11-23-1965 ws~tcite~ ~ the '~~~#~th et€n~ ~aet~iee~ the ear, fit ~caurt~#! rbers, #~~ra~~
~~ss~issi~e~, ~ ~ fr?e~+re~# , eras d P#~r~~€ ~eansas#~~rats %e#d ~ve#r ,1
~ifi , ahhert~F Texas, $a t'..
~r ~ . ~iehrd
pity ~c~~c~cs # Viers P#ez~rci~q ~cas~siss~ta~
~rr~r~rtd ~~y€ epr~e #teacs, irn
#fcard ~€scd~ .rare
°ttarar e;h~rtx #yinn ecoraett
L. lea
ck ~ardys
l1r#ra Rereer~es# ~~errsr P#arargarag Csaras~#tca~ts
'tea#ter chertz, Chs~irar~ra cde~ard 4k
Thu#era~eyer, '+li~~-~~~~~rera~~ Fred 3.~dw€
~a#c~rad ##~e#
#gir~ ~k west
~r~rs . €~#ir~s~ ,~rtzt, ~ha~ber saf ~as'~er~e
airs . ~iua ~~kerrrsar~, Theme e
Air. ~~#h #k~:#s
The crrirc~ttes ~ver~ reed Band ca~ara~ved zas read .
fir. #tc~a reerams:raded that ~ ~f~ce»-hairy be a#ected fear fhe F#a~raara~ ~€~r~oiss~ar?.
. Rhea r~~xde a rs~atiean tsa eaeamIte ~exrc~t't E~ee:k. Eck ~rardysecaredd ~i"ratES>€~;
essrried ur~~srt~us#y,
It was reaarted tit u . ym~s~r+d tcater the Teaccxs Fti~yhwe~y ~3e~srtea~t ear#d neat est
this ~eet~ra~ die tea ~ ~ar~viaus#y s~hedcc#ed s~~taor~trvse~t .
The craeeti~ was they tvrr?ed eaver tea d he9 ~rirst requested the year tea report sacs
the rr~~~t~cs~ he#d ~+rtth €~exsxr ~eaur$ty ~=a~issiacaer .~i ~#~.##esnd.
yar i~heard reported that ~tEr. Fte##as~d #edged ceao~aeratis~n iri the rsirEt~~cece a~
i~ >car sauraty #aut have na d~~€~ite earttitrrtent csaracer~a scae.
d ~ reparted an tha3 meeting with ~ tc~tzer, with fir. Falter chert~ and
~har$es . brass present, ~lavemb~r 1~, 1 ~~5 in Seguin .
th~:n elabaa~ted an a prapased thcareaughfare plan fear the pity of Schert~. ,#~r.
a !c sa;~esteel that the Planning ~earramissian ceansider the passage of a resalution tea
rec~r~a~ri~s~d tea the pity ~auncil a canapreherDSive pragraen ccane:erraing the alignment of the
i~ew i ~ and relatee~ pralems . L3iscuasian fallawed .
fir. ~enntt steads a ~aatian to apprav€~ the fallawing resaleatiara.
`v~BR~S, the Planning ~ar~arraiss~eara of the pity of Scherta~ receagnixers the uaent and
irnpartant issue of the alignrrtent of a crew Far~a-ta-ttsr~Caat Rand and related prablerras
that h€~+~~ czar:frasated the car~munity far a l~ngt~ay periad,
"~ji~°iR~QS, the Planning Carra~xaissian e:ar:side~rs theses ~aralaBerns to ~ irater~related grad sheauld
! salved in a car«~~rehensive rraaraner,
IT R~SL~'t~ that the Planning ~arrorraissian recaraamends to then pity ~auncil of
Schart~ to pra~~ed with the salutican of the F 7~ alignn~nt card related prablers~ band
~ the feallawing pris~cipless
. ~'he nevv 7~ be autheari~ed to praceed along the alignment prapased by
thc~ `fexas ~ii~hway ~7epartrnent . Thos alignment is undet~t0e++d to begin near
the entrance eaf Randolph fir Farce ~s~ and travels ncsrthecasterly, e~praximcately
parcalle~l .tea the existing F'~€ slang the scaaath line of the city lirraits and returns
tca the existing ~li3 near the lane yak Subdivision .
. "fhe abeave calignr~~nt is rca~asraended raver the existing teats because of the
irrsprcabability of abtairaing suffici~rat rights-of-wcay an the Icsfitr to ~aerrrsit the
canstructie~n eaf the new hie~hway.
~anditiean tea the approval of the new F~ 7$ al`rgrament, the T~asas i•iighway
i~epartaraeaat should be requested to teal€3e fallowing e~atians to saly rel~rtad
problems s
a . ~esigrscat~ existing F ~ as business rcaute .
b. i~eep t5i exlang the present calignrcaent.
ea-. Wider: that partic~n of F ~5i~ ~t coincides with buaine~~ rca:af~ ~ 7€3
to a fesur lane, curbed roadway. Request the Texas Highway ~epeaaiment
to widen grad curls the entire business teats of 7~, if feasible.
d . ~anstruct a ne.w fear-lane bridge aver ~ibala ~ree~ as a .part of the i mrave-
assents of 15~~ ear of the business teats of F 7$.
e . Request Guadalupe bounty ~a~acnissianer #a acquire and carastrcact eaceess
r ds--~Rartdalph cared live ""lC tr~ets«-bfra~a usira~ss teats % tey the
new highway.
s~lu~i~r~ v~r~ I~ ~ su~~rr+it~~d City ~~~ar~ci 1,
. R;~c+ s~ca~d~~ ~h~ :nof?~n. ~a~s~a°e c~rri~d ucuan~mcwsiy.
Thy axt -w~~3~g ~~s sit fir Tu~sd~ya ~t~~~~b~r 1~3~5.
~or~sadars~~ic~~s :rid ~p~resv~f ~f the ~v~air~ ~rdir~ar?c~ wall b~ $ub~:~~~ his rn~~tin.
R~,s~~P~~€1t~ ~ubr~it~~d,
. Fred F . ~ddvi~
FF Lsm~£