The Schertz Planning and Zoning Commission con~-ened in rc>gular
session on Tuesday, January 28, 199? at 7:0.0 P.M. in the
Municipal Complex Conference Room, 100 Schertz Parkway. Those
present were as follows:
Chairman Andrews called the meeting to crder at 7:00 P.M.
#2 APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Regular Session January 14, 199?
Bobbie Vonada questioned the second sentence on Page 8, Paragraph
6 which states "McDonald's is considered a utilit~~....." and it
was decided it should be changed to read "McDcnald's is not
considered a utility....."
Bobbie Vonada made a motion to approve the minutes, as amended,
for the regular session January 14, 199?. Keith Van Dine
seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor. Motion
There was none.
Presentation cf Demographic :)ata
The Commission had received the updated material frcr..-, Vi:~toria
Ellis in a pre~-ious par_kage and, therefore, had time to reviet~•
Ms. Ellis inquired if any of the Commissioners had any°
Gary Bricken asked about the statistic regarding family
s ,
households that shotivs the persons per room to be 1.01 persons and
wondered what that means. GIs. Ellis replied that's an
interesting statistic. It r,~eans you have at least that many
people in a room. h1s. Ellis further stated, that for t.~hatevei-
reason, if you have 2 plus people in one room, under a certain
age, it's considered unsanitary and unhealthy.
Steve Simonson revealed he thinks the results of Victoria Ellis'
work show two things. First, the average age of Schertz citizens
is not as old as we thought and that, actually, Schertz is a
fairly young aged community, and second, our ethnic breakout is
not changing as rapidly as some people thought. Mr. Simonson
went on to say that while we need to continue all our work for
senior citizens, we should also address the needs of young
Councilperson Greenwald interjected that for years the
participation in BVYA has averaged 100 and this past year it
jumped to-280.
Chairman Andrews remarked on the number of rental properties
being shown as one fourth of the total properties and thought
that seemed a little high.
Gary Bricken noted it May be high, but if you consider all the
apartment complexes and the mobile home. parks, it seems
Part of the information provided by Victoria Ellis was a
breakdown of San Antonio by sectors reflecting estimates that
have been made regarding the number of total daily trips people
in Schertz make to various parts of San Antonio.
Chairman Andrews stressed that the sectors where the largest
number of Schertz residents travel to on a daily basis tsectors
22, 23, and 31 all in the northeast area) dictate the area of
Schertz where the bulk of the City`s planning needs should be
Steve Simonsen related he thin?~s this is an indicator that the
northeast will become a heavy growth area after the west slows
doc,,~n .
Steve Simonsen told Victoria Ellis it had been a real r'iYasure to
have her ~ti~orking caith the Comr.~~issic~;z and Chairman :~ndrews also
thanked her for her efforts.
#5 CONSIDER AND MAKE RECOMMENDATION: Land L'sf° Alc_:ng Sr_.hert.z
Farkway/Proposed Overlay District
Merwin Willman had worked up a proposed overlay district f:~r
Schertz Parkway and it~had been distributed t;~ the Commissioners
in their packages.
Mr. h'illman informed the~Commission he had attempted to combine
the Jack Hays Blvd. Overlay and the Sr_hertz Parkway Overlay
along with the sections-from the ordinances on Landscaping,
Parking and Site Plans.
The Commissioners reviewed the proposed overlay district and made
their suggestions and recommendations as follows:
(a) In Section 4.1 Location, where it says To a depth of
within 500-feet of the right-of-way of Schertz Parkway, bei-.ween
IH-35 and FM 78", it was decided to change "FM 78" to `'E. Liwe
Oak Road."
(b) In Section 4.3A Landscaped Buffer or Scenic Easement, last
sentence where it says "Irrigation of this landscaped buffer is
encouraged and maintenance will normally be the responsibility of
the 'owner' of the paved surface or property", it was decided to
delete the word "normally."
(c) In Section 4.3C Driveways and Access to Schertz Parkway,
it was decided to delete the second sentence which reads:
"Regardless of the spacing of driveways, right turn acceleration/
deceleration lanes shall be provided at each driveway" and in the
last sentence to change clearance of "thirteen and six tenths
113.6') feet" to "fcurteen (14') feet."
(d) In Section 4.3D Building Setback Line, it was decided
to delete "or existing structures are already in place" from the
end of the second sentence.
(e) Also under Section 4.3D it cvas decided to eliminate Item 7
which had to do with the displaying of the U.S. and Texas flags
because this is also covered in the same Section under Item 11.
(f) Under Section 4.31 Land Use, it was decided to change
the second sentence from "Exceptions for the following outside
sales and services may be granted by the Planning and Zoning
Commission at the time of approval of the site plan" by deleting
"for the following outside sales and services" and then deleting
the 8 examples that were given.
(g) Under thz Schedule of Uses two items were added .which had
inadvertently been left out: (1) New and Unscheduled C~ses a
Provided Under Article II, Section 4; and *Spc~,ific Lse
Permit Required (to explain the asterisks).
After discussion of the proposed overlay, Merwin [~illman reminded
the Commission they need to consider which presentation they ~yant
to follow - his or Steve Simonson's. Da they want General
Business zoning along Schertz Parkway or do they want R-3 as
recommended by Mr. Simonson?
Chairman Andrews remarked theso proposed changes c.~i.ll need to go
to a public hearing and Merwin Willman felt the~~ should go to
City Council first..
Steve Simonson suggested they compile all the changes they have
previously decided on, together ..with the changes discussed
tonight, and present them all at the same time in the form of a
package rather than doing it in piecemeal fashion.
Chairman Andrews then asked Steve Simonson if he has all the
changes they made to Jack Hays Blvd. and Schertz Parkway`and Mr.
Simonson replied yes he does. Chairman Andrews agreed they
should put this proposed overlay together with all .the other
changes and send a package forward.
Steve Simonson asked the Commission if they want tc review it
before it goes to City Council and they said yes. Chairman
Andrews requested it be placed on the next agenda for review and
Steve Simonson noted it will be in their packages for the next
Merwin Willman asked the status of the Platting Fee Ordinance _for
.Schertz Parkway and was informed by Steve Simonson it is still. in
Mr. Willman implied that the Platting Fee Ordinance may need to
be revised..
George Vick•
(a) Asked if the junkyard behind the VFW is legal. Steve
Simonson, saying he didn't know that was a junkyard, indicated he
would check into it.
(b) Referred to the lights at McDonald's and asked if they
weren't supposed to be beamed down - they glare at night.
No one else had noticed this problem and Bobbie Vonada told
Mr. Vick she thinks it's just the murky atmosphere.
(c) Questioned the status of the Lnified Development Code. When
told ncthing had been done toward implementing it yet, Mr. Vir_k
intimated the City needs to forge ahead with establishing such a
(d) Commented he had been reading some of his notes from past
meetings and came across something about House Bill n4, but
couldn't translate his own writing.
After some discussion, it vans agreed Fjouse Bill n~ had to do with
which building codes apply to zoned areas if, for example,
developments starts, the developer goes under, and then they are
started up again 5 years later. Can they or can they not
continue to build according to the codes under which they were
started originally?
(e) Wondered if anyone had read the article in the San Antonio
Light about San Antonio City Council dishing out $?6,500 to a.1~~:er
the Master Plan.
Keith Van Dine•
(a) Inquired if anyone had been out to look at the roads in the
Schirmerville area and are they aware the roads are falling
apart. Steve Simonson replied yes to both questions.
Gary Bricken•
(a) Remarked on the Cibolo Creek Pharmacy and the fact it has
developed into quite a gift shop. Mr. Bricken said he is
Bobbie Vonada-
(a) Thought she'd mention the potholes on Webster Drive before
someone else calls in to report them.
(b) Asked if everyone was having as much trouble putting
together their binder on the Comprehensive Plan as she was.
Ms. Vonada mentioned she had an index outline, but couldn't
find all the material to coordinate with it.
Chairman Andrews remarked there are lots of blanks, some of the
items haven't been done yet.
Steve Simonson:
(a) Commented, regarding the acquisition of right-of-way along FM
78, things are moving fcrward. Mr. Simonson acknowledged that a
check should go out this week and the City should have the
right-cf-way by the en:a of February. The thinking is that this
should bring the widening of FM 78 into the State Highway
Department`s 10 year plan.
(b) Told the Commission they will find that all governments are
dealing with the newly passed "Amerir_an Disabilities Act."
(c) Related that at the workshop tomorrow night, City Counr_ii
will be discussing a comprehensive ordinance under our plumbing
codes bringing together requirements for backflow prevention and
water conservation. They're shooting for an implementation date
of May 1. It won't effect anything anyone has right now, only if
you make changes.
(d) Brought up the problem of how the City is going to pay for
Schertz Parkway and suggested one way is through tas incitement
(e) Informed the Commission he has a Randolph Metrocom Profile if
anyone wants to look it over.
Bobbie Vonada, noting that the Schertz Business Club is trying to
start its own Chamber of Commerce, asked Steve Simonson if he
would come to a Schertz Business Club meeting and speak on this
subject. r1r. Simonson said he would be glad to. `
Chairman Andrews:
(a) Observed that a couple of the population signs in the City,
are already changed.
Chairman Andrews adjourned the meeting at 8:35 P.M.
The next regularly scheduled meeting is February 11, 1992.