07-09-1991PLANNING AND ZONING MINUTES The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission convened in a regular session on Tuesday, July 9, 1991 at 7:00 P.M. in the Municipal Complex Conference Room, 1400 Schertz Parkway. Those present were as .follows: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION BOB ANDREWS, CHAIRMAN JIM SHRIVER, VICE- CHAIRMAN KEITH VAN DINE, SECRETARY MERWIN WILLMAN GEORGE VICK GARY BRICKEN KEN GREENWALD, COUNCILPERSON MEMBERS ABSENT HARRY BAUMAN OTHERS PRESENT BOBBIE VONADA KEN WEBSTER DAVID SIPPEL, CIBOLO P &Z CITY STAFF STEVE SIMONSON, ASST. CITY MANAGER NORMA ALTHOUSE, RECORDING SECRETARY LEONARD TRUITT, CITY INSPECTOR #1 CALL TO ORDER Chairman Andrews called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.. #2 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Session June 25, 1991 Merwin Willman made a motion to approve the minutes for the regular session June 25, 1991. Keith Van Dine seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. Motion carried. #3 CITIZENS' INPUT OTHER THAN AGENDA ITEMS There was none. #4 CONSIDER AND TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION: McDonald's - 35 Final Plat Approval (PC #170 -91/C) Chairman Andrews asked for Staff input. Steve Simonson informed the Commission he had received a corrected site plan and it is on file. Merwin Willman asked if the final plat shows the waterlines and Steve Simonson replied they are shown on the site plan. Mr. Willman pointed out that the Subdivision Ordinance requires they be shown on the plat. Chairman Andrews asked if any of the easements on this property are for water and Steve Simonson replied no, the water easement is on the Highway Department's right -of -way. George Vick made a motion to approve the final plat for McDonald's -3 5 (PC #170- 91 /C). Gary Bricken seconded the motion and the vote was as follows: AYES; B. Andrews, J. Shriver, K. Van Dine, G. Vick, G. Bricken NAYS: M. Willman ABSTENTIONS: None Motion carried. #5 CONSIDER AND MAKE RECOMMENDATION: Request From Kenneth W. Webster, 3917 Davenport, for a Special Exception to the Zoning Ordinance Allowing Him to Locate a Storage Shed on the Cable TV Ease- ment on the South Side of His Lot Kenneth Webster was at the meeting to represent this request. Chairman Andrews reminded the Commission they have a copy of Mr. Webster's request and his drawing in their packages. Chairman Andrews then asked for Staff input and Steve Simonson related that Leonard Truitt, City Inspector, is here to explain the situation. Mr. Truitt has been working with Kenneth Webster. Leonard Truitt explained that the problem first began when the shed was discovered to be located in the electrical easement and blocking a GVEC transformer. Mr. Webster bought the shed from Alco Builders and they put it up without obtaining a permit. Mr. Truitt continued on saying that at that time he made the decision to allow Kenneth Webster to place his shed in the cable TV easement because there was no other place to put it and there is no cable box in the cable TV easement. Mr. Truitt also stated that action had already been taken against the builder for not obtaining a permit. Chairman Andrews asked if Paragon Cable had been contacted about tree situation and Leonard Truitt replied they had not. George Vick mentioned he thought the shed had to be three feet from the property line, not one foot. Chairman Andrews asked if the drawing is correct and if a tree is the reason the shed cannot be three feet from the property line. Leonard Truitt answered yes to both questions. Merwin Willman inquired as to the size of the shed and was told by Kenneth Webster it is 10' x 12'. Merwin Willman then asked why it cannot be located on the other side of the property and Leonard Truitt responded by saying there is an electrical easement on the other side. Mr. Willman commented it looks like it would fit, but Leonard Truitt noted they are also -2- 4 dealing with a tree on the other side of the property. Gary Bricken remarked it seems-the decision made was the best possible one under the circumstances and Leonard Truitt agreed. Gary Bricken observed this is the second time this has happened with Alco Builders and Steve Simonson acknowledged this to be true. Jim Shriver asked if Mr. Webster's shed was put up after the last violation by this builder and Leonard Truitt said they had no way of knowing how far apart the incidents were. Gary Bricken noted we have a situation here where the homeowner assumed the builder would do the correct thing and we don't want to punish the citizen because of the builder's mistakes. Steve Simonson reminded the Commission the decision on this request will be up to the Board of Adjustment. Chairman Andrews asked Kenneth Webster how he plans to take care of the weeds if the shed is only one foot from the property line and Mr. Webster replied he would use a weedeater. Leonard Truitt told the Commission the second step against the builder would be double fees and the third step would be to cite the builder and pull his bond. Gary Bricken, saying Kenneth Webster has been very cooperative with the City, made a motion to send this request forward to the Board of Adjustment with a favorable recommendation from the Commission. George Vick interrupted to say he is against a favorable recommendation. Gary Bricken emphasized to George Vick this is not an outlaw situation ..and Kenneth Webster has cooperated with the City. At this time Keith Van Dine seconded the motion and the vote was as follows: AYES: B. Andrews, J. Shriver, K. Van Dine, M. Willman, G. NAYS: G. Vick .ABSTENTIONS: None Motion carried. Chairman Andrews requested that a statement be added to saying the cable company needs to be contacted. Leonard he will contact them. -3- Bricken the motion Truitt said #6 CONSIDER AND MAKE RECOMMENDATION: Possible Revisions to Site Plan Application Chairman Andrews reminded the Commission they have a copy of the site plan application in their packages. The Commission reviewed the site plan application and- made the following changes: (a) Number 7 was changed to read: Size, location, dimensions and details of all signs and exterior lighting of signs including type of standards, location and radius of light. (b) Number 16 was changed to read: easements. (c) Numbers 17 and 18 were deleted. (d) Number 22 was changed to read: lots. All existing and proposed utility Lighting of parking areas and /or (e) The bottom section of the application having to do with review of the application was suggested to be moved from the end to the beginning. Two other specific items discussed but not changed were Number 9 which has to do with a storm drainage plan and Number 19 which covers existing and proposed contours. Steve Simonson explained that when a site plan comes in he can use this application as a checklist to back up his own checklist of things that should be included on the plan. #7 CONSIDER AND MAKE RECOMMENDATION: Manufactured Homes in a Residential Zoned District Chairman Andrews commented on how good the package was that Merwin Willman had compiled for the Commission on this subject. Mr. Willman commented it is just a capsule of the information he has collected. There was discussion about there no longer being such a thing as a mobile home because it is now considered a manufactured home. Chairman Andrews mentioned the fact that he could buy a lot within the City limits and nothing in our ordinances preclude him from putting a manufactured home on that lot as long as it meets all the required regulations. The aesthetics of manufactured homes was discussed briefly, but nothing definite was decided. Merwin Willman brought up the question of whether the Commission wants to establish elaborate guidelines for manufactured homes or wants to keep the guidelines simple. A poll of the members was taken with the -4- i� following results: George Vick, Keith Van Dine, Merwin Willman, Jim Shriver and Chairman Andrews all felt it should be kept simple and Gary Bricken felt it isn't necessary to set up any guidelines. Thinking the Commission had already- sent forward, to City Council, new definitions (HUD -code manufactured home, mobile home, etc.) for inclusion in the ordinance, but discovering nothing had been sent forward, Chairman Andrews asked that an update of the Mobile Home Ordinance be included on the agenda of the next meeting. #8 CONSIDER AND MAKE RECOMMENDATION: Updating of Comprehensive Plan Steve Simonson informed the Commission Victoria Ellis started working today and will be working 15 hours per week (5 hours per day, Tuesday through Thursday) through September 27. Jim Shriver mentioned that the surveys have gone out and Chairman Andrews asked how often the City will be picking up the boxes. Steve Simonson replied they will be picked up once a week. Steve Simonson then added that Norma Althouse has received 24 replies to the survey. Chairman Andrews remarked he had participated in the tour and even though he was not enthusiastic a first, it turned out to be the best tour yet - there was a lot of good input. Steve. Simonson called the Commission's attention to the list they had received of 21 goals and objectives for the City of Schertz. These goals and objectives had been comprised by those who attended the tour and Mr. Simonson commented the Commission will be asked to vote on the 21 goals. Steve Simonson announced there will be another meeting of those who attended the tour, and others who may be interested, on August 10th, but he is not sure yet of the location of the meeting. Chairman Andrews asked if it would be possible tc get a copy of all the information gathered so far in regard to the Comprehensive Plan. Steve Simonson replied he will see that they get the information, but he can't guarantee it will be by the next meeting because Norma Althouse is going on vacation. #9 GENERAL DISCUSSION George Vick: (a) Advised that the tour was very enlightening - he saw parts of Schertz he never knew existed. (b) Inquired why questions 19 and 20 on the survey asked only about retired military families in the area when there are plenty of other retired people who are not military. (The Commission informed Mr. Vick this particular issue had been talked to death when they were reviewing the questions to include on the survey.) -5- (c) Asked who he could contact to come and clear a street cut where a farmer had blocked the drainage with an 18" dam. Mr. Vick related that the City had come in before and scooped it out. Steve Simonson said he would check into it. Keith Van Dine: (a) Hoped those who went on the tour enjoyed riding down Pfeil Road. (b) Said he had been thinking about a bar ditch along Pfeil .Road, but Steve Simonson noted that with all the telephone lines and other lines along there which are not buried very deeply, he doesn't think a bar ditch is a possibility. Gary Bricken: (a) Noticed that on Aviation at the dip, there seems to be a large body of standing water more often than there used to be. Is this a problem? Steve Simonson replied that, naturally, any standing body of water such as that at the dip could easily present a problem, but so far they've been able to keep things under control. Merwin Willman: (a) Mentioned a couple of new proposed laws in the Texas Chapter Newsletter. One was a law regarding junk yards and Mr. Willman feels a copy should be sent to all junk yard owners. The other had to do with inspectors being required to have a Certificate of Health. (b) Asked if Corbett Junior High was required to take any flood control measures at Oak and Main and Steve Simonson replied no. (c) Asked if the new curb cut near Corbett, on Oak St., was approved by the City and Steve Simonson said yes it was. In regard to new curb cuts, Mr. Willman said Corbett now has two. Steve Simonson advised he will check on it. (d) Inquired on the status of The Gardens Subdivision. Steve Simonson related they have hired small construction companies who are doing a lot of jobs in a lot of areas. On the 2nd and 3rd of July they put in the connections to the water /sewer lines. (e) Mentioned the Commission needs copies of two approved documents: (1) the Ordinance Creating the Planning and Zoning Commission and (2) the Rules of Procedure. Councilperson Ken Greenwald: (a) Said those who missed the 4th of July Jubilee and the tour on July 6th missed a lot. -6- Chairman Andrews: (a) Commented he had spoken with Chief Agee about a police sub - station and the Chief said the police don't need a sub - station - if the Fire Department builds one, they'll use theirs. Steve Simonson: (a) Advised the Commission he needs to know who is going to attend the conference in Corpus Christi. Six members expressed the intention of attending. Jim Shriver• (a) Remarked the City Inspector needs to put an article in the Newsletter about permits and when they are required. (b) Said he would like to pick up the surveys on July 22nd. #10 ADJOURNMENT Chairman Andrews adjourned the meeting at 8:45 P.M. The next regularly scheduled meeting is July 23, 1991. -7-