The Schert.z Planning and Zoning Commission convened in a regular
session on Tuesday, October 22, 1991 at 7:00 P."1. in the
Municipal Complex Conference Room, 1400 Schertz Park~~~ay. Those
present were as follows:
Chair-man Andrews called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
#2 AnPttOVAL OF MINUTES: Public Hearing and Regular: Session
October' 8 , l y 91
Merwin ,L~'i 1 loran asked that ~ on Page 3 para . (b) under.. Item 9 , the
phrase "small..square of land". be changed to "a-200' x 200' piece
of land.~~
.There-' being no other changes, Merwin Willman made.a motion t~
approve the minutes, as`amended:; fo,r-the public hearing and
regular session- October '8, 1991-. Gary Bricken seconded the
motion and the vote-was unanimous. in favor. Motion carried.
There was none.
Schertz.Parkway over to Jack Hays Blvd.
Jim Shriver informed the='Commission a City Councilman had told
him he'heard a rumor that Planning and-Zoning recommended all of
Schertz Parkway be zoned residential. The Commission was amused
by this report.
Merwin Willman told he .Commission: he thinks they should forget
about zoning and concentrate on land use and the planning o~f it.
Mr. V+tllman stressed that if they plan and determine the land
use, zoning should come automatically.
Andrews s ol~e u sa ~i.n~ he thought the Commi.ssi.on was
Chairman p p, ~ ~
trying t.o correct any errors they saw in the zoning map. Mr.
Andrews said he agrees they need to get into the planning stage,
but they are currently in the correction stage. Mercvin LVillman
commented he had not interpreted _t that way, but a~?r?arentl2~ lie
Mr. 6Villman;then brought up Schertz Parkway, pointing out it's
currently zoned for General Business, but asking the Commission
to think about how they visualize it in the future. Mr. Willman
mentioned the `need for the Schertz Parkway Overlay District
Ordinance to be revised. The"City has buffers and setbacks, but
they need to give the developer a little flexibility.
Mervin Willoran then asked -the Commission to picture' .the -
possbility of a department store wanting `to put tJ~eir parking
lot in the back and wondered how the City would feel, as a result
of that, about allowing them to build closer to Schertz Parkway..`
Jim' Shriver was curious about how a greenbelt is shown on the-
Zonimg Map..
Ci.airn~an Andrews related that the greenbelt and the .setbacks are
covered. in the,Schertz Parkway Overlay .Ordinance.
Merwin Willman, getting back to the zoning along Scherti Parkway,
theorized the. City could come up ;with a_special type of zcning
]'ikc~ hey 'diu for the Schrmerville-area.....
ttieith Van Dine- noted Merwin Willman must be thinking about
cluster zoning and-Mr. LhTillmar. replied that is exactly: right.,
Mr. Willman indicated he just does not see how the' Commission
can °-look at Schortz Parkway' and 'say it should: all be :zoned
General Business.
Chairman Andrews pointed out two areas on the Toning Map he feels
should. becorrected.' One is the' area _where "The Gardens"
subdivision is being built - it should be R-5. The other is the'
"area -involving the Senior Citizen Cirr_le complex.-'it should be
Steve Simonson assured the Commission the area where "The
Gardens" subdivision is being built is zoned R-5. Ford:
Engineering just made a mistaJ~e.
Mr. Simonson -further stated the building setbacks and the
greenbelts in the Schertz Parkway overlay are different from
those `in the- Jack Hays Blvd. overlay, and also the Schertz
Parkway overlay does not have provisions for parking like the
Jack Hays. Blvd. overlay. Mr'e Simonson referred to the Site
Plan and- haw ,it-.can:ser.ve as a, valuable tool, but admitted he
would still like to seethe Schertz Parkway overlay reworked.
_2~ ~ .
Chairman Andre~.~s commented t;_hat in light of where the Commission
is going, he feels there are three things that need to be
consistent: (1) the ComZ~rehensive Plan, and this zoning male as
part of the Comprehensive Plan; i?) the City- Zoning ^1ap; and
(3) the agreement of the Comprehensive Plan with all the Zoning;
The General Business zoning of Beck Street was discussed.
Chairman"Andrews felt'it should be changed to R-2 since there are
all residences there. Gary Bricken was of the opinion that it is
likely Beck: $tr~et in the future will:be business ratherthan
Y-esdential and .there's no need to hack up the map.. Mr. Bricken
felt the Generale Business zoning should be taken all. the way~out
to FM 3009 to make the map, more consistent. -
:Steve Simonson reminded the Commission changing-the zoning on
~.BeckStreet may .all be academic anyway because`of the possibility
of looking 'at right..-of-way for`the high speed .rail beside the
.~outhern'Pacfic Railroad tracks. The dynamics will be driven by
the.high peed rail and"the iM 78 widening.
the,. Commission then discussed _their ideas and made their
decisions on changes they would like to see in the zoning, along
Schertz Parkway. `The results were as .follows:
~'he wes~ .side of Schertz Parkway from E. Live yax goad to
the Southern racfic:Railroad
t a:) ,The ::;,PUD,; in the . :general area',-behind .the Sebastian,
~'~partments bordering Marilyn Driti:e'and Chestnut Drive
be changed to R-2~.
'(b)'The General"Business area directlg"adjacent to -"The
, _
Gardens"` Subdivision going south'to Aero Avenue be .
changed ;from General Business to R-4; (There is' an
area between Mitchell and Aero where the back half is
''currently zoned' GB' and the front half is- currently
zoned ' 'R'-4 . The Commission wanted to know if fihat' s
correct' and Steve.Simorison said he-would' check into
(c),The General Business area from Aero Avenue south to
Exchange Avenue be changed to Neighborhood Services
.:with ahe exception'of the area of Koch Street (between
Curtiss Ave. and Exchange,Ave.) across from Senior
Circle: cahere it should be` zoned' R-4; `and,
(d) The.: area from Exchange Avenue south to the Southern
Pacific, Railroad to remain zoned. General Business.
The east side of. Schertz F.-'arkway f.rc?m E. Live, Oak Road to
the Southern Pacific Railz-oad
(a) The General Business area south from Elbel. Road to
Senior Circle be ch<xnged to Neighl:orhood Services;
(b) Senior Circle be changed from General Business to
R-3; and,
(c) The. area south of Senior Circle to the Southern
Pacific Railroad o remain zoned General Business.
Nlerwin 6aillman reminded the Commission they better make sure+tthey
have very goody legitimate reasons for changing the .zoning of
property. from General -Busine`ss`to another zoning because the
propexty;owners wilh want a convincing explanation.
There was a discussion on PUD's and a new x•uling on them which
the` Commissioners had heard about -at the APA conference.
Hawwer, since the Commissioners were not cJ.ear on the .new.
ruling, it was decided they..'ne~d to .find the existing state law
regarding PUD's.
The' new ruling on PUD's which the Commissioners had heard about..
has to do with anything zoned PL'D having to follow the old codes
whiei~ 'existed at `the time the PUD was established. The question
the (:ommission ,had was does _that_ apply only if one thing has,.
already !peen built or if nothing has; been"built, can_the cL:rrent
~.adF ~..b~ .foll~W~d.
Chairman Andrews suggested that when 'they obtain. a copy of the
existing ;state law on PUD's, they.. keep it_handy alongside the
Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Andrews also indicated, aftera brief
_discu'ssion with the'Commission, that the pubic hearing for the
Comprehensive Plan 'and for'the Zoning Map will be held at the
game time:
The Commission decided the following items should be: listed. on
the project board:`
(l) Comprehensive Plan
(2) Zoning, Map
C3) Demographic Material
(4) Planning and Zoning.-Recommendations to_City Council:
#6 CONSIDER AND MAKE RECOMMENDATION: Updating`of Comprehensive-
Plane(Population Density Maps)
The Commission had'` been provided, in their packages, a
generalized density map showing population and businesses.
After a brief discussion about the map, Steve Simonson observe>d
it gives you a whale different feeling about haw to plan f~~- the
future. 41r. Simonsan advised the Commissi.an to hang antes their
George Vick.:-
(a) Reparted that"on FM..1518.(up near the mobile homes, about
where the. truck sales place ...used to be) there is an old
refrigerator outside the fence which has been there now for at .
least..two weeks.
Councilperson Ken` Greenwald asked if the door is; removed and =
George Vick. replied no it is not.: Mr. Greenwald then remarked
it is _ a'ga`inst the City; ordinance.
Keith Vane Dine:
(a) Commented~thedog popixlation in Schirmerville has increased.-
-•It ` s .1 ike; they are being ;..used .a's a ;;dumping ground.
Caunclperson Ken Greenwald suggested Keth:;Van Dine cal? Animal
Co:~trol and have `,them.-set up some dog traps:.
h1,,rwn Willman:
_ _ , (a) ~Men~ioned :the, - material , _:_on, z:oning , with intensity he.: had
provided 'the Commission at the last meeting and asked if they
think: this warrants any further.. consideration.
The ,consensus of. the Commission iaas it 'does warrant further
consideration and told Mr baillman togo ahead and. get further l'
information on the subject. ~ -
(<b) :'Asked if the school district has: submitted any plans for
correcting the runoff problem in` the 'parking lot at Oak and
Wright. Steve Simonson replied they have not. _
'Councilperson Ken Greenwald:
(a) Notified everyone that the annual Senior ..Citizens' Bazaar
will. be held at the Community Center`on November 2nd.
Steve Simonson: .
(a) Reminded th€:`Commisson about the San,Antonio Chapter of the
Texan. APA luncheon being held October 25th at the Officer`s Club
on Randolph A'ir Force Base. Mr. _Simonson said anyone wishing to
-go_-can meet him at 11:00 A.M. at the. Municipal Complex.
!5^ .
(b) Brought the. Commission up-to-date on "The Gardens"
subdivision. Mr. Simonson stated the fire hydrant is legal grid
the house is on its own pro~~rty. An agreement, which C.P.
Vaughan approves of, is in process. It works out the City titi~ill
trade a portion of their R.O.W. for a 5' utility easement.
Chairman Andrews:
(a) Induired if there had been any feedback from .the annual.
Councilperson Ken .Greenwald told the Commission it's up to them.-
Mr.' Andrews asked that discussion of the Annual Report be placed.
on the agenda of the next .meeting.
(.b) Asked if there's any progress regardingthe`letterthat went
out o other cities about agreeing on ETJ's. Steve Simonson
reported no pxogress.
~Mr. Andrews then wondered if the .City of Schertz can draw up
'ETJ Imes and submit them to `the other cities for approval.`
Stever: Simonson st',ggested to Mr. Andrews hat he- request this
item 'be placed 'on the agenda of'the next meeting, and Mr.
Andrews did so.
i~ir. Ancarews emphasized the ETJ agreements need to be a part of
our C~~mhr,ehens~i:v~;.;Plan.
Chairman Andrew"s adjourned the"'meeting at 8:45 P.M.'
The next: meeting, scheduled for November`12, 1991, will be a
public hearing and then"a regular session.
-6- -