02-13-1974 ~ e~~aer~ ~re~ent o Jt~~ie W~.ee ~ ~hairn~an
~ic~ ~o~e
' T.~3.c~ ~k~am~ie~e
~.oe ~'oe~?u~n
Don Seet~a
Earl S~?t~yer Secretary
~~aue~ Sk~arp
~'e ~®etn~ ~ra~ ca~.~.ee~ to carder at 7:3~ F~oM® by cY~ir~.n
o~annf.e ~i~ea
~o c~.i ~w~a Sc~awart~ attondad t~~.~ ~teetin~ o
~'.~n `ere were no itea~~ tin tie a,~en+da far t~3.~. ~eetin~ ~
~ ~~.en W®etro~ way pre~ea~t g ~.nd e.ttenc~.ed t3~f
~ di$cu~~ tie to 9~ouse ce~~p~.e~ for Sc~taei'ier aa~d ~d~roA o
1*~.a ink and ~wn~.n~ ~a f.eaion took no actit~n o~
~^ee~a~eet because ~e way nat on tae a~endam I~r® etr
~.n~or~ed to contact tae City N~anager eo that ffie co~x~~ ~
a~ec.de. ~wr the newt Piannin~ .d Zoning ~eetir~~
~.~,c tiffie the P'~.anning ar~d Zoniaa~ wild, aet on k~~. p~°~~csft
°o ~o~xver Edt~rard~ way al.eo ixa attendanceo ~ alga
tie a~e~xdas and the caieeioa. in~'or~ned h~.~ that; boor=;w
any e.ct~Ee~~a ct~uld be tal~en An re~taeet R that u~t
the e.~en o
o ~.ce there Mora nm oth~sr citi~ene d.e~irin,~ tai be hea~~~~
c~~~~~.~e~.on a~pened 2wr ~;enerai d~.~scue~~.on and tae ~a~.~.~~~.;~~
.ct~wn way tal~e~.a
o he co te~iwn u3d ~,i~e to have a reeguire~ent piece ~~n
~bd~.v~.d~~°e re+~u~.ri~~ tl2e~ to ea~ppi3' the city w~,th. c~,~ti.c~
e.p o~ ~ew~rr ii~ae~ in Moir ~ubdivi~~,ox~e® ~~'hfe ~Y~ou~,a:~
pieced in the ssubd~.~r~.~sion ~ardLnanc®o )
d '~°Ie co i~~iwn hereby rec®s~rmends to tl~e pity ~ounci~ ~ ~k,~a~.~~.
e~e~rt be da to he.ve the dgo~~'.c3.t,~pgcr cei' Par~iand ~i:~.~~~a~
~9 ~~e ar~~r~ ar~3un~. SQ~.~ n~~ BJ~kb~.ii~.n~~~ ~j~$~~?B~"8 Pst~;o ~a k.~,
~ ar~a a ~~~e
AR r; gy~y~.^.~7<. ~ggs• c® yq$gi17{17 ~/Vggn~ 1{yg~~A®'~d~~ 4 6dgc~a9/p gpG®ndRd~gq t~&W¢~y pt~ t~/~~vq~g qly!®$ mF~p~'{~{°O~/yti{.Fgl~dbq~a~.~~pa YpAq .F.~-t~.~~i.Vy: 3r
(tom-~&y~.e~C$.d®Qyy~~ ~d{rC~[~~®ID9Y$ .¢d~~Fn?pg~Q ~7 ~tyy~~ig~®Vg6 &lr ~$~®~rOi~ lrsANWiT W4'6866~4.5. 6.8 ',~+aS.~~:.ta ~n
~K~6' 4Aa.Y~d a{.A.W~~n KI Sii 7n7 ~e C$Y?3AW Ki 6Y0
~,.$$~,Q~I~ T'®C~. ~1~~.~,xt~$a'~ tktt~ G°~t~' 6~C'uncil ct~~"~~.~".' 1{'
~~c ~~.edei oxa tkZa natter of privacy fence l~et~ree~~.
~c~n~ ern ?S and ,ad~~cant res~~.dence~o
co i~eiwn i'eei~ ~}aat a requ~.reaa~®xat for baa~.~de~°~ t>.~~:~
~~.ty o~ Scbert~~ to Y~ave dunp~ter ~trasMt cant 2~ar c.~,>> ~ ~u~?~:~.,;~.~;~-,,.
under ctenetrraction, on sates a ~n~,~tg i~ paper sRn~~ ~~:'~.~~n
be dept froffi accumttlat~.n~ fn tYaese areaso (~F~~ ~ ~hc~~~:V.~~.
a~~~o tee ~.xa tY~e su'~div~.siox~ ordana~.ce® ~
~~he co~a~.s~si+~n reco vends that a to~znhotxse ord~.na~.c~ ~~.:~°~.~~a~~..,
i~ ~e coa~~iesi.®n a~.so d~.scussed , ~.s it a~~ects ~~.a.~~:~~.~J; ;E..~~.
S~hert~ and at eras dec3.a~gd that ~aenbers o~ th® cc~a.~~~~~~c~
dc:~~.nite need to know ~~aat contea~p~.ates a kIa~r~,G~c~
Co ~.ss~.on casnn®t attend ~C ~eeetin~s ~ as $~xey ~a~~, a~~~~
4,•tP p 7.C~.~~«i +.5 ~'LLF4Ji.~pA :b;: Glu1'..G ~~bA. rF.d~4Y.:L*~k~ b:7 a::+~+4~'/db 6+9n Rcl.~R.Y i~~.3w".~*.r C.t ~f a ~ .`$.y~6."t~tAa
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