The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened in a regular
session on Tuesday, March 27, 1990 at 7:00 P.M. in the Municipal
Complex Conference Room, 1400 Schertz Parkway. Those present
- were as follows:
In the absence of Chairman Brisgill, Vice-Chairman Potempa
called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
#2 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Session March 13, 1990
Bob Andrews made a motion to approve the minutes for the regular
session .March 13, 1990. .Jim Shriver seconded the motion and the
vote was unanimous in favor. Motion carried.
There was none.
Approval - The Gardens (PC #164-90)
Mr. C.P. Vaughan was at the meeting to represent this request.
Mr. Vaughan related he was in attendance to represent the
interests of Edgar Von Scheele.
Vice-Chairman Potempa asked for Staff input.
Steve Simonson informed the Commission that, technically, this
plat should not be on the agenda because a zoning change is
required before a „preliminary plat can be approved. The
Commission did, however, ask. Mr. Vaughan some questions.
Bob Andrews expressed concern about the sideyard setback for the
two lots on Schertz Parkway.
There was some discussion about the Schertz Parkway Overlay
Ordinance and whether or not it applies to this area, but it was
noted it reads from E. Live Oak Road to IH-35.
Merwin Willman asked if there are still plans to build a brick
. fence. C.P. Vaughan replied the fence will be the shadowbox
type, similar to that being constructed in Greenshire Oaks=and
there will. be only 20 or 30 feet. on each side. Mr. Vaughan did
say there will be a brick ~~la.ll .c,~hich will be the house, and there
drill be 50 or b0 feet of that.
C.P. Vaughan continued on, sayincj it is their desire to prevent
construction of an entryway because of the maintenance required
and the need to -form a Homeowners` Association for such
Mr. Vaughan r_ommented that actually what ~>ou will have is a 20'
setback open to Schertz Parkway before the start of the brick
wall of any house.
George Vick asked about gar-ages and C.P. Vaughan explained that
garages will be off the circle and not off Schertz Parlcway.
George Vick then asked about the two lots near the lift station
~1~hich had been on one of the first drawings brought in by Mr.
Vaughan. C.P. Vaughan related, that after talkiing with Edgar
Von Scheele, they decided there is no reason at the present time
tc come in with two lots there.
Merwin Willman commented, that along Pecan Drive and Schertz
Parkway, he would like to see a one foot non-access easement.
C.P. Vaughan indicated they had thought about that and also
brought up the possibility of providing a means of access for
the property owners to be able to pull motor homes into their
Merwin Willman commented on a .039 acre area on the plat, at the
end of Pecan Drive, mar)ied "road dedication". Steve Simonson
remarked it had never been dedicated and has been driven across
illegally all this time. Mr. Simonson further stated if you look
at the original Val Verde plat, it stops right where you see this
.039 area.
C.P. Vaughan said they found this little quirk when doing all
their research, so the City will have to deed the .039 acres back
to Edgar Von Scheele.
Merwin Willman asked if a setback line from Schertz Parkway
shouldn't be shown and Steve Simonson explained the homes will be
built on the property line, but they should be about 20 feet off
the street.
Merwin Willman then as)ted if there are going to be sidewalks
- built in the subdivision and C.P. Vaughan replied yes there are.
At this time Mr. Vaughan asked for the procedures in requesting a
zoning change. Steve Simonson advised Mr. Vaughan there needs to
be a letter requesting the change from GB to R5-A; there needs to
be a map/plot plan showing the location, metes and bounds and
acreage of the property to be rezoned:; and there i.s a $50..00
filing fee that must be paid for a public hearing.
Steve Simonson asked the Commission if they t~7ould consider
approval of the preliminary and final plat at the same time if
the change in zoning was approved. The majority found no problem
- in doing this.
Merwin Willman stressed the need .to either follow the procedures
outlined in Section 15, Article II of the ordinance or change the
Bob AndYews made a motion- to table the request for preliminary
- plat approval of The Gardens (PC #164-901 until after a public
hearing has been held on the rezoning request.
George Vick seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in
favor. Motion carried.
Chairman Brisgill arrived at 7:25 P.M. and the remainder of the
meeting was turned over to him by Vice-Chairman Potempa.
Blvd. and Schertz Parkway Overlay Districts
Chairman Brisgill asked for.Staff input.
Steve Simonson reported that all the Staff members had been
contacted and none found any problem with the Overlay Districts.
Mr. Simonson went on to say the only input he had was from the
City Inspector who mentioned that the number of signs permitted
and the height of signs permitted in the Overlay District were
the two things that caused the most concern for
Chairman Brisgill, noting he 'has some thoughts on the matter,
polled the rest of the Commission for their views and all but
Merwin Willman stated they have no problem with the Overlay
Districts as they are now.
Chairman Brisgill commented he feels they need to look at
changing the sidewalk requirements - he doesn't know how feasible
sidewalks are.
Merwin Willman explained that to him it's not any problem with
the Overlay District Ordinance, but it's a matter of improving it
i~ we can.
Mr. Willman continued by .saying he has been reading what other
.cities do such as landscaping and buffering. Mr. Willman also
distributed to the Commission copies of some material for them to
read over just for ideas. Contained in the material are diagrams
showing such things as varying setbacks as usually found along
scenic roads; trees planted around parking lots for shade and
= visual pleasantness; roadside. trees to enhance the rural
character of the road; trees sand shrubs planted to visually
soften tl~e solid wooden fence; driveways located so no trees are
removed and least amount of stone wall removed; light standards
designed so cones of fight overlap to provide an~ even level of
lighting;. buildings located out of the way of a beautiful view of
the countryside taking advantage of a small hill and existing .
trees to screen the building; and clustered housing development.
One of the items that Mr. Willman said interested him is the idea
of parking lots pravid~d in the rear or on the side of businesses
so there's something visually pleasing at the front instead of
Mr. Willman told-the Commission that if anyone is interested in
doing more work along this line he will be glad to lend them his
George Vick had some questions and doubts about clustered
development, so Merwin Willman gave him some material on the
subject and asked him to read it over for a better understanding
of the idea.
Chairman Brisgill suggested the Commission look over the material
distributed by Merwin. Willman and bring their suggestions to the
next meeting.
George Vick mentioned the sidewalk requirement and Merwin Willman
explained that when the Jacl~ Hays Blvd. Overlay Ordinance was
originally written it was intended that there be sidewalks all
the way from IH-35 to L'M 78.
Steve Simonson commented that because of the topography along
Jack Hays Blvd. sidewalks are hard to construct, but did point
out it is a different situation along Schertz Parkway where the
topography may lend itself better to the construction of
Steve Simonson also brought up something else for the Commission
to think about. Specifically, along Schertz Parkway the ordinance
allows 25' signs whereas along Jack Hays Blvd. it allows only 5'
Bab Andrews made a motion to table review of the Jack Hays Blvd.
and Schertz Parkway Overlay Districts until the next regularly
scheduled meeting. Joe Potempa seconded the motion and the vote
. was unanimous in favor. Motion carried.
Joe Potempa:
Said there was a meeting last night about recycling. It is
definitely something that is .going to be required in the future
.and the committee is leoking at all the avenues of possibility
prior to making a recommendation to City Council.
Bob Andrews•
Said he was asked today where the designated area is fcr posting
garage sale signs.
Steve Simonson remarked the City has no designated area. Mr.
Andrews then related that the person who asked him said they were
told by a City Hall employee that the designated area is at the
corner of Schertz Parkway and Curtiss Avenue.
Keith Van Dine:
Advised he will be meeting with the gentleman this weekend who
can provide him with an autobiography on the Boenig family. Said
he should have it ready by the next meeting.
Jim Shriver:
Jokingly asked if the Commission had heard the "Z" word - Houston
is considering a Zoning Ordinance.
Steve Simonson:
Told the Commission that as the planning part of Planning and
Zoning he would like for them to consider possible future ETJ
agreements with some of the surrounding cities and possible
future annexations for the City of Schertz.
Mr. Simonson pointed out on the map, as an example, various areas
where the City has no ETJ agreement with New Braunfels or with
Mr. Simonson asked the Commission if the City wants to grow
farther south down Green Valley Road, if they should consider the
area down to I-10, and also mentioned there is no agreement at
present about going across Cibolo Creek. Mr. Simonson said, in
other words, what he is asking the Commission to consider is what
they think the City should look like in the future.
George Vick said in the Universal City/FM 1518 area he had
observed someone dumping trash but didn't know who to call about
it. (Steve Simonson told. Mr. Vick that particular area is in
Universal City's ETJ.)
Chairman Brisgill suggested two or three Commission members form
a sub-committee and come up with a plan for future ETJ's and
future annexation areas. George Vick., Jim Shriver and Joe
Potempa agreed to work on this project.
Jim Shriver asked if the City~is limited as to how much they can
` annex in a year and Steve Simonson said yes, they are limited to
10% of existing acreage per year.
.Keith Van Dine asked if there's any kind of map .available they
could look at which would square up the area a little better.
Steve Simonson said he will check into it.
Chairman Brisgill indicated to the sub-committee they probably
should be able to work up this plan within a month so it -can be
an agenda item at the first meeting in May. Mr. Brisgill asked
them, however; to let him know for sure,
Chairman Brisgill adjourned the meeting at 7:58 P.M.
The next regularly scheduled meeting is April 10, 1990.