08-22-1973 ~ ES ®1~ P~ I~'G ~®RTI~G C~A~SSiC~I ~T~Nf~
A~'~~3ST ~2 ~ ~.9?3
~~N 5.
i, .
• } ~'~.rst item on the ,agenda was a request fr®t~a l+~r. ~ur~~2 to
extend the C 1 ~on~. C~.assi~Picat~.on of has pr®perty ~.ocat~•~
• ®n 78 sr~ &ae can build a mixtiat~°e go~:f course. 1~1r. Bowe
~~ade a ~aot~.on grant I°® ~uY':o~vi!S~°~ ~°®gs~est, s®conded by
~eobam .~1~. me~'bers in agreement. The Co ~.ssion repo ends
~ t the ~o , e~.l.` graffit . ~:o request
(2) The comm~.sion is s-tudy3.~ the proposed ~o~a~.n~ ~Drdinance in
• the Adm~.nistrative controls bo®k~.et. ~~itt~ the idea of reco~a-
mend~:ng that the c~unci:l adopt the proposal ® The Co ~.ssion
w~.ii mope wore fig on this ~.teffi at it ° s newt a~eet~.ng.
(3) the Comm~.s~s~.ox~ rec®®mmds t® the C~.ty Cou~c~.i ths.t the ffiem4
berg of the P~.anning end honing Commiss~.oaa be officia~.ly
des~.gnated e.s the ®fficia~. hoard ®f A.d~ustanerat for ~,~he City
of Schertzo
In accordance ~~r~.$h ®rdinance # 93 the com~iss~.on her®by r~e~
coam~e~ds tta th® C~.ty Council that the speed ~.~it, from C~.boio
Cree~.bradge to ~i 3®~9 on 7S be chaffed to,3~phm and. to
~Oa~ph th® C~.ty I,im~.ts, there•;~~f~~r.
(5) The C®$~~f®n request t~~~ ~t~tus ®r~: ~b~.se of Zoning
Rss-~rict~.®n at 70t Nlai~i Street. (i. e. the that ~f ld. P~arine
is using. ~oa~erc~.s,ll.gf and is zoned res®~,ent~.ax) . The Comm~.ssioa~
. took no -~c$~.on on •~this co~apla~.nt frog co~acerned cit~.zons, at~-
dre~s~d t® Mr. c&er dated duly 23s ~9?3 because no r~qu.®s~
for e:;;,~~ariance or ~®ning ~tec3ass~.f~:eat#on was recei~reda. ~r imd
pl~.ed® As this is a clear ~~o~.a~ion of the ~on3ng ®rd~.nance, the
Coamat~.~~ion hereby raga®sts that. appropr~.ate s.etion be t®~ by ~
the City, aga3~ast Ji~.ld I+far~.ne to remove this ~~.olat~.ox~. ~
(6} The ~ ~.ssion also noted that there are some apartment bu~.la~
ings going up ia~ th® ~.T.~T. of the city, no request concerning
this de~relopment has came before the board (~..e. Col. ~lighs
apartments}. Request that C~.ty Coaanci~. be hppr~.sed of City
Crdf.nance ~ 93 S®htion ~9 paragraph ,.and tie appropriate
earl Sawyer
I~ecordin~ Secretary