The Planning and Zoning Commission convened in a regular session
on Tuesday, September 10, 1991 at 7:00 P.M. in the Municipal
Complex Conference Room, 1400 Schertz Parkway. Those present
were as follows:
Chairmar. Andrews called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
#2 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Session August 27, 19.91
Merwin Willman made a motion to approve the minutes for .the
regular session August 27, 1991. George Vick seconded the motion
and the vote was unanimous in favor. Motion carried.
There was none.
Nelson, 503 Aero Ave., for a 4' Side Yard
Setback Exception to the Requirements of the
Zoning Ordinance
Thomas A. Nelson was at the meeting to represent this request.
Mr. Nelson informed the Commission his garage is 4' from the.
property line and the carport he plans to build will be in line
with the garage.
Chairman Andrews questioned Thomas Nelson about the little
building in front of his garage and Mr. Nelson indicated that is.
a temporary building. .
Chairman Andrews then asked Thomas Nelson if the carport will be
tied into the house and Mr. Nelson said no, it will be a
freestanding structure.
Chairman Andrews thanked Thomas Nelson for coming to Planning and
Zoning with his request before the fact rather than after.
Since no one voiced any objections, Merwin Willman made a motion
to forward the request from Thomas A. Nelson, 503 Aero, for a 4`
side yard setback variance to the City Council for their
consideration and possible scheduling of a Boaxd of Adjustment
Gary Bricken seconded the motion and the vote was as follows:
AYES: B. Andrews, J. Shriver, K. Van Dine, M. Willman,
G. Bricken, B. Vonada
NAYS: None
Motion carried.
After the vote, Thomas .Nelson asked Steve Simonson if he had any
idea of when the date would be for the Board of Adjustment
Hearing. Mr. ~ Simonson told Thomas Nelson he would send him a -
letter with all the details.
Lupe Del Toro of Quaity Aluminum and his wife, Carolyn, were at
the meeting and there was a brief discussion on setback
requirements and also on builders who put up carports on weekends
.without obtaining a permit from the City.
Mr. Dei Toro commented they try to comply with all City
regulations when erecting carports and he feels the .Inspection.
Department puts extra pressure on them and makes them do a lot of
extra things.
Steve Simonson advised Mr. Del Toro that if he feels that .way,
to call him anytime with specifics and he will check on the
inspectors to make sure they're doing their jobs correctly.
Carolyn Del Toro asked what happens to those builders/contractors
who don`t obtain permits and also those who are not licensed.
Steve Simonson explained that those who do not get permits are
charged double fees and if they continue to operate without
getting permits first, then the City has the option of revoking
their bond so they can no longer operate in the City.
As for those who are not licensed, Mr. Simonsen said work is
stopped until they get their license and if they do no t. get one,
then they can`t finish the job.
Recovery Fee Ordinance
John Bierschwale, Water/Wastewater Superintendent, wa.s at the
meeting to brief the Commission on this Ordinance.
Mr. Bierschwale started by expounding on current Water
Improvement Plan projects:
(a) New water lines from Aztec Lane to Trainer Hale Road at a
cost of approximately $170,'000. This project is being paid for
by Randolph AFB since they will be supplied water from the City
of Schertz.
(b) New water lines in Schirmerville area. City received $75,000
from a grant, $50,000 - $60,000 in direct cash will be used, and
$110,000 - $120,000 worth of inter-department support will be
provided by the Schertz Water Department.
Mr. Bierschwale related that the only undertaking projected for
this year was the acquisition of one acre of land near the
Bluebonnet Palace for Water Well #5: The City has made an offer
to the .family who owns the property and is waiting for their
Mr. Bierschwale stated it is projected for next year to put in.
12" water lines from Trainer Hale Road to Lower-Seguin. Road.
Mr. Bierschwale indicated the Water Dept. has saved the Capital
Recovery Fee fund approximately $246,000 this year.
John. Bierschwale then moved onto Wastewater Improvement Plan
projects and informed the Commission bids have been let out on
the New Braunfels project. The City will run lines from the
beginning of our ETJ to the Schertz City limits.
Mr. .Bierschwale commented some of the developers have decided
they want to go ahead and develop their property.
Mr. Bierschwale then briefly covered future wastewater
improvement plan projects for upcoming years such as the Mobile
Villa outfall line and the Live Oak Hills outfall line.
After finishing his briefing, John Bierschwale recommended there
be no changes. to the current Capital Recovery Fees. Mr.
Bierschwale insisted they need to remain the. same in order for
Schertz to be competitive with surrounding cities.
Mr. Bierschwale informed the Commission they will receive an
up-to-date report when he briefs them in February of 1992 and it
will show the complete program. ,
Merwin Willman suggested giving all the details of this briefing
to City Council and EDTF and Steve Simonson thought that was a
good idea.
Chairman Andrews, mentioning that under the Capital Recovery Fee
Law if you find you are charging fees that are too high you are
required to make refunds, asked John Bierschwale if the City is
on track so they will not have to do a lat of refunding.
John Bierschwale responded to this by saying .yes, the City is on
track. They .monitor very carefully and if a warning signal
should arise, the Commission would be notified immediately.
-Keith Van Dine asked if Schertz was in good shape and San Antonio
had a water crunch, could the Federal government force Schertz to
give water to them. John Bierschwale replied no, because we are
both in the same aquifer district.
Jim Shriver asked if a motel were to build along Schertz Parkway,
who pays. for the sewer lines and John Bierschwale replied the
Keith Van Dine asked if sewer lines come into an area not
previously served by sewer, is a person required to tie into it.
John Bierschwale replied yes, if your property is within 300' of
the sewer line.
This concluded ~Tohn Bierschwale's briefing and the Commission
thanked him for his time.
Setback Requirements
Steve Simonson had provided the Commission with portions of plats
showing the three most prominent subdivision-areas in the City,
and said accessory buildings and their relationship to rear yard
easements/property lines pose several interesting questions: (1) _
Why is three feet from the back fence as close as anyone can
build an accessory building regardless of the difference in
subdivisions? (2) Why is three feet a number used to specify the
distance for the rear yard setback?
Mr. Simonson gave the following examples:
(a) In Aviation Heights, the fence line is the property line
(there is an alley/City ROW behind);
(b) In Westland, Val Verde and Parkland Village, it`s an
easement, not an alley, and the property line, technically, is 8'
past the fence line; and
(c) In Woodland Oaks, all the easement for two properties is in
one yard.
Mr. Simonson pointed out that property line doesn't always mean
the same thing and he is asking for the Commission's input on
Several reasons were offered with Merwin Willman saying the clue
here is three feet from the common property line.
After a brief discussion in which Merwin Willman remarked he had
written something up on this but didn`t have it with him,
Chairman Andrews requested this item be tabled and placed on the
next agenda.
Bobbie Vonada made a motion to table Item.#6 CONSIDER AND MAKE
RECOMMENDATION: Discussion of Rear Yard.. Setback Requirements
until the next regularly scheduled meeting. Keith Van Dine
seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. Motion
Steve Simonson requested that the Commissioners hold onto their
plats for the next meeting.
Report to City Council
Merwin Willman, who is in .charge of writing the Annual. Report
this year, expressed some doubts about whether anyone ever reads
it and said it seems to be a fruitless endeavor.
Jim Shriver pointed out it has historical value.
Chairman Andrews mentioned that it shows what the Commission has
done this past year, where they are having their problems, and
includes their goals for next year. Mr. Andrews went on to say
that if it's not necessary to have it, then they should take a
look at the ordinance, becaue it is required by ordinance.
George Vick suggesting putting a paragraph at the end of the
report asking City Council if they still desire this information.'
The goals listed for the past year were reviewed and discussed
and Chairman Andrews requested that the review of these goals be
placed on the next agenda.. Mr. Andrews advised that anyone who
has a goal for the coming year, which they want included+in the
Annual Report, get in contact with Merwin Willman.
At this time Steve Simonson distributed binders to the
Commissioners for them to use in organizing all the information
they have received to date on the Comprehensive Plan.
Steve. Simonson advised that. Victoria Ellis .will be at the
September 24th meeting to present. the finalized information on
all the rough figures she showed the Commission before.
Mr. Simonson continued on, saying that after the APA Conference
he will push on to provide the Commission with all the input they
need to complete the Comprehensive Plan by the spring of 199?.
Jim Shriver inquired if the Commission is going to hire Victoria
Ellis again and Steve Simonson replied it depends on the budget,
she could be hired through two full quarters.
Keith Van Dine asked about the possibility of using some of the
money available for the APA Conference to keep Ms. Ellis
instead.' Steve Simonson replied they could do that if they
wanted, but there should be enough. money available to keep her
George Vick•
(a) Mentioned to Steve Simonson that the Commission used to
receive flow charts and asked why:they haven't received one
Steve Simonson told Mr. Vick there haven't been any :^ajor
_ projects except for those of the Water Department. The
acquisition. of ROW from Southern Pacific Railroad is still in
negotiation and the two major holdups to the widening of Jack
Hays Blvd. are funding and the .fact that the one piece of ROW in
Cibolo has not yet been purchased by Cibolo.
Keith Van Dine:
ta) Reported that the people in the Schirmerville area support
the tax increase.
(b) Mentioned again that Pfeil Road is getting worse everyday.
Steve Simonson told Mr. Van Dine he would get some information
on road repair schedules to him by the next meeting.
tc) Related that quite a few mobile homes are going up in his
area. Some are not skirted and others have weeds growing up
around them. Is there anything that can be done?
Steve Simonson asked where the mobile homes are located and Keith
Van Dine replied on Ware-Seguin-: Mr. Simonson said he will send
the inspectors out to check. on the situation.
Bobbie Vonada:
(a) Referring to the request this evening from Mr. Nelson at 503
Aero, commented she had driven by his house and to her it looked
like his small building is right smack on the fence.
Chairman Andrews told Ms. Vonada that if she ever has a question
about something on the agenda, to stop and knock on the door of
the person involved, tell them she's on the Planning and Zoning
Commission and ask them any questions she may have. Mr. Andrews
said he has done it on more than one occasion.
Merwin Willman:
(a) Asked if Corbett Junior High has ever done anything about the
drainage on their parking lot. Steve Simonson said it has not
gone through the final inspection yet, but he will check on it.
(b) Noted the. request form turned in by Mr. Nelson and said, it
does not give .the Commission the location or zoning of the
property and it also doesn't specify the exact variance he wants.
Mr. Willman stressed the City needs to be more careful in
getting all the proper information.
(c) Mentioned that the Site Plan Check List form the1 received .in
their packages is a corrected copy.
(d) Mentioned that the Commission needs to taltie a look at the
zoning along Jack Hays Blvd. and determine if it is the best use
for the land.
Chairman Andrews requested that land use along Jack Hays Blvd.
be placed on the agenda of the next meeting.
Jim Shriver•
(a) Remarked on an article in the current APA .magazine on
consultant fees and said he found it very interesting.
(b) Indicated he has space for four passengers going to the APA
Conference in Corpus Christi. Said he will be leaving at noon on
Wednesday, but. will not be returning on Friday.
(c) Reported he had talked to someone at the Herald Newspaper and
they .guaranteed him space for a reply on the survey results.
(d) Asked why the door to the Conference Room can't be closed and
Chairman Andrews replied because of the Open Meetings Law.
(e) Inquired if anyone had ever thought of a status board fer
posting projects underway - that Hay they could be reviewed every
two weeks. The Commission thought it was a good idea.
Councilperson Ken Greenwald:
ta) Noted that City Councir~concurred with the Commission on
scheduling public hearings for the annexation of Beck Concrete
and also for the proposed change to the. Zoning Ordinance
regarding manufactured housing.
tb) Acknowledged that the last few budget sessions were not fun.
The current proposed tax rate is .3839.
(c) Referred to some of the discussion the Commission has had
about storm water tax being a reality of the future and said he
received a bill last Friday for storm water tax on a property. he
owns in Florida.
Bobbie Vonada asked how they can tax storm water runoff.
Chairman Andrews answered because we, as a City, will have to
collect, process and treat storm water runoff.
Steve Simonson added that 800 of the pollution comes from our
lawns, streets and farms.
Steve Simonson:
ta) Had given the Commission a chart he worked up and told them
it was ar. historical view of the tax rate for the City of
. Gary Bricken asked Steve Simonon if had a corresponding list of
housing prices to compare with the tax rate chart, but Mr.
Simonson replied he did not.
Chairman Andrews:
(a) Reminded the Commission that on October 1st they get to
select a new Chairman and Vice-Chairman.
Steve Simonson:
ta) Informed the Commission there is a gentleman interested in
buying Rancho Vista Subdivision off FM 1103. The area is
currently zoned PD, it was not rezoned after it was annexed. It
is platted as an RV Park, but they have a mix there of RV's and
mobile homes. What the gentleman wants to know is if he bought
it, could they continue to use it as it is being used currently.
Chairman Andrews pointed out there is no ordinance where RV's and
mobile homes mix. The ordinance requires a 5 acre minimum for an
RV park and a 10 acre minimum for a Mobile Home Park.
Steve Simonson stated he is just b.ringiny this tc the Commission
for their direction.
Gary Rricken commented it seems clear cut, the answer should be
Merwin Millman explained that according to the ordinance, they
would have to bring it into compliance as an RV Park upon
transfer of ownership and it would have to meet the City
standards for an RV Park.
Chairman Andrews adjourned the meeting at 9:09 P.M.
The next regularly scheduled meeting is September 24, 1991.