June 1, 1995The Schertz Development Commission meeting convened at 7:00
p.m., Thursday, 1 June 1995 in the Municipal Complex Conference
Room, 1400 Schertz Parkway, Schertz, Texas.
Lew Borgfeld
Wanda Jean Sweatt
Harry Richburg
Bob Vallance
Jackie Jones
Tony Moreno
Juan Thorn
Kerry R. Sweatt,
Mark Marquez, ED
Margie Montanez,
Mary Marsh
Charles McDonald
Bruce Hammersla
Jeff Zunker
Eric White
Harold Smith
Merwin Willman
City Manager
Recording Secretary
Lew Borgfeld, Chairman of the Economic Development Commission
called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
13 October 1994
10 November 1994
23 November 1994
6 April 1995
Lew Borgfeld made a motion to approve the minutes at a later
date due to the number of minutes needing approval and to give
the staff more time to review. Bob Vallance questioned why the
amount of sets for review had not been approved and Kerry
Sweatt stated that the reason was due to changes in personnel.
No motion was made, however, the agreement to review the
minutes and approve at a later date carried unanimously.
3. Appointments/Re-appointments Commission Members
Kerry Sweatt read the current members and their expiration of
appointment to the Commission. He stated that when the
committee last met, the staff attempted to solicit from the
membership willingness or not willingness to serve. He stated
that it was his understanding in the last meeting that Bob
Vallance and Harry Richburg were willing to serve an additional
term if re-appointed. Merwin Willman, Mary Marsh, and Charles
McDonald were not willing to serve, and Harold Smith was not
able to serve. Due to those declining re-appointments, it
leaves four vacancies on the commission if those who indicated
were willing to serve were re-appointed. Kerry Sweatt
indicated that there were four names of individuals who have
been submitted for consideration for appointment to the
Commission. There may be others or someone else may have some
additional names. Kerry Sweatt stated the following
individuals: Jeff Zunker, Ben Davis, Henry Gutierrez, and
Byron Williams. Mr Borgfeld asked when was the committee to
consider these appointments. Kerry Sweatt stated that the
terms expired 21 March 1995. Those individuals whose terms
have expired are expected to serve until their successor is
named. The length of terms were set up on a staggered basis
and the commission drew for the one, two, and three-year terms.
These will now be two-year terms.
W.J. Sweatt made a motion to accept the list of new names for
appointment to the Commission. Lew Borgfeld stated that from
his stand point, if the Commission could consider the new
appointees a month or two before voting and maybe meet again in
three or four weeks for more discussion and appointment. Bob
Vallance agreed and commented to having some knowledge of the
individuals backgrounds and personal history. W.J. commented
that the commission knew that these appointments were
approaching and were asked to present names.
Lew Borgfeld agreed but would still like some follow up that
these things and other proposals are coming up so that the
commission will have a way knowing before meeting time that
these considerations are open and the possibility of commission
members having other request for submission. He hadn't
recalled that the Commission had some prompting on this issue
at the last meeting and his opinion is that the Commission get
some forewarning of what is going to happen at these meetings.
Lew Borgfeld asked if the Commission wanted to move forward and
accept the new appointees or meet at another time for this
specific issue. W. J. Sweatt asked what the rules say and if
we have four vacancies past due of re-appointment should we not
consider those presented. Lew Borgfeld commented that usually
a member serves until re-appointed or replaced.
Jackie .Jones asked how many present members did the Commission
have and if there was a set number needed on the Board. Mark
Marquez stated that to have a quorum, only four members needed
to be present.
Kerry Sweatt stated that at this time the Commission has twelve
positions. Mark Marquez stated that the initial structure was
for seven people. It was found to be practical at the time to
add how many wished to serve, which got us to twelve. He
continued to comment that there should be at least seven.
However, Mark stated that we have people here who would make a
contribution to the overall operation.
W.J. Sweatt reinstates her motion to accept the names
submitted for new appointments. Jackie Jones second the motion
to appoint Jeff Zunker, Ben Davis, Henry Gutierrez, and Byron
Williams as new appointments and Harry Richburg and Bob
Vallance for re-appointments. Motion carried unanimously.
4. Action: Tax Abatement, Instel Southwest
Mark Marquez introduced Mr. Neil Parsley, Vice President
Instel Southwest. Mr. Parsley proceeded to address the
Commission about the company and his proposal. His
presentation was as follows:
Instel Southwest: Steel distributor for foreign and domestic
construction. The company supplies steel to build churches,
schools, shopping centers, and other fabricators. There are
five locations in the Southeast-Southwest area. The company
has been in business since 1954 out of Houston and is a French-
owned company. Corporate headquarters is located in Houston,
Texas, 34-acre plant, and do their own distribution and
financing. There is no facility here (in Schertz) but
presented a planning map on a prospective building. The plans
are for a purchasing contract on a 15.9 acre tract on Doerr
Lane, in the Industrial Park. The building will be 200 ft by
430 ft. It is the first phase and plan to build on it as they
grow. Behind the building will be a hard service area which
can store plate products and handle a forklift. Eventually
planning is to double the size of the building and go from
86,000 to ft to 170,000 ft of warehouse and extend the hard
service area. The outside work will always be behind the
building. They are also planning to completely fence the
property, have security lighting, and small amounts of
landscaping by the office.
Jackie Jones asked about the improvement to Doerr Lane and what
their plans were. Mr. Parsley stated that the plans are to
widen and pave the lane an additional 250 ft. from the
railroad track to Doerr Lane to get their trucks and trailers
in and out of the property safely. He continued to add that
they will have an entrance. The fence goes around the
perimeter of the property except for the gate which will be set
back 100 ft off the road so the trucks can pull off that road
and park safely. Mr. Parsley's proposal to the Commission was
to assist in defraying part of the costs which is an estimated
$14,000. Mark Marquez stated that a possibility is to step up
with a tax abatement, Insteel pay a third, the City pay a
third, and another developer pay a third.
Mark Marquez stated that the Foundation agreed to a grant of
$5,000 toward the improvement of that street. Mr. Parsley
stated that Instel was prepared to pay for the construction up
front and have the tax abatement offset part of the cost.
Kerry Sweatt asked if the total building (warehouse) was 86,000
sq. ft. and 3,000 for the office. Mr. Parsley confirmed
that statement.
Harry Richburg asked if they would have any type of waste to
dispose of in that area. Mr. Parsley stated that they would
have some scrape which will be recycled.
Harry Richburg wanted to clear that what they wanted to do was
when they were having other work build out there to get another
developer to bid on construction of the street and would come
out to less money that what we talking.
Mark Marquez stated that it was conceivable. The estimates
that he has are $70 a linear foot as stated from the City
engineer. Mark stated that he alerted the foundation that this
will be a requirement because we were orginally looking at a
third, third, and third. After going through the numbers with
the City, that kind of money could not be generated by the date
and required.
Mark Marquez directed the Commission to the copy of the
evaluation showing the dollar value of the abatement, what it
means to the City in terms of eventual returns over time and do
we make any money in this deal. Bob Vallance asked what the
life of the abatement was and Mark Marquez stated that it was
six years. Discussion over the evaluation continued.
Bob Vallance asked if the facility was sufficient to handle any
of the possible potential hazards that could occur out at the
location. Mr. Parsley stated yes and that fire would be a
remote possibility because of no flammable items on the
property or storage tanks. Ambulance and medical service was
an issue Mr. Parsley had in mind when locating here because of
the excellent medical services in the area.
Lew Borgfeld made a motion of recommendation of the tax
abatement to the City Council for Instel Southwest for the
construction of the road on Doerr Lane. Harry Richburg second
the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Kerry Sweatt formally welcomed Mr. Parsley to the City of
5. Demonstration: Skyline Portable Displays
Mark Marquez introduced Sean Brown from Skyline Displays for
this presentation. Mr. Brown proceeded and gave a description
of what the display was made of. The "City of Schertz" would
be painted on the base and is included in the price of the
whole package. Mr. Brown proceeded to talk about the
structure of the frame, connectors, compact packing, fabric
panels, attachable shelving, etc.
Mark Marquez directed the Commission to the copy of itemized
costs of the display. The display Mr. Brown brought to
demonstrate is 10 feet in size. There is also an 8 ft display.
The difference in price would be from $500-$600.
Kerry Sweatt asked if there was a less expensive way to do the
graphic print. Mr. Brown stated that there are different
types of graphic, i.e., high photographic or electricstatic
Jackie Jones asked if the size of the 10 ft display would be a
problem when taking to trade shows. Mark Marquez responded no,
but that the cost of the booth to have at a trade show is
W.J. Sweatt asked if the Foundation paid for the display could
the Commission pay the Foundation back. W.J. thought that the
Foundation may need their money. Jackie Jones stated that her
question was to only justify cost.
Lew Borgfeld stated that the display could be used at different
types of functions we would be involved including the 4th of
July, BAD, and fireman's supper. It would also project a very
positive and professional image when used. Lew Borgfeld's
suggestion was to go to the foundation for the monies due to
the fact that some money was made on the Industrial Park and a
display might be the type of thing the Foundation may consider
W.J. Sweatt asked if there were second hand displays that
could be purchased. Mr. Brown said yes, usually the displays
that have been on rental stock would eventually go on sale.
Mr. Brown stated that he could get the cost down considerably
Demonstration concluded and Commission agreed to inquire to see
what other possibilities are available.
6. Discussion: 4th of July
Mark Marquez stated Mr. Zunker from Garden Ridge Pottery has
some surplus displays to improve the display at the 4th of July
Jubilee. Improving the booth appearance may have a difference
in our sales. The Foundation has donated $500 towards the
fireworks. The Flyby from Randolph is on scheduled and waiting
for them to say that they will do it.
W.J. Sweatt asked if Mark Marquez was going to ask for
volunteers for the booth. Mark Marquez stated that the booth
hours are from 12 p.m. to 6 p.m. Juan Thorn, Kerry and W.J.
Sweatt, and Mark Marquez volunteered. Harry Richburg and Lew
Borgfeld were to get back with Mark. Mark Marquez usually
takes the first and last shift because of the money box.
7. Discussion: 6th BAD
Mark Marquez indicated that the invitation letter to the guest
speaker, Brenda Arnett, had been mailed and waiting a response.
Mark Marquez handed the discussion over to W.J. Sweatt, BAD
Chairperson. W.J. commented that her committee was still
undecided on a theme for the event. A 50s-60s theme was
suggested, however, the western theme seemed to have been
successful and comfortable dressing. The Commission agreed to
decorate with the western theme.
8 . Staf f Comments
Mark Marquez reminded the Commission about the CPS Seminar
scheduled for 7 June and to call if anyone wished to attend.
Hal Baldwin, Mayor of Schertz, was one the guest speakers.
9. Commission Member Comments: No other comments.
10. Chairman's Comments: No other comments
11. Set Next Meeting Date: 21 August 1995
12. Adjourn: Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. Harry Richburg
motion to adjourn, Bob Vallance second the motion.
° ° ~~
Lew Borgfeld argie Montanez
Chairman Recording Secretary