The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council conducted a Joint
Public Hearing on Tuesday, May 6, 1986 at 7:OO P.M. in the Municipal Complex.
Council Chambers, 1400 Live Oak Road. Members present were as follows:
Mayor Sawyer called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. amd turned the meeting over
to the Planning and Zoning Vice-Chairman Bob Andrews.
#2 PUBLIC HEARING: Variance Request from John Kendall
To receive public input on a request from John Kendall fora variance on the north-
east side of a proposed residence on Lots 11, 12 and 13, Block 44, Aviation Heights,
adjacent to 611 Brooks Avenue..
The minutes of this public hearing are a duplication of the City Council minutes.
There was none.
Vice-Chairman Andrews turned the meeting back over to Mayor Sawyer who adjourned
the Public Hear-ing at 7:06 P.M.
The Planning and Zoning Commission reconvened in a special session, after the
Joint Public Hearing, in the Municipal Complex Conference Room.
Chairman Yarling called the meeting to order at 7:09 P.M.
There was none_
#7 CONSIDER AND MAKE RECOMMENDATION: Variance Request From John Kendall
Bob Andrews commented he had no problem with the variance but did, however, want
to point out that there is a building on a concrete slab in the: back which is on
both properties.
Merwin Willman expla fined that has nothing to do with the variance request and is
Mr. Kendall's problem.
Chairman Yarling asked if there had been any repsonse to the letters sent out and
Steve Simonson .said yes. Mr. Simonson said nine had been sent, one had come back
(unable to locate), three had been in favor and there were no other comments.
Merwin Willman remarked he did not see where a variance was needed. Mr. Willman
said there is no undue hardship for Mr. Kendall to comply with the ordinance.
After a~brief discussion on this,.Chairman Yarling asked if there was any other
opposition to the variance.
Bob Andrews commented that this variance would allow Mr. Kendall to completely
build out a subdivision that has been vacant for years and years.
James Harden reiterated that same feeling.
James Harden made a motion to recommend-.approval to City Council of a request by
John Kendall for a variance on the northeast side of a proposed residence on.Lots
11, 12 and 13, Block 44, Aviation Heights, adjacent to 611 Brooks Avenue. David
Allen seconded the motion and the. vote was as follows:
Ayes': Bob Andrews, James Harden, David Allen
Nays:. Merwin. Willman
Motion carried.
#8 CONSIDER AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION: Consideration of Preliminary P7 an for.
Chairman Yarling asked Steve Simonson if there were any comments from the Staff.
Mr. Simonson said yes and that he would like to ,stress this is a plan not a plat..
Comments were as follows:
-Johnny Bierschwale, Water & Waste Water Superintendent, said there is a problem
of storage for water which .will have to~be addressed.
Jerry Graham, Streets & Parks Superintendent, had several comments:.
(1) .Did not like length of cul-de-sacs (length is legal, however)
(2) Would like attention given to the drains between lots and the consideration
of making underground drains
(3) Diametrically opposed to one drain comong out-into the street
Steve Simonson informed the Commission there had~been some comments on the ease-
ment all around the property, but that is the way the land sets. Mr. Simonson
also pointed out there are a good number o.f lots in the floodplain which will have
to be .brought up out.
Bob Andrews asked what it is they-want us to do. Steve Simonson replied there are
two gentlemen present .who can answer your questions. They want you to look over
the plan, ask questions, make recommendations, point out any problems or objections,
Larry Thomas and-Don Ryden were .at the meeting to represent the Northwood Plan.
Chairman Yarling asked what was the size of the lots. Steve Simonson replied
50' x 100'.
Bob Andrews commented he would like to see 50' x.100' the minimum size instead of
the average.
Merwin Willman remarked he does not think we need to start having businesses along
Green Valley Road - we already have. quite a bit of land set aside for business.
Larry Thomas said what they have in mind is anew concept - low density garden
offices:that look like a residential building.
Merwin Willman again said. he was reluctant to set aside more land for business -
we already have quite a bit and it-has not .developed. Mr. Willman also. said Green.
Valley Road cannot handle this kind of traffic.
Larry Thomas said they would have access to the bridge being built by Greenshire,
and also it could be modified as housing if the offices do not work out.
Merwin Willman asked Larry Thomas if he had any others. and he replied yes one out-
side of Austin and one waiting to be approved that would be near Thousand Oaks in
San Antonio.
There was some discussion on the projected population growth of Schertz.
Bob Andrews. commented he did not want to.see wall to wall 5,000 square foot lots in
Schertz. Mr. Andrews said people are moving out here to get away from wall to wall
.Larry Thomas pointed ovt that bigger lots are just adding cost and that 5,000
square feet is all the average buyer can afford.
Merwin Willman noted there are two stub outs in Oak Forest, Unit III that would
have to be part of the consideration.
David Allen, reminding Mr. Thomas of our EMS service, asked him to think about dif-
ferent sounding names when choosing the names for streets. There was a brief dis-
cussion on this.
Bob Andrews asked if any homes woul.d~be in the floodplain. Larry Thomas said yes
. but they will reclaim the land and bring it up out of the floodplain.
David Allen commented that the water storage problem concerns him. Steve Simonson
said Johnny Bierschwale is working with Bain Engineers on an overall plan to
address the problem.
There was some further discussion centering mostly on drainage, saving trees and
the possibility of larger lots. .
Merwin Willman said he is not completely convinced we need. more offices, but if
there is some new concept he`will take a look at it.
Steve Simonson presented a generalized breakdown of current zoning in Schertz:
Acres Zoning
637 R-l
627 R-2
42 R-4
28 R-5
497 PUD
397 GB (These do not include Greenshire or Northwood)
14 NS
18 0&P
139 MH
112 Public Use
Larry Thomas said what he rea by needed was some kind of a
After some discussion it was. agreed it would be the most adpantageoustforzhimnto
make a formal request for rezoning.
David Allen made a motion to recommend to City Council that Larry Thomas' request
to rezone 77 acres be scheduled fora public hearing. The breakdown of the land
'use is 4.7 acres to Office & Professional, 11.7 acres to Multi-Family and the
remaining acreage broken into 280 lots of RB5~and drainage. James Harden seconded
the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. Motion carried.
#9 CONSIDER AND MAKE RECOMMENDATION: Variance Request - Windy Meadow Mobile Home
Each member received a copy of a new letter about Windy Meadow dated May 5, 1986
replacing the one in their package dated April 28, 1986.
After a brief discussion, the Commission felt they needed further information and
asked to have the minutes researched and available at the next meeting - they want
more details on what was originally approved for Windy Meadow.
Merwin Willman made a motion to table the variance request from Windy Meadow Mobile
Home Park until the next regularly scheduled meeting. David Allen seconded the
motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. Motion carried.
Steve Simonson informed the Commission this is the land currently being annexed,
Bob Andrews commented that .the Master Plan for CDR had pretty much designated
everything and he felt .General Business was the proper zoning.
Bob Andrews made a motion that we recommend City Council rezone the remaining CDR
property from Predevelopment to General Business and that a public hearing be
scheduled. David Allen seconded-the motion and the vote: was unanimous in favor.
Motion carried.
Ken .Greenwald expressed his hope that everyone had enjoyed .the Schermerville tour
and that it had been informative.
James Narden asked if the residents realize they will have to pay to get water out
to that area. Ken Greenwald replied yes - some of ahem are now paying quite a bit
every two weeks fora tank of :water.
Chairman Yarling asked the status of_the annexation. Ken Greenwald replied the
City had received a letter from Mayor Cisneros stating San Antonio had agreed to
deannex including the road frontage.
Ken Greenwald informed the Commission that at a City~Council Workshop some residents
from Oak Forest and Coy Simmons had sat down to talk and try to work something out.
Mr. Greenwald said Coy Simmons had agreed to at least. look. at residential and the
residents had agreed, if Office and Profession goes in, to .at least look at the
possibility of deed restrictions and covenants.
Mr. Greenwald said there is another meeting on May 15, 1986 and the Council has to
make a decision by May 20, 1986.
Ken Greenwald said the .main concern-seems to be that an ice house or tavern will go
in and he couldn't convince them it wouldn't fit. Mr. Greenwald said, however,
the main thing is getting them to talk to one another.
Chairman Yarling asked if we are on safe ground and-Ken Greenwald replied yes.
Merwin Willman gave each member.a copy of th'e lawyer's comments on the situation.
David Allen brought up the subject of political signs and bandit signs. Mr. Allen
feels there is a breakdown in communication between us and the Police Department
as far as which signs are approved and which ordinance covers a particular situa-
Mr. Allen asked the status of the Sign Ordinance. The reply was no one seems to
know where it is.
Bob Andrews asked if it is a function of the Police Department to watch signs and
Steve Simonson said no - it is the responsibility of the Inspection Department,
but we have asked the Police Department for help now and then.
Merwin Willman, referring to an article in the Zoning News several weeks ago,
remarked that FEMA has made some changes in it's floodplain rules. ~Mr. Willman
said this may be an opportunity for us to ask them for some updated maps.
Steve Simonson said he had asked and there are no new maps. .
Merwin Willman said maybe we should write formally and explain our situation and
our. new annexations.
Steve Simonson said when the engineer for a project comes in he has to identify the
floodplain, but he will write if requested to do so.
Chairman Yarling suggested it might be a good idea to .write.
There was also some discussion on the county floodplain map and Steve Simonson said
he will call the County~~ngineer and see if he can_get a~copy of~one:~~
~ _ Merwin Willman,~again referring.to the Zoning News, said there had been an article -
on renters getting Home Occupation Permits and maybe we should change our ordinance
to say written approval is needed from the owner. Ken Greenwald said he had
brought it up at the workshop..
Merwin Willman told Steve Simonson he thought it should be checked on to see if
Leon Parker has started anything on the emergency floodplain warning system he is
supposed. to incorporate at the Mobile Home Park. Mr..Willman said there have been
a few changes in the Mobile Home Park .from the original plans and.-they need to be
Steve Simonson informed the Commission there are meetings being held between Mr.
Parker and his lawyer and the City and it's lawyer in which these and other
things are being ,looked into and checked.
Merwin Willman said there is a building over in Windy Meadow by the drainage that
is not on the plat. Steve Simonson .said it is a recreation hall for the playground
area and is listed on the pi at as recreation area.
Steve Simonson informed the Commission they are requested to attend the City Council
Workshop on May 28, 1986. Walter Ehlers will be present to discuss FM 78.
Each member had. received a copy of same figures representing average daily traffic
counts on.FM 3009 - 7H 35, FM~3009 - FM 78, Live Oak Road and Cibolo Creek. There
was some discussion on this with the biggest complaint being the large increase in
weekend traffic headed for Garden Ridge Pottery.
The next regularly scheduled meeting is May 13, 1986.
Chairman Yarling adjourned the meeting at 9:22 P.M.