The Sch-ertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened in a regular
_ session- on Tuesday, September 8, 1987. at 7:00 P.M.' in the
Municipal Complete Conference Room,- 1400 Schertz Parkway. Those
present were as follows:
Chairman Andrews called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
#2 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Session August 25, 1987
Merwin Willman made a motion to approve the minutes for the
regular session August 25, 1987. Mary Marsh seconded the motion
and the vote was as follows:
AYES: B. Andrews, M. Willman, K. Van Dine, R. Grossman, M. Marsh
NAYS: None
Motion carried.<
Richard Little-.was present and informed the Commission he had
heard. a rumor that there is a company interested in buying the
property to the back of Savannah Square. There was a brief
discussion on this.
Requirement for Free-Standing Signs
Chairman Andrews commented this had been discussed at the last
- r.,eeting-.and he had asked for it to be on .this agenda also in the
hopes .that more_ members, and specifically Randy Grossman- who has
~so.ne ~~pertise cn signs, wculd be present for input.
Chairman Andrews further commented t~:at the formula for setback
in the current Sign Ordinance fcr free-standing signs is that the
_ _
setback shall-be a minimum of five (5') feet plus one (l') foot
for each foot of sign height above five. (5` ) feet. Thisis -
causing some problems for the Staff and the businesses and Mr-.
Andrews "said:. Merwin Willman -has written up' a proposal for
consideration of two different- possible solutions to simplify the
setback requi-rement. They are as follows:
1. Setback: The base of the sign shall be set back a minimum of
five (5`) feet from the property line.
2. Setback: No part of the sign shall be closer than five (5')
feet to the property line.
Chairman Andrews stated the Commission is trying to determine the
necessity for the requirement that the sign be set a certain
distance back from the right-of-way. Chairman Andrews also
explained that the thinking behind the five foot was so that City
and/or State maintenance vehicles could get through if need be.
Mr. Andrews said the Commission had looked at the Southern
Building Code and wondered if the sign met all the requirements
cutliried in the Code, did the setback still need to be required
for safety.
Randy Grossman remarked that setbacks that far are almost an
anti-business stance since signage is probably one of the riost
important aspects of any business. As far as the safety, Mr.
Gressman said 30 pounds per square foot is the typical wind load
factor built into signs and he doubted if you would ever see one
of the modern signs on the ground - they are designed so that the
faces caill blow out first thus reducing the wind pressure.
Randy Grossman said as far as Merwin Willman's second
recommendation tno part of the sign shall be closer than fiti=e
(5`) feet tc the property line), he didn`t see any reason for it,
especially with the new pole-flag design in signs which enables.
the pole tc be placed right on the property line and the sign
itself to be flagged either left or right to the interior of the
building so it doesn`t overhang driveways, etc.
Merwin Willman pointed- out to Randy Grossman that the proposals
for consideration were for either cne option. or the ether, not
There was more discussion bringing up such ideas, for example,
as saying that the City should have a pro-business attitude,
stating the opinion that limiting the height of signs gives a
cluttered look, suggesting that the businessman be given a
maximum height and'. make his own; decision about his sign,
_ suggesting there b~ a minimum. height for signs in order tc
grever~t the obstruction of traffi-:., asking if the City has a
requirement for spacing .from telephone wires, suggesting the.
maximum height requirement for free-standing signs be eliminated
cr if a limit is necessary, it be changed to 40 feet, expressing
the opinion that if it doesn't matter to the City, the
businessman should~be given more latitude, stating that the City
. wants to be pro-business but also aesthetically pleasing, and
suggesting that tY~e Commission go to the Schertz~Business Club or
invite the'busine~smen and businesswomen to a Planning and Zoning
meeting to get their suggestions due to the fact that the target
date for compliance with the Sign Ordinance is 1990.
Chairman Andrews. a-sked fora volunteers to write up a new proposal
for the setback and height requirement for free-standing signs.
Mary Marsh suggested Randy Grossman and Mr. Grossman said he_
would accept the challenge if he could have the help. of someone
like Merwin Cn'illman who is :very familiar with the Sign Ordinance.
Chairman Andrews asked that this item be tabled until the next.
regularly scheduled meeting..
Non-Access Easement, Ordinance Change
. A proposal on this item was written by Merwin Willman and passed
cut tc the members at the August 25, 1987 meeting so they could
have time to look it over and make any suggestions and
reccrzmendat ions .
After a brief discussion, Ty Brisgill made a motion to accept
"ierwin ttiillmar.'s interpretation and clarification and recommend
to Cit~• Council that at the end of Paragraph 15.5 0., Page 11 of
the Subdivision Ordinance the following be added: "For
r~.sidential subdivision plats only". Keith Van Dine seconded the
meticn and the vote was unanimous in favor. Motion carried.
Progress Report from Planning and Zoning
Commission to City Council
An Annual Progress Report , written up by Merwin Willman, had been
tabled from the August 25, 1987 meeting to give the Commission
members time to review it.
After a brief discussion, Mary Marsh made a motion to recommend
the Annual Progress Report be sent, as is, to City Council. Ty
Brisgill seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor.
Motion carried. (Copy attached)
Agenda for a Bi-Annual Meeting of
Planning and Zoning and City .Council
A moti:;n was unanimously_approved at .the :August 25, 1987 meeting
that the r?~embers came prepared-tonight with their thoughts -and -
ideas for general discussi:or. -topics and/or specific topics for
dis::u.ssion that they would Like on the agenda far the bi-annual
` rae~eting. -
_ Merwin Willman pass~c~ out copies of some questions on signs that
he would like to have discussed. - =
Mary Marsh :said she thought the meeting should start with a -
general- overview f~`-om both the Mayor and~Chairman Andrews and
then go onto the_ items for general discussion. Mrs. Marsh
stated one topic fa_r general discussion might be the upcoming
projects along FM 3009. -
Mary Marsh suggested also that maybe educating the public about
what's going on in the City should be a topic of discussion.
Keith Van Dine. remarked he would be interested in what kind of
progress is expected in the S.chirmerville area.
Mr. Van Dine also reiterated:his opinion that it would be a good
idea to have some .hint and/or clue ahead of time where- the City
Council is headed so Planning .and Zoning could direct their
questions to those areas.
Randy Grossman commented he wants to know what is being done to
bring quality businesses to the area; maybe we can coordinate
with the Texas Department of Commerce and/or the San Antonio
Economic Council; what is the tone of the City toward growth in
hen Greenwald noted that the City Council's opinion, for the most
part, is that they will welcome all new business to the area, but
they will not buy it. There was a brief discussion on this.
Steve Simonson pointed out the City needs a good business
brochure and also that one of the biggest problems has been that
there are n<-; good maps of the City.
Chairman Andrews informed the Commission there is a joint public
hearing scheduled for September 15th and he will try to have the
- overview ready by then. Chairman Andrews also asked that this
item tdiscu.ssion on agenda for the bi-annual meeting) be placed
on the agenda for the meeting of September 15th.
Ty Brisgill questioned Steve. Simonson on the placement of street
signs and street lights in the newer sections of Woodland Oaks
and Mr. Simonson said he had been checking into it.
Ty Brisgill inquired as tc the status of the drainage ditch at
Dimrock and Starlight and Steve Simonson replied it is
.progressing - they are not finished yet, but it is coming along.
Steve Simonson. reminded. the Commission of the joint public
hearing ~cn September 15, Z9°7. rezoning the Schirmerville a-rea
' from Predevelopment to Single Family Residential/Agriculture.
Randy Grossman commente~3 there had been bandit signs up after the
10:00 A.M. Monday morning deadline and Steve Simonson said he hacl
not been aware of it. _
Keith Van Dine brought up several matters:
(a) In regard to the disappearance of some of the traffic and/or
streets signs in the Schirmerville area - there is a junkyard in
the. area that has a towing service and is very careless about
wiping out the signs.
(b) In regard to the mailman in the Schirmerville area getting
L~ermission to carry a radio ~in his mail truck tc report
suspicious activity, Mr. Van Dine said he had several names for
Steve Simonson to contact.
(c) There is another individual with ground on a high point who
may be interested in :helping the City locate a place to put a
water storage tank.
(d) Joan Stewart was at the last meeting of the Southeast -
Randolph Property Owners' Association and showed. them hew tc set
up a Neighborhood Watch Program.
(e) Ask Steve Simonsen to have a water leak by Shady Acres
checked out.
Mary Marsh said the residents of Oak Forest had been asking her
when they are going to get their other bridge now that one bridge
is already built and Steve Simonson replied after FM 3009 is
Mary Marsh asked the status of putting the lines back on FM 3009
and Ken Greenwald replied the. City is now out for bids on
equipment to do this.
Chairman Andrews informed the Commission that there are some good
workshcps scheduled for the American Planning Association 197
Texas Chapter Conference. in Austin from October 14 - 17.
The members were asked to checJc their schedules and let Steve
Simonson know as soon as possible how many are planning on
attending the conference..
Merwin Willman commented he had. read somewhere that a Planning
and Zoning Commission could join, the America r. Planning
Association as a body and Mr. Willman asked for that information
tc.be checked out.
Merwin Willman dad.written up a .proposal for a change in the Sign
:.Ordinance regarding pc'rtable signs and copies had been passed out
to the Commission members. Chairman Andrews as?zed teat the
CCmm1SSiUI1 lock ever the prcpasal and that it be cn the agenda of
the ne:~t regularly scl2eduied meeting.
Chairman Andrews adjourned the meeting at 8:54 P.M.
There is a joint public hearing scheduled for September 15, 1987.
The next regularly scheduled meeting is September 22, 1987.
FROM: Planning and Zoning Commission
TO: City of Schertz City Council
In accordance with Section 5, paragraph (10).City Ordinance 87-5-
: 9, May 19, 1987, the following report is submitted.
a: the major accomplishments by-the Commission for the past year
are as follows:
The Zoning Ordinance of August -21, 1979 was updated by
an Ordinance passed and approved January 6, 1987.
Since then the Ordinance has .been amended to add a new
zoning district, "RA District - Single Family
Residence - Agriculture District". The AICUZ Overlay
District was amended to establish procedures for
implementing the noise zone restriction. Schedule of
Uses were established for the new RA District. A
special Overlay District was established for the
Schertz Parkway. The "Special Overlay District FM
3009" was changed to read "Special Overlay District
Jack Hays Boulevard" and specific boundaries were
established for the overlay.
(2) A revised Subdivision Ordinance was approved and passed
January 16, 1987. Among the highlights of the new
Ordinance are that it authorized the Commission to add
a time period to variances, added the requirement to
identify the 100 year floodplain on the preliminary
plat, limited street names to 14 characters, required
handicap access to sidewalks, established flood contrcl
areas, and explained flood control and procedures.
(3) A new Mobile Home Ordinance was approved and passed May
5, 1987. The format of the Ordinance was changed to
1mpYGVe the chronological order of actions, and
specifically indicate where R.V.'s would be authorized
within a Mobile Home Park.
(4) .The control of signs within _ the City limits was
removed from the Zoning Ordinance and established in a
separate Ordinance. The Sign :.Ordinance was .approved
and passed October 7, 198.6. Since the passage of the
Ordinance, the requirement for .a free-standing sign in
a business district has -been changed. Procedures for
"Shopping Center and_Mall-Signs and Directory Signs"
have been developed and were approved and passed August
18, 1987.. - ~
(5) Ordinance 93, March 5, 1964: creating the Planning and
Zoning Commission was updated. The new Ordinance
changed the -term of office for the Commissioners from 5
-years to 2 years, changed-eligibility requirements for
the selection of members, and `established the
requirement for this report...
. (6) The Commission was asked by the City Staff to review
and make recommendation on: a new Ordinance entitled
Enclosure of a Junk or Salvage Yardand.the Screening
of Garbage Storage. Areas".
(7) Mr. Keith Van Dine was selected to replace Mr. Donald
tVilscn who resigned. Mr. Randy Grossman and Mrs. Mary
Marsh were selected to replace Mr. David Allen and Mr
Tcm Yarling who resigned. Mr. Bob Andrews was selected
as Chairman of the Commission to replace Mr. Tom
Yarling. Mr. Ty Brisgill was selected as Vice-Chairman.
{8) Approved the plat for Greenshire Oaks, a development in
the Greenshire Subdivision - an exclusive area of
approximately 53 large lots and large homes.
{9) Approved the plat for Woodland Oaks Subdivision Unit 4
which will open approximately 106 lots for development.
(10) There were 6 public hearings held during the year: (a)
considered a Specific Use Permit for the New Creation
Christian Fellowship Church on 43.128 acres in back of
Oak Forest, {b) two hearings to consider changes to the
Zoning Ordinance, (c) changed 90.39 ages (frontage of
Northcliffe) from PD to GB, (d) changed zoning along IH
10 frontage road from Weichold Road to FM 1518 to a
depth of 750 feet from PD to GB, and {e) considered a
Specific Use Permit for approximately three acres for
the Knights of Columbus.
(11) Approximately 14 requests for variances to the Sign
Ordinance were considered: Nine {9) were approved and.
four (4) disapproved. During this period of time a lot
of time was spent on the non-complliance of builders
placing their bandit signs along Jack Hays Boulevard.
After several letters, removal of signs by the Staff,
and threats of withdrawal of approval for bandit signs,
. all builders except one are complying with established
procedure. Bandit sign privilege has been removed far
this builder until such time as a representative meets
with the Commission.
b. Some , of the goals the Commission has established for itself
for 1988 are as .follows:
{1) A bi-annual meeting with City Council to make sure tl~e
Council and the Ccmmission~ are. bath working toward
similar goals. -
(2) A refinement of the Sign Ordinance.
. {3) A bi-annual trip around the City to maintain a
.heightened awareness of what's going on.
(4) ?The attending of some conferences/workshops by Planning
:and Zoning members.
(5) The updating of the City Plan, especially the°proposed
'street plan to include newly annexed areas.
(6) Reviewr.all land within the City zoned Predevelopment to
::determine the best use of the land.
This annual report was approved unanimously by the Planning and
Zoning Commission at their regular meeting on September 8, 1987.
Bob Andrews, Chairman
Planning and Zoning Commission