02-23-1988 ~ r.
The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened in a regular
sessicn on Tuesday, February 23, 1988 at 7:00 P.M. in the
Municipal Complex Conference Room, 1400 Schertz Parkway. Those
:present were as follows:
Chairman Andrews called the meeting to cider at 7:00 P.M.
n2 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Session February 9, 1988
Mary Marsh made a motion to approve the minutes for the regular
sessicn February 9, 1988. Keith Van Dine seconded the motion and
the vote was unanimous .in favor. .Motion carried.
.Gary Ensminger from the Greenfield Village Homeowners'
Association brought up the following:
(1) The citizens in Greenfield Village pay some of the higher
taxes in the City and yet have the lowest water pressure, they
cannot even water their yards sufficiently. Why? Steve Simonson
replied the City is aware of the problem. There is a high
pressure zone and a low pressure zone, .and the building of the
new water tank should take care of the problem by equalizing the
pressure. Gary Ensminger then asked when it is predicted the new
water tank will be built and Steve Simonson replied some time
this year.
(2) Said he applauds the Commission's stance on bandit signs
because he also abhors them and then commented that every weekend
along Jack Hays Boulevard it looks like a used car lot with cars
parked along the highway advertised "For Sale". He asked if this
problem was in the purview of the Commission. Merwin Willman
commented this had been brought up at the last City Council
meeting. Ken Greenwald noted that if the vehicles are on private
property r,cthing can be done about it. If, however, the vehicles
aro parked in the state cr city right-of-way, then the cwner car.
b;' forcer" tc remove the vehicle.
Asked if there`s any kind of regulation on placing non-
. pew manent items on private property. Par . Ensminger sai•u he is
x•eferring tc Mr. Dietz`s dumpster at the Persimmon Hill
<'~pa.rtments. Mr. Ensminger said the dumpstex- is lccated in the
easement and causes a bad smell to permeate his house, especially
~n th_ summer. Gary Ensminger said it only gets picked up cnce a
week and he had spoken previously with Henry Gutierrez about the
matt`r and Mr. Gutierrez had said i_n his opinion Mr. Diet z_ should
have two dumpsters and they should be picked up- twice a week.
Gary Ensr:~inger also said he had spoken witr~ Mr. Dietz about the
problem and asked him to remove the dumpster but he refused to do
sc. Steve Simonson :asked Gary Ensminger to write tc him,
personally, a letter containing all the information he had
^rese~nted at the meeting tonight.
800+ Acres, and it's Zoning, Surrounding the
Schertz Parkway
Chair.mar. Andrews remarked that this acreage had been ,oned clear
baclt when the Schertz Parkway was just a dream. Stew Simonson
passod cut maps for the commission to look at when discussing
this acreage.
Merwin Willman said the problem is that no cne can find in the
minutes of the pul; l is hearing ( hold Doc . 4 , 1984 ) where it says
specifically that each side of Schertz Parkway for 500' back will
1.-~e z„r.ed General Business. Mr. Willman also said that at the
' tim^ of the public hearing there was a map cahich broke dcwn t>^.e
800- acres and listed specifically l;ow many acres. were approved
for GB, R-1, etc., but no one can seem to find that map.
Mary Marsh asked why there is a problem when there is an approved
ordinance for the Schertz Parkway Overlay District and Merwin
Willman replied that ordinance is for the overlay district only.
Mr. Willman went on to say that any time a change is made there
must be an ordinance fer that change, and nothing can be found in
ordinance form resulting from the public hearing held in 1984
with the numbers designating and/or supporting those particular
zoning changes.
Merwin Willman asked if we need to have another public hearing.
T~= Brisgill then questioned, if there is no ordinance, do we have
tc start over?
Mary Marsh asked if anycne had spoken with the City attorney
since this sounds like a legal problem to her.
~ 1,
Steve Simonson informed the Commission there are several options.
tl) It could be ignored - the zoning map was accepted with the
new ordinance. (2) Another public hearing could be held
displaying the map with the various zonings colored in and
seeking input from the public on the zonings.
Keith Van Dine commented he thinks we have no choice except to
hold another public hearing.'
.Steve Simonson asked if all of Morton's property was zoned PD and
Ty Brisgill replied he thought just Sagemont was zoned PD.
Merwin Willman looked in his records and found that on 9/3/85,
105 acres was rezoned to GB & ~H-.
Steve Simonson looked in the ,files and found that the Morton
property consists of 187 acres.
Steve Simonson suggested the Commission members draw up the maps
as to how they feel the area should be zoned and bring them to
the next meeting.
Keith Van Dine asked how it should be handled in case someone
comes up with the old map and Steve Simonson told him to say we
are reconsidering the zoning.
Keith Van Dine then asked what he should say if someone asked
why the original public hearing was held and Steve Simonson said
just to be honest and admit the mistake.
Randy Grossman asked about the. zoning in the Live Oak Hills
Subdivision and was informed by Steve Simonson that Live Oak
• Hills is a county subdivision.
Merwin Willman pointed out that when you zone property, it
doesn't effect what's already there.
Merwin Willman then commented everyone needs to come to the next
meeting with the maps drawn in they way they feel the property
should be zoned and then the- Commission can reach a consensus
from those maps.
Chairman Andrews asked that this item be on the agenda of the
next regularly scheduled meeting.
Updating the City Plan
Merwin Willman remarked that the biggest problem here is how the
Commission is going to go about updating the City Plan. Mr.
Willman had made some copies for the Commissioners of articles on
how to go about updating a City Plan.
Mary Marsh asked who wrote the current City Plan and was informed
it was written by Jimmy Gilmore, the City Manager.
-Mary Marsh then asked .when the last census was taken and was
informed in ?980. Mrs. Marsh then wondered how, with no new
census, the Commission proposes to update the City Plan.
Merwin Willman remarked that the City has a method they use for
updating figures.
Mary Marsh said she sees the Commission in the role of gathering
information and putting it together, but she doesn't feel they
have the knowledge of where and how to obtain the information,
it`s too complex.
Merwin Willman suggested maybe the City hire a consultant, maybe
a survey sheet should be sent out to the citizens, or maybe a
series of public hearings should be held, but the first thing
needed is a plan of action.
Steve Simonson noted that the City could probably take advantage
of the oppcrtunity to use graduate college students from schools
~n the area. Mr. Simonson. said we will have good maps that are
made tc scale, are legal and are up-tc-date.
Chairman Andrews said he thought some college students have to
work up something similar to a City Plan to earn credit.
Steve Simonson said one of the problems is that both TM.L and the
Census bureau still have Schertz listed with a pcpulation in the
7.000 - 8,000 range. Mr. Simonson said the officials of the City
use a figure of 1?,500 without. any qualms.
Merwin Willman commented. that the section of the City Plan on
,'land. use is outdated.
Chairman Andrews questioned if the Commission should go about
updating the plan as they have-other documents - on a basis of
either page by page or chapter by chapter.
Mary Marsh indicated that she thought the statistics are needed
first. Mrs. Marsh also pointed out that throughout the plan
statements are made pertaining to things that need to be
accomplished, completed or changed and the Commission needs to
know if the City has follcwed through on these things and exactly
what their status is.
Chairman Andrews remarked the Commission could still go ahead and
start the process page by page, and when they come to something
that requires statistics, put that section aside until the
statistics are available.
Keith Van Dine said he felt there should be no problem in finding
a student because colleges are always looking to place interns
and it would be at no cost to the City.
Steve Simonson commented that the important thing is to lr;ok i::to
the future.
Merwin Willman stressed the need to think about who we are gong
to get our input from.
Keith Van Dine commented that if they do this like Chair.,~_~.n
Andrews suggested (page by page) they will form a r>ec:?s
assessment: as they go along.
Steve Simonson reminded the Commission there are better tools
work with this time such as .zoning maps, etc. v
Chairman Andrews asked that discussion of pages 1-16 be on t';~
agenda of the next regularly scheduled meeting. Mr. Andrews also
suggested a letter from the City Manager be drafted requesting
the aid of a graduate student. Mr. Andrews further stated that
by the time the student is available, the Commission will have an
idea of what technical help they are-going to need.
Mary Marsh recommended that a plan of attack (timetable) be Lout
down on paper so the Commission knows when certain goals an:!:;r
deadlines°-have to be met.
Merwin Willman remarked that Mary Marsh had brought up a occ?
idea at the last meeting about getting copies of City Plans from
other cities so there are examples to work from. Merwin Willman
also said the Commission can then see if. other cities sent oat
questionnaires and what kind of questions were on them.
Randy Grossman said they need to look at where they want to b.^ in
the future and perhaps get a City Plan from a city they admix
' for example, Plano, Texas which has done very well with it`s
growth. M.r. Grossman also suggested plans from other cities thuit
were like Schertz before they grew..
Chairman Andrews asked who such a letter should come from - the
City Manager. or from Planning & Zoning. Steve Simonsen replied
he thought it should come from Planning & Zoning.
Mary Marsh asked Steve Simonson if he could get some history of
the City of Schertz and Mr. Simonson replied the City Manager has
done extensive research on the history of Schertz, so he will
make copies of some of that history and include it in the
Commission's next package.
Ty Brisgill asked when the Commission is going to meet next with
the City Attorney, specifically about the Leon Parker case.
Ken Greenwald replied he did not know, but the next time the City
Attorney is here to discuss that case, the people who were named
will be invited, the last time was just an oversight. iMr.
Greenwald said she City Attorney usually attends the first
meeting cf every r:~onth just as a cursory visit.
Ty Brisgill as]c~d if the City has a street sweeper and Steve
Simcnscn replieu yes it does.
Ty Brisgill not..^_;.i that there is still gravel on some of the roads
in Wocdland Oaks <-nd Steve Simonson said it is his understanding
that the street 'sweeper is not equipped properly to pick up
.gravel. Ty B~°i~;:~111 then asked if it could be washed down and.
Steve Simonscr~ r~L~lied he would check into it. Mr. Simonson also
..informed Ty Brisgill it would be a good. idea if there were
letters from citi.ens complaining about the gravel still on the
Merwin Willman -,vported that the Council approved the proposed
street plan at tL,eir last meeting and asked for a copy of the
minutes of that meting.
Merwin [>>illman commented it was his understanding the Texas
Supreme Court mad:' a ruling on portable signs and he would like a
copy of that ruling. Randy Grossman informed Mr. Willman the
Court r~,fu.sed to _-eview the case,'Tso the old ruling stands. Mr.
Willman said he ~.~°~~uld still like a copy of the ruling.
George Vick said ?;e had noticed in several places throughout the
City Flan it lists the initials SMSA and he asked if anyone knew
what tl:cs;e init;_uls meant. Steve Simonson said he would find
Randy Grossman remarked that the briefing by Mr. Fox of the
Edwards Aquifer L'~ndorgraund Water District, at the City Council
' workshop: on February 10th, was very good. Mr. Grossman said City
Council made prcLosals then and there to secure water and he is
.confident Schertz ;will have water for the next fifty years. Mr.
Gressman alsc said, he had asked Mr. Fox what we could do now
about making sure we have water in the future and Mr. Fox replied
efforts toward water conservation would be the most significant.
Keith Van Dine remarked that the proposed street plan had been
shown tc the homeowners in the Schirmerville area at their
Mary Marsh reported that full packages of the Oak Forest effcrt
went out to all the subdivisions and each contains a petition.
Mrs. Marsh further stated the Oak Forest area has 75 signatures
on it's petition, so that effort is working.
Mary Marsh then asked Steve Simonson if he had talked with the
railroad about when they expect to be finished with their work on
the FM 7S bridge. Mr. Simonson replied he had spoken with them
that day and they estimate six or more months. Steve Simonson
said he then spoke with a representative of the Texas Water
Commission asking him if they are aware cofferdam has been
built and is of concern to us in case of 1: ~~a;;y rainfall because
this will cause flooding in the area. ^;r< Simonson said the
representative from the Texas Water Commi=;sion said he would
check into it, but in his opinion the rail~"ad does pretty much
as it pleases without asking anyone.
Keith Van Dine questioned why someone hasn`t taken the railroad
- to task.
Steve Simonson, in response to a question '.~y,~ Mary Marsh at the
last Commission meeting, said other jun3<y,~,-3 owners had been
notified of the new ordinance.
Steve Simonson told the Commissicr, that S~?;;~rtz is lumped with
other San Antonio areas as far as federal aid is concerned, and
the City has recently submitted a pr:;pcsal to the State
Department of Highways and Public TransL~ortation for- some
reconstruction to Lower Seguin Road. Mr. Si-:acnson said Mr. Kight
of the State Highway Department had walled A~_m and said the road
met the necessary criteria and it locks lil:~ the proposal may get
a favorable response.
Ken Greenwald brought up the following:
Reported that the dance and auction for the benefit of the
library and the Humane Society had br~cn pr;;fitable and everyone
had a good time;
Reminded everyone of the Jamboree far S~nES at the VFW ors
February 28th;
~ Said that Judge Sagebiel, Guadalupe County ?udge, will be at the
Municipal Building on February 25th from 4:0~? P.M. - 7:00 P.M;
Noted that the presentation by Mr. Fox of the Edwards Aquifer
I7nderground Water District was very enlightening.
Randy Grossman asked how the well negotiations are coming along
and Steve Simonson said several people have contacted the City
and the City has tried to get in touch with some others,
specifically Sam Parnes of Morton. Mr. Simonson said there is
still some negotiating going on but nothing definite had been
decided yet.
Mary Marsh asked if there's any new information on the landfill
and Steve Simonson said he thought there should be something
about it coming up in March.
Mary Marsh said she understood that Merwin Willman made a good
showing for Planning and Zoning at the Council .meeting regarding
the situation. with the Knights of Columbus.
.r. ~ ~
r r
.Chairman Andrews adjourned the meeting at 8:~° P.M.
The nExt regularly scheduled meeting is Marc.?. 1988.