Novemeber 23, 1994 Schertz Economic Development Commission Meeting Minutes 23 November 1994 Schertz Municipal Complex The Schertz Economic Development Commission meeting convened at 12:00 p.m., Wednesday, November 23, 1994 in the Coronado Paint Board Room, 7451 FM 3009, Schertz, Texas. THOSE PRESENT: THOSE ABSENT: Eric White Mary Marsh Juan Thorn Harry Richburg W.J. Sweatt Jackie Jones Bruce Hammersla Charles McDonald Merwin Willman Lew Borgfeld Bob Vallance, Sr. STAFF PRESENT: Kerry R. Sweatt, City Manager. Mark Marquez, Coordinator Lucinda J. Fitzpatrick, Recording Secretary CALL TO ORDER: Mark Marquez, Economic Development Coordinator called the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m. for the purpose of reviewing, discussing and recommending on the issue of the 1/2 cent sales tax publicity. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (November 10, 1994) Minutes were unavailable to read. REVIEW/DISCUSSION/RECOMMENDATION ON THE ISSUE OF PUBLICITY FOR THE 1/2 CENT SALES TAX. Mr. Sweatt said that he had hoped to use the November 22 forum as gauging what opposition there, what the opposition was and how do we try to counter it. He really didn't hear strong opposition to the sales tax, if there was any, they would rather it all went to property tax relief. The concensus of the people seem to be that we may approve the sales tax and then we'll turn around and defeat the bond issue when the bond issue comes up. Then there won't be any debt service increase, so we'll get our full deduct for taxes. Mr. Marquez asked if anyone had any questions or comments with regard to the information in the packet they received. He mentioned the Talking Paper from Mr. Sweatt which addresses the individual groups and covers the bases pretty well; does anything need to be added to it or is there something that is not clear in the way it has been presented? Mr. Thorn inquired as to some of the expenditures for economic development, i.e., administration costs for office supplies and so forth. Mr. Marquez mentioned that these expenditures were also reimbursements for personnel staff that the city had provided, in other words, very close to the amount that is currently being funded by the city. W. J. Sweatt said that they could draft about 6 people to do the mailings. Mr. Marquez asked if the sense of the citizens is positive, should the pot be stirred. W. J. Sweatt said that Chuck Sharp and others are interested in P.A.C. The Concerned Citizens Against Taxation used to meet once a month. Mr. Willman said that subjects have changed with regard to C.C.A.T. Mr. Hammersla said that people may not want to face this issue if you stir the pot. He would be happy to campaign to those he knows and would be in favor of the issues. Mr. Marquez asked that those in favor would talk with those they know. Mr. Thorn said he would rather make information available to all. Mr. Hammersla said that his could be an ethical matter. W. J. Sweatt said that there are people upset about the recycling issues. Mr. Willman said that most people understand about recycling, but not exactly what Economic Development means. Mr. Hammersla said to promote would be cost effective and direct to those in favor. Mr. Sweatt said to get information to those who want to know about the issues. Other groups to inform would be plant managers and business managers who have groups of employees and ask how this would effect them. W. J. Sweatt wanted to know if people will ask "When is this tax going to go away? Mr. Marquez said that the calculations would equal a wash now but that the ad valorem property tax relief would be for the future. As revenue will continue to rise, numbers will go up. He predicted a good economy. W. J. Sweatt mentioned the fact that occupancy tax cannot be used for economic development. Mr. Marquez stated that there are sufficient valid uses for the 1/2 cent sales tax. There is a hotel to be built, although builder is having some problems with the architect. We are at a "wait and see" mode with regard to the Retama Club. W. J. Sweatt suggested putting this information on the voice mailbox that if you wanted detailed information, that you could pick up a copy at City Hall. Mr. Sweatt mentioned about the problem that all needed to be aware of, Judson ISD bond election. Apparently there is a movement to invalidate bond election because all of the handout material and all of the discussion about the election were not being covered in Spanish. What we're doing in the December Newsletter is having it translated into Spanish. The ballot will be printed in both languages. The mailbox also needs to be said in English and Spanish. The Justice Department says information must be translated in both languages. W. J. Sweatt says that Schertz needs to be ready for growth. Mr. Marquez suggested that the questions from Schertz citizens guide Mr. Sweatt's speech. Getting the word out to our citizens is not an easy task, and that our newsletter is probably the best thing we've got. Our feedback is pretty positive and alot of the folks do read it. Mr. Sweatt said that very few questions are being asked as far as some of the meetings held with the Noon Lion's Club, Schertz Volunteer Fire Department Auxiliary, Dove Meadows Home Owner's Association, and Schertz Business Association. He suggested speaking with various organizations such as: B.V.Y.A., Nighttime Lion's Club, Library, SAFES, and perhaps Knights of Columbus. He also mentioned asking preachers to speak with their congregations. He said he would talk with Mr. Jeffries of the Baptist Church. W. J. Sweatt asked about speaking with the school districts with regard to P.T.A..A. at Schertz elementary and Mary at the V.F.W. as this would be a good way to promote the election. Mr. Sweatt said that no funds have been budgeted by the City, they are not permitted to promote. We can only use budget money to inform the public. He suggested getting money together to form a political action committee. He spoke with advertising company and could use direct mail and mail only to those who voted. There were 1,200 votes last election. He said to narrow the focus to those who show interest. He asked if we should go hard sell; make two mailings - probably under $1,000 with creative costs to design and mail. Mr. Sweatt asked "do we want to promote or inform"? Mr. Thorn said to make sure information is out there to make people aware of the purpose and future developments. An advertising agency could take a while to do this. W. J. Sweatt suggested using creative, bold and colorful promotions. Mr. Sweatt suggested to advertise: Jobs-Jobs-Jobs; property tax relief and to keep very simple. W. J. Sweatt said that details can be obtained through the mailbox and City Hall. Mr. Thorn said to state only the highlights of the issues. Mr. Marquez said that there are programs to be funded by the 1/4 cent sales tax for economic development and that 167 cities already have this program and some are putting it on their January ballot. Mr. Sweatt summarized the 1/2 cent sales tax issue by stating that instead of using an agency to do the promotion, that information could be compiled on the issues and we create our own promotion ad. Mr. White asked "how long can another election take place if this one fails?" Mr. Marquez said that we must wait one full year. Mr. Sweatt said that they will get more information from an advertising agency. Bruce Hammersla can ask Woody Allen at Quality Closeouts, Jeff Zunker at Garden Ridge and Mr. Smith at Bussey's Flea Market how they think they will be affected. STAFF DIRECTOR'S COMMENTS No other comments. COMMISSION MEMBER COMMENTS No other comments. COMMISSION CHAIR COMMENTS None SET NEXT MEETING DATE No meeting date was set. ADJOURNMENT With no further business, Mark Marquez adjourned the meeting at 1:30 p.m. with a motion to adjourn from W. J. Sweatt and a second motion to adjourn from Kerry Sweatt. Motion carried unanimously. .L@.1 Lewis orgfeld Lucinda J. itzpatr' c Chairman Recording ecretary