09-24-1991 PLANNING AND ZONING MINUTES = ;:The Schertz Planning:. and :Zoning'- Commission convened =in a 'regulars . . ; session--on -Tuesday; September 24;--1991 at :7: 00 '~P.M:,-sin .t.he - Municipal Complex Conference•.Room, 14D(}: Sche.rt~°•'P-arkwayt :Schertz,. - .._,.;Texas. Those:•present were as follows: _ ' s ___.PLANNING ~ ZONING COMMISSION . OTHEffS.~__PRESENT '-BOS ANDREWS, CHAIRMAN . - - - bi6U~ 'BRC3WN~, 'GE1V;,. MGR . , JIM SHRIVER, VICE-CHAIRMAN MCKZNI~EY HOMES KEITH VAN DINE, SECRETARY HARRY~BAUMAN • MERWIN WILLMAN ~ VICTORIA::ELLIS, INTERN ~ - GEORGE VICK GARY.BRLCKEN _ . '"BOBBIE VONADA . KEI~3'~GREENWALD, °°COU~:CTLPERSON - . . CITY STAFF. . BTEVE' SI'MONSON; AaSST/''CITY MGR. ,:.NORMA ALTHOUSE,..RECORDING.SEC'Y. .s _::.CALL TO. ORDER` , ~ Chairman Andrews cal led ~ the` meeting ; to order at"fi: ti_0 P'. M.: _#2 ~-APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regu-lar Session September 10, 1991 _ Merwin Willman made a motion to approve the "minute"s for 'the :Regular Session September 10, 1991., :Gary Bricken seconded the motion and the:- cote wasp .umanrnous. ire. favc~,r..~ Motir~-ri ca~ri:e~d e "`~:#3 _ ::l~ITI~:I~NS:'..:' INPUT '~'TEIER`_THA1'~ AGEI~TDA ITE1??1S: . There was none. ' a a' ~#4 ' ~:f=~N5Zt3ER ~AND``MAK~~REGOMM£~TDAT~ON.i-- Request From Haro~id Bauman, _ ~ 1,a45 Circle .O,ak, for, Spec'iai Exception _•(3' f~br . . > deck,~•.• fo,r. pool-l o :the Side .Yard Setback . Req.uire~un~•ats~ o:f..the Zanixig ardi~aance Harold Bauman was-at ahe.meeting to represent this-request. Bobbie Vonada commented -she. -had .gone •<tcs- Mr. _Bauman's,. house to= _ check out his request and noted there:. are no windows on the neighbors house facing Mr. $auman's`yard.:'where.the pool and deck ' ~ will;:.. ,.be, . it.-i.s ~a.:~sr~-lid brick~wal.:~..w .-:phis. ~-equested exceptic~~ Ls ' ,just.- to: give him room to paint -his. ft~nce;- ' Gary Bricken inquired about the size of the setback and was informed it is, 10',... ,-_M,r. .Bricken then asked if that 10' is in.:: . _:addition....to the~.5 ` maintenance ..easement and. Chairman Andrew-s..said ,no,.the 5'. maintenance.:. easement -is....inc.luded .in .the: 10' setback. Gary _;Bricken ,a~ke-d what..-thee: purpose s° of. the ~ setback. and .Chair-man : Andrews- ~ replied so there._is .a distance of •10' _bet~een homes. _ _ _ . _ George- Vick mentioned-.:the poaoi and asked .why :it's: where <it :is. and - vahy .,it can't be located closer,-to. the house. - Af~e.r=- some discussion, .it was decided the pool could not be closer to the - house because of the location; of the..air conditioning units in i - u the slide .yard. Bobbie 'Vonada also--.brought up the -point that Mr. - - Bauman will need room _for a skimmer:. a,nd-:ather_ equipment. needed ~ , ` saher~ .yours. have ,a . pool - _ - - ~ _ _ - - -Gary Bricken .expressed .concern about what could happen if Harry 'Bauman were to 'sell- his house to someone -.,with: a. -different. _ - _ lifestyle, (,.for ~examgle, someone who. haslots of swimming parties • ;..,which :.•may~. ;disturb the ..neighbors) and,•if= the decision on .this ex~eptian ,.,could;...- :.come- back to; :bite the City. ,.:Mr..:. Bric-ken then - asked- if two. -:new- ,property ownors- could: find a ;way to dispute each - other based pn this__ decision-_ and Chairman: Andrews ,r.eplied if they . .._.did...it ~zould be a_ civil matter. ;~.r _ - a•: ;Gary--" Bricken then commented is ~akes~ yon .:wonder why setbacks are established in the first place. - Chairman: Andrews .directed the ~s~mmss.ion to. review the Zoning Ordinance, Article XXIII, Section 2,.2.2, ...Paragraph 5 which reads : _ ~ . ` - - ~ :'A petition:..;,for change to~ a•: setback. requirement and/or another q- =-r-e uir.ement •tor property, currently .zoned may be recommended for - _ - • ..pub1"ic .hearin - g -i-€- any- of the- fo11•owing -~comditions are met: a., 3f the applicant cannot make reasonable use of the property v._ ~r earn, a- reasor~a,ble return; w:thot~t ;the. requested. amendment 9 = _ ~ b. • the requested.:. amendment< is pecr~l iar . to the property . - c ~-the „r~qu~st ~.s ;dot a con.di,tiorr caused by the.. applicant. • r d. The .:health, safety- and..: ~zel-.fai°e o;:f- the neighborhood arty/oY City will not be effected by the requested change.°' Gary. Bricken remarked. he has no problem with Harry's Bauman request and it clearly meets the, criteria of condition d. regarding health:r• safety and welfare. _ MPrwn ~atil_l:maxi indicated he ;~o•es.=nt3t.; think..>the Coi~~ms~sion ~ho~~~d . send this xr~q~.~est; farward,..t~-.the Bo:ard~ of: Adjhs:tment with either • an_.-,approval ,or a._ d.isappr.oval, but. gather •should let'.them. make up their own minds. -2- Mr. Willman then questioned why Harry Bauman has to encroach into .the setback,wah.his.deck and Chairman Andrews:. replied it's... - ~.-~str.ictly.due to~the size. ' ' ~ Counc.ilpersc~n Ken Greenwald inquired if the deck will be. on -the ~ --.,ground or ,raised up> and -Harry- Bauman repi led : it. ia:i11-<be ~:o:n the . aground. . The- : Commission- agreed: the ~aos.sibil-it}~:of Harry:.Bauman redung - -the ~ .size of his deck .should. bementioned in the sugg.estia~s ' : _ - ~-forwarded to the Board of Adjustment on this.-request. - • _~_Gary Bricken made a motion. to~forward, withQUt°objections,~ the request from~Harold Bauman,. 1545 Circle Oak,-for two exceptions to the side yard setback requirements of the- Zoning Ordinance. -t a~~ . - Thy ~ f i.rst_ is a 5'. exception -.al lo.~ving o~nstructon of _ a laool 'and __a:- the second ..is a- -exception°aliowing canstr-u~ctaon :of .'a deck., ' ; ~ _ The ~ motion ,included the- statement;:~that. this:~~request: meets the • . - , _crit~ria..~._ _of., Article YXLLI, Se.ctiori 2.2.2, Paragraph. 5:.d. of the , ' - ,Zoning Qrdinance .which says a.-. "The .heaa.th,.: safety .and welfare of ~h-e . ° neghYiorhood ; and/or City w~.11:. .riot... be: -effected• by :..the ~ regiaested ,:ch-ange".:~ Also_.inc.luded .iri.:the.-.motion is the concern.. •expressed by :the Comm ission-'over'the encroachment of the deck ~ ~ into the 5-' ' maintenance e~semerit u-and ..the- sugg~st.ion that perhaps t ~z- : =--r Harald Bauman should c.c~nside:r. reducing::-the: size of =his deck sa- it - floe not encroach, thereby . eli~~l.natng~: the need for the 3' ' special exception. _ -K~ei=th=.Van .Dine .seconded_.the motion and :,the .vote was as follows: . AYES::... B. Andrews, J.. _.Shriver.., K,...;~an..Dine,:: Vii. Wi.].1man . G.. Bricken, B. Vonada ' NAYS: G. .Vick ,:ABSTENTIONS: ..None _ Mot:zon ..`carried . #5 •_'C~NSipEA-'~+i~TU' MAI{,E ; RECtflM~'IENI?ATi:~N: °Request.::from McKinney Homes ` . ~ :for ~a 3';° Special ' Exception to the...Side Yard . "S~~tY,?acl~ Requirement-s. of the :'.Zoning Ordinance at : 3.7_?~ .~'ars~th Park Doug -Brown~of ~-P?ici~inney •Homes was .at` the°~meeting. to represent this request. Mr . Brown explained to the.. Commission that this request- :is for a. ...~t buyer--, .whoa .~aants::;t~a-"build ,a°°~-cus,t~r~: home: wltic.h .requires 52' 4 1/2" ' . fief . ,hu.ild~ingr:-wid~b `p~-r.~. _~.B~o~r~.. .:n:oted.: ::the,,.. buyer approached ; . ry;;-McKinney " ,homes W-ter the- plan and.: they don't have a lot -that 'big . so they recotnmended,.this corner ::lat. on=.Forsyth.-Park. . It Would. ' _3_ however take a 3' special exception to the side yard setback . requireriments. Mr. Brown continued on saying this won`t effect~~- ~ - ' ~ : the• :integrity o'f~" :the :street and ..the . -side yar. d: of--the ~ house .will ' = face Aul1.. Chairman. Andrews asked wherethe 10' side -yard setback is - • - measured from. `and' Sfieve Simonson :re~pl ied ~-it's measured from the < - - property line. r, r . `:::Doug Brown stated that_.McKinney Homes :felt that by putting ~'-~he - . house on a corner lot, it will not. encroach on another house`. Gary Bricken asked why the 10'setback and Steve Simonson replied because of the street. Mr. •Simonson reminded the Commission a variance, foz a 10' setback if needed; had been. granted to the developer of Savannah Square.. ~ ~ ~ ,.,m. mb _ _ : Chairman•-~-Andrews:.emphasized that :v.ar..iance..was with stipulations~• .regard"ing trees,' not just to satisfy. the. size of tie house. ' . r-' :Steve Simonson;: gal led .-the -Commission' s attention' to the fact "that -a 3axge .number.-..of house in :Savannah Square have the .10' setback. - ,"George Vick ::.asked 'f..th:e' house :w~1:1 .face ..Forsyth Park and ,was '~~nformed it will, - Mr . -Vick then.. intimated the house could be ' turned to face Hu11 , , - r _ - Gary Bricken wondered if this single variance woul°d impact the welfare of the neighborhood. . _ . _ Steve Simonson related that Savannah. Square is trying to get a :Homeowners' .Association started and they_are worried only about K.:. -keeping single family dwelangs_ in tie subdivis-ion. - - - - - Chairman-_ Andrews went back to the-question asked by George Vick w - about' `wh~t~er_ t:he~ house wou c3~ face, Forsyth ;Parks or could it. be - • •4 - tur~ned;:~-.to-; .face ~_HuI1 . Mr-: >~Andrews ~ ~nguired if the .house were - turned:to-•face Huli.,.would it fit without a special exception. -Douse. Brown responded by; saying this: possibility had never begin. addressed -and-it may well :be a vi-able- optiar~.~ The only drawback h,e: see~s._: ice- that if- .the house faces- I~u1l , th.er.•e will be : '~zc~•ry - - little- bac3~~rarc'. - - _ Gary Bricken made a moton~to fo.rsaard, without objections; -the request from McKinney`Homes in Savannah.Squa.re.•Unit 2, for .an exception to the s.id~.=.yard setback.requirementa::of_ the Zoning Ordinance. The request is--for a 3'. exception at 3728 Forsyth Park :to allow construction ~'of a cu"strum home which requires 52~' 4 1.1,2°, of, bu- da_ng widfi.h. _ _ The motion included the statement that this .request meets xthe --.criteria of Article ~XIII, Section 2.2.2, Paragraph 5.d. of the . - - =...Zoning_..:Ordinanc.e ~th.i.ch .say_s.:. - ''Th.e .health-,;.. safety:.and ,welf-are of- the neighborhood and/or City will not be• effecte"d by the -4- requested change." Also included in the motion is the statement of the fact that all vi-able options have not been investiga;t-ed~ and McKinney:.•-homes. should suggest -the .client co.ns~der::~.turning the . . _.:<house :.around °to . face Hull instead.. of Forsyth Par:k., thereby - eliminating the_ need for a special .exception.., - - Keith -Van Dine: seco-nded=. the .motion and. he, vats was :;as fallows: r:;: _AYES::.~ B. Andrews; J:..,:Shriver, .K. ..Van Dine, M. Wil.linan, . _ . _ G. Bricken, B. Vonada - _ NAYS: G. Vick `ABSTENTIONS: None Motion carried. , = - ~6__.-_ CONSIDEB AND :.:MAKE ItEGO.N-lNlENI~ATI~~T.:='- U dat5.n ~ . .p g -af.:~~, :Comprehensive ~ K _ , P an Presentation r~:f Demagxaphics • Infarmation by Victoria Ellis) - ; ' ~ Steve__.S_imvn on .informed -:the Commission that . for ~.~those .whoa- had- -not -'.:rea~d..it ,y`:et; Vct.c~.r;i.a.,.Ell.is'. document is ver well y put together. ~:'Inc-luded :in the-. document °.was. a bar, chart on City,.. of :...Schertz ~ > ';;population-.:,growth and Gary Bricken inquired if these is anything • ta: determine on.~ the .bar chart- :,}iowwth~' =population- . `growth . :would ~ .have looked if ; theore:tica~.ly,~ _there ha~d...been :_a census taken: - in _ 1985. Steve Simonson replied that the population. in •1985 was somewhere between 8500- and 9000. _ Gary. Bricken ,indicated he_ ha.s- a concern ghat the populatian below: _ , = 40 years_ of age actual ly is .not growing . , ` • : _ Steve ~ ~imans~on= .informed Gary~.Brcken it` s_ nat- as .bad as he ma}~ - .th3n}c.,- .:~frut~ ~ futu~r-e ._growth ° inn:: he .Ci.~y__, will ~ ~beexternal -..not internal..-; For example, there-will have to b.et'grow.th.on IH-35'to ,.bring peppie .out- to .Schertz : ta. -reside. ° ~ Victari,~:.,....Ellis mentsonec~ she- will °be~~looking intowhere : people ,who liv~~in. ~chex-t z, wprk.and.,whe.re~.:thep:-;da.their shopping. o ' There was a brief= •di_~'cusson on projee~ed growth for th.e, next" ten years and Steve Simonson related that when he is asked he says the projected popula.tionfor 1995 is 13,000-13,500 and. the prcjected.population~for.the year 2000 .is 16;000-17,500. Chairman Andrews pointed aut.there are two factors in 1993 which.- - wil l~ - e-ffect -..g~-o~,vth in the City ~.~f-.Schertz end they acre G 1) thc_> _ ; . race; track. at,-=Ret.ama ::;:and t2) ..the closure of :military,.:; bases..- . - : Chairman'-~ Andrews_ then as}~er1 if Victcria Ell:is' contract• had been __,renewed and~..Steve-,:S.imanson replied yes, ~.:_until_.wDe_c.ember..1:3-, 19.91. -5- Victoria Ellis had made a few amendments to the population data on her report ;and. Jim Shriver asked if .the:. ;.Commission ,.iaill-~~`: f, .receive = .refinedcopies of °.tYre :report . . -..Nis . El-I is::answered they : r - - ~ -'--::will:. not-.re.ceive~refined copies_.for a while yet-. - - . . . - ...#7 CONSIDER AND :MA~fE`~rftECOMlG1ENDATiON,: -Discussion. of Rear Yard - . c_ setback ~tequirements ~ - . ~ ' Chai"rman Andrews reminded tYie -Comtni si:on' that`_,Steve Simor~en dad - - asked them to. hang :onto their plats from the last meeting ~ a:nd - ~ also that Merwin Wildman ,wrote up: something one-this subject iahch'•° cvas included it theiY packages this `tithe. 1- Mr. Andrews said -in reading it "giver, he is troubled ~b.y . something. Mr. Willman. is recommending the term "Accessory ; - $uilding° be changed to "Dear` Yard Structure" and Mr. Andrews ~ - } - ~ - -='feels ;..'they: should ~s.tick caith '"Accessory Building." .because it - " is - defi~ned.in several=places...throughout...the,ordinance. Gary Broken, speaking to Chairman>Andrews, said that at the last meeting: ;they. were given multiple. sets of conditions regarding ` 'rear yard : easementsfprope~ty i.nes sand asked_ ta~ .think about them,.- Mr, Bricken wanted to know- i~f ..Chair-.man Andrews. would like to table this item. again until the -next meeting so the Commission 4 - can absorb i~r.. .r.4~ill.man.'.s .su ~ ggesti.ons and be'better prepared °to • ~ - rli~cus this subject..:. ~ - ~ - _ , - The consensus of the Commission was to tab"le Item #7 until the _ .next meeting . . _ #'8 _CONSIDER AND. MAKE RECOMMENDATION:.. Discussion of Goals Listed. ~ ~ on 1990-91 Annual Report_.~. _ Goals fir the x.990-9i fiscal year .include: ,a. .:Co~rRplet~ review -~o:f:th.e.~ann:g Ordinance. This review was started in September, 1990. b..-`%Review, ~ -~omplete,.= :and. make :recommendations on the City Comprehensive Plan. c. _ -~on~~:ct °a.v.ccamglete==review of"the.: Suidivision _Ordinance: . d. Review and make recommendations='on the-current zoning land usage: _ , ~ e. Review and make: recomm~er~'dationa: crn annexation: and .possible ` - use of -land annexQd. - ~ ;;Re;~ie~ and:--~a}ce~°re~comi~etidati~ons o~ the:Mobil~e Home Ordinaricc < Chairman Andrews acknowledged a lot of the goals have been placed on the. back- burner, ..due t.o~..the..wo.r:k on-ahe;.Comprehe~t~is.ive Plan.- -6- The Zoning Ordinance was reviewed but never finalized for several reasons. One .was. the amendment to the Ordinance covering; site - . _ ..::p.l-ans and the other: was 'because of .wanting to:.:get. all ..the;:.map~ -tc~ - - ..dovetail.-in .with .the. Comprehensive Plana i ~ , .Progress on<.> :ahe review- .and update of .,thee Mobile .H:ome. : Ordinance - was ::slowed because of work on the. Comprehensive Plan`.~~and also:° = - ~ because of the length of time .i.t took to. ;:.gather- : background, _ . ~ - - ; information .can- manufactured housing.: 4 - - -Recommendations. - on annexation and: 1-and use_ of- annexed :-wand .is-: an . :-:_ongoing process, one that•cannat. be-completed: - Gary Bricken.remarked on-comments made at the last meeting to'the °effect that, not much .has been-accomplished=as fare as the goals ~ -set _fo-rth for last year.:,_;Mr, - ..B.rick'en emphasized that he :doesn't,. ~ r ~ ,-fee~_ -thE =::Commissi:on should= demea-rr the°-demographic-°> -efforts put - - =into:.:: -the Comprehensive Plan. They ~ are making- a mope Intel i igen~ ' 'document . They ~ `::are . dosing more -than theyintended, so~. it is .taking longer. _ ~ - ~ ° ~ Chairman I~ndrews .suggested: mo i•ng the ..goals into. the 1.9.91-.92 time .:frame..;The..Commission;agreed.w:i.th.-that suggestion. Jirn Shriner.mentioned :that.-•a.t th,e .last meeting he brought up .the - :idea-:.of- a project boa-rd, so .he -br~uight. a: sample . with him -vvhich_ he - _.distributed to everyone :and asked for their. input. , The sample had columns-for the Project, who it was Assigned To, .the Target Date and the Last Review Date.`- .George ..Vick... thought there ..ought-.;°to be a-column for Additional . - Comments. _ : ::.Jt :,was ~-e~ec~der_~ ~ao •d~lete the Assigned ~To column. and adcl a column ;for: Additional Comments. ~ ~ , `''#9 ..`CONSIDER".;-ANON.-MAKE ~RECOMMENDATiON: Discussion of Land L'se _ Along.-Jack Hays Blvd. Them _ -:was , _'d:i cuss.i:nn~ about- the amounts of .land along Jack Hays . Bl vd ~ t~fat ~ ,is=3zoned:-. ~e ra1_ -Bras iness :.and bond malr~e acme o f it should be zoned Ne.iglb~rh~rod Servs.ces instead. Mentioned a'~I~so was the possibility that perhaps just major-corners should be zoned either Neighborhood Services or Office .and Professional with the remainder.. as.resdential. It.was.., pointed .out .that Greenfield Village III-:and Slvertree have homes built right' up ' to the road. . : Mertain __..inlill.rian~ ~eoitimented we need tc~.. extract that area from 4-he ' -~--map--and show the zoning along there. ` Steve- .Simonson. reported. he . is .doing something .currentl~?w_that will. show the density an°d~the magi should be ready by the next meeting. -7- Merwin Willman also mentioned taking a look at Schertz Parkway, which is 500',~eneral Business on both sides,.. and seeing if w.e _ still .need it to b.e zoned .that way. - - Gary Bricken exp"ressed the -opinion there is ~~mple • roam ~:-in the City and there is- no -need for .industrial. ands generate - business prcjects to encroach on the bedroom community area of. the City." - Item #:9.was..tabled .until.-exploded view maps are available. - Merwin Willman asked if these.exploded view maps will'shoc~ tie ~ zoning and Steve Simonson said yes they will. _ #10 GENERAL-DISCUSSION - . _ rt: _ George Vick: _ (a) Related .that when he was i.n Waco there evas discussion about allotting money for: economc_development ,and the City of Waco: ,didn't fe"el $250,000-- was enough.. The comment. :.was made.. that. .the .,.amoun.t. f.o=r-__Amar..il.,lo was $6, 0.00, 000 . - _ Jim Shriver: ~ (a) ,Asked how much control.. the .City .has. when the school district.- - erects new buildings. .,:..Does the. City inspect:?.. <Does~the - school' pay fees? . ~ , .Steve Simonson answered by saying the school district has to meet the re.qu_rements -of the Southern Building Code;-the.. City does make inspections,.-,and no, the school does not pay fees. _ Merwin Willman: _ - ry . - (a) Ref,~rred: ~ to the :-Rancho Uista: Campgrounds plat and informed J the ;Commis-sign . -the .platwhich -i's :on file and ~ the one the Commission has are two different plats. Mr. Willman said he found the° same.:^thing tc -be .true with the.,.. - - plat fa-r. the Kahn. Mobile Home Park. - _ Speakn.g.: oaf Rar~r.hc.. ~'ist;a, GaLy B..x•.ic:kera •asked f..., the• °gentle~t~n _ , , inquiring -about it,._p~rchaSed it :::..S~teve._.~imx~nson replied' he did not because the City couldn't give him assurance that he could operate it the same way it is being operated now. - _ Merwin Willman_remarked on"Rancho Vista-salting it is:.piatted as an RV Park, but.. it also- has a ~,ittle-.farm z.n the back and also mobile homes:....::on the property. i~ir.~ Willman wondered wh~~i~ ~:hn . _ ,city-_ man dr~~ S~clel tY~ey tell oche ov~ner ~.°to~• mo:v~e the. _-mobile hom~:s out? Steve Simonson noted that the ordinance says you. must come into compliance after one year. -8- Chairman Andrews added the fact that the individual can request an exception. . . ~ ~ {:2 -'Observed.- :that -the Commiss.ion`: bias had:;1`ot~.. of. requests' `c-ome, . 'through them .for recommendation to~the Board. of Adjustment and-it- . 'seems they...have..agreed with ail.the requests.- Chairman Andrews: - . (a~ -.Commented the shed.on_.01de Moss-and Savannah Square i-s st~.:11..` - _ _ there and he was told it had been taken care of. - - Merwin Willman advised it was supposed to have been turned. and after some further discussion among the Commission members; it was agreed the shed has been. turned as r-equested. r.: , - _ tb? Noticed -.the ~omarrisson has been getting .a =ia~t of speca3 - . f, ,-F - exception requests Where-.are specific reasons listed in the . ordinance .for granting exceptions. ~Have:we gotten-.iackadaiaical, - do we, rreed.~,a :tighter ::r.e.in; ..or -do~ we .need to change :the ordinance? Gary ~,;BZicken'er~plairied=_ th~it::-to -b~e~"~humantarian: implies fairness . .:and ordinances ..:_are..."•not.-written. for ;fairness, •.but far equity> . ~ Fai:rness;is.a burden. that will come back to bite us. 'the question was raised of whether =~or~ not we're 'getting so many . requests for exceptions because the-City h°as.`-gotten a reputation _ of if you ask for it, you get it.~ Some thought so and others didn't. Steve Simonson offered the opinion that the reason may be because the inspectors are doing their~jo'bs by enforcing the codes. ~ f z8eferring- to the requests fear exc_ept:ions,:=: Ga~ry° .Bricken- pointed out the Commission serves as .a~ stz~pping _pont for :these requests -where the_ hest ~th~y can do._-..~ ~ add their- c:omme.nts. and t.her send Y -::_them :forward:: to :.the =Board ofr .Adjustment . " .-Chairman ~~.Andre-ws.:wondered'-if the Commission .has the authority to .-~°.deny -.t-h~ese rer~uests o- he°. persom :can then .make an appeal to the - Board of Adjustment. _ - ......Merwin= :::.ir3ill;ma;n' ;s~ai.~l "n~o,- tec:hn~.cally these .requests shoult~ . gG directly to the Board 'of`Adjustment, but. .the-City Council has- requested we give our comments. Keith Van Dine observed.•that sometimes .the Commission drifts off the guidelines. and they shauld-make. more of an. effort to stick to them. ; . G~.ry-=-B r.icke~~:.r°elated ~it: l.s°~ th8- ~Comtri"fission `s~ purpose to temper ,.the, pragmatic with the .humanitarian. . • =9- . Mr. Bricken then stressed the need to examine Article XXIII, Section. 2.2.2, Paragraph.5.d.." of the...Zaning,Ordinanc.e.because..,it _ is , o;~ .open-ended . . ~ `::Chairmar Andrews'~remarked that as '"long as `they remain: within the rea~im of the guidelines.., ..they are .safe, Gary; Bricken asked. if it~:was decidedwhether- or."not..the - r . w _Commissian c_an' appx•ove or_ d~sapprcve. a special except~ar~, request>. - Councilperson hen Greenwald replied the Commission can do •nothing either way. Chairman Andrews then stated that if the Board of Adjustmeiat guidelines were followed, most of the-..special exception requests - would be disapproved. ' Discussion-.ensued about whch__guidel.ines.should.be-followed. I~t• • was. agrzed-this problem should.be investigated further. .#11 ADJOURNMENT .Cha-rinan~~Andr:e.ws a"djo-urned .the meeting at 9:0~. P.M. The next .meeting scheduled. on. October 8, 1991 is a public _ hearing. _ _ , vS:-. DY- L - a O - . _ . ~ _ _10_