08-25-1987 .w.a... ,...,,..o;.:.vim.... , ..:.:......:.e.,.,,.,..mm~,..i..u.nrsn,•,.. , ._e . .noun.. a o.>. ,'re,.. ~ sue. t . > s. PLANNING AND ZONING MINDTES - - The-Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened in a-regular session on Tuesday, August 25, 1987 at 7:00 P.M. i:n the Municipal Complex-Conference Room, 1400 Schertz Parkway. Those present were as follows: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT BOB ANDREWS, CHAIRMAN TY BRISGILL, MERWIN WILLMAN VICE-CHAIRMAN KEITH VAN DINE JAMES HARDEN, SECRETARY MARY MARSH RANDY GROS'SMAN KEN GREENWALD, COUNCILMAN CITY STAFF STEVE SIMONSON, ASST. CITY MGR. NORMA ALTHOUSE, RECORDING SECY. #1 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Andrews called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. n2 APPROVAL OF MINIITES: Regular Session August 11, 1987 Merwin Willman made a motion to approve the minutes for the regular session August 11, 1987. Mary Marsh seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. Motion carried. #3 CITIZENS' INPUT OTHER THAN AGENDA ITEMS There was none. #4 CONSIDER AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION: Discussion on Annual Progress Report from Planning and Zoning Commission to City Council Merwin Willman had worked up a report based on previous discussions at the Planning and Zoning meetings, and a copy of this had been included in the packages of the Commissioners. There was a brief discussion on the. report and Merwin Willman made a motion to table Item #4 - CONSIDER AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION: Discussion on Annual Progress Report from Planning and Zoning Commission to City Council - until the next regularly scheduled meeting ~at which time, hopefully, all members will be present to-voice their opinions. Keith Van Dine seconded the motion and-the vote was unanimous in favor. Motion carried.. ~5 _ CONSIDER AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION: Discussion on the - - - Agenda for a Bi-Annual Meetings of Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council Chairman Andrews commented we need to work up some kind of agenda. Mr. Andrews pointed out this bi-annual meeting will be beneficial to the new Commissioners in that it gives them a chance to meet the members of City Council. Mary Marsh remarked she thought it would be advantageous for the Ccuncil to give us a general overview of the situation, informing us of the way they view the Planning and Zoning Commission, where they see the City going, and how Planning and- Zoning fits into the picture to assist them in obtaining future goals for the City. Chairman Andrews agreed that was a good idea and it would give us the what, where and how of the situation. Ken Greenwald said it would be best to hold the meeting on a workshop night and it would be the first item on the agenda. Chairman Andrews asked Ken Greenwald how the month of September looked for the meeting and Mr. Greenwald replied, that at this time, he didn't see anything critical or controversial on the schedule. Ken Greenwald did say, however, the Council would like a copy of the agenda in their packages on the Friday prior to the Wednesday meeting. Merwin Willman reminded Chairman Andrews the agenda needs to be worked up first and we shouldn't rush into this meeting. After further discussion, it was decided to aim for the workshop meeting on the 14th of October with September 22nd as the deadline for working up the agenda. Keith Van Dine mentioned that he would like to ask the Council about their plans for the Schirmerville area and Chairman Andrews informed him that should be included in the cverview. Chairman Andrews commented he would like to be better informed about the budget and mentioned specifically the budget for more policemen. Mr. Andrews said the. public asks him questions on this matter and he would like to be a little more knowledgeable. Mary Marsh asked if there is any kind of a report available that gives the ratio of policemen there should be per number of- people. Steve Simonson replied there are several, but the one most cities rely on-is the FBI report. Mr. Simonson went on to say the ratio is usually one (1) policeman per 1,000 people.. -2- Mary Marsh asked if Schertz has-a ratio of one (1) policemen per. - - - 1,000 people and Ken Greenwald said yes they-have more than one (1> per thousand if you count .the reserves too. _ There was a brief discussion on the different departments in the City that need more personnel. Keith Van Dine thought it would be a good idea to have some idea ahead of.t~ime where the City Council is headed so Planning and Zoning could direct their questions to those areas. Mary., Marsh made a' motion suggesting the Commission members come into the next regularly scheduled meeting with their thoughts and ideas for general discussion topics and/or. specific topics for discussion that they would like on the agenda for the bi-annual meeting of Planning and Zoning and City Council. Keith Van Dine seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. Motion carried. #6 GENERAL DISCUSSION On the list of Planning and Zoning members, each member is given a position number, and Mary Marsh asked for an explanation of the position number. Merwin Willman said basically it is a way of ensuring that the terms of the members (both new members and those who have served for a while) expire on a rotating basis thus providing the Commission with the benefit of both maturity and fresh ideas. Mary Marsh said she wanted to pay a large compliment to the Water - and Waste Water Department. Mrs. Marsh told the Commission that on Sunday she had a water pipe spring a leak and she had to call the Water Department who sent someone out almost immediately to look into the situation. Mrs. Marsh went on to say the young men w,ho showed up to work on it both Sunday and Monday were polite and nice even though repairing it_meant getting waist-deep and sometimes deeper in mud, and they took the time to explain to her what they were doing. Chairman Andrews advised Mrs. Marsh it would be a good idea to express her compliments and appreciation in a letter to the City Manager. Mary Marsh commented that her water pipe had been plastic and she understood that San Antonio had similar problems with plastic water pipes and had sued the company they purchased them from and: won the case.. Mrs. Marsh asked if the .City of Schertz had. also sued. Ken Greenwald indicated he did not know if it would be cast effective to sue.- Mr. Greenwald .said it .would depend on the .number of homes that have plastic water pipes, but said he would - check intc it.. -3- : Keith Van Dine brought the folloiaing matters before the Commission: - ~ ~ - (a-) Read a letter from- the Southeast Randolph Property Owners Association that had been sent to .the residents- of the Schirmerville area asking for any help they could provide toward identifying a vehicle and/or license number., of anyone seen removing traffic control or street signs from the area.. (b} Noticed the~City had done some shredding in. the Schirmerville area. (Steve Simonson remarked that the City is. currently out fora bids on machinery that will take care of things like shredding more efficiently.) (c) Said they are thinking about forming a Neighborhood Watch in the Schirmerville area. Steve Simonson said that was an excellent idea. Mary Marsh gave Jean Stewart's name as the one who organized the Neighborhood Watch program in the Oak Forest area. (d) Asked Steve Simonson if he had ever talked to the Postmaster at Converse about the mailman in the Schirmerville area carrying a radio with him so he could report any suspicious activity. (Steve Simonson said he is getting a lot of stonewalling when he tries to find out anything.) Mr. Simonson asked Keith Van Dine to check into it further and let him know what he finds out. Mr. Van Dine said he would check with the mailman and find out what the situation is. The matter of trash being dumped in the Schirmerville area was also b~°ought up and Ken Greenwald said the same thing applies as does to the traffic signs - if anyone can get a license number of someone seen dumping trash, report it to the Police Department. (e) Mentioned the sports stadium being talked about for San Antonio and noted that an area near Foster road had been one of the locations under consideration. There .was a brief discussion on this and Mr. Van Dine said it would be interesting to attend the public hearing in San Antonio. Mervin Th'illman brought the following matters to the attention of the Commission: (a) With the passage of the Sign Ordinance and the amendment to it .outlining regulations for Mall and Shopping Center and . Directory signs, there is a two year limitation to upgrade for existing businesses not in conformance. Mr. Willman. asked if there is some kind of procedure that can be established to make these business aware of the ordinance. Chairman Andrews suggested putting a notice in the newspaper or _ sending each business a notification, .but after_ a brief discussion it was agreed that sending a copy of the Sign Ordinance and all .it's amendments to Sharon Frugc, President of -4- the_Schertz Business Club, was the -best idea-. Steve Simonson - said it would be best to inform Sharon Fruge that all these _ changes are geared for 1990 - if the business is in compliance now, they -have ~nothing~ to worry about, if not, they should aim for compliance by 1990. (b) Passed out copies-of two letters he had written - ore pertaining to the setback requirement for free-standing signs and the other pertaining to the one-foot non-access easement required : F, by the Subdivision: Ordinance. Mr Willman asked the Commission members to read them over, think about them, and .make any suggestion they may have. Mr. Willman also asked that these items be placed on the next regular agenda. (c) Passed out copies of some interesting articles he had ;found in the American Planning Association Magazine. (d) Said the Commission had probably noticed the lack of portable signs in the City and commented they still need to plug the loophole in the ordinance which allows them for a 90 day period. Steve Simonson asked the Commission for some feedback in the interpretation of the Zoning Ordinance as far as carports are concerned. Mr. Simonson said he interpreted a carport as an exception allcwabie only in R-2 districts, and all other districts need authority from Planning and Zoning to put up carports. After a brief discussion, the consensus of the Commission was that they agreed with Mr. Simonson's interpretation. Steve Simonson informed the Commission the City is now getting some legislative help on the water package they sent in. This package is the one that will help the City provide water to the residents of the Schirmerville area. Steve Simonson commented a bond was passed by the the City of Schertz for the purpose of upgrading the lighting and some other areas of the park. Mr. Simonson said the City has gone through the Texas Parks Commission to basically double the amount of the bond - they are asking for a grant in-kind to the amount of what they already have plus the in-service contributions they are getting from BVYA and City departments and staff to come up to an amount almost triple cf the original bond issue. Mr. Simcnson further stated it locks, so far, like they have a goad shot at getting it. Chairman Andrews observed that most of the items on the Feedback List had been completed. Chairman Andrews also brought up again the issue of the setback requirements -for free-standing signs. After. some further _ discussion, the Commission came up with the thought that. if the sign meets the Southern Building Code requirements, then maybe all the ordinance should require is a 5 foot setback. . -5- ~7 -ADJUDRNMENT _ - _ Chairman Andrews. adjourned the meeting at 8:23 P..M. - . The next regularly scheduled meeting is September 8, 1987..- . F_ -6-