The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened in a regular session on -
Tuesday, September 24, 1985 in the Municipal Complex Conference Room, 1400
Live Oak Road. Members present were as follows:
Chairman Yarling called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
#2 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Session September 10, 1985
Merwin Willman pointed o.ut that #6 - CONSIDER AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION: Ter-
minate ar Extend Preliminary Plat Approval Oak Forest Unit IV, last paragraph -
shoutd be amended to read that the vote was five in favor and one against.
Merwin Willman made a motion to approve the-minutes as-amended. Bob Andrews
seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor.
There was no one present for citizen input.
#4 CONSIDER AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION: Preliminary Plat Schertz Subdivision
Tom Dovey informed the Commission the plat was in their package and also he had
received a letter from Ford Engineering and had given them each a copy. Ford
_ Engineering had reviewed the plat and recommended the following corrections:
1. A one-foot non-access easement be placed along the property line accessing
FM 1518 to prevent driveways accessing the road.
2. Provide volume and page as recorded of school and City property.
3. Provide the location of this site with respect to a corner of the original
survey of which it is a part as required by recent Texas legislation.
4. Provide contours on the area being platted and USGS Benchmark used and it's
relationship to the property.
Tom Dovey also informed the Commission of Jerry Graham's comments. Mr. Graham
-feels that after the utility easement and the setback, there. will be no room for
off-street parking. There was a brief discussion on this matter.
Bob Andrews asked what the zoning is and the reply was R2. "
Ty Brisgill asked about the alley and if it should go all the way through. David
Allen asked if in fact it is an alley. "
There was some discussion on the size of the lots. Mr. Schertz informed the
Commission Block 1 is his house and the other two face Curtiss.
Bob Andrews asked if the ,City is going to do anything with Beacon. Mr. Schertz
said 200 Curtiss has a driveway on Beacon.
Mr. Schertz -commented"he°has purchased the corner from the Schertz-Cibolo-Universal
City Independent School District.
Chairman Yarling asked if everything was in compliance and the answer was yes.
Bob Andrews made a motion to approve the Preliminary Plat Schertz Subdivision
contingent upon the corrections being made that are required by Ford Engineering.
David Allen seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor.
~5 CONSIDER AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION: Lone Star Convenience Store - Jack Hays
Blvd. Special Overlay District
Mr. Paul Denham, representing Fisher Engineering, presented two different pro-
: jected settings for the Lone Star Convenience Store.
Merwin Willman asked if this drawing reflected all of the property and the reply
was yes.
- There was some discussion on the location of present. trees., the planting. of trees
in the buffer zone, (Ty Brisgill asked if they would be keeping the same elevation
as the current trees) the safety lane, and the proposed sign location.
There was also some discussion on the asphalt with Neil Fisher stating that the
asphalt being used to get in at the present time may be replaced when the rest of
the parking lot is developed.
Ty Brisgill, referring to circumstances in New Jersey, asked if we have any regu-
lations on the material the gas tanks are made of. He was informed this was not
a concern on the preliminary plat. _
Merwin Willman stated this drawing is in compliance as a request for a building
permit, it is not a preliminary plat. Also, Mr. Willman asked if the construction
plans had been submitted and the answer was no.
Tom Dovey informed the Commission he had no comments on these proposals from the.
Bob Andrews asked if the road would have to be cut again for sewer lines. Neil
Fisher replied no it would not.
There was a brief discussion on the preference of either Plan A or Plan B, taking
into account further development.
Bob Andrews made a motion to approve Lone Star Convenience Store - Jack Hays Blvd.
Special Overlay District - Plan B - provided it is in compliance with the
R1 3009 Overlay Ordinance. David Allen seconded the motion and the vote was
unanimous in favor.
Ed Descamps, representing Pape Dawson Engineers, informed the Commission the only
change from the Preliminary Plat was the ten foot easement on page 2 of the plat.
Mr. Descamps commented he had received a copy of a letter to Mr. Gilmore, City
Manager, from Ford Engineering recommending the following corrections:
A. Geometric design for Habersham, Hull and Forsyth - minimum horizontal curve
should be 200 feet.
6. Provide sewer service to adjoining tract at end of Davenport.
C. A11 earth drainage side slopes shall be covered with a geotextile material.
D. Meet the minimum requirements for concrete channels.
In response to Item A, Mr. Descamps said it had been complied with on Hull and
Forsyth and as near as possible on Habersham.- However, Habersham did not have
enough space available for the total 200 feet.
In response to Item B, Mr. Descamps said he could not provide sewer service to
the adjoining tract at the end of Davenport because of the topography. There
was some discussion on this and Earl Hartzog was asked if it was okay from an
engineering standpoint. Mr. Hartzog replied it was.
In response to Item C, Mr. Descamps felt the developer should be given the option
to hydromulch and that the first year was the developer's responsibility. There
was quite a bit of discussion on this and about the consequences to the developer
if it was not done properly.
James Harden commented that you would know before the year is up whether or not
it had been done properly.
There was some discussion about Item D in regard to the detention pond instead of
the retention pond. Mr. Descamps commented that because of the increased run-off-
and concentration due to new development, a detention basin is usually provided
by the developer.
Merwin Willman asked if the construction plans will contain drainage for Deerhaven
and Earl Hartzog replied yes they will.
David Allen made a motion to approve the Final Plat Savannah Square Unit II
contingent upon the corrections being made that are required by Ford Engineering
with the exception of the sewer stub out and the geotextile material. Bob Andrews
seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor.
• Merwin Willman commented it looks more like a preliminary plat than a final.
David Allen commented on the problem of duplication of street names, specifi-
tally Doerr Lane. Merwin Willman informed Mr. Allen that Doerr Lane East and
West is in the :process of being vacated.
Bob Andrews informed the Commission that the plat is still being reviewed by
the Staff. P
James Harden commented that the lot sizes and block numbers are different from
one page to another. Chairman Yarling remarked that the Staff will have to
Took it over very carefully.
Donald Wilson made a motion to table action on Final Plat Tri-County Park Unit
IV until the Staff had. time to complete it's analysis and make recommendations.
David Allen seconded-the motion and the~vote was unanimous in favor.-
#8 CONSIDER AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION: Preliminary Plat Payless Gas and Con-
venience Store - IH 35 and FM 1103
Tom Dovey informed the Commission the plat received in their package was in error.
He had passed out another plat to each member before the meeting, but it is also
John Jack from Strasburger Enterprises was at the meeting to represent Payless
_Gas. Earl Hartzog informed Mr. Jack that all the information required on Page 11
of the Subdivision Ordinance should be on the first sheet of the plat.
There was some discussion on the sewer lines and Tom Dovey informed the Commission
it would be on septic-tank since where are no sewer lines in the area.
Tom Dovey asked Mr. Jack if the restrooms at the convenience store are for public
use and Mr. Jack said yes they are.
Merwin Willman made a motion to disapprove the Preliminary Plat for Payless Gas
and Convenience Store - IH 35 and FM 1103 until it is in compliance with the
requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance. James Harden seconded the motion and
the vote was unanimous in favor.
Tom Dovey informed Mr. .Jack the Staff would work with him.
At this time, Chairman Yarling intorduced Steve Simonson to the Commission members.
- Mr. Simonson will be replacing Earl Hartzog as Planning Coordinator effective
October 7, 1985.
#9 CONSIDER AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION: Cibolo Valley Temporary Development Sign -
Jack Hays Blvd. Special Overlay District
Tom Dovey informed the Commission he had sent a letter to Mr. Guerra telling him
of the Commission's disapproval and told him he could take his request to the
Board of Adjustment.
Mr. Dovey also informed the Commission Mr. Guerra requested to be on the agenda
again and sent another diagram with the sign in a different location.
There was a brief discussion with Merwin Willman commenting that signs along
FM 3009 are permitted only for developers along FM 3009.
David Rllen madea motion to disapprove a request for a Cibolo Valley-Tem.porary-
Development Sign - Jack Hays Blvd. Special Overlay District: Ty Brisgill seconded
the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor.
_ #10 CONSIDER AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION: Gemcraft Homes Development Signs "Bandit
Signs" - Jack Hays Blvd. Special_Overlay
District r
There was no one at the meeting to represent Gemcraft. Tom Dovey informed the
Commission that Gemcraft had requested permission to place 10 bandit signs along
FM 3009.
Ty BrisgiTl questioned whether or not the developers assume they can also put
bandit signs on their own property. David Allen commented they should be informed
that it is a_tota-1 of.10..-signs regardless of-whether- it's their property._.
• Bob Andrews remarked that NPC had put up a total of only 10 signs, pointing out
that even though they had not requested permission from the Planning and Zoning
Commission yet, they are aware of the ordinance.
Tom ,Dovey told the Commission letters had been sent to all the developers infor-
ming them of the regulations regarding bandit signs. Mr. Dovey also stated that
he and his assistant, Don Brodeur, would enforce the ordinance vigorously.
- Donald Wilson commented that some of the signs are being staggered instead of
Ken Greenwald asked if once the builder comes in and does comply with the ordi-
Hance, is it necessary for him to come before the Planning and Zoning Commission
to request permission for bandit signs. David Allen asked if it wouldn't require
an amendment to allow builders to comply without requesting permission from the
There was a brief discussion on this and the general--feeling-seemed to -be-that
the ordinance should be enforced as now written.
David Allen made a motion to approve Gemcraft placing 10 bandit signs along Jack
Hays Blvd.- Special Overlay District so long as they-are incompliance with the
Overlay, Ordinance. Ty Brisgill seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor
Daryl Gorenflo, representing Monarch Homes, was at the meeting. His request for
~ - Monarch to place 10 bandit signs along FM 3009 was not received in time to be put
on the agenda.
- After a brief discussion, it was agreed to grant his request on a consensus basis.
Donald Wilson made a motion to grant permission to Monarch Homes, on a consensus
basis, - putting them on the agenda and voting at the next meeting - to place 10
bandit signs along FM 3009 as long as they are in compliance with the Special
Overlay District Ordinance. David Allen seconded the motion and the vote was
unanimous in favor.
Ken Greenwald commented there was concern by some Council members on the lack of
variety of housing in PUD's. The Council wants. Planning and Zoning to make some
kind of recommendation in an effort to get away from all one type of housing.
Merwin Willman had prepared an information package for each member on things that
had been done previously on PUD's. included in the package were Texas City's
PUD; a "Citizen's Guide to Zoning", ordinances from New Braunfels, Lubbock and
Corpus Christi and the plat for Oak Run which had been worked up in 1981.
Chairman Yarling commented that Oak Run was a case in point. It had the layout
for aTl different types of .housing with all the specified percentages, but had
never been developed.
James Harden commented that builders don't even want to talk to you anymore about
large lots.
Bob Andrews had some charts from the San Antonio Builder's Association with figures
from January, 1985 to the present on housing built and sold in San Antonio and it's
outlying areas. Mr. Andrews commented that in the Northeast the population is
dropping and office spaces are increasing: He also commented that the average
apartment complex is only 76% filled. Mr. Andrews said Sycamore Creek Apartments
in Schertz were only 58% filled.
There was a lengthy discussion on PUD's and what possible recommendations could be
made. Merwin Willman-and David Allen both commented a workshop would be required
to work on PUD's.
Chairman Yarling welcomed Steve Simonson again and thanked Tom Dovey for filling
in while a replacement was found-for Earl. Hartzog.
Ken Greenwald reminded the members of the TML meeting on Friday, September 27,
1985 in Seguin. He asked all the members .who would be attending to let the
City Secretary know. Mr. Greenwald said one of the aims of TML was to push the
legislature to pass a bill giving cities the right to service water within their
own city limits..
Ken Greenwald informed the Commission there will be a Joint Council meeting of
all cities in the immediate area on October 10, 1985 in the Samuel Clemens cafe-
Mr. Greenwald said he had attended a taxpayer's meeting regarding Guadalupe County
Hospital and felt there would be no bond issue to worry about.
Merwin Willman commented on Zoning Change #72 saying the Council had approved it
only if Morton Southwest-matches the lot sizes with the adjoining lots on both
Ken Greenwald said this had been the Planning and Zoning Commission's recommendation.
This discussion brought up the fact again that the ..Commission needs to get a copy
of the City Council minutes.
Tom Dovey said, if they were available, they would be in the next package.
Donald Wilson told the Commission he was glad to be serving with them and hopes
. to be an active and responsible member.
Ty Brisgill asked if he could get a list of the City Department Heads and their
specific responsibilities. Tom Dovey said he would include it in the package
for the next meeting.
Ty Brisgill asked why Savannah Square had only one entrance onto FM 3009 when
the Subdivision Ordinance requires-two. He was informed the second entrance has
not been developed yet.
In regard to the requirements-fora one-foot non-access easement in the Schertz
Subdivision, Ty Brisgill asked if that could be done on an existing driveway.
There was discussion on streets and curbs being damaged by the builder and if it
was necessary they be put in before the homes are built. There was also discussion
on the developers not .hydromulching or maintaining hydromulched areas. Ty Brisgill
-asked-if-we-have-a clause where we cannot accept Phase II of a development until
Phase I is corrected.
James Harden, referring to any recourse the City may have, suggested we look into
not issuing further building permits until the previous building is in compliance.
James Harden asked if the builder has to put up a bond with the City.
David Allen asked Tom Dovey if there was any way to get the field across the
street mowed.
David Allen also reported on the meeting of the Joint Schertz-Cibolo Coordinating
Group. Mr. Allen said three builders were present - Vaughan, CDR Investments and
Thistle Creek. He said there is some disparity between Schertz and Cibolo on the
requirements for curbs, gutters and sidewalks. Mr. A11en commented it would be
potentially possible to have curbs and sidewalks on one side of the street and
none on the other side on abutting properties. Mr. Allen also mentioned again the
need to avoid duplication of street names.
Chairman Yarling suggested we send a copy of the sign regulations to the new tire
The next regularly scheduled meeting is October 8, 1985.
Chairman Yarling adjourned the meeting at 10:00 P.M.