03-01-1971 MINt1TES OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION City of Schertz, Texas March 1, 1971 Z Meeting called to order March 1, 1971 by acting Chairman, Mr. Robert Schartz. Order of business Mr. Robert Schwartz elected Chairman, Mr. Weldon Willbanks Vice•Ghairman, Mr. Augh Sandifer elected as Secretary. ~1) Order of business request by A&A Pump Company to - install two ~2) 8,000 gallon underground tanks and two pumps at Mr. "M" Store adjoining post office. Request further infdrmation on; square footing of .building, ownership of building square footing of parking area. No action taken awaiting further in- formation from Mr. "M". {2) Next order of business t I.-` - Deer Haven. Motion by Mr. Rhea second by Mr. Willbanks to reject proposed plots and recommend to accept Mr. Moks' plan of proposed changes, details in his letter of February 10, 1971 to the City Secretary. Mr. Walter Schertz of IIrban Renewal attended this meeting and gave us a report of the progress of his department. Meeting. adjourned at 8:00 p.m. _ Hugh G. Sandifer Robert Schwartz Secretary Chairman