Planning Commission
may 10, 1967
members absent: None
mr. Dunham called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M. l~r. Dunham
read a letter outlining,a workable program for the planning
commission. It was agreed that all. comr~sittee'members should
become familiar with the buildi:~g codes and ordinances of the
city. Dy doing,, this vae will be better informed a.nd batter able
to carry out ou,~b duty as commission m~:mbers.
dir. Dunham suggested we invite eitY~er t~se fire marshall or
electricians to o~,r June meeting to explain some of the codes
we will be working with.
It was suggested that all members get a comprehensive plan.
for our city from Urben P.enewal and study same.
Tob~r L. Conner Jim€~ie Dunham
Secretary President