09-22-1987 PLANNING AND ZONING MINOTES The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened in a regular .session on Tuesday, September 22, 1987 at 7:00 P.M. in the Municipal Complex Conference Room, 1400 Schertz Parkway. Those present were as follows: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION OTHERS PRESENT BOB ANDREWS, CHAIRMAN M.P. BRINKERHOFF • TY BRISGILL, VICE-CHAIRMAN BUDDY JACKSON MERWIN WILLMAN WAYNE HOFFERICHTER KEITH VAN DINE RANDY GROSSMAN MARY MARSH KEN GREENWALD, COUNCILMAN CITY STAFF STEVE SIMONSON, ASST. CITY MANAGER NORMA ALTHOUSE, RECORDING SECRETARY #1 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Andrews called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. ~t~ #2 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A. Regular Session September 8, 1987 Mary Marsh asked Chairman Andrews if it was sufficient to end Item #3 - CITIZ-ENS' INPUT OTHER THAN AGENDA ITEMS - by saying "there was a brief discussion on this". Mrs. Marsh said she thought it was begging the question of what was discussed. Chairman Andrews replied since there was no decision on anything involved, he thought saying there was a brief discussion on it was sufficient. Mary Marsh pointed out that on Page 3, Paragraph 3, she thought it should be mentioned that when Chairman' Andrews asked for the item to be tabled he gave instructions that Randy Grossman and Merwin Willman get together and write up a proposal for the setback and height requirements for free-standing signs. Chairman Andrews said the way it has been handled in the past is, when an item has been tabled, it is tabled until something further is submitted on it. Mary Marsh, referring to Page 4, Paragraph 8, said after Steve Simonson's statement that "the City needs a good business . brochure", she thought it should be noted that the City Council is working on such a brochure. Ken Greenwald said in a previous discussion on the same issue, it had been stated in the minutes that Council is working on a brochure, and Chairman Andrews acknowledged it should probably be noted in these minutes also. . ~ . r Mary Marsh, referring to Page 5, Paragraph 9, pointed out that she had not said "putting the lines back on FM 3009" but instead had said "putting the lines back on City roads", and asked that the minutes be changed to reflect that statement. Ty Brisgill made a motion to approve the minutes, as amended, for the Regular Session, September 8, 1987. Keith Van Dine seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. Motion carried. B. Special Session September 15, 1987 • Mary Marsh made a motion to approve the minutes for the Special Session, September 15, 1987. Randy Grossman seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. Motion carried. #3 CITIZENS' INPOT OTHER THAN AGENDA ITEMS Mr. M.P. Brinkerhoff of 1016 Dimrock asked to speak at this time. Mr. Brinkerhoff also introduced Buddy Jackson of 1024 Dimrock. Mr. Brinkerhoff explained they had attended a meeting several months ago when Tom Flores of Flores Engineering was present and there was discussion on beginning the preliminary work at the corner of Dimrock and Star Light to correct the drainage problem. Mr. Brinkerhoff went on to say that Tom Flores had stated that after the drain was installed the extension of Dimrock would take about a six-inch rise on the backside of the water take-out there. Mr. Brinkerhoff said he and Buddy Jackson had been watching the progress of the construction, and the way it looks right now, that rise is going to be somewhere in the neighborhood of about two feet. Mr. Brinkerhoff said what this means is that the way the back of the drainage is designed, if both pipes to the frcnt are plugged, the water will run down the right-of-way just like it did before and no one will know the difference. Mr. Brinkerhoff said Tom Flores stood right here before the Commission and said the extension of Dimrock would take a six- . inch rise and that`s not what they did - it takes a two foot rise instead. Mr. Brinkerhoff remarked that probably they are working according to the contract, but he thinks the citizens` concerns should carry more weight than they have to this point. Mr. Brinkerhoff said he wanted to compliment Steve Simonson for • always responding promptly to any of his calls and/or complaints and ended his remarks by saying he just wanted everyone to be aware of the situation. Chairman Andrews thanked Mr. Brinkerhoff for his input and assured him the Commission appreciates it very much. Chairman Andrews commented the last he had spoken with Steve Simonson on this matter there were several things out there, one of which if he understood correctly, is that after they are finished they are going to deed back some of the land to the adjacent property owners where the road was being worked on. Steve Simonson stated there are several things he is watching, one of them being he needs to find out what the cul-de-sac will -2- look like when it is finished. Mr. Simonson said he had gone up to Woodland Oaks the other day when there was a rain shower and observed the cul-de-sac and noted that the water ran completely around the circle and out like it was supposed to, which indicated that at Ieast that part of it is working. Steve Simonson also informed those present that City Staff is no longer first line inspections. Due to the importance of this project, the City Engineer is required to be at every single inspection. Mr. Simonson said the City is also watching and is very concerned about the end result of this drainage ' ccnstruction. Buddy Jackson informed Steve Simonson that if he would have someone lift the manhole cover at the end of the curb drain at the cul-de-sac he would find that all the forms and/or framing used for the drain have been thrown in the .manhole and they will be the first things to float out. Steve Simonson said he would check into the situation. Chairman Andrews once again thanked Mr. Brinkerhoff and Mr. Jackson for their input. Wayne Hofferichter of 10982 Lower Seguin Road was also present and asked to speak at this time regarding the proposed rezoning of Lower Seguin Road, from FM 1518 to the west City limits, to a depth of 500 feet on both sides from Predevelopment to General ~ Business. Mr. Hofferichter said he would like to suggest that Lower Seguin Road from the east flight line to the City boundaries on the west be zoned Residential/Agriculture. When asked why by Merwin Willman, Wayne Hofferichter explained that presently the only use of land in the area is for agricultural purposes and he had been advised by the Base Commander of Randolph Air Force Base that for safety in the AICUZ, it would be best if the land remained in agricultural use. Mr. Hofferichter went on to say he would like to readdress the issue and bring the area in questien back up for rezoning. Merwin Willman pointed out to Wayne Hofferichter that even if the land were to be zoned General Business, there would be no business on it if the property owners did not sell their land to a business. Mr. Hofferichter said he was looking on down the road ten years when it may no longer be economically feasible for him to farm the land and he might want to sell it to someone else. Chairman Andrews asked Mr. Hofferichter if it was not feasible for him to farm the land why would it be any more feasible .for anyone else to farm it. -3- • Wayne Hofferichter said he had asked the same question of the Randolph Air Force Base representative and was told the only other alternative for the land would be to develop it into a recreational area. Chairman Andrews reminded Mr. Hofferichter that the Air Force Base could not tell him what to do with the land, they could only strongly recommend a particular use for it and then they can place restrictions on whatever is done with the land. Merwin Willman said, technically, the Air Force cannot enforce • the AICUZ, it is up to the adjacent cities to enforce those regulations. Mr. Willman went on to say it is up to the cities to adopt the AICUZ, which the City of Schertz has done, so therefore, the AICUZ will control what goes on the land. Wayne Hofferichter said that is exactly why he is asking for the area on Lower Seguin from the east flight line to the City boundaries on the west to be zoned Residential/Agriculture. Chairman Andrews thanked Wayne Hofferichter for his input. #4 CONSIDER AND MAKE RECOMMENDATION: Changes in Free-Standing Sign Requirements _ Sign Ordinance This item had been tabled at the September 8, 1987 meeting so a proposal could be drafted. Merwin Willman and Randy Grossman had written up a proposal for setback and height requirements for free-standing signs and copies_of the proposal had been included in the Lackages of the Commissi•~n members. Randy Grossman made a motion to recommend approval to City Council, as written in the proposal, of amendments to ARTICLE VI, Section 5a.(2) and Section 5a.(3) of the Sign Ordinance r.^garding setback and height requirements for free-standing signs. Ty Brisgill seconded the motion and the vote was as follows: AYES: T. Brisgill, M. Willman, K. Van •Dine, R. Grossr,,an, M. Marsh NAYS: None ABSTENTIONS: B. Andrews Motion carried. #5 CONSIDER AND MAKE RECOMMENDATION: Changes to Portable Signs - Sign Ordinance Copies of a proposal, written by Merwin Willman, for changes to portable sign regulations in the Sign Ordinance had been passed out to the members at the September 8, 1987 meeting. Chairman Andrews asked that the item be put on the agenda for tonight's meeting, therefore giving the members a chance to look the proposal over. -4- _ _ Merwin Willman commented the portable sign at the car wash on Main Street in Schertz advertising a business in Universal City had prompted him to write this proposal. Mary Marsh inquired as to what exactly was meant by a portable sign and Merwin Willman replied it is a message type board with wheels. Randy Grossman remarked that could emcompass other signs. Merwin Willman said if you look in the Sign Ordinance, it defines the different types of signs. Ty Brisgill made a motion to recommend approval to City Council, as written in the proposal, of an amendment to ARTICLE IX, Section 10a. of the Sign Ordinance regarding Portable or Mobile Signs. Randy Grossman seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. Motion carried. #6 CONSIDER AND MAKE RECOMMENDATION: Discussion on the Agenda for a Bi-Annual Meeting of Planning and Zoning and City Council Chairman Andrews had written up an outline for his overview presentation to City Council and distributed it to the Commission members at the Special Session on September 15, 1987. Chairman Andrews had also written up an agenda, trying to include all the ideas submitted by the Commission, and asked for comments on it. Keith Van Dine, referring to the Schirmerville area, commented that he would like some information on the water situation, on the tax base and whether or not it is effected by the zoning, and on safety in the area. Mr. Van Dine was assured that Schirmerville had been included on the agenda. Mr. Van Dine was curious to know if once they get into discussion at the meeting, can these subjects be brought up appropriately and Steve Simonson told him they could. ' Mary Marsh inquired as to whether the Commission members would be able to speak saying that sometimes one thought and/or question prompts another. Keith Van Dine said he had also wondered the same thing. After other members expressed the same ccncerns, Chairman Andrews suggested that after No. 4 at the bottom of the agenda, No. 5 - General Discussion - be added. _ Mary Marsh asked Ken Greenwald if he had any wag on what Council was going to be talking about and Mr. Greenwald replied Council was basically waiting to see what Planning and Zoning wanted to discuss and tailor their remarks along that line. Ken Greenwald said he would give the Planning and Zoning overview outline and agenda to Mr. Gilmore, City Manager, and let him consolidate and start to prepare his own overview remarks. -5- Chairman .Andrews informed Ken Greenwald that Planning and Zoning would wait for word back from City Council on the best time for the bi-annual meeting. Mr. Greenwald said they will shoot for the October 28th workshop. #7 CONSIDER AND MAKE RECOMMENDATION: Secretary for Planning & Zoning Commission Chairman Andrews informed the Commission they could either recommend. someone right now for Secretary or they can consider it for awhile. Ty Brisgill made a motion to recommend to City Council approval of the appointment of Keith Van Dine as Secretary of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mary Marsh seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. Motion carried. #8 GENERAL DISCQSSION Ty Brisgill commented that at the end of Dimrock (between Maske Road and the cul-de-sac) they have cleaned up all the trash and dumped it there. Ty Brisgill asked Steve Simonson if Larry Thomas's property known as Northwood, part of which fronts an Green Valley Road, had a preliminary plat approved en it and Steve Simonson replied no, just the zoning change was approved. Ty Brisgill said in Woodland Oaks, Unit III there are same people living there who have put in their yards and still have no street lights. Mr. Brisgill pointed out this means part of their yard will have to he tarn up to install the street lights. Merwin Willman said the street lights are in the construction plans, Planning and Zoning has nothing tc do with them. Randy Grossman asked if there isn't another aspect here, namely safety, and isn't the City leaving itself open for a law suit by not lighting the streets. Ty Brisgill explained that all this had prompted him to write up a proposal on the clarification of specifications on street lights in the Subdivision Ordinance. (A copy for each member had been included in their package.) Mr. Brisgill went on to say his proposal basically specifies that street lights in new subdivisions within the City limits and annexed areas of the City shall be installed prior to occupancy of the residence or business where the light will be placed. Mr. Brisgill also said he had specified the street lights be no farther than 300 feet apart along roads within the subdivisions. Merwin Willman remarked that the amount of feet apart which the street lights are placed is left up to GVEC. -6- Steve Simonson said he would check out the franchise agreement with GVEC and have something to report by the next meeting. Randy Grossman commented that the sign on FM 78 welcoming you to Schertz is deteriorated and asked if that is ahe image the City wants to present and also what it would take to repair it. Steve Simonson said he would check into it, he thought either the Schertz Business Club or GVEC had originally put up the sign. Randy Grossman suggested the City might want to use a sign much like the new one at Clemens High School which has a track where changeable messages can be used. Mr. Grossman also said it would be nice to have several spotted around the City at various City limit locations. Ken Greenwald said he would check with Chuck Sharpe because he thought something was in the works about replacing the sign, but he wasn't sure. Randy Grossman said in regard to the portable signs he would like to suggest that the 9Q days the businessman is allowed to have the sign be split down the middle so he could have two periods of 45 days instead. Mr. Grossman said usually a business has twc peak periods, for example, back to school and Christmas. Mr. Grossman also said he would like to see the fee for the portable sign be split down the middle. Mr. Grossman said he G.culd like to have this item on the next agenda and asked how tc gc about doing that. Chairman Andrews informed him to write something up and submit it in time to be placed cn the next agenda. Keith Van Dine asked if it would be a problem giving an RA zoning to Wayne Hofferichter. Chairman Andrews said the recomrlendation from Planning and Zoning .had already been made, but Ken Greenwald could bring up Mr. Hcfferichter`s request to Council. Ken Greenwald noted that a GB zoning would be more applicable - if someone wanted to build a residence, they would have to ask specifically for a permit or rezoning and the City could control it, but if it is zoned residential, all that has to be done is . the submission of a plat. Keith Van Dine remarked that Wayne Hofferichter farms, and he is concerned that his tax base will go up if a business goes in next door to him. Ken Greenwald informed Keith Van Dine the tax rate is the same for all, the appraisal is based on how the land is used. Chairman Andrews interjected that Wayne Hofferichter needs to make sure he has filed fcr the agricultural exemption. Keith Van Dine informed Steve Simonson the Postmaster in Converse is receptive to Wayne Hefferichter's getting a CB radio in his -7- . mail truck. Steve Simonson said he has been checking with the Police Department about a radio and he should have an answer shortly. Mary Marsh reported the Oak Forest residents had been having trouble getting someone to mow the grass and remove the building materials at Circle Oak and Crown Oak and asked if Bob Booth had called about the problem. Steve Simonson said he would check with the Inspection Department. Mary Marsh also also reported that the Oak Forest Community " Council had voted on and agreed to take the lead in educating the community on the project going on along Jack Hays Boulevard. Mary Marsh asked how one goes about getting new street signs and Steve Simonson said when the City gets into the new budget year it will be able to replace some of the street signs. Randy Grossman. asked when the new budget year begins and Steve Simonson replied October lst. #~9 ADJ'QDRI~NiEI~T Chairman Andrews adjourned the meeting at 8:13 P.M. The r.e~t regularly scheduled meeting is October 13, 1987. -8-