The City of Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened in a regular session
on Tuesday, October 14, 1986 at 7:00 P.M, in the Municipal Complex Conference
Room. Those present .were as follows:
Chairman Yarling called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
#2 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Session September 23, 1986
David Allen made a motion to approve the minutes for the regular session, Sep-
tember 23, 1986. Merwin Willman seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous
in favor. Motion carried.
There was none.
#4 CONSIDER AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION.: Preliminary Plat (5-27-86) (Job No. 8668)
(Vacate and Replat) and Final Plat (5-27-86)
Lone Oak Plaza
Dr. Kermit Harborth was at the meeting to represent Lone Oak Plaza.
Chairman Yarling reminded-the Commission they have diagrams of these in their
packet and asked for any Staff input.
.Steve Simonson informed the Commission the property is located on the corner of
FM 78 and Cloverleaf. Mr. Simonson said what Dr. Harborth is asking for is
approval to vacate the plat area where the dentist office is located and replat
the entire area (Dr. Harborth's, the dentist office area and the proposed strip
center). Steve Simonson also said the Staff has no problems with this. Mr.
Simonson said we are requesting some minor plat changes such as where he shows a
.five (5') foot setback we are asking fora ten (10') foot setback, but there are
no real problems.
There was some discussion on the vacate and replat and David Allen asked if there
.was a preliminary and final plat before. Dr. Harborth replied that his piece
of property was never platted,
Bob Andrews questioned if the dentist office area was ever platted and Steve
Simonson replied yes it was in 1976. a
After further discussion on the exact location of the lot to be vacated, Steve -
Simonson informed the Commission Dr. Harborth is asking. approval to vacate
Lot 2, Block 1, Lone Oak Subdivision Unit III and re plat Lot 1, Block 1, Lone
Oak Plaza Subdivision.
Donald Wilson made a motion to approve the request to vacate Lot 2, Block 1,
.Lone Oak Subdivision, Unit III and based on the current pending plot plan, to
approve the request to replat Lot 1, Block 1, Lone Oak Plaza Subdivision located
o.ff FM 78 and Cloverleaf Drive. David Allen seconded the motion and vote was
unanimous: in favor. Motion carried.
After the vote, Mervin Willman questioned the zoning of the area asking if it is
zoned General Business all the way back to the residential area. .Steve Simonson.
said he had checked on it and found that .the original plat shows the original
area commercial zoning all the way back to the residential area.
#5 CONSIDER AND MAKE RECOMMENDATION: Request for Special Use Permit - New Creation
Christian Fellowship
William Andrews, David Copeland and Alfred Conyus were at the meeting to represent
New Creation Christian Fellowship.
William Andrews gave a presentation .to the Commission on the proposed plans for
the site which is a 43.128-acre tract of land located in Oak Forest. Mr. Andrews
briefed the Commission on the history of the New Creation Christian Fellowship
and stated that their plans in Oak Forest are contingent upon approval of a
Special Use Permit by the City of Schertz.
William Andrews said they would be buying their property from Coy Simmons and Mr.
Simmons will be retaining approximately 5.7 acres on which he has a trailer and
a storage building.
William Andrews showed a diagram of a proposed three-story, .eight-sided building
which he said. would be the first to be built with an estimate of August, 1988 for
the completion date.-
Bob Andrews asked what size the building would be and William Andrews replied
28,000 square feet.
Steve Simonson, referring to the ordinance allowing a maximum height of thirty-
five (35') feet in residential areas, asked how high the building would be.
William Andrews replied they would conform to the regu}ations set forth in the
William Andrews explained that what is anticipated for the. remainder of the forty-
.three acres is a Christian Complex including possibly a school and a fine arts
Ty Brisgill asked what type of school and William Andrews replied probably an
elementary school. William Andrews emphasized, however, that plans for the other
buildings. would not be in process for approximately five years.
and future plans when coming to the .public hearing. They informed him they felt
the public hearing. would be well attended by the residents of 0ak Forest and he
should be prepared for all their questions.
David Allen made a motion to recommend the request from New Creation Christian
Fellowship for a Special Use Permit be referred to City Council for the
scheduling of a public hearing. Bob Andrews seconded the motion and the vote -
was unanimous in favor. Motion carried.
#6 CONSIDER AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION: Preliminary Plat (10-10-86) (Job No. 86044)
Greenshire Oaks Subdivision
Neil Fisher and Mark Vaughan were at the meeting to represent Greenshire Oaks.
Chairman Yarling asked for any Staff input.
Steve Simonson pointed out several facts:
(1) This is the first housing to go into Greenshire and the builder is
Vaughan Homes.
(2) Unless it`s a rare exception, every lot will be R-1 size.
(3) They have a voluntary thirty-five (35') foot setback along
Greenshire Drive.
(4) They have voluntary twenty-five (25') foot setbacks and R-1
lot size.
(6) The only real variance they are requesting is a five (5')
foot minimum side yard setback.
Mr. Simonson also reported it is out of the 100 year floodplain and their cul-
de-sacs are within our requirements. Mr. Simonson said the Staff sees no
Bob Andrews commented on the one (1') foot non-access easement on Green Valley
Road and Woodland Oaks Drive.
David Allen asked why the one (1') foot non-access easement and Steve Simonson
replied so there will be no driveways out of back yards. To this David Allen
remarked you have eliminated access to the backyard.
Mark Vaughan informed the Commission the fences will probably be of ..masonry
There was a brief discussion on the purposes of a non-access easement.
Bob Andrews, addressing his comments to Mark Vaughan, said he wholeheartedly
agrees with what they're doing in saving the trees, but ask if they would agree
to a stipulation something along the line of no home closer than fifteen (15')
feet and no closer than five (5') feet to save a tree. Mr. Andrews is concerned
about setting a precedent for future developers. There was a brief discussion
on the stipulation and the setting of a precedent.
David Allen asked about the location of the utilities and Mark Vaughan replied
they would like to have them all in front, if possible.
Merwin Willman asked the width of the streets in the subdivision and Neil Fisher
replied they have a fifty (50') foot right-of-way, thirty (30') foot pavement.
Bob Andrews, stating it would be advi able if they .had a five-year and possibly.
a ten-year .plan, told William Andrews we-don't want to hamper your plans nor do
we want to give carte blanche.
William Andrews had pointed out that the entrance to the proposed building would
be off of Crest -0ak and this single factor gave the most degree of concern to the
William Andrews was questioned on whether or not he was aware of the drainage
problems. in that area and also about the amount of increased traffic that would
be generated, as a result of his proposed plans, through a residential section.
The Commission informed him Crest Oak is too narrow to accommodate heavy traffic..
Steve Simonson remarked that as part of the Barshop project, the State has to put
in a box culvert under. FM 3009. Mr. Simonson also stated that the City has to
improve Crest Oak.
Ken Greenwald noted .the Council is trying to get Mr. Gilmore to use the same.
contractor that does the drainage to do the improvements on Crest Oak rather than.
going out again for separate bids.
Chairman Yarling asked William Andrews when he would anticipate construction
starting and Mr. Andrews replied in one year.
Merwin Willman said he could not go with approval of a Specific Use Permit because
of the traffic.
Chairman Yarling asked if he could approve it if they acquired an easement through
to IH 35 and Mr. Willman replied yes.
David-Allen asked how large the current congregation is and was informed it is
approximately 300-400 people at the present time.
William Andrews asked if it would be more favorable for the Fellowship to widen
Crest Oak to help with the traffic problem.
James Harden commented he thought they should check.on acquiring an easement. before
going ahead with their plans.
There was some discussion on the right-of-way off of Crest Oak with Steve Simonson
looking up a street inventory and determining the right-of-way is forty (40') feet.
William Andrews was told he would need to.get an additional ten (10`) feet from
the property owners.
The alternative of access through Wiederstein Road was also mentioned.
Both Bob Andrews and David Allen informed William Andrews he needs to have a plan.
Steve Simonson asked which we are talking about -widening Crest Oak, acquiring an
easement through to IH 35 or access off Wiederstein-Road? Ken Greenwald replied
it`is up to the Church..
William Andrews was informed this request would have to go to a public hearing
and there was some discussion on the time frame for scheduling one.
Several members of the Commission emphasized to William Andrews the need to be
prepared with as much information as possible, drawings, several alternative plans
There was a lengthy discussion on how a stipulation should be worded - one
..example being the following: five (5') foot easement, no two structures closer
than fifteen (I5') feet unless necessary to save a tree (as determined by the
developer) and then no closer than five (5') feet and this variance-does not set
a precedent for other developers.
Ty Brisgill thought there should be continuity between the City and the developer_
on the size of the trees to be saved and definite regulations should be written
down. Neil Fisher was not in favor of the City having to come out and inspect
every tree. There was a brief discussion on this with Merwin Willman asking why
someone doesn't compose and put a1T of this in a motion so we have an idea of
what we're going to grant.
David Allen made a motion to approve the preliminary plat, dated October 10, 1986,
Job No. 86044 for Greenshire Oaks Subdivision granting a side yard variance of a
five (5') foot setback from interior lot lines when determined by the developer
as necessary for the preservation of the trees.
Steve Simonson interrupted to ask if we are granting a variance which he felt is
not necessary in a PUD. Bob Andrews said it is not a variance per se, we either ,
accept or reject five (5') foot setbacks in his PUD.
After some discussion, David Allen withdrew his motion.
David Allen then made a motion to approve the preliminary plat, dated October 10,
1986, Job No. 86044 for Greenshire Oaks Subdivision as presented. Bob Andrews
said he would second the motion with one additional stipulation: "due to heavily
wooded area and to preserve the major trees in that location".
As a point of order, Chairman Yarling asked for the motion to be read back without
the stipulation and asked for a vote. After it was read back, James Harden asked
who seconded it, and it was determined Bob Andrews did not second it, so Chairman
Yarling ruled the motion died for lack of a second.
Bob Andrews made a motion to approve the preliminary plat, dated October 10, 1986,
Job No. 86044 for Greenshire Oaks Subdivision as presented due to the preservation
of the major trees as the home site survey indicates. James Harden seconded the
motion. Chairman Yarling asked fora vote and Merwin Willman asked to have the
motion read back. After it was read back, there was discussion and disagreement
among the members. and when Chairman Yarling called fora vote, only two members -
Bob Andrews and James Harden voted Aye. No one else voted - the. motion died.
Donald Wilson made a motion to approve the preliminary plat as offered to us for
Greenshire Oaks Subdivision by Fisher Engineering, Inc. entailing the letter of
October 10, 1986 wherein they have requested a minimum of a five (5') foot side
yard setback from interior lot lines as stated in Job No. 8668 (corrected to
Job No. 86944 as pointed out by James Harden) on the preliminary plat. The
restriction of a minimum five (5') foot side yard setback from interior lot lines
would allow the builder an adjustment to the residences within the lot thereby
protecting major tree locations of Live Oaks-a.nd similar trees of a-minimum of
three (3") inches in diameter.
Before a second of the .motion, Donald Wilson was asked to reread the motion which
he did. Ty Brisgill seconded the motion and the vote was as follows:
Ayes: Thomas Yarling, Bob Andrews, James Harden, Merwin Willman, Ty Brisgill
Donald Wilson
Nays: None
Abstentions: David Allen
Motion carried.
#7 CONSIDER AND MAKE RECOMMENDATION: Suggested Addition of Article II, Section 5.3
to Zoning Ordinance. Regarding Accessibility
for the Physically Disabled and/or Handicapped
Steve Simonson informed the Commission that he had found that the building codes
do have some information and he thought it.would be easier to include the attach-
ment containing that information. -
Donald Wilson asked what type of buildings and Steve Simonson. replied general
public buildings.
David Allen thought there might be a problem with small businesses having con-
siderably less than twenty-five parking spaces having to provide at least one for
the handicapped.
After a brief discussion, however, Merwin Willman commented that using a little
common sense in these situations should prevent problems.
Donald Wilson made a motion to recommend approval to City Council of the addition:
to the proposed Zoning Ordinance of Article II, Section 5.3 as follows: "All.
buildings built for use and access by the general public shall be subject to the
provisions of .Appendix M, 1985 and all subsequent revisions of the Southern
Building Code and standards set by ANSI.All7.1." Merwin Willman seconded the
motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. Motion carried.
#8 CONSIDER AND MAKE RECOMMENDATION: Suggested Changes to the Mobile Home Ordinance
Chairman Yarling asked for any Staff input.
Steve Simonson informed the Commission that City Council has discussed the Mobile
Home Ordinance and he would like to make a request the Commission table this
item until Staff can get together with the City Manager and find out what City
Council has been talking about so we can come up with something more comprehensive.,
Merwin Willman made`~a motion to table Item #8 CONSIDER AND MAKE RECOMMENDATION:
Suggested Changes to the Mobile Home Ordinance until the Staff has had time to
meet with the City Manager and come up with something more comprehensive.. David
Allen seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor.. Motion carried.
At this time (8:47 P.M.), Chairman Yarling turned the meeting .over to Vice-Chairman
Andrews. Chairman Yarling said he had to leave for business reasons and also
informed the Commission he would be unable to attend the meeting on October 28,
David Allen questioned the Commiss-ion`s motion on the plat for Greenshire stating
that a PUD is a platted entity and is either totally accepted or not accepted.
Mr. Allen said, to his understanding, the motion passed was a variance and he felt
the Commission did something not quite right.
Steve Simonson replied to that by saying you have zoned areas in a PUD in the sense.
that they came in and requested so many acres residential, so many acres multi-
. family and so many acres commercial and that's what this PUD was. They didn't say
what type of residential.
David Allen said a PUD is, in fact, a property in which the developer says he's
going to provide a mixture of zoning.
Steve Simonson remarked that a PUD is a zone, not a plat.
David Allen still maintained they had granted a variance fora setback.
Donald Wilson said they did not grant a variance, it was a definition as to what
would take place in .regard to major trees.
There was. further discussion with Merwin Willman asking what are the setback
requirements for a PUD. David Allen then asked if there are setback requirements
for a PUD. Vice-Chairman Andrews replied they would have to meet the particular
requirements for the type of building they are putting in that area. David A11en
asked where it says that and Vice-Chairman Andrews replied in the Zoning Ordinance.
More discussion followed on which type of residential requirements applied. Ty
Brisgill-asked when does it switch from PIiD and Steve Simonson said it doesn't.
There was still debate about using criteria from a different zoning.
David Allen ended the discussion by saying he didn't want to start an argument,
but feels it needs to be better defined :and asked the Commission to think about it.
Ty Brisgill asked if any Dobie Heights signs had been picked up off the IH 35 access
road of FM 3009 and Steve Simonson said he hadn't seen them.
James Harden asked who painted FM 3009 and Steve Simonson replied it is very hard
to find out. from the Highway Department exactly who did what.
Merwin Willman reminded the members they had received a copy of the new Sign
Ordinance and asked them to put them in their books.
Ken Greenwald reported that four people had attended the TML in Houston and they
had several-good. seminars.
Mr. Greenwald also reported they had looked at some paint striping equipment which
would be cheaper for the City to buy rather than contracting someone else for the
Vice-Chairman Andrews commented he had noticed the traffic counters out and asked
if there was any .feedback. Steve Simonson replied they were not our traffic
Ty Brisgill asked if there was any update on the Schertz Parkway. Steve Simonson
replied the bids had gone out and he had a meeting scheduled the next day he
thought was in regard to Schertz Parkway.
The next regularly scheduled meeting is October 28, 1986.
Vice-Chairman Andrews adjourned the meeting at 9:02 P.M.