12-17-1985 PLANNING AND ZONING MINUTES The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council conducted a Joint Public Hearing on Tuesday, December 17, 1985 in the Municipal Complex Council Chambers, 1400 Live Oak Road. Members present were as follows: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL BOB ANDREWS, VICE-CHAIRMAN EARL SAWYER, MAYOR JAMES HARDEN, SECRETARY HAL BALDWIN MERWIN WILLMAN CHUCK SHARPE TY BRISGILL ADOLPH AGUILAR . DAVID ALLEN KEN GREENWALD DONALD WILSON PLANNING & ZONING MEMBERS ABSENT CITY COUNCIL MEP1BERS ABSENT THOMAS YARLING, CHAIRMAN RAY STANHOPE CITY STAFF s STEVE SIMONSON, PLANNING COORDINATOR NORMA ALTHOUSE, RECORDING SECRETARY JUNE KRAUSE, CITY SECRETARY JIMMY GILMORE,-CITY MANAGER i I~ #1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Sawyer called the meeting to order. at 7:00 P.M. The minutes of this public hearing are a duplication of the City Council minutes. At 7:02 P.M. Mayor Sawyer turned the meeting over to Planning and Zoning Vice- _ Chairman Bob Andrews. #2 PUBLIC HEARING: Zoning Change #75 To receive input from the public on rezoning a 62.98 acre tract of land from . Predevelopment (PD) and General Business (GB) to Light Industrial (Ml) District. Said land is located on IH 35 and approximately 2,106 feet north of FM 1103. • The minutes of this meeting are a duplication of the City Council minutes. #3 GENERAL DISCUSSION There was none. #4 ADJOURNMENT OF PUBLIC HEARING Vice-Chairman Andrews turned the meeting back over to Mayor Sawyer who adjourned the Public Hearing at 7:07 P.M. The Planning and Zoning Commission reconvened in a special session, after the Joint Public Hearing, in the Municipal Complex Conference Room. #5 CALL TO ORDER `1 Vice-Chairman Andrews called the meeting to order at 7:12 P.M. #6 CONSIDER AND MAKE RECOMMENDATION: Zoning Change #75 There was a brief discussion on the proposed zoning change. Merwin Willman said he had no problem with it. James Harden commented he thought IH 35 was the best place to have Ml zoning: ' . ~ . Steve Simonson remarked the land is owned by Forbes Management and they are trying to buy the land which belongs to John Baines. David Allen brought up the question of whether or not a setback should be required for any kind of manufacturing. Donald Wilson commented we need to make the area as lucrative as possible. Merwin Willman made a motion to recommend approval of Zoning Change #75. Donald Wilson seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. #7 GENERAL DISCUSSION Merwin Willman commented on an article in the San Antonio Newspaper about a new Inn being put up in San Antonio. Mr. Willman wondered if we had done some- thing to shy builders away from the City of Schertz. . Bob Andrews remarked that one possible reason is the fee charged by CCMA and said he doubted if anything could be done about it. David A11en commented- that people don't know where the City of Schertz is and made particular reference to the commercial about Garden Ridge Pottery being advertised as located two miles north of Selma. Mr. Allen said he feels some people think Schertz is still out in the sticks. James Harden said the road construction is also bothering new development - people are waiting for it to be 60% or better completed. Steve Simonson noted that people are holding onto their money to wait and see what happens as far as taxes, etc. David Allen commented that our taxes are among some of the highest. There was a -brief discussion on this matter. Mr. Allen also commented that the progress along the IH 35 Corridor is somewhat slower than predicted. Steve Simonson said we need to take into consideration all the capital now being invested into our area by developers. There was some discussion on the American Guestel we're supposed to be getting and also on the development in Live Oak. Donald Wilson remarked he thought Live Oak had a very progressive public relations program. Ty Brisgill asked if anything could be done about the trucks on FM 3009 leaving behind large clumps of dirt. Donald Wilson said he thought Gutierrez had been asked to clean it up once. After some discussion on volunteers or volunteer organizations cleaning it up, it was generally agreed we may have to put up with some of the inconvenience if we want new construction in the area. James Harden said the new traffic light at FM 3009 and Elbel Road is great but the grass going toward Dobe Middle School needs to be mowed. Mr. Harden also commented that-the Silvertree entrance sign looks real good. These was some. discussion on the good things that several of the developers had done, in particular Leon Parker. Bob Andrews asked Steve Simonson if he had found out anything about the restriping of roads. Mr. Simonson replied there are no definite restriping plans. Merwin Willman told the Commission they should drive by and see what Greer-Ross _ is doing to bring their property up out of the floodplain. James Harden commented on the excessive water flowing this way since they've started construction on the shopping mall at 1604 and Nacogdoches. Donald Wilson asked how one can get new street signs if needed. Steve Simonson replied to get in touch with either him or with Jerry Graham. Steve Simonson informed the Commission that Coy Simmons had been in regarding his property in Oak Forest off FM 3009 in front of Crest Oak. Mr. Simmons asked what the Commission would consider letting him do with the land. Mr. Simmons had been in three previous time with proposals and was turned down. This particular subject prompted a lot of discussion: Foremost among the discussion was the need to solve the drainage problem.. Steve Simonson said Coy Simmons had been promised by the City that they would improve Circle Oak. Mr. Simonson said the City has prepared a legal form asking for release of such promise and also asking for additional easement to improve Crest Oak. • Steve Simonson to1Q the Commission that one of the things Coy Simmons is con- sidering is an office building with underground parking. It was felt that regardless of what Coy Simmons builds on his land, he would. need first of all to solve the drainage problem. The Commission asked Steve Simonson to inform Mr. Simmons they would deem Office and Professional worthy of consider- ation. Ty Brisgill asked if this wans't setting a precedent by telling the developer what we would consider appropriate in a certain location. hlerwin Willman replied it was setting a precedent only if we let it set one. Steve Simonson informed the Commission he had two plats so far to be presented in January. The next regularly scheduled meeting is January 14, 1986. • tl #8 ADJOURNMENT Vice-Chairman Andrews adjourned the meeting at 7:58 P.M. a ':t 1