8:55 p.m. with a motion to adjourn from W. J. Sweatt and a second from Bob Vallance. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, ~-'7 Lewi B~brgfeld Lucinda J. tzpatri Chairman Recording Secretary