04-28-1987 PLANNING ANL~ ZONING MINUTES The Scher t ~ P 1 ann i ng . and Zoning Cornrn i ss i on r_onvPnect i n a regu t ar• session on Tuesday, Aprii ~8, 1957 at 7:.00 P.M. in the Municipal Cornple:>; Confer•errce Rnou?. These !~r•?went .~t~er•e as foi iorbs: PLANNING u ZONING COMMISSICINOTHERS PRE~F'NT E:OEr ANDREWS, Vir..r_-CHAIRMAN JOHN WATSON, AMA:USH PEST JAMES HARDEN; SEC:RFTARY CDNTROL MERW I N W I LLMAN DAR4J I N P~FF< TY E:RISGILL SHERMAN DAVIS, HONEY QEW OAV I O ALLEN R ICt` LFAI_, r,FMCRAFT HOMES }tiE• T TF•i VAN a I NE MICHAEL MnORE, GREAT <rJES- >•tEN GREENWA(_.D, r,~i~Nrri_MAN TERN f?FVELOPMENT TOM FLnRES, FLORES u Cn. • FC~JG 2 NFER S MEME:EP.S AE:SENT JAMES REEVES, JIM'S VIDEO STEVE T. FINCH, t 7VE OAfi THOC'IAS YARLING, CHAIRMAN Jt]INT VFNTUPE #1 LAVIn DEGf1LLAL~O, E:UFFAI. n ~:~]UNTRY LOUNGE CIT'~ STAFF C'IR. ? MRS. AR7 YOUNG, GOOFY GOLF STEVE S I MONSON, ASS`f . CITY C~i~R . NC1RM!-'z ALl"HOUSES REf'C1P,pING SECY. # 1 CALL TO ~]ROER Vice-•Cha i r•rnan Andr-er1~s cal 1 ed the meet i nc~ to or•der• at 7:OU P. M. #2 APPROVAL OF M INUTFS: Ra+~i~ i ar• Session Apr• i 1 14, 19:7 Vice-Chairman Andrer1as noted that on page 3, last sentence of second paragraph, the 1 ast ra~r~rrl shoo 1 d be r_hanged fr•orn e;::tens i on" to "r•enea~a l Mer•r+a i n W i 1 1 rnan reads a rnot i on to approve the rn i notes, a~ arnendPrt, for• the r•egu 1 ar• spss i'on A!~r- i 1 14, 1957. James Harden seconded the rnot i on and the vote. r=aa~ unan •r rnc~us i n favor. Motion car•r• i ed. #3 CITIZENS` iNP~JT OTHER THAN TTFMS ON Ar,ENDA 7"here rt~as none. #4 CONST L7FR ANC TAf~E APPRCIPR I ATE ACTION: Ap~r•ova i_ of F i na l Piat far -4Joodlan_~____Oaks_ _.Suf:,di~..•.__i=_i~p-, Unit 4 t Jots No. 032. Q4•) tNav. 6, 195b ) 'tarn Fi ores and Mike Moore r=aer•e at ~ the meeting to r•epr•esent Woodland Oaks, Unit 4. Vice-Cha i r•rnan Andrer=~s asked for Staff input. i Steve S i rnonson i nfor•rned the Comrn i sa i on they had a :copy of the - City`-s letter• to Torn Flores rn~tl fining rorrectir~ns .and/or• = add i t i ans r•equ i r•ed befor~•e final p 1 at r•ev i ei~~, a copy of i"orn Flores' reply, to that letter• and a Topy of ~d Ford's. eornrnents. Mr~•. S i rnansan said the Staff stands by the cornrn,~nts fr•arn the G i ty Enq i neer•, Ed Ford. Tarn F•1 ores addressAri the cornrnents fr•orn Ford Eng i neer• i ng and ~a i d he has Borne - r-eser•vatians abrn~t Item #3 of Fd For•d's cotnrnents t=!>•:? i ch reads as fol 1 of=!s: "That pnr••t i an of Har-•sPShaP Oaks Unit 2r being rep 1 attpd i s being var_atQd and rm~st ~a through :the dub 1 i c hearing as r•equ i red by Ar•t i c 1 e 974x, V. A. T. S. The deers i ng of the r•erna i n i ng portion of :Lot 30 to the of=!ner•s of t_ot ~9 and 31 i s not acceptab 1 e. Devel aper• must make a~•r•angernents t=! i th the a~=!ner•s of Lot 29 and 31 to sign the vacate and r•eplat of this area." Dav i cl Al 1 en cornrnen ted i=!e have to have a pub 1 i c hear i nq on the ~racate and r•eplat anyt=!ay, Vice-~Cha i r•man Andres=!s r•emar-ked there i a r•ather• vast d i f fer•ence of opinion bets=!aen F 1 or•Qs & ('ryrnr~any Eng i neer•=_. and the City Eng i neer• and t.~~e need to dea 1 t=! i th theses items ane by ane as far as !'Tanning and ?aping is cancerned. h1r . Andrei=!s a 1 sa rernar•ked there ar•e sever•a 7 i tern=. i n question, but as far- as the vacate and r•~p 1 at i t i s his ~~nrler•=ta. nd i nq i t must be accomplished before anything else can be lane. Mike Maor•e cornrnen ted Gerncra f t i s being asked to vacate and r-ep 1 a t three 1 ass instead of ane and que=.t i aped i=!hy, t=!hen there i s a rnar• tgage 1 ender on tt=!o of the 1 of s t=!ho rn.av_ not a 1 1 of=! a vara to and rep1at, are they being involved t=!hen it does pat involve their property. David Al 1 en i nforrned Mike Moore that i t rides involve their pr•oper•ty and they need to tie satisfied as far as any posible alterations to that proper-ty. Mer•t=! i n Willman cornrnented there i s a state 1 at=! that r•eq~ ~ i r•es vacating and replatting and it rn~tlines ail the rules and regulations. Vice--Cha i r•rnan Andrei=!s said t=!e know! there has to be a pub 1 i c hearing to vacate and r•eplat tot 30, but as far as Lats ~9 anr! 31, t=!e ar•e not attorneys or• eng i neer•s and we don't knai=! pr•ec i Bel y hot=! that shau i d be hand 1 ¢d Steve S i monsan said a 1 of t=! i 1 1 depend an i=!hat `s going to be done t=! i th the e::::cess praper•ty n~~t of the r- i ght-of-t=!ay. Mr•. Simonson f-urther stated that t=!hen t=!e have a publ i s hearing, the surround i ng property at=!ner-s t=! i th i n a specified n~~rnber of feet are notified. -2- _ Vice-Cho i r•rnan andr•et~s pointed out ~ sever•a 1 i terns to be taken. into cons i der•at i on: 2. the vacate and r•epiat;. dr•a i Wage for• set=ier• on south side of the Bevel oprnent; 3. the cu 1 -de-sac at the end of ' D i rnr•ack i s not i n keeping i=~ i th the City rnaster•. p 1 an far• streets. Mervin W i i l rnar?. r•ernar•ked that t=then the or• i g i na 1 p 1 an t=gas made there was supposed to be Borne kind of arr-ass to E. ~ i ve Dak Ftaad fr•orn the north. Mr•. W i i i roan fur•ther• stated that the tray this i s set up right not=~ t=ie Ban' have i t. Mr•, W i 1 1 roan said his i rnpr•ess i an t=hen the peel i rn i nary p i at was discussed t=gas that i t t=eau i d he i n there sometaaher-e. There t=ias Borne discussion about the location of the stub-out on D i rnr•ock. Tom Ft or•ps said i t t=gas i s un~lr~r•stand i ng he had the f l e:::~ i b i l i ty of placing • i t at the end of the cu 1 -de--sac. but the Comrn i ss i on felt i t t=ias ~~nder•stood i t t=tas to be o 1 aced cornet=~her•e i n bets=seen and oat at the end. David Al 1 en stated he did oat 1 i lee i t - t=ae have a r•acetr•ack going down the street. tCe i th Van Dine cornrnented t=re shoo 1 d find out i f i t acceptab i e to Gity Staff and asked Steve Simonson if it is. Mr•. Simonson r•epl i ed na oat right now unt i 1 Borne of Ed Ford's cornrnent=_. are anst=aer•ed. • Ty E~r• i sg i 1 1 said he agreed t=~ i th tie i th Van Dine - perhaps the City Staff needs rnar•e t i roe. Ty E~r• i sg i 1 1 asked Tarn Flores why he i rnaE4 i ng Lot SD concave and Mr•. Flores repl led to ei irni~ate the ,jog end the pos=ible tr•effic ha~ar•d caused by the ,jog. Mike Moar•e spoke at this time and said he thou 1 d i i lee to br• i ng out tt=~a paints he t=?anted peap i e oat to forget: t 1 ] t=ae lGerncr•aft ) .started t=pork i ng t=~ i th this street configuration i n the f i r•st p i ace ,to help salve the drainage and flooding probiern in ?C and thi= fac i 1 i totes that; and i~ )you guy=_. {P&Z) are putting pre=_.=.t~~•e on Gerncr•aft to t=~or•k t=i i th E:a::::ter• and Johnson to open up Wood i and n.aks Drive and make it a through street, i"he people in Unit 4, if this jtr•eet i s not a 1 i of=led to g? i n, ar•e ga i ng to be put out an Woodland Dales Drive, as~~~mi.ng that Woodland Dale=. Drive is going to ga all the t=lay through, and since this has never been deigned as a rna i n cal i ectar• street, i t `s 'going to cause b i gger• tr•aff i s pr•ob i erns than any of this other Stu f f t=te do. Mr• : Moore se i d they've tried to look ahead to this probiern. Dart=i i n Peek asked perm i ss i an to ~.r~eak and t=when i t t=ias qr-anted he -.said the plat lacks pretty good to biro. Mr•. Peek said his main canc~=r-n ha W e i tttays i n been being ne::-::t t~~ a sub~1 i v i s i on ttt i th na access. t'1r•. Peek said he thought the cui-de-sec should be the - appr•apr• late i ength and a 1 sa said i t shoo i d apes up sornetither•e and he has no pr-ab l ern tSt i th the t=gay they ar•e ~hct,! i ng i t. -3- Torn Flores said there. is a problem with the vacate and r•eplat and asked if it is a public hearing type sit~~ation and Steve S.irnonson r•epi i ed yes i t i s. David Al 7 en asked i f- this rnatter• cou 1 d tae r•efer•r•ed to the City Attorney. rwlr•. Ai i en fur•ther• said he i=eau i d r•ecarnrnend putting i t on hold unt i 1 i=~e can get an i nter•pr•etat i on frarn a 1 a~=~yer- on the appropriate way to vacate and r•epiat. Lots 29 and 31. h1err=~ i n . W i 1 1 roan asked hog=a L nts 29 and 31 got involved. Mr•. W i l i roan said a T l ~=ae ar-e i n ter•~sted i.n i s tfie ~,raca to a?id r•ep t a t of Lot ~0. David A11en made a rnatian to table the approval of the final plat for Woodland Oaks, Unit 4 and refer- it to the City Attorney for guidance.. The motion died far lark of a second.. W i ce-Cho i r•rnan Andrer=is said there ar•e too many i¢st i ans i oval ved. tYlr-•. Andrei=~s made t~=~o suggestions: t l } e i ther• tab 1 e plat appr•ova 1 unt i i engineering any! City Staff ~-an agree ar• t2 1 d i sappr•ave the plat unt i 1 all the pr•ab 1 erns ar•e i r•oned out. There t=gas carne d i Sri ass i on on the difference bets=seen tab 1 i nq the i tern and d i sapprav i ng i t and the cans i der•at i on of the time involved in setting up a publir_ hearing. h'i i ke h1aor•e asked i f i t would tae passible to get the Gerncr•af t attorney together i=pith the Gity attorney and attempt to war•k out an agreeable solution. David Allen made a rnotian to table the approval of the final plat far• Waadl and Oaks, Unit and r-efer• i t to an attar•ne~,r far• guidance. " Mer•~=a i n W i i l roan asked guidance on i=~ha t and =_.tr•essed i=se shoo l d foi 1 a~=f the and: Hance to see t=iha t i s ren~.~ i r-ed for• appr•ova 1 of a final plat and oat get into the canstr•uctian plans because their rev i e~=i i s the ~=rark of the City Fog iWeer-. Steve S i rnonsan r•ecarnrnended David Al •I en change his. root i on from saying „refer it to an attorney" to saying "refer it to City .Staff to include an attar-ney if needed". David Alien ~=1 i thdr-et=~ h i = root i an. Ty E~r• i sg i l l asked i f ever-•yth i ng else t=~er•e corrected r=eau l d ~=~e still need to have the vacate and r•eplat beforQ going ahead i=pith approval . I~r•. E~r i sg i 1 1 riaas i n.far•med yes ~=ae ~=~au:l d. filers=~ i n Willman . sugge=ted d i sap.pr•.pv.~ 1 of the final is i a t . At this time there i=gas a chart recess. _4- After the recess Tom Flores asked if the City. has caur•tesy i nspec t_i ons to a 1 } a~=~ canstr•uc t i on to Start a t the r• i sk of the deve-loper•. Steve Sirnansan said na.t until final approval of the plat. . V i ce-°Cha i r•rnan Andr•e~=as i nfar•rned Torn: F1 or•e=_. and Mike Moore th;~t should they: get things ~=corked out the Planning and Zoning Carnrn i ss i on can ca 1 1 a spec i a 1 session i f the rnemher•s agree. Mike Maar•e said they ~=iou 1 d 1 i ke to .get started on the under•gr•aund dr•a i Wage. - Mer•t=i i n 4J i l l rnan, speaking on the stub-out to E. Live Oak Road, said it has been in the plans far a long time and he gets the i rnpr•ess i on that Mr•. F1 ores and Mr. Maor-•e think i t i s something recent. David Al 1 en rnade a rnat i an to d i sappr•ave the final p l a t appr-•ova 1 far Woodland Oak=, RJnit 4 tJob No. f~:~tu•2.0~! lNav. uq 198b) and r•efer• it to City Staff to work out the problems and until a pub t i c hearing for• the •rarate and r•ep t at i s held. Mere=a i n l~J i 1 1 roan sr:~rcanded the rnat i on and the vote ~=aas unan l rnaus i n favor. plat i on car•r- i ed. • #~i CONSTC7ER AND T•AF`E APPROPRIATE ACTION: Request fr•arn Cerncr•aft Horner for Appr•o•ra 1 of the Proooset~ Entr•yi=gay S i ctnage Impr•overnent at Waodl and Oaks R i ck Leal , Project Manager far• Woad 1 and O,~ks, ~=gas at the meeting to r•epr•esent Gerncr-aft Horner. Rick Leal carnrnented that t=then lJaodl and Oaks started, Gerncr-aft i=aas one of the on 1 y bu i 1 der•s, and nay=~ Scher•t~ has gr•at=in up and so has FM 3409, and Gerncr•aft wau 1 d 1 i ke to i rnpr•ave their entrance signs to Woodland Oaks Subdivision. The current entrance signs are located at Oirnr•ock and FM 3009 and at Woodland Oaks Or•ive and FM 3009. Rick Leal i nfor•rned the Cornrn i ss i an that ~-ahat the}" have i n mind i s setting their ar• i g i na 1 signs i n ~=~h i to l i rn~=tape monuments surrounded by professional landscaping i=~hich could he easily maintained and yet attractive. Mr•. t_ea} =aid they don't feel tt•~e i r• signs i=a i l l obstruct tr•af f i c. V i ce-Chairman; Andr•e~=is asked i f the e::•:: i st i ng 41aod t and Oaks sign an D i rnr•oc k i l l :he •rernaved . Rick Lea 1 r•ep 1 i e~? they i=a i l l sp l i t i t i n half and put one side on each car-ner• by the Lone Star• Ice House. Mr•. Lea 1 s:a i d thane areas t=eau 1 d a 1 so be pr•ofes=_. i ono 1 1 landscaped.. David A1. l en, asked t=chat type of mater i a 1 the signs are rnade of and Rick Lea t r•ep 1 i ed they are rnade of cedar. -5- - David :Alien said he is concerned with the rnaintenance of the signs on dot=?n the road, say fifteen or• tt=~enty years. Mr• . i41 1 en ~a i d he keeps. hear i ng about a Harneowner•'.s Assoc i at i on,- but i s there such a thing. Mike Moore said he i s the pees i dent of the Homeot=~ner• Association -and they have budgeted ~42,Ot7Q :for• rnaintenance of var• i ous i terns i n the genera 1 area . Mr-. Moore said the Horneot=iner•'s Association i n Wood 1 and Oaks i s a rnandator•y X120.00 year donation. David Allen asked Rick Leal if. Gemcr•aft had thought of same other more durab 1 e rnater• i a 1 for the.i r• signs. Mr-. Lea 1 said they had, but decided to go with the cedar. James Harden cornrnented -that the rna intenance -t s i rnrnater• i a 1 , the real concern is do t=ia Tike the sign there. Vice-C:ha i rrnan Andr•et=~s asked t=here the sign t=~ i i 1 be after the widening of FM 3009. Tom F1 ar•es said ther-•e i s a 120' r• i ght-of-t=aay and R i cP; Leal sa i d t=i i tf i that amount of r• i ght-of-t=iay, he didn't foresee any pr•crb 1 em. Vice-Chairman Andrat=~s also asked if they had taken iota cons i dar•at i on the amount of t=~ i dth Headed for = i riNtsia i k; and hot=a i t rna}~ effect their signs. Rick Leal once again said he could foresee no prob i ern. Mr• . t Ra 1 said the signs t=~ i 1 1 be curb 1 ave i into the hill at Lane Star. Ty E~r• i sg i 7 1 asked i f the signs tt} i 1 1 be 1 i ghted and Rick Lea 1 =a i d yes they t=~ i 1 1 e i ther• t=~ i th ha 1 ogan or- vapor . Mart=i i n W i 1 1 roan asked hot=a the signs t=i i 1 1 effect Lone Star•'s i gn and Rick Lea 1 assured h i rn the signs t=t i i i ba for• eno,~gh bel of=r i_one Star' s so as not to cause any visibility prob 1 ern. Mr•. Leal a 1 so said he had received a lettar• of approval for tha sign= ,just today fr-•arn J. Martin Davis of Lone Star. Ty E:r• i sg i l l asked Rick Leal i f the thr•aa dots on his drat=~ i ng ar•e f 1 agpol es and Mr•. Leal said that i s correct - on the. t=aeekands they ar-e going to star-t d i sp 1 ay i ng the Arnar• i can F1 ag, Te::::as F1 ag and Gamcr•aft Flag. Vice-Cho i rrnan Andrat=is once again questioned hot=a far back the sign , will ba t=~han FM 3009 i s widened and Rick t .pa i est i coated ti-~ay =.hould be about ten feet from the property line and ten feat from the easernan t . - David Al 1 en made a root i on to approve tt-,e r-•equest •Fr•orn Gemcr•aft for• the i mpr•ovement. of the Wood 1 and Oaks antr•yt=iay = i gns at L) i rnrcack and FM 3009 and at 4iood 1 ar-,d Oaks Drive and FM 3009. T•y E,r• i sg i i 1 sa~~onded the motion and the ~.•ote t=gas unan i rrtous i n favc,r• . Motion . car-r• i ad. -6- #b. CONSIDER AND MAt<E RECOMMENDATION: Arnendrnent ta. "Article . X I X - Over• i ay D i str• i s ts" of the Zoning - Or-d i~ance Mer~.a i n W i 7 1 rnan. Tern i nde~1 the Cornrn i ss i on they had reviewed this a t the last meet i ng but could not vote because i t t.aas Hat an the agenda. Mr. Willman said all we need to da is make the r•ecamrnendat i an and vote. Mere=a i n W i 1 1 rnan rnade a mot i an to r-ecarnrnend to City Counc i i the appr•aval of tha changes to Article XIX OVERLAY DISTRICTS, Section 3., Paragraph 3. c. of the Zoning Ordinance tSee attached}. David Al 1 en seconded the root i an and the vote ~•~as unan i rnous i n favor. Mat i on car•r- i ed. CONSIDER AND MAFtiE REGOMMENDA7ION: Changes to Sign Or•di~ance i ce•-Cho i r•rnan Andreit~s thanked the c i t i ven= present for-• being patient. Jahn Watson of Ambush Pest Cantr•ol , Sher•rnan Davis of Haney Dear, Jarne:~ Reeves of J i rn's Video, Dau'-i d D~=go1 l ada of l=~uffa t o Gountr•y Lounge and Mr•. and Mrs. Art Young of Goaf}~ Golf mere present and wished to e::~::pr•e== their opinions an portab i e sign= and the C i •ty's position on them in relation to the Sign Ordinance. John Watson of Arnbusl-~ Pe=t Control liQO Live Oak Road} r-emar•ked he had r-•ernaved the flashing 1 i ghts an his sign as r-•equested b}~ the City. Sher-rnon Davis of Hone} Gew i?~J6 FM 78 } camrnented his par-tab i e sign had been there since 1978 and it is essential to his business. Mr•. Davis br•aught copies of a neaaspaper• or•t i c 1 e fr-arn the Recor•der• T i roes of March S, 1987 and d i str• i bated them to the Cornrn i ss i on rnernber•s. The article i s i n regard to a l o~=a su i t against the City of San Antonia concerning portable sign ar-d i nances. Mr• . Davis said Un i versa 1 City has decided to r•erna i n unregulated on portable signs until a decision is rnade and said he wouid like to see the City of Scher--tz take that carne position. David Degollado of E:uffalo Country Lounge t~01 First Street} stated he thought the ordinance is unfair. Mr-. Degollado said he bought his sign, abta i ned a per•rn i t, his sign i s not obstruct i ng traffic, and he feels the 90 days is unfair and his sign should be gr-andfather-ed. Mr•s. Ar•t Young of Gaofy Gal f t 1~Q1 Oak Street } cornrnented she • syrnpath i zed i th the situation and thought i f the signs aier-e kept in a neat condition, they should be allowed. Mrs. Young said they had received no notification fr•orn the City, but her husband wonted to come to the meet i ng as a fr•.i end ~af Sherman Davis. Jamie= Reeves of J i rn's V i d:eo t9 ~D Ft'! 78 } said h i sign has been up are l y since Decernber-•, 198b but i t i essen t i a i to his bus i nes=,. -7- Mer•w i n W i 1 1 man .said i.t thou 1 d be h i_s r~ecornrnendat i on that City _Couric.i i ga a 1 ong tai i th Un i versa i City's decision to r•erna i n unr•egu 1 aced on por•tab 1 e signs until a dec i s i can i s reached by the feder•a 1 appea 1 s tour t . .Steve Simonson carnrnented the i nspector•s feel the or•d i Hance i s too r•estr•ictive and that's taihy he had brought feedback fr•arn the i nspector•s to the 1 ant meet i ng. Mr. S i rnanson ttaent on to say ather• businesses have r•ep 1 i ed i n a manner- s i rri i i ar• to those heard :tonight. David Alien asked what had been decided about the San Antonio Shore Sign on IH 35 and Steve S i rnanson said the rnatter• had been r•efer•r•ed to City Count i 1 . David Degal 1 ado questioned the corny 1 i ance of the Scher•t~ E.ank sign and the City of Sch~er•t` sign. Gav i d Ai l en asked Sher•rnan Davis i f he thought Un i ver-•sa l G i ty looks goad with all it's portabie signs and also asked if he t=ranted Scher•t~ to soak like that. There taus a brief discussion on the grandfather clause. Mr•s. Art Young asked ta~ho taar•ate and appr-•aved the Sign Gr•d i Hance. Vice-Cho i rrnan Andr•etafs e::•::p 1 a i ned that tt-~e i' 1 ann i ng and Zan i ng Carnrn i ss i an wr-•ote the or•d i Hance, and Meetaa i n ld i i l rnan i nter-•.jected that tape an 1 y r•ecornmend, the appr-ava l i s up to City Caunc i 1 . Vice-~Cha i rrnan Andr•etaas cornrnented he bel angs to the bus i nes=. club and there ar-e appr•o>:: i rnatei y 1 ~0 members, but he seer on 1 y f i •fe businesses represented at the meet i ng tan i ght. Mr•. Andreta~=_. fur• ther• stated that tale have a comp 1 i ance Arab 1 ern wi-i i ch r_r•ea ten an er?for-•cernent pr•ablern. Mer-•tai i n W i 1 1 rnan suggested the bus i nes~:. r•epr•esentat i ves attend the City Caunc i 1 meeting and e::::press the i r• v i etaas . Mer•w i n W i l l rnan made a rnot i an to r•ecamrnend appr•ava 1 to C i t~,~ Gaunt i i of a rnor•ator• i um on the enfar•cement of thane port i ans of .the Sign Grdi~ance which pertain to par-•table signs (see attached? unt i 1 a feder•a 1 dec i s i an i s made cancer•n i ng par•tab l e sign ar•d i rtaces.. David Alien seconded the rnat i an and the vote taus as fai 1 own: Ayes: E~. Andretais, J. Harden, M. W i 1 l rnan, D. A'1 1 en, tC. Van Dine Nays: T.: E~r i sg i 1 1 Abstent i arrs: None _ Mat ion carried. David Allen, again r•efer•r•ing to the San Antonia Shae sign, said he feels the City of Scher•t~ is discriminating against a certain sect i an of the City. -8- David Al 1 en rnade a root i an to r•ecornrnend a rnar•ator• i urn on that port i an of the Sign Or•d i Hance tiih i ch dea i s with f 1 ash i ng signs until i t can be deterrn i ned ~i.~hat they ar•e e:::actl y. Mr•. Al 1 en then amended his r~otion and added that City Staff be: directed to er•i force r•egu 1 at i ons ar} a 1 1 businesses i nc 1 ud i ng San Anton i o Shoe. The root i an died for• heck of a second. D~rvid Allen asked if San Antonia Shoe was contacted about their sign the carne as other businesses ila i th f 1 ash i ng i i ght ~ rji2r•e contacted and Maas told by Steve S i rnons~n they i~ere• nat. Steve S i rnanson said he has been told San Antonio Shoe ~i~as granted a var• i ance for• the i r• sign, but he has not been ab 1 e to pr•ave i t. Vice-Gha i r•man Andr•eii~s commented i f they were granted a var• i ance, ti-~ey did oat carne through the P 1 ann i ng and Zan i ng Comr i ss i on. - Darr i d Al 1 en said i t i s his r•ecornrnendat i on the ar•d i nances be er•ifarced un i 1 ater•al 1 y. 7•}~ Esr• i sg i l 1 r•ern i nded Mr•. Al 1 en that enfar•cernent i oat the jab of the Planning and Zoning Commission. James Reeves asked if they could use their par table signs untii a feder•a 1 dec i s i an i v reached . Vice-Cho i rrnan Andr•e~i~s r•ep l i ed the dec i= i an w i 7 1 be up to C i t}~ Caunc i 1 depending on ~i~hether or not they approve the rnora tar• i urn ar• 1 et the ar-d i Hance stand a=- i s. tl i ce-Cho i rrnan Andrei-~s thanked the bus i ne=s r•epr•e=entat i ve=, for attending the meeting. Ftie i th Van Dine carnrnented he d i do ` t think rise had ansilaered Mr. Reeves` question about whether ar• not he could use his sign until a feder•a 1 dec i s i an i s reached. ' There ii~as a brief d i scuss i an an the changes rnade to the Sign Ordinance at the Mach 24, 1957 meeting and the fact that a vote i s needed to r•ecarnrnend thane changes to City Counc i 1 for• appr•ava 7 . Since the Cornet i ss i an rnernber•s did not have a cagy of the Sign Or•d i Hance with the changers ncar•por•ated fr-arn the March 24, 1957 meeting, Merril i n Willman rnade a root i on to table the r•ecamrnenda t i n on the changes to the Sign Ord i Hance until the ne:>::t r•egu 1 ar-1 y scheduled meeting pf May 1~, 1987'. Fieith Van Dine seconded the root i on and the vote alias anon i rnous i n favor-. Mot i an car-r- i ed -9- #B -CONSIDER AND MAFCE RECOMMENDATION: Changes to the Dr•dinance Creating the i'lanning and Zoning Gornrn i ss i an Meri=~ i n W i l l roan e:r:p t a i n-ed that the Caunc i 1 i=aan t~ a r-ecornrnenda t i an an this i tern. _ After a brief r•ev i e~lr of :the or•d i Hance, David Al 1 en made a root i on to recornmend to City Council the approval of the changes~ta the Or~di~ance Creating the Planning and Zoning Cornrnission, F~eith.Van Dine seconded the motion and the vote ~=ias unan i rno~~s i n favor-. Mat i on car•r• i ed. #9 GENERAL DISCUSSION David Al 1 en told the Gornrn i ss i on he b;ne~:a he had r•a i sed a 1 of of Cain about the Sign Ordinance but =aid he felt it should be universally applied. tieith Van Dine cornrnented on the length of time spent on the first i tem of the agenda and a t t the to 1 abau t „ ,unnerr~=sar•,r deta i 1 that had nothing to do t=pith .the approval ar disapproval of the final plat. Mr-. Van Dine said it could have been discussed and decided i n about fifteen rn i nute~:, but i t took th~r Carnrn i sc i on forty-five minutes to r-each a decision. Mr. Van Dine's r•emar•bcs prompted a brief discussion on the fact that the Camrn i ss i on rnernber-s do oat have to ?=ia i t for- the Cha i r-rnan to ca 1 1 for• a root i on on any given i tern. Ty E,r• i sg i 1 1 brought up the fol 1 at=t i nq i terns: t 1 ? Infor•rned the Cornrn i ss i an he had voted against the rnaratar i urn on the enfor•cernent of the portable sign sect i ans of the :Sign Or•d i Hance because he did oat fee 1 carnfar-tab 1 e appr-ov i ng a r•ecornrnenda t i on based on a net=~spaper- ar• t i c l e. f 2 t Refer-r-ed to Vice-Cha i r•rnan Andrei=rs ` cornrnents an there being appr-o:>; i rnatel y 1~!~ rnernber•s i n the business c 1 ub and on 1.,.. ~ businesses being r•epr•esented here tan i ght and a=_.ked Steve S i rnonson i f any others had r-ep l i ed. Mr•. S i monsan 1a i d about 1~ had ca 1 1 ed. T}~ E,r•t sg i 1 1 then asH;ed i f ire are rook i ng our and i nances for• the rna,jar• i ty or• for• a rn i oar- i ty. At this time }ie i th Van Dine carnrnented i=ae shoo 1 d be a~=pare of the har-dsh i p z=ae ar•e cr•eat i ng 'far- some. Ty E:r• i sg i 1 1 .said i=~e ar•e p t ~y i ng catch-up a l l ttte time and then still giving the Stiff rnore to da. t3? In r-efer•ence to Gerncr•aft:, the City has st i l 1 oat accepted Unit 2C or• 2E. and i=ie need to put s.orge I-; i nd of a time 1 i rn i t an there like befar-e Unit 5 i s started al T correct i ans to Unit ?G and 2E~ need to be approved. -10- . ..,..s.:.,........ ..a: a., :,.i .:..r..._.i. . .~ri..srww. cs >tsris tsts 5ra. [s,5<2f~.st t.ta.s2. tL=2s2s2s`4). M1. 424 . • . . . . s ? . 5 5s S s 1 a 42 LC2C2<242VU<Le1pyC5L==V (4) The Palms Apar•trnents have a flashing light. _ - (5) Asked if a proper sire Stop. Sign could be obtained at . Savannah Square and .FM 3x09. - (6) Southern Educ~to~•s. on FM 118 doesn't have a durnpster• and - there i s a big p i l e of trash there. (7) :There i s a T-iV--T repair sliap at the al d Star• i i ght Qr~ i ve-Ton on FM 78. Ts i t 1 ega.l Steve Simonson sa i.d they hale been cited. (8) There i s a ~=aasher• and dr•yer• service sign on the telephone pot a at D i rnr•ack and FM 3~J09. (9) E::ipr•essed appreciation that citations w i 1 1 nor be issued to the tr i of ator•s of the bandit sign r•egu 1 at i ans. Steve S i rnonson sa i d Pul to and Gerncr•aft rui 1 1 be e i ted. Mer•t=~ i n W i 1 1 roan rernar•ked the Carnrn i ss i an rnernbers need copies of the street p 1 an. been Greenr=~a 1 d reported that the City 1 ost 00~~. ~0 1 ast man th i n steal en ar~d damaged signs from Woad 1 and Oaks and the Scht rrner~r i 1 1 e area. i~ir•. Greenr=~a 1 d a 1 sn i nfnr•rned the Cornet i ss i an the =.tr• i p i ng roach i ne had carne i n but didn't have Borne of the things on i t that ~=~er•e on the bid so ~.ter•r•y Gr-aharn Eras asked the company to e i ther• maN;e the roach i ne r- i ght or• ~=~e i 1 1 go out for- a r•eb i d. And Caen Greenr=aa 1 d r-•ern i nded the Cornrn i ss i nn rnernber•s about Sen i or- C i t i yens Gay corning up an Clay 9th and said C~ir• . E,a 1 dt=~ i n r=i i 1 1 be glad to accept donations. Vice-Cho i rrnan Andrer=~s referred to the Ciar•ch, 1987 copy of the "ion i ng filer=~s" and commented t=~e are apparent 1 y going i n the r• i ght d i r•ect i nn as far as i rnpr•nv i ng zoning enfar•cernent. Clr•. Andr•er=~s said maybe r=ye shoo i d tar-get cer• to i n areas, Vice-Cho i rrnan Andr•er=as a 1 sn suggested that ma}~be ~=~e shoo T d 1 oak into charging r•aad i rnpact fee= i n the future and E•<en Gr•eent=~a 1 d i nfar•rned h i rn there i s a b i l i i n the l'~e:-:as 1 eg i sl atur•e that., i f- i t passed, i=you 1 d ei i rn i Hate a l l impact fees i nc 1 ud i ng ~=~ater~ and sei=ler-• . #I~10 ADJOURi`1CIECVT Vice-Cho i rrnan Andr•er=as ad,Journed the .meet i ng at 1~J: 1~ P. Cl. The ne::::t r-egu 1 ar• 1 y =chedu 1 ed meeting i s Clay 12, 1987. -11- '