02-17-1987 PLANNING AND ZONING MINUTES The Schertz Planning and Zoning Cornrnissivn and City Council ccanducted a Joint Public Hearing on February 17, 1987 at 7:00 P. M. i n the Mun i c i pa 1 Cornp 1 e:>~ Counc i i Gharnbers, 1400 Live Oa k Raad. Members present ~=rer•e as fol 1 o~•rs: PLANNING ~c ZONING COMMISSION CITY COUNCIL EC}B ANDREWS, VICE-CHAIRMAN EARL SAWYER, MAYOR ' JAMIZS HARDEN, SECRETARY GHUCt< SHARPS ME:F2W I N W I LLMAN HAL E.ALDW I N TY E:RISGILL RAY STANHOPE DAVID ALLEN- ADOLPH AGUILAR i•~EN GREENWALD MEMBERS ABSENT OTi-dERS PRESENT T1•••IOMAS YARL. I NG DAVID I-iP~RMUTH . RONALD VAN DINE ~ GARY BEAVERS JOHN MILLER M I ~<E E,ARNLS CITY STAFF DARRYL JANSFtE STEVE SIMONSON, ASST. CITY MGR. NORMA ALTHOUSE, RECORDING SECY. JUNE I•~RAUSE, CITY SECRETARY #1 CALL TO C'IRDi=R Mayer Ear•1 Sattryer• cal 1 ed the meeting to or•der• at 7:00 P. M. and ti•~en turned the meeting over to Planning and Zoning Vice- . Cha i rrnan, Bob Andr•ears. #4 PUBLIC i••iEARING: Zoning Change #f34 Ta r•ece i ve input fr•arn the pub 1 i c on the proposed r•e ary i ng of appr•n:>; i rnatel y 90.39 acres of 1 and fr•nrn Pr•edevel opment to Genera 1 Busiriess. The land is located south of IH 35 beginning 804 feet east of FM 1143 for 5,525 feet and a depth of 750 feet. Vice-•Cha i rrnan Andreri~s e:>::pl a i ned the r•ul es of pr•ocFdure far• a public hearing. Steve S i rnvnson, Assistant City .Manager, gave a ~ br• i of preser~tat i on on the location of the property pr•opo~~=d for r•e~nning and also reported that e i gF~t (8) 1 etter-s had been sent to property o~•~ner•s tlr i th i n 204 feet of ti•ie 1 ocat i on. t1r•. S i rnonson said ttao (2 ) 1 matters had been r•etur•neci - one (1 } for• no such knvra~n address and one (1) ~a i th the r•Qp 1 y against the r•eton i ng . Mr• . S i rnnnsnn sa i d nu other letters had been returned. Dar•r•yl Janske of New E~r•aunfel s i nqu i r•ed as to what type of establishments could go in a location zoned General Eusiness and was given a genera l idea of the types by Vice-Cha i rrnan Andrews. Mr•. Janske also asked what the City of Schertz plans on doing with the pr•oper•ty and Jarnes Harden erpl a i Wed to Mr•. Janske that it was developers that asked for the zoning change, not the City of Schertz. Count i 1 man Agu i 1 ar• asked Steve S i rnonson what the objection t=ras by the pr•aper•ty at=finer ta~ho returned the 1 etter•. Mr. S i rnonson sa i d the property at=rner• felt i t ~=roul d 1 or=rer his 1 and value. Caunc i 1 roan Sharpe asked i f the 1 and beside the property at=~ner i s a 1 ready zoned and Mr•. S i rnonson r•epl i ed t. i f this i s the pr•oper•ty owner he thinks it is) the land on the east side is zoned General E,us i Hess ar?d the 1 and on the ~=rest side i s zoned Pr•edevel aprnent. #3 t.~ENERAL DISCUSSION " There r=ras nor~e. , #4 ADJOURNMENT DF PUE:LIG HEARING Vice-Cha i rrnan Andretars turned the meeting back over to Mayor Sat=ryes ~arha ad jour•ned the pub 1 i c hearing at 7:07 P . M. The Schertz P 1 ann i ng and Zc~n i ng Carnrn i ss i on r•ecanvened i n a special session, after the Joint Public Hearing, in the Municipal -Comp 1 e:>: Can fer•ence Raom. GALL TO ORDER " Vice-Cha i rrnan Andr•etars cal 1 ed the meeting to ar•der• at 7: 1~ P. M. Steve Simonson offered Ronald Van Dine's apologies for• Hat attending the meeting saying the boy killed in accident an the IH 10 access road over the t=reekend taros 1 i ke a second son to Mr•. Van Dine. #1~6 C I T I 7_ ENS' INPUT DTHER THAN PUE:L I C HEARING ITEMS ON AGENDA AND OTHER AGENDA ITEMS There rotas Wane. ' #7 CONSIDER AND MA}~E REC:f]hil`iENDAI"TON: Zan i ng Char~~ge #84 Vice-Cha i rrnan Andr•et=rs asl~ed for• any carnrnen ts. DG-ty i d Al 1 err asked hot=r much of the golf course t=r i 1 1 be i n the ,ion i r~tg and Steve S i rnonson said not much. Mr•. S i rnonson said i f yc:;u go fr•arn FM 1 103 to Co~.~ntr•y C1 ub Drive i t tar i 1 1 take i n carne of the golf course i n that area, but on the other s i cle you r=~ i 1 1 not tale i n any. l••y E,r• i sg i 1 1 asked. i f any of tl-ie Model l-lorne Park r=aau 1 d be inside the ac~n i ng and Steve S i rnariscan said part of i t i s inside, part of i t i s outs i r1e, but tl-ie rna~or i ty of i t i s inside. Mr•. S i rnor'isoi-i said b of the 9 1 ots ~=acai~ 1 d b2 i n the ~ can i rig . l"y E,r• i sg i l l as!•ied i f r=re need to give a variance to t!-io=e b lots and Steve S i rnca,~son r••ep 1 i ad no ~=1e ~:~o r-ic:at, they ar•e a 1 r•>:•::~:~dy bt.aitding. Merr=r i ri W i l l roan e::::p l a i ned that i f t!-iey are a l r•e<~idy tfi~rr~•e then i t stays, but' i f they leave and someone else comes in then it changes. Mer~•i=a i n W i 1 1 rnar? rnade a root i on to reccamrnerid appr•ova 1 to City rour~c? 1 of Zoning Change #84 - r:~zon i ng of appr•o:>:: i rnatel y 90.39 ar:~r•es. of 1 anti fr•orn Pr•edevel oprner7t tv Genera 1 E:us i nes,s. Dav i d Al 1 en seconded the root i on and the vote t=ias unan i rncaus i n favf.~r-. Mr::itiori carried. #S C01`+ISl:1~E.l~t AIrID TAF1E APPI~OPRIATS, ACl'~7:OIWa Johrt L.. Mi l ler• (J. d. J. Hcasp i •i:a1 i ty, Ir7c.) - Rc~q~.iest for• Var i arise on S i He i g_ht and Poste i b_1 l._~~cat i can of S i ~n_ at the Austin L7 i i~er•, 17~C}`:; Jo17n M i 1 1 er• of J. J. Hospitality, Inc. and Mike E,ar•nec, of Te::::as ~s lueon t=rer•e at the rneet i ng to r•i:~pr•e~~xent this r•egi.aest. Vice-Cha i r•rn~+ri Aricir•es=rs a~:!•ted t=rha'i: tFie var i ance~'~ are tt-ia{; f Ee's ask i r-ig fc?r• and Steve S i rrionson •.~a i d Mr• . !''f i 1 1 er• i s herA to rn:ake a pr•e~~;~~+r-tat i on. Vice-Cha i r•rnar'i Andrei=rs asi•ied i f tl-tere ~=~a~::, ~riy Staf-f input. Steve S i rnons~~n said the Inspi~ct i on Depar•trrient sou 1 d not issue a per•rn i t i=~ i thout acaprova 1 fr•orn ti-,e P 1 ann i ng avid Znri i ng Caorm•n i sus i or7. J~rhn M i 1 1 er• said they current 1 y of=,n tine sign and they i=rou 1 d 1 i ke tc:, i nc,tal 1 i t at a he i gi-i•l• t!'i~~t i s at an apF:ir•orar• i at~a eye 1 eve}1 to be r:,c.~en by r7or• tl~bou~~id tr•a f f i c . Mike E~ar-ne=> cornrner•ited t!-ic7t I f 'L-!•iey adhere to the rer~i.i iremFnts of tl~e card i nar~r_•e, 'i;I~Q s i ~~n t=~ i l l be i n the rn i dd l e of h i •3 par• k i ng 1 ca't as°id tl-~ey ~=!or..i 1 d 1 i ke to .pint ti"ie sign 33 feet from the par-•k i r-~cl i ot. Jc.-,hr'i M i 1 1 er• pass->er.:i ar•caund s+orne pi-icatoc~r•aphs si ioi=~ i ng tl-,e e:::: i st i ng signs ar~d point=d out ar!•aere they ~=iant to lca+:_ate this sign. ME~r-i=~ i ri W i 1 1 rn~~n rernar-ke i tt'tere are a 1 of of s i grFC~ up there. Jarnf~;s Harden a ~~l~ed Mr• . M i 1 1 er i f 1'ie had to 1 ked to tii~= ,-I i i~h~=gay D~~laar•trnesi~L- about ~=~l-iat i s gci i ng to happFari tci thca h i gt"ii=say i n the -3- future.. Mr•. Flar~den said he had been told the rna i n 1 anes of the h i ghatay there going doi=tn ;33 f~i?t iaetwe:~n Sel rna and ti-te overpass. Steve S i rnori~->car~ dr•ei•r a d i ac:Er•arn to better i 1 1 ustr•ate the 1 ocat i on of the At.JSt i n D i ner• and tine parking 1 ot. Driv i d Al 7 en cornrne~~nter:l ?=te txtant Mr•. M i 1 1 er•'s bus i ri~~rs=:~ to be suc:~-r~rssful , i:aut asked i f ti~er•e i=tas any dray to ~~c~risol i date and rn~.al:e l errs s i gris. David Al 1 en asked Mr•. M i Y 1 er• i f i t txtas neces,sriry tca have tl~tat rnu~.-h s i c~nage. V i ee--•Cha i r•rnan Andrei=ts asked for ti-ie d i rneris, i ons of the s i gri. Mer•t~r i n Willman <.~a i d tine only th i r•tg the r•egu~-ast says i s SS fi~ir~t. 1' i:; dca~~sr~;' t say tlthere ti•ie s i grr i s or• i=at~iat s i r e i t i s. Merwin Willman also poir7trad out that in Article TX of the Sign Clr•ci i Hance i t out l i nes everytl-i i ng tF~ia t st~iou l d be tor, •i:a i ned i n tFie request. i''Ir•. W i 1 1 rnan fur•ther• stated he felt i t r~r~c:~ssar•y to i7avr~ all ti-i.i s i nfor•rnat i orr so t=te can rnake the proper dec i s i ori. I t at~:zs rioted by a gei`i t 1 ernan f-r•orn ~Te::•::as Leon that the State Dr•d i riance a 1 outs 42 fsc~~t ovE_~r•a 1 1 height and he said i t t=ras h i s cab{~er•vation that puttir~g signs higher t~=nds to el irnir7atq a lot of t1~~ie croi=td i ng. David Allen i nfor•rned h i rn tl-iat the recornrneridr-at i on i n aur• S i gri Or•d i nan~:e t:ornr-~s fr•orn ti~te hia t i una 1 Sign Gaunt i 1 and i s i n tc~i•~dF=d to pr•ever~it tr•ie sign, if it sl-ioi..tld fall for• Borne re4:iso;°i, fr•orri falling i n ti~•;Q rn i dd 1 e of ~i:he road . Mer~ut i n W i 1 l rnan stresased again ti-ie need for• having .a 1 1 the i n for•rna t i on i~r i th the r•egi.a:xst . Vice-•Gt-,a i r•mari Arieir•ei=ts said he had grtr7e tc, see JoF7rt Mil 1 er• because he d i do ` t knot=t e::•::ac:: t 1 y ai~a t the var• i an~:_e t{tas ~i;hat Mr• . Mil 1 r~r• ;=ras After sc~rnE_~ d i scuss i ran i t (AJC-IC:F dec• i deri Mr•. M i 1 1 er• needs ari e i gl-;~L- t~~') facat var• i an,.-:a can he i gt~it and a thr•€:~e (3' l foot var• i ar~;t-.e on ti°ie sc:~~;ltac:k. ctc~vr:~ S i rnortscari said to ~.;ut ttte b 1 arnf-~ or_~ 1•~, i m - h1r> ~'i i l 1 er~• camc°~ i ri at t1~7~ 1 <:~t=:t rn i note and i~~e tst~as try i ng ~i-o get Mr•. Mil 1 er• nn tine a c~,, e;-i d ~-a . Vice--Cha i rrnar; Andret1ts s~:t i d he i-ia::f do goal rns at:;ot..;t ti°ie r•erluest. David A 1 l fsii as1<ed t=th i ch s 't grin are gia i rig to up rrarnoved . Me~r•t~t i ri W i 1 l rnan; r•err;ar•ked ilte are tr•y i ng to keei::i d['it+ln the c i utter. -4- _ .......:.....:...ra>.,.iv.aa...xo.>vaocaobo<xdbtlt}UbOhbttbhi>df2f Jarnes Har•cleri askec; h1r•. M i 1 1 er• i f he ociins or• 1 eases and Mr•. h1 i 1 1 er• r•ep 1 i ed ;~e has a 1Q year• 1 ease. . Jarne.~~:s har-den t;~~~err as>ked Mr•. M i 1 1 er• i fi f ~e 1 eaves, dne~: the sign ga rte i th F7 i rn ar7d >~;r. ~ i 1 1 er• r•ep 1 i ed .yc+s i t r~c~c•~s. David Al 1 en cnrmnented he ~xjar..r i d appr•ave i t nn 1 y i f ti-ir•eef attie~r• signs ar•e r•~=rnnved. Ty E:r I Sg I 1 i tni d t1'ie Cornrn i ss i nrt he fei t rl~e need a 1 i t;~~e i n far•rna t i nn r-eyu i r-ed i n Ar•t i c;l e T X of the. Sign ' Or-d i r7ar~ce dc:icurnF•froteci i n ti-r i s r•ec~uera-l: fr•am Mr•, h1 i i 'I er. V i !:_e-Chair-man Andr•etsrs said roe can do a r••ever•sa i - Steve can draft a i et tern tai i th a i 1 t(-re i nfnr-rnat i or~r ~l~t•?er•i he i rrfor•rns Mr•. ~ i 1 1 er• of the appr•ava 1 . Ty E,r i sc~ i l l said rage st i i 1 necAd i t i n the r•e>ti~..test far• future r••eferer~r_e and nur• at21n ref==''~rds. i"i~7e Carnrn i ss i an agr•a~ed ti•iat tl~<as a gc::ycad paint. t7~-~v i u Al 1 er•r rnac7e a coat i an to grant the r•ecluest fr•am Jnhr? L.. Mi11er (J.O.J. r^io~~pital ity, Inc.) for- a sign variance (S' nn hc~ i g1°it ar~ici 3' nn ti°fe setback } nn a s i grr to be 1 ncated at tt•te . Austin Diner, 1.7St~5 Ti-I :.~5 ;V, coot i ngent ~.ipan tiro factnrsc t~-~ } thyat a 1 etter~• ar~d site pl ar•~ be sul-~rn i tteci by h1r•. M i 1 1 er• i n acc~or•i~iance ila i th ti~7e r•er~u i r•erni~r7 is of tt•re or•d i nanc:e, and (b } at the time tt~re s i grr i s i nsta 1 1 ed, tF~iree nther• signs t "~nter• Ner•e'f, "W i r~stnn", and •l:he pnr••tabl e sign } be r•t~rnaved. Jrarne«:; Harder°t sec:c:rndecl the coat i an and the vote ~d~aG, noon i roans i n favnr•. t'Int i can ca?°•r• i>r+d. #;~E:;a. G(:Ii`JS]:Dk~:Ft Ptl~IC] TAFtiE: APf'hC1F'f~TATE ACT7:OI~a Windy h1ef:~dot•~ Revision !1f Fiat Caar'y E:e~rver•s acrd David Nar•rnutPi ~+~er•e at the rneet i ng to represent Windy t•9e:~dnr>.x. Steve S i rnarrsari i of or•rnecJ ti•ie Carnrn i ss i an tt~e f i na i plat had a 1 ready Laf"~en r•ecar••c.9i=d. t'ir. S i rnor~s.nn ~tiLnt nn to s.ay ~L-hat i;h2 cnrn~~any •Lha•t b~..r i t t. Windy h7eadrar1? ran i n ~l-•n financial d i f f i cr._r 1 ty and another f:ornpany bnrag;~rtt i t ar-td upgraded i t. 1yr•. S i rnnr~r•aon ~~a i d th~•~n the C; i ty acc~~,:,teci i t, signer.] of 1=, anti r•e-c,c::~r•clec:i t;~~?~~ p i at. Harii~:•~ver•, i t ti~as d i s~:nvi~r~=d t:;~at nn par~rx3 ? ~i~d '3 s~;arn!~r.~r~e ffJt~•'!~at •i:o er••:_ast~ off t; ie of cr j.0u year• f 1 oadp 1 a i n i i ne. Mr• . S i rric?rrsan spy i d tFie grad~•a<.::, had bcy:~n br•r.:at..rgi•~ t i_ip nut of the f i aadp 1 a i n acrd t;°r:~y ar•e a~,k i ng ~.rs tc:r appr~a~~.e.:= arc arr~Fe::r.tdr;:~ci p1a~t:„ Vice-Chairman Aridr'ei3~s aS;:E?C; haib~ a plat cjets unrecardecJ. Cary E.eaver s >:~a i d this ~A~ou i d be f i t r:=d {~s an arnc~r~rdf=d pint and tha t ~;-7nu1 d ta;•ce care of t;'ie s i tuat i nn. -5- fJav i d Al 1 err rnarJe a mat i an to appr•ave the r•ev i sed/amended plat for• W i r7dy I"#eadar=!. ,.lames yar-den seconded t#~~e rnat i an and the vote t=!as urian i rnc3us i n favar-•. h'#cat i are car-r• i ed. L?avid Ai 1 en i rtfc!r-rnec:# tl-ie Cornrn i ss i an he i=!as s~.~r•e t#-;ey ia!er-e ar=!ar•e of t#7e rnur•der• 1 ~•at r=!~-~ek i n hlor• the 1t fife. Mr• . A 1 1 ran said t#~~e young rnr:;r; rnG!r•der•ed had bees°; a fa°• i end of his and of Chuck ~har•pe's and ti•~er•e i s a rnnvernen t a f out to set up <.:~nrne i red of ret=!ard (s i rn i 1 ar- to Cr• i me<-::stoppers } to tr•y ar;d abta i n i nfar•rnat i an of any kind about tine murder. Mr•.. Al 1 en said he {~h~~r.!ght tide Gn~nrn i ss i nn st~nul d knar=! i r-i carsca t#iey ?=!ere contac~tecJ at:yc!i.it i t. ~3teve ~ i rnansnn asked #~av i d Al 1 en i f ile had heard anyrnor-e about hlc-~r~•ti°;c:l i f fe t=!ant i rig to t!e anne:.::ed by the C: i ty of Scher•t.~. 17av i d A l l can ~~:,a i d scarne of the peap l e have a read nn ago i rest Sc:hier••t;~ - tt~;e~y say ~c#~~?ert~ r=!an't do this ar• r=!an`t du that for- thern and l~r•. Al 1 en said he tnT d thorn they t=!er•e not i n •i:t7e G i ty of ~cl;er•tz. Mr•. Al 1 en did say, har=!ever•, he tl-;ought scarne of tP~e ar•eC•~ Stc.~ve S i rnonsar; said there a lot of poop l e up there ra!ho t=!ant i n ti~~e G i ty of ~ci~~er•t~, but t#~~ey ar•e scattered, •they have no ar•gan i~at i ar;. Merl=! i n W i T l rnar; taT d the C:arnrn i ss # of°} to rernernber• that i f the City of Sc:her•tz anrie::::es hanr•thcl i fife, •L••hey have to incur their i ndebtedness, and they do have i ndet7tednet.~s (banding nn the i r• rnun i c i pa l d i s•l:r• i t) of ~~ever•a 1 m i l l i nn do 1 1 ar•s. Jr:;rr~er:s Har•der~? said he #~~?aC} a yaGarrg rnC-;n rt!or•k i ng far h i rn r=!{-;n i s 1 cooking fnr• a ho~.~se to rent ar~d had cans i der-ed the ~Inr•~L-hcl i fife ar~•ea, but aftE-rr to 1 k i ng to same af- the ne i gF,bars i n ~lar•t#-ic 1 i f fe, #°te said i-re t=!nu 1 dn' t rc=~r; t tic=r-e. Steve U i rnc:!nsori said tt~;e G i ty ha~~ 1 aaitec:# i nta the s i tuat i an ar;d ik+#•7a t the i r• 1 i ab i 1 i t i~=s !=!cau 1 d #~e. t~#r•. S i rnonson <.:~a i d #•ie t~el i eved ti•~;e G i ty hac:1 rer.::e i veci the i.9ci~ and 1~i8,`.°i aucJ i ts, and f # nanc i a 1 e:>::per• is ar•e tr-y i ng •L-o dc~terrn i ne i f the ta:>::es ate i=!ou 1 d r•er.~e i ve r=laGalc# ofJ'set tl-te d~:bt ir;c:r_irr•ec:# ar• if it t=!ould be a bur•deri an tt;~.~ pr•}=•::;c~nt c i t i :ens of '~i~#~~er•t~.. P•1r. ~ i rnonson said ar7other• ,::lug=st i ~~n bra i nc1 r-e:::st~:`::~r•ci~~;er_i i s i f r=!e dare, ` t c;nne::<: the rt!hnl e subd i v i s i an, dr! rye i ego i 1 y have ,tn i n~-ur- ti~•oe cJe#.~t. D ~v i c, Al i erg =said anoti ier~- ti"~i i ng to r•ern~_~rr;ber• i = that tF-,e f i r•e anti po l ice prati~c t i ion firer- .4#•te G i .Gy it!nu 1 d have to r:Sat.!b 1 e. t~:~~ve S i rnonsar~i said the City has purchas~eci carne p i ec_es of 1 and a i c~r~g :3;-~ a~-,i:-e~:~s i n an t i c i pa t i nn of need i rig a r=ia ter• tai=!er, fire ~t;at i an, etc~r -6- ©avid A11en said he had :been told the Scher•t~ police r•espanded to the ca 1 l ai:aaut the rnur•der i n aiapr•a:>:: i rnatel y 10 rn i nutes even t1•iaugh it's outC.~ i de tine i r- E`f J and ti-iat i t tank the si°tier- i f apps::: i rnatel y rrt i nu tes to ar•r• i ve i:ae~wau~e he h.~d to carne fr•am Sequin. l-Y~iere rl~ac:} a brief d i scus~a i on can cans tab 1 e~.~, deputies, buying i7arnes, a.nd the Nar-•ti•ac 1 i f fe area i n genera 1 . ry E:~^ i sg~i 1 1 bra~.irfi~~~t up ti~ie~ fol 1 atx~ i ng: (a } Asked Steve S i rnonson i f he had riot i ced the l~ i ss i on R . V. Park sign a~: .the IH S acre s by Sch~l~aL••r Raad. I'1r-. E,r• i sg i 1 1 said he ~xar=r no per-rn i t n~_arnber• an ti~~e sign. (b) Cornrnented that al 1 the advertisements on the Rockh i 1 i Churct~~ tr•uckfvan da Hat seem to be i n ac•~::-ardance Ala i th our• ar•d i Hance. (e::) Asked i f the speed bump on Country C1 ub Lane rlia~, i n the City and i f sa, tl~hy I-~asn ` t i t bcyen r•ernoved. Steve S i rnarison said i t i s p~:ar-t 1 y i n the City and Harnecr-aft i s asking us not to r•errrove i t because they are having tr•auble t~~ith speeders in that area. Steve S i rnarisorr a i sc., said techn i ca 1 1 y life dean' t o~Lm those streets even thaugh th~~=y are inside tine City 1 i rn i ts. Ty E,r i sg i 1 1 said i n ti°~at caGse, since ti•ye C i t_y has Hat tecl~~n i ca 1 1 y accepted the streets i n Wacad 1 ar~d Oaks, i~~e cau 1 d put up a speed bump an h i s str•ee•L . Steve S i rnar~rsari i nfar•rned h i rn he eou 1 d Hat ber_ause Wcaod i and Oaks i-~<:as a speed l i rn i t or-d i Hance. Jarneca Har•cien rnent i aned the signs put up by C)r•ake Harney and r=ia~> informed they had been se~-~t a letter already. ~ler•~a~ i n b! i 1 1 rnan r-em i nded the Gornrn i ss i ari of the pub 1 i c hearing on hlar•ch 3, 1~"S7 regarding ti-~e ~H 14 frontage. Me:;rra3~ i r~ W i 1 1 rnar~ st:a i d he r=ao~..i1 d like to have ti••ie proposed Mab i l e Horne Or•d i nanr~.a put back on the agenda at the ne:>::t meeting. Mr•. • k~ i 1 1 rnan said i=~e nec~acf to rev i eua Sec t i an X regard i rrg rnaL7 i 1 e homes an i nd i v i dua 1 1 ats bei~ause par•agr•a~al•7s (a } and (c } don ` t agr•c-:~e. Mi~~•. W i 1 1 rnan furtF;er• said he i s attempt i ng tea put that particular. ~aar•agra,:ah i n the ne~x~ pan i ng d i str• i ct he i s ~=ir i t i ng up far- Sc-:i-~ i r•rner•v i 1 1 e ar•~d i t i 1 1 cause h i rn pr-ob 1 ernes tl`ie tray i t i s. Steve S i rncan•.~ean i ri formed the Curnrn i s•s i {:an ti7e City o f Scher• t~ i s 1 oak i ng i ntt:ti starting pr•oc::edur•ec~ far arinei i rig Laiaaer- Sege~~ i n Raac:1 frearn C i iai~1 a Cr--ca~=!-: :?;:a~:t from ~t1 1::a1.?3 and also a~-~ne;•:: i ng ga i ng sauth fa^arn lf-i 3~:i fr•aritagc_• on E:ckl-far•dt Larsen t`1r. S i rnansai°r a l sca s~~ i d theyt are c~:~tting ti7e rn,~t~=s and L~a~..arid~ f~~r- Si,haefQr• Raad gaing eCnt:ayn James I-iar•der~ a~akeci i f anything eve~~~• hapYaened to those guys on ti-~e Sc~i-aert~ Par-ktxtay - did ever•ylaady get ti7eir- letter-s sr3nt. Steve S i rnc;nsar~ =.a i c; 1 ast bledr?er.~dC-ry ti-~ey harnrner•eci aut arE agr•eemerrt ~:an Scia:~r•ta Par-I•,ti~ay an file riedication of tine road and t'iae Over•iay -7- Or-cJ i Hance t=1 i th G i ty Counc i 1 . Mr•. S i mansan fur•ther• stated i t'=_: on ti°le i r• agenda tan i gi-tt and ar~r~e it's passed and sh i aped to ti7ern, tl-Ir,y're s~.Jpposerl to have a meeting t=1 i th a 1 1 five Ja i nt Venture par•tr•ler-s and pint their 1 otters o.f agreernent +..tp ar~d iaeg i n cc•Jr7str•uc~t i on. CJaV i d Al 1 en as~iked, not=1 tl-tat it's o~:JE!li again, i f tl~te rest ar•e<::+ on IH i s st i 1 1 haying tt7e <.~arne pr•c~b 1 erns, 1 i ke with gangs. S•i;evt~ S i rnansart said he didn't knot=1 aF.aout gangs, but tl•~tey're st i 1 1 i~av i ng pr•ab 1 erns t=1 i th pr•ast i tut i an. Ther•e_ t=Jas sc:Jrne d i scus~.~ i on ort the Sr_i'ter•t:: Par-kt=Jay Overlay and the fact that i t spec i f i ca l 1 y guaran tf:~t~*s tt=JO en •tr•an~:.es an i:.eJ°• to i n s i a:e 1 ats, ~ and the fart that i f ti•~IerE~ i s a sFioi:a fJ i ng rna l 1 and ~ornr~:5 guy ca;,7t;xs i n an the I:or•rter• he t=~ i 1 1 b~ given anather• entr•ani:.e. f"li'r'e l=Jc~~ SGffYE-` fuY••t3"ler' d I SCU~~~~i 1 On Orl aC:CG-?a~.; alld On Fs~lef~t:~ 1 I rn 1 t5. Mel°•t=1 i n W i 1 1 rnan na~ted Lila t i n aur• Sign Or•d i Hance under Fer•rn i is i t states that ar•1 app l i cat i on far-rn for• a sign perm i t t=1 i th a l l vita 1 i n for•rna t i an i s to be filled au t by •tl-le Eu i l d i ng Official and Mr . W i l l rnar~l =_>tl i d i f t=Je had had t1°lat for•rn tan i ght, Mr•. M i l l ors pr•okJ l ern t=Jau 1 d have bcaer•t so 1 ved . D~:lv i c1 Al 1 en r•ernar-ke~:i again cJr•1 al 1 t1••le s i grls at StrJp-~IV-~Ga and on •the var• i ance gr•ar7 ted tan i gi-lt to ,1aF••ln M i 1 1 er• and pa i ntc:~d aut •L-F7at, i rl al 1 fa i r•ne=.is, ar7ce you rnake an e:>;cept i an ycJU have to keep art rnak i ng ti~tarrt. Jarnes Harden, r•efer•r• i ng to the aver 1 ay d i str• i ct, carnrnerlted ti-lat Stap•-iV~-Oo i s, hat=lever, rrlare on tl•~e i r7tr~r•state ti•~an i t i s an F'M E:ob Anc7ret=JS, r_arnrnerit i ng on the var• i ance gr••anted Mr•. M i 1 1 er•, ~>G- i d that he t=lent a l ang t=1 i th i t because Mr-. M i l l er•'s d i r7er• i s an •Li~~~:~ dcJt=Jns i de of a sl ape. E:ob Andr•et=JS fur•tl~~ler• said t=Je s1-lau 1 d have G:pt~r i f i •,~d our• r•easan far granting his request. Steve S i rnonson sG i d t=J E? t=1 i 1 1 put tt~lat i n aur i et•L-er• t=Je send bar..k to him. ,~~o r~n~.ir..~~..a~ivM,~.i~~r t~ i cF!--C.:r,a i r-rnan Anclr•ei=Jcs ar:i,jctc.lrr-+eci t1-le~ rrleet i ng at eta SCE F.M. The next regularly scheduled meeting is February 24, 1987. -8-