02-28-1984 Joint Mtg PLANNING AND ZONING P1INUTES The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council convened in a Joint Public Hearing on Tuesday, February 28, 1984 at 7:00 PP1 in the Municipal Complex Council Chambers, 1400 Live Oak Road. Plembers present were as follows: PLANNING AND ZONING COP1h1ISSI0N CITY COUNCIL John Linebarger, Chairman Earl W. Sawyer, Mayor Cam Beauchem~n, Vice-Chairman Charles B. Sharpe Tom Yarling, Secretary Harold Baldwin Merwin Willman Ross Hoover Lee Boswell Adolph Aguilar Bob Andrews Ken Greenwald P & Z MEMBERS-ABSEPJT Ray Stanhope CITY STAFF-PRESENT Earl Hartzog, Planning Coordinator June G. Krause, City Secretary #1 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Sawyer called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and turned the meeting over to the Planning and Zoning Commission Chairman Linebarger. #2 PUBLIC HEARING: Zoning Change No. 52 P,eceive input from the public for rezoning of approx- . imately 74 acres of land from Single Family Dwelling District (R-2) to a Planned Unit Development (PUD}, The minutes of this public hearing is a duplication of the City Council minutes. #3 PUBLIC HEARING: Zoning Change No. 53. Receive input from the public for rezoning of approx- imately 24 acres of land from Single Family Dwelling District (R-1) to Single Family Cwelling District (R-2) The minutes of this public hearing is a duplication of the City Council minutes. #4 GENERAL DISCUSSION: Representatives from Negley Paint gave a presentation on their company relocating to the City of Schertz. #5 ADJOURNMENT OF PUBLIC HEARIP!G: Chairman Linebarger turned the meeting back over to P~layor Sawyer, who adjourned the Public Hearing at 9:15 PM. The Planning and Zoning Commission reconvened in a Special Session upon completion of the Joint Public Hearing in the Municipal Complex Confer- ence Room. #1 CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Linebarger called the meeting to order at 9:24 PP1. #2 APPROVAL OF f~INUTES: Regular Session, February 28, 1984 Cam Beauchemin made a motion to accept minutes. The motion was seconded 6y-P4erwin LJillman and the vote was unanimous in favor. #3 CONSIDER APJD MAKE RECOP1PIENDATION: Zoning Change No. 52. There was discussion on drainage and noted the subdivision ordinance and Federal Emergency Planagement Agency has restrictions which must be followed before final plat approval. There are restrictions on velosity and flood water increased elevations which must be engineered and approved the the City Engineer. Street improvements for this project will resolve the problem with water backing up on the streets ending at this site. There was discussion about two (2) stories, utility easements and rear yard set backs not being an issue since this would be the same. The width of Nell Deane was discussed and noted the developer plans to have a 6C' right-of-way and 43' pavement the same as Parkland Village, Unit II. When the apartments on Live Oak Road were platted there was no approved master plan for Nell Deane. The increased cost for police, fire and SAFES would be covered by.the taxes from the new property owners. There was discussion on density, the additional traffic and the impact it would have on the other subdivisions. It was noted Live Oak Road was planned as the major access for this project. Funds should be available in the near future for Live Oak Road, improvements. There was a question on density and what was considered high density. The Commission was advised the National Health Advisory board requires that every person have 800 square feet of space for health, safety, general welfare and morale. This space can be smaller with proper air circulation and other factors, which with the national average of 2.8 per household the density is not too high. There was discussion on the park area and noted the city is not permitted to require developers to set aside an area for parks. Just recently the `Commission questioned the area Horseshoe Oaks developers were setting up fora park and the maintenance re= sponsibility. The present parks are not being used by the citizens and the present problem and cost of maintaining these areas was discussed. It was agreed by the Commission that the staff should ask the developer if he would set aside an_area as a green belt or park in exchange for approval of his zoning change request. Cam Beauchemin made a motion to defer action by the Commission until the staff finds out if the developer will dedicate an area fora park. Lee Boswell seconded and the vote was unanimous in favor. #4 CONSIDER AND P9AKE RECOP~PIENDATION: Zoning Change No. 53. There was a lengthly discussion about setting a deed restriction that would limit the square footage of homes in Oak Forest Unit IV. Coy Simmons refused to seta limit and advised the Commission there was no square footage required in Unit III. There was discussion on entrance to Oak Forest and when was the city going to make the necessary improvements. The Commission felt it could not approve any development in this area until the entrances were improved. Cam Beauchemin made a motion to defer action on this item until the ~ next meeting : ° ~lerw n Gli~l l.man seconded and the vote -was unanimous in favor. #5 CONSIDER APJD TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION: Preliminary/Final Plat Negley Subdivision. There was a short discussion about improvements required for this project and the proposal fora safety lane and a fire hydrant at the rear of the property. Tom Yarling made a motion to approve. the preliminary/final plat contingent upon the City Engineer's approval. Cam Beauchemin seconded and the vote was unanimous-in favor. #6 GENERAL DISCUSSION: Tom Yarling, Cam Beauchemin and Ray Stanhope would not be at the March 13th meeting. The Commission was advised that ~"erwin Willman's reappointment to the Commission was approved by the City Council. The Commission was advised by the Mayor that Council had approved the funds for the Commission and spouses to attend the Planning Conference in Corpus Christi on the 8,9 and 10th of April.- - Earl Hartzog asked for the membership to advise him as soon as possible on who would attend. There was a discussion on the city's water capability and the width on Ne11 Deane. #7 ADJOURNP•9ENT; Chairman Linebarger adjourned the meeting at 10:14 P~4. e