The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened in a regular
session cn Tuesday, December 1987 at 7:00 P.M. in the
Municipal Com~le~ CenferLnc~_s Ro::m, 1400 Schertz Park~a~ay. Those
present were as fcilows:
Planning end Zoning Secretary Keith Van Dine called the meeting
tc ceder at 7:00 P.M.
#2 APPROVAL. OF MINIITES: Regular Session. November 24, 1987
Merwin t~'illmar~ mane a mcticr. t•c approve the minutes for the
regular session.IVovember 24, 1987. George Vick seconded the
mvtiv n~ and the vct-e was ~.zna~:imous in favcr . Motic.n ::denied <
There was none..
Approval - Shefman-Schurtz Subdivision
Norman Scheetz was at the meeting tc represent this request.
Steve Simonson informed the Ccrlmissicn this property is located
right at the edge of the City limits.
Keith. Van Dine asked if it is in the area called no man's land.
Merwin Willman said half of the property is in Schertz City
limits and half is in ~?ew Braunfels City limits.
Keith Van Dine asked if that would create any problem in the City
cf Schertz handling the approval of the plat and Steve Simonson
replied Ccmal County would rave tc inspect and approve everything
Steve Simor.san reported he did not have the comments back yet
from the City Engineer, but it appears all the necessary
ir:fcrmation is on the plat, and this is just the preliminary.
George Vick ask_~d what's going to be built cn tl.e land and Merwin
' r~+illman replied Mr. Schuetz is just dividing the land.
Steve Simor.s^n p:;inted out that any time you divide land, it is
required that you subdivide.
Mary Marsh made a motion tc approve the preliminary plat for the
Shefman-Schuetz Su~:division. Marv°in G~illmar. seconded the ~;?::t.ion
and the vote was unanimous in favor. Motion carried.
Steve Simonsen informed Norman Schuetz he would be scndin~~ him a
letter advising him of the results of tonight's meeting and also
any changers and!cr corrections th._Yt may need to be made before
the final plat is submitted.
Norman Schuetz thanked the Commission for their time.
At this time, Secretary F{eith Van Dine turned t~~e meeting over to
Ty Brisgill, Vito-Chairman, who had arrived at tl.e meeting at
7:07 P.M.
#5 C®IOTSId~ER Ai1~F3 [~K~ RBCOP2M~~i}ATI(~~: Bandit Signs
The Commission had received in their packages a copy of a letter
from Dale Stein of the State Highway Department to Steve Simonson
in re~~Iy to a request for the State High.°a~> Department ` s policy
cr~ signs. Steve Simonson, had been inforn::s:a several months age
that all signs ir. tl.e State right-cf-way are pro)^.?:ited.
Vice-Chairman Brisgill commented it appears fro,r the letter they
(t:~^ State High~4~ay Department ) have t?.emselves covered several
~c.:ays, but they did not spell out anything definite.
Keith Van Dire remarked he get the feeling they don't mind if we
enforce our ordinance.
Merwin 6Villman said they didn't say not to enforce cur ordinance.
Mr. Willman went on to say we have good controls and he thinks we
should keep the ordinance as is.
George Vic k_ asked why stir up anything when it is running
Mary Marsh indicated her agreement, but did say the bailders
should be advised of the situation so they are aware they may
encounter some problems.
Vice-Chairman. Brisgill noted that if the State i~ighway Departrnert
had been mere definite, we might have eliminated cur policy on
bandit signs. Mr. Brisgill did say, however, that he agrees with
._....u.._.. . -.~.~11~
everyone else and thinks we should have Steve Simonson and/or
someone frcm the Inspection Department talk to the builders and
fill them in on what's happening with this situation.
Mc_rwin v~~illman commented cur ordinance has been i:. effect for two
years and the cnly reason this came up was because the State
E3ighway- De~:artment worked. o.~ a day that was a holiday for the
City= and ::diced the bandit signs along Jack Hays Boulevard. Mr.
~ti_llman said he felt that with the controls we have, if we
continue as is, we might get our hands slapped but ncthing else.
rcith Van Dine stated we still have cur contrcls<
Steve Simonson noted that is corr~.ct and said we are not giving
up on our policy. Mr. Simonsen said both Mcnarch and Mc::inney
Uigns had been picked up by the inspectors yesterday because they
were up too to„g. M~-. Simonsen also said he is hearing from the
builders that bandit signs are becoming a cost item - $25.00
.-.piece .
i~eith Van Dine said maybe there should be some bind cf a fine for
violation cf the bandit sign policy.
Steve Sin~or<scn commented the situation should be watched for a
~•.-bile ar.d mUybe later a recorzmendation of some kind could be made
f.^r l offing sorzething in the crdi nance.
Mervin ~ti•illman made a motion. tc continue with the enforcement cf
the ordinance as in the past with no action being taken to change
it, a::.~~ also tc a~uvise all the builders cf the State Highway
Dpartmet's regulations. Keith Van Dine seconded the motion and
ta:~ vote was unanir.~;;us in favor. Motion carried.
:~5 C43NSIBER ANI~ 1rAIiE APP~iF~p1RIA~L' ACTION: Possible Cancellation
of Regular Meeting :;f December 22, 1987
~ierwin r,~'illman informed the Commission that in the past they have
always cancelled the meeting cf the week of Christmas and left it
up to the City Staff to call an emergency meeting if they deem it
::ocetisary .
Mervin Willman made a motion tc cancel the regular meeting of
December 22, 1987. Mary Marsh seconded the motion and the vde
caas unanimous in favor. Motion carried.
Mary ~:arsh reported that Oak Forest has gotten some new street
signs and they are very appreciative, but she did have. one
1uestion. Mrs. Marsh said she had been informed that the new
sig:,s are wrong and the City is aware cf d . Mrs . Marsh went on
to say she was told when she moved bore that her house is on
Spanish Oak Drive, but she is bei:, informed that all streets
perpendicular tc FM 3009 are drives and the others are lanes and
there's even one that's a pass, and she's confused. Steve
Simonson. said he :could have to look_ at the plat to see which is
correct and he wcul d. chec}c into it: and let her k_rc~, .
Mary Mars}: as'.-red the status of t}:~ wid~r.ing of FM 3009 an:? Steve
' Simonsc:: r~~L lied there ~s a p~<blic hearing sched~.le:' for
n~b,r'aary .
Steve Simonson pointed out to the C:;.rmission t~.ey had ~.~ceived
copies cf u flc~a c?~art showing all t}-~e c;;;rrer.t projects being
undertaken by tho` City and said he ~,c.~ld b~ giving tl~e.,, revised
~~.pc is fr:, tii~.~_. t as t ting`~ c..,~ngc.
Iielt~"i Van Dlne br0'.hg~`it up t}".e foil :`;tiing items `oncc'ri'iing the
Schirmerville area:
(1) commented }.e was glair to see some asphalt on Pfeil Road where
chuck holes have been repaired;
said they have a problem with electricity - whenever there's
a heavy storm, they always lose their elF~`ctricity a.:~u are c.e cf
the last areas to get the power back cn; (Mr. Van Dine said they
nead tc h.a~=c a councilman ad~urc'ss t},c :iss;~e and see ~ti.hat can j~,`o
;?.one to improve the situation.}
t 3 } as}r~:d if they :~cul•u p'at their Crim<~ In'atch Signs cr, t}~ei~-
gates; (Steve Simonsen said he saw nc problem ~,,>ith that and
suggested they put them cr. their property line side of the gate.)
(4) Sal w .i.~ fell ~ ca t,,~r`. 15 a SC. 410T`i vi ~,.i` road .lppl..,
Lita'at'; (~teve Si.iC:nSCn :~iudC a n:;te cf t}"'iut and aiSv^ ~;dyd t}:e Clti'
?'tdS ,i-):_ien d•'.`1riC-j a lot C~ 6ti:r}r ~.:i th° p1nZ-F`ngelm~~..n, ~1':~_:'.~"iC,`i:? ;-:,^~a:~
area:. )
(5) asked the status of the ~tiater tower in the area; (Steve
Simc.~s:;n said the City has selected a sites and it new depends cn
n:~gctiations with Mr. Cantu.)
said a gentlc~.~an's curpc!-t had been partially blewr~ dew . by a
windstorm and he wants to know if he needs to get a permit to
pat it back up; (Steve Simonson said if it`s just normal repair
he shouldn`t need a permit.) (Vice-Chairman Brisgili said it was
nice that he asked.)
Keith Van Dine distributed copies of a list he had mach of
legislation (House B;_lls} pertaining to City Planning and Zoning.
Merwin Willman said he had written. to State Representative Edmund
Kuemple requesting informatics cn certain House Bills ar.d had
received in return a booklet abo'at 1 - 1 1!2" this}< which
~.cntains Ilc~~u.se Bills.
Keith Van Dine questicne-? whether o?~ r_ct the City could request
letters abc'at IIcuse Bills, for example, for the members cf the
Planning and Zcni~.g Cc.-,rlissicn.
Vice-Chairman Brisgill remarked he thought it would get better
rosuits if each individual requested their own. Steve Simonsor.
sated ('ltili'_i` that Cr a lcttt'_r Signed by the Plarnzng aisd ZG:i1.ng
C.mmission Chairman.
Go:r:= Vick ~:~mmerted he had received his Planning and Z:~:ning
b:c:ks a;:•' ?.gas been reading .through them.
?•Ierwin W~_llmar. brought up the fcllowirg items:
{1) rc1:;rted trat City Council approved the Commission's
membersl.ip in the American Planning Association and th,? mail from
there Gail1 be ...,.,,ing to City Hal i to be distril;uted;
said when interviewing applicants for Planning and Zoning, he
had as?<_d them tc; tell how they would describe tl,e City, and
along that line brought copies for the Cornmissior: of an article
in the "IH-~5 - 6~indcws tc Corridor" magazine cortaini.ng a full-
page adv~rtise..~ent about the City of Schertz;
( .~~.stributed ,.cp~_~s of proposed changes t.: the streets in the
Comprel~.~~nsiv` Plan of the City; (Mr. Willman said the proposed
~I~anges will be on the City Council`s agenda some time next month
and z,-h:~n they are approved, they will be used in subdivisions.)
Vice-Cl~,ai rman D_~is•gill ren_~arked on the large numbers cf signs cn
poles around the City.
Mr. Brisgill also asked Steve Simonson if he Izad I::~ard anything
«bcut '~hc Cit C' t~~i~~ round ~-he Cit
y ;;uncil s plans for a }~•~~as L. a y.
`•Ir . Si:aons•on said h~~ would check into it .
~e as,_cu S eve Sirzcna.,.~ if Sze th:.ug~.t tl.c Ci~y cf
Schertz would b„ r~~optive to the Texas Department .~f C.rrections
1. - ~ tI -rte. n
~,_r:g u L~x~-release fa ility a tea. 1r. Simonsen
replier he did riot know.
After some discussion or. where it would be best rot tc locate a
pry-:c~~l.^as~~ facility, about tl~e• extra jobs ar..d income it :a;;uld
generate, about the necessary transportation needed for those on
tl:e i ro-release program, and about whether not TDC would use
an exist in; facility or build a rev one, it cti~as suggested to Mr.
Van .Dine that he tai?: to City Council about the prefect ar.d have
all the information and material available to answer their
Vice-Chairman Brisgill adjourned the meeting at 7:55 P.M.
TI7e .~c_xt re:;ularly scheduled meeting is January 12, ygoo~